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Dars e Quran - Surah e Baqarah

Tilawat (Recitation): Qari Noman Naeemi

Tafseer (Details): Allama Hafiz Owais

#AllamaHafizOwais #QariNomanNaeemi #DarseQuran

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00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:07In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:14In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:21In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:30O you who have believed, spend from that which We have provided you before,
00:49That there will come a Day in which there will be no bargaining, no friendship, no intercession,
01:06And the disbelievers will be the wrongdoers.
01:20Allah is there is no deity except Him, the Living, the Self-Subsisting.
01:34Do not take as an adornment or sleep.
01:51To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth.
02:00He will not be satisfied with His servant except by His permission.
02:15He knows what is before them and what is behind them.
02:29And they encompass nothing of His knowledge except that which He wills.
02:56His throne is wide over the heavens and the earth.
03:04None can guide Him except Him.
03:11And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
03:19Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
03:25We greet you in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
03:31Respected audience, we are here with a new program of Dars-e-Quran.
03:36As usual, Qari Sahib has recited Surah Baqarah, verses 254 and 255 in a beautiful voice.
03:44Let's see his translation and then we will move to its explanation.
03:47Allah the Almighty has said,
03:49O you who have believed, spend from that which We have provided you.
03:53Before the Day comes in which there will be no buying and selling,
03:58no friendship of the disbelievers,
04:01no intercession for the disbelievers,
04:03and the disbelievers are the wrongdoers.
04:05There is no worthy of worship except Allah.
04:09He is the Ever-Living, the Ever-Living,
04:11and He is the Sustainer of all.
04:13He has no sleep nor does He sleep.
04:16Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth belongs to Him.
04:21Who is it that without His permission intercedes in His court?
04:25He knows what is before those people and what is behind them.
04:29And from His knowledge, those people cannot obtain anything,
04:34but as much as He wills.
04:36His throne, i.e. the government, is in the heavens and on the earth.
04:40And His protection does not tire Him.
04:43And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
04:49Respected audience, the verses of Surah Baqarah,
04:53verses 254 and 255, have been presented to you in translation.
05:01I had told you that the two verses that came before this,
05:06were addressed to the Holy Prophet as a reference.
05:14After that, the subject of spending in the way of Allah,
05:18has been started again from here.
05:21In this subject, in the first verse, there is a command to spend,
05:25and in the second verse, there is a great verse of the Holy Qur'an,
05:29i.e. the Ayatul Kursi.
05:31These two verses have been recited to you,
05:34and their translation has been given.
05:36In reference to spending, Allah the Almighty said,
05:39O you who believe, spend from that which We have given you.
05:43Allah the Almighty has stated this system of His,
05:46that what you spend, is not yours.
05:49We have given it to you.
05:51And we do not say that you should spend all that we have given you.
05:55From that which we have given you,
05:57you have to spend a part of it in the way of Allah.
06:03So, firstly, it should be clear that the wealth is not of the servant,
06:07it is his own wealth.
06:09Allah the Almighty has given it to him,
06:11and He gives the command to spend it on other people.
06:15And He gives His own way to spend it.
06:18And He also gives the command to spend a part of it.
06:22Then He also said,
06:23min qabli ayyati ayyaum.
06:25Before a day comes,
06:27which day is it?
06:28It is the day of Qiyamah,
06:30in which there will be no buying and selling,
06:32in which there will be no friendship,
06:34in which there will be no illicit travel.
06:36That is, all the things related to wealth,
06:39will go to waste there.
06:41Okay, you have wealth in this world,
06:44you can bring it to right use.
06:47If you do not bring it to right use,
06:50then on the day of Qiyamah,
06:51this wealth will be of no use.
06:53On the day of Qiyamah,
06:54your friendship will be of no use,
06:56your travel will be of no use.
06:59So, from this we know that
07:00you have to spend this wealth in a very good way.
07:05There is only one way.
07:07If you spend it according to the command of God,
07:10then the wealth that you have spent in this world,
07:12will be of benefit in the hereafter.
07:14If you want to make this wealth permanent,
07:17if you want to make its benefit permanent,
07:19a person says,
07:20spend it in such a place,
07:22that you will get its benefit for a long time.
07:25That it does not go to waste.
07:27We talk about the world for 2-4 years,
07:2910-20 years.
07:31Allah says,
07:32I will tell you such a way,
07:33that your wealth will be of benefit for a long time.
07:39On the day of Qiyamah,
07:40and there is only one way.
07:42That is,
07:43according to the command of Allah,
07:45in the way of Allah,
07:47according to the will and intention of Allah,
07:50you keep spending this wealth,
07:53and keep your deeds good,
07:55keep doing good deeds,
07:57then on the day of Qiyamah,
07:58these things will be of benefit.
08:00Because of this wealth,
08:01you develop lust,
08:03you develop evil,
08:04you develop arrogance,
08:05you develop envy,
08:06you develop greed,
08:07you develop lust,
08:09then this wealth will give you so much loss,
08:12that it will destroy your world,
08:14it will destroy your grave,
08:15and it will destroy the hereafter.
08:17That is why Allah says,
08:18spend it before the day of Qiyamah.
08:26And at the end of Surah Munafiqoon,
08:29Allah has mentioned this topic with great importance,
08:52Spend it before death.
08:55It should not be that someone among you dies,
08:58and you say,
08:59O Allah,
09:00give me some time,
09:01I will give charity.
09:03When the time is over,
09:05and you are saying,
09:06O Allah,
09:07I am late,
09:08I have collected so much wealth,
09:10I have not given anything in your name.
09:12So when you are dying,
09:13you are saying,
09:14give me some time,
09:15then you will not get time.
09:16You have time before death,
09:19that you spend it in the way of Allah.
09:22So Allah has mentioned this topic here,
09:25that no unlawful intercession will work there.
09:28These were the views of the disbelievers of Mecca.
09:31They used to say,
09:32the idol will intercede for us,
09:34and save us.
09:35We drink from the wealth,
09:36whatever we do,
09:37it is our will.
09:38Allah has said,
09:39nothing will work.
09:40These bad friends,
09:41bad friends,
09:42these will not work either.
09:47Every person who was your friend in this world,
09:49he must have become an enemy.
09:51Except those who are righteous.
09:53If you make friends with righteous people,
09:55it will be useful on the Day of Judgment.
09:57If you spend wealth in a good place,
09:58it will be useful.
10:00nothing will work there.
10:01No intercession will work.
10:04some intercessions will be good there.
10:05Prophets will be interceding,
10:07scholars will be interceding,
10:09saints will be interceding.
10:10It will be with the permission of Allah.
10:12And with the permission of Allah,
10:14Allah has also mentioned it in the next Ayatul Kursi.
10:17So this was the Ayatul Kareemah,
10:19Surah Baqarah,
10:21verse 254,
10:22which has been mentioned before you.
10:23After this,
10:24there is the Ayatul Kursi.
10:25Prophet Mohammad said,
10:26this is the most glorious Ayat
10:28of the Holy Quran.
10:30The most glorious Ayat of the Holy Quran,
10:33the highest rank of Ayat,
10:35the Prophet of Allah,
10:36has mentioned it.
10:37And Prophet Mohammad,
10:38has also mentioned
10:39many virtues of it.
10:40To the extent that,
10:41Prophet Mohammad used to say,
10:42the one who recites it with prayers,
10:44Allah makes it a means of Paradise.
10:48And its effect is such that,
10:50Prophet Mohammad said,
10:51the one who recites it while sleeping,
10:53Allah protects him all night.
10:56In fact, in some narrations,
10:58the one who recites Ayatul Kursi,
11:00Allah protects him as well
11:03and also protects his neighbours.
11:05Its effect is such that,
11:07to recite it,
11:08to keep reciting it,
11:09to make it a means of livelihood,
11:11this is Paradise.
11:12This is protection.
11:13This is the nearness of Allah,
11:15the nearness of the Prophet.
11:16This Ayatul Kursi,
11:17is a very glorious Ayatul Kursi.
11:19And why not,
11:20the subjects of it,
11:21the subjects of it,
11:22describe the status of Allah,
11:26describe the attributes of Allah,
11:28describe the glory of Allah.
11:30Let us briefly look at its subject.
11:33In the beginning,
11:34Allah said,
11:35There is no God other than Allah.
11:40It started with Tauheed.
11:42Tauheed is the biggest reality
11:44of this universe.
11:45Tauheed is the biggest reality
11:47which is visible from every atom.
11:49Every atom of the universe
11:51is saying,
11:52Laa hu laa ilaah illaah
11:54There is no God other than Allah.
11:56There is no God other than Allah.
11:59Whatever has come,
12:00has gone.
12:01That is the one
12:02which is eternal and permanent.
12:03That is the one
12:04which will remain forever.
12:05That is the one Allah.
12:07Laa ilaah illaah hu
12:09There is no God other than Allah.
12:11The beginning of this Ayatul Kursi,
12:13is the greatest reality of the universe and that reality is the reality of Oneness of God.
12:18Then it is said that the attribute of Allah is Al-Hayy,
12:21who is ever-alive.
12:24He is ever-alive.
12:26There is no one who is ever-alive and remains ever-alive.
12:30Every human being,
12:31everything in the universe was not there before,
12:33then it came into existence.
12:35He got life later.
12:37But the one who is ever-alive,
12:39that Al-Hayy is the being of Allah.
12:41His attribute is Al-Hayy, who is ever-alive.
12:44And Al-Qayyum is a very basic attribute.
12:47This is the reason for Al-Hayy,
12:50who is ever-alive.
12:53Al-Qayyum is the one who is ever-alive.
12:57The one who is given another life,
13:00then obviously,
13:02the one who gets life from another person,
13:05will be there at one time and not at another time.
13:07But Allah is not such a Hayy.
13:09He is Al-Qayyum Hayy.
13:11What is the meaning of Al-Qayyum?
13:14The one who is ever-alive.
13:16The one who does not get up from anyone.
13:19The one who does not take anyone's support
13:21to be ever-alive,
13:22to be ever-alive,
13:23to be in existence.
13:25The one who is ever-alive.
13:28And not only ever-alive,
13:30but everything else,
13:33everything else,
13:35is ever-alive.
13:37What is Al-Qayyum?
13:39The one who is ever-alive,
13:41and the one who is ever-alive.
13:44Then the one who gets life,
13:46will get it from him.
13:47So he is such a Hayy,
13:49who is ever-alive,
13:50will always be.
13:51Al-Qayyum is such a being,
13:54who is ever-alive,
13:57and everything that is ever-alive,
14:00is ever-alive because of him.
14:02He is the one who has established everything.
14:04The one who is ever-alive,
14:06will be ever-alive.
14:08For a short time,
14:09for a long time,
14:10he is the one who establishes,
14:11he is the one who gives life,
14:13he is the one who kills,
14:14he is the one who is ever-alive.
14:18When he is such a being,
14:20then Allah says,
14:21la ta'khuduhu sinatun wala naum.
14:23He does not get sleep,
14:25nor does he get sleep.
14:26He is the one who establishes.
14:29Now see,
14:30sleep and sleep.
14:31We will say,
14:32if Allah had mentioned sleep,
14:33then it would have been enough.
14:34But what is amazing about this?
14:36What is the consensus?
14:38That sleep is the initial state of sleep.
14:43Not the initial state,
14:44but the initial state.
14:46A person first sleeps,
14:48then he goes to sleep.
14:50So Allah has also rejected the initial state.
14:53la ta'khuduhu sinatun.
14:55He does not even get sleep.
14:57Then Allah says,
14:58he does not even get sleep.
14:59Sleep is the initial state.
15:01So what is the meaning?
15:03That he is never heedless.
15:06The one who sleeps is also never heedless.
15:08You say,
15:09I did not sleep,
15:10I had a little sleep.
15:11So Allah does not sleep,
15:13but he becomes heedless for a while.
15:16la ta'khuduhu sinatun.
15:18He does not even have the initial state of sleep.
15:22He does not get sleep.
15:23He is never heedless.
15:25la ta'khuduhu sinatun wala naum.
15:27lahoo maa fil samawati wa maa fil ard.
15:29He is the owner of the earth and the sky.
15:34And no one can deny this.
15:36No one can say,
15:38the earth is mine,
15:39I have made the sky.
15:41lahoo maa fil samawati wa maa fil ard.
15:43manzallazi yashfa'u indahu illa bi'izni.
15:45Who is there who can ask for help from him?
15:48No one can.
15:50illa bi'izni.
15:51But the one who is given permission.
15:53And how can anyone ask for help from anyone?
15:56ya'lamu maa bayna aydihim wa maa khalfahum.
15:59Who is in front of you and who is behind you.
16:02He knows everything.
16:05He is not dependent on anyone
16:07that someone will say something
16:08and add to his knowledge.
16:10ya'lamu maa bayna aydihim wa maa khalfahum.
16:12He knows everything himself.
16:14wala yuhituna bishay immin ilmihi illa bimasha.
16:18And no one can deny his knowledge
16:22that he knows everything.
16:25wala yuhituna bishay immin ilmihi illa bimasha.
16:28And no one can deny his knowledge
16:30that he knows everything.
16:33He knows everything.
16:35wala yuhituna bishay immin ilmihi illa bimasha.
16:38And no one can deny his knowledge
16:40that he knows everything.
16:43He can give to anyone as much as he wants.
16:46He is the one who gives.
16:48wasi'a kursi'uhu samawati wal ard.
16:50Then it is said that the chair of heaven and earth
16:53belongs to him.
16:55He is the ruler.
16:57He is the creator.
16:59He is the all-powerful.
17:01No one can say that he has created
17:03and the government is run by someone else.
17:05No, no, no.
17:06wasi'a kursi'uhu samawati wal ard.
17:08The chair of heaven and earth
17:10belongs to him.
17:11He is the ruler.
17:12He is the creator.
17:13He is the all-powerful.
17:15He is the ruler.
17:17He is the one who gives orders.
17:19la lahul khalqu wal amr.
17:22wa la ya'uduhu hifzuhu ma.
17:24And to protect them,
17:26to protect heaven and earth,
17:28does not tire him at all.
17:30I mean,
17:31someone who is in charge of such a big system
17:34thinks that maybe he gets tired.
17:36It is said,
17:37wa la ya'uduhu hifzuhu ma.
17:39He does not get tired.
17:42wa huwal aali.
17:43He is very high.
17:45al azeem.
17:46He is very high.
17:47He has great greatness.
17:49He has great greatness.
17:51So it starts with
17:52laahu la ilaha illa hu
17:54and ends with
17:55al azeem.
17:57And in the middle,
17:58it is said,
17:59ilm is his.
18:01Qudrat is his.
18:02Zameen is his.
18:04Asmaan is his.
18:06Everything is his.
18:08Whatever he wants to give to people,
18:11he gives it.
18:13It is his will.
18:15That he makes the prophets healers.
18:17That he gives the right of healing to the saints.
18:19illa bi izni.
18:20It is his will.
18:22Who has the knowledge?
18:23How much knowledge do the prophets have?
18:25It is his will.
18:26He gives it.
18:27To some, it is less.
18:28To some, it is more.
18:29To some, it is a lot.
18:31It is his glory.
18:32And he is the one who gives everything.
18:36is a very great verse.
18:38It was Ayatul Kursi
18:39which we briefly explained.
18:41And its explanation
18:42has been completed.
18:43And this segment has also been completed.
18:45Now we will move on to the next Ayatul Kursi.
18:48It is time for Waqf.
18:50Stay with us.
19:15Surat Al-Fatiha.
19:17Surat Al-Fatiha.
19:45Surat Al-Fatiha.
20:15Surat Al-Fatiha.
20:45Surat Al-Fatiha.
21:15Surat Al-Fatiha.
21:45Surat Al-Fatiha.
22:15Surat Al-Fatiha.
22:17Surat Al-Fatiha.
22:19Surat Al-Fatiha.
22:21Surat Al-Fatiha.
22:23Surat Al-Fatiha.
22:25Surat Al-Fatiha.
22:27Surat Al-Fatiha.
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22:33Surat Al-Fatiha.
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22:59Surat Al-Fatiha.
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23:03Surat Al-Fatiha.
23:05Surat Al-Fatiha.
23:07Surat Al-Fatiha.
23:09Surat Al-Fatiha.
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23:43Surat Al-Fatiha.
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23:47Surat Al-Fatiha.
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23:51Surat Al-Fatiha.
23:53Surat Al-Fatiha.
23:55Surat Al-Fatiha.
23:57Surat Al-Fatiha.
23:59Surat Al-Fatiha.
24:01Surat Al-Fatiha.
24:03Surat Al-Fatiha.
24:05Surat Al-Fatiha.
24:07Allah is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.
24:17Allah is the Most Righteous.
24:25Welcome dear listeners and viewers.
24:27Qari Sahib has recited in a very beautiful voice
24:29the Ayat of Surah Baqarah,
24:31Ayat 256.
24:33We will see its translation and then move to its Tafseer.
24:35Allah has said,
24:37There is no compulsion in religion.
24:41guidance has become clear from misguidance.
24:43So, the person who
24:45has taken faith in Allah
24:47by disbelief,
24:49he has held such a strong hand
24:51which will never break.
24:53And Allah is the All-Hearer,
24:55the All-Knower.
24:57Respected viewers,
24:59the translation of Ayatul Kursi was done before this.
25:01After that Allah has said,
25:03There is no compulsion in religion.
25:07Before Ayatul Kursi,
25:09in Ayatul Kareemah,
25:11Allah had stated
25:15If Allah had willed,
25:17He would have made people helpless.
25:19But Allah does not make anyone helpless.
25:21People also disagree
25:23after the advent of miracles.
25:25They do everything
25:27because Allah has made them
25:31They do everything
25:33because Allah has made them
25:37Allah has given you the power
25:39to choose
25:41the path of truth or falsehood.
25:43The result will be the same.
25:45But you have been given freedom
25:47and authority.
25:49Now, you understand
25:53in Ayat 256,
25:55Allah has said,
25:57There is no compulsion in religion.
25:59There is no compulsion in religion.
26:01There is no compulsion in religion.
26:05if you look at it from the previous Ayatul Kareemah,
26:07the same subject has been explained in detail.
26:09What will be the summary of this?
26:11There is no compulsion in religion.
26:13Allah has not made anyone
26:15helpless by nature.
26:17Allah has not made anyone
26:19helpless by nature.
26:21Allah has not made anyone
26:23helpless by nature.
26:25Allah has given freedom.
26:27You can do whatever religion you want
26:29but the result will be the same.
26:31Either in the form of heaven
26:33or in the form of hell.
26:35But you do not have any compulsion in it.
26:37Allah has given freedom.
26:39Some people take this Ayatul Kareemah
26:41to mean,
26:43There is no compulsion in religion.
26:45There is no compulsion in religion.
26:49a person can do whatever he wants.
26:51He is free.
26:53If someone wants to commit adultery,
26:55he can do it.
26:57There is no compulsion in religion.
26:59The Qur'an says it.
27:01How can you say that this is the law
27:03and that is the law?
27:05So, there is no compulsion in religion.
27:07It does not mean
27:09that if someone enters the realm of religion,
27:11there is no law or principle
27:13or strictness.
27:15There is no system of punishment
27:17or punishment for them.
27:19This is not the meaning of this Ayatul Kareemah
27:21and this Ayat is not against it.
27:23The one who enters the realm of religion
27:25will come under a system.
27:27He will be punished
27:29according to his bad deeds.
27:31That is why the Qur'an
27:33has described the system
27:35of punishment and reward.
27:37What punishment is given
27:39and how a person
27:41will spend his life
27:43after entering this realm.
27:45After entering this realm,
27:47no one can insult Islam.
27:49No one can make fun of Islam.
27:51No one can go out of this Islam
27:53and speak against it.
27:55Islam has not allowed this
27:57and it is not against
27:59the law of religion.
28:01In fact,
28:03it is not against the law of religion.
28:05What it means is that
28:07you were not forced
28:09to bring the religion
28:11to Islam.
28:13This is one thing.
28:15Another thing is that
28:17some people say that
28:19if someone has disbelief
28:21then you should
28:23attack him.
28:25This is not what religion says.
28:27It means that
28:29if you have disbelief
28:31and at the same time
28:33there is disorder in your nature.
28:35You are causing disorder
28:37in the earth
28:39then you will be
28:43This Ayat is not against
28:45this. If you are causing disorder
28:47and Jihad is being done
28:49against you
28:51then you should read this Ayat
28:53to stop this Jihad.
28:55There is no force in religion.
28:57Why are you doing Jihad?
28:59This is not the meaning of this Ayat.
29:01Jihad is to stop
29:03the disorder.
29:09But this does not mean
29:11that Islam
29:13will always be against
29:17There can be reconciliation
29:19if someone has disbelief
29:21then he can stay.
29:23But if he is causing
29:25disorder and
29:29then Jihad will be done
29:31against him.
29:33This is not against religion.
29:35In short,
29:37this means
29:39that Allah
29:41has not forced
29:43everyone to
29:45stay on one religion.
29:47People have been given freedom
29:49to choose
29:51their religion.
29:53This does not mean
29:55that you are free
29:57from any law
29:59or punishment.
30:01If someone is
30:03causing disorder
30:05then no one can
30:07stop him.
30:09You should read this Ayat
30:11and understand that
30:13there is no force in religion.
30:15You can do whatever you want
30:17and no one will question you.
30:19This is not the meaning of this Ayat.
30:21I have explained this
30:23to you in detail.
30:31The right path
30:33has been separated from the wrong path.
30:35After the advent of the Holy Quran
30:37and the advent of the Prophet,
30:39the two paths have been separated.
30:41Now, it is up to the person
30:43to decide
30:45what he wants to do.
30:47Allah has made everything clear.
30:49The Prophet came
30:51and explained the truth
30:53with clear signs.
30:55He was a man of great morals
30:57and he explained
30:59all the moral rights
31:01to the people.
31:03Before the advent of the Prophet,
31:05he explained all the
31:07good and bad things
31:09to the people.
31:11He was a man of great morals
31:13and he explained
31:15all the good things
31:17to the people
31:19and all the bad things
31:21to the people.
31:23After the advent of the Prophet,
31:25all the moral rights
31:27have been separated
31:29and the distinction
31:31between right and wrong
31:33has been established.
31:35Allah has not made us helpless.
31:37Allah has shown us
31:39what is right,
31:41what is wrong,
31:43what is right and what is wrong.
31:45Allah has shown us all this.
31:47Now, it is up to the person
31:49to decide what he wants to do.
31:53The one who denies the covenant
31:55and believes in Allah,
31:57he will hold
31:59a strong hand.
32:01The word covenant has been used here.
32:03The word Taghut has been used here.
32:05Taghut means
32:07to rebel,
32:09to go beyond your limits.
32:11In the Holy Qur'an,
32:13Allah has called the fire
32:15of the people of Samud
32:17as Taghiyah.
32:21The meaning of Taghut
32:23has been explained
32:25by the commentators.
32:27Everything that goes beyond
32:29its limits,
32:31is called Taghut.
32:35It has been used in different places
32:37in the Holy Qur'an.
32:39The meaning of Taghut
32:41has been explained
32:43by the commentators.
32:45Allah has said here
32:47فَمَنْ يَكْفُرْ بِالتَّغُوتِ وَيُؤْمِنْ بِاللَّهِ
32:49This means that
32:51Taghut means
32:53everything that goes beyond Allah
32:55is Taghut.
32:57The one who denies it
32:59will be destroyed.
33:01In Surah Nahal, Allah says
33:03عَنِ عَبُدُ اللَّهَ وَاجْتَنِبُوا التَّغُوتِ
33:05Worship Allah and stay away from Taghut.
33:07The meaning of Taghut
33:09is that everything that
33:11goes beyond Allah
33:13is Taghut.
33:15The word Taghut
33:17has been used here.
33:19Similarly, in Surah Nisa,
33:21اللَّذِينَ آمَنُوا يُقَاتِلُونَ فِي سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ
33:23وَاللَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا يُقَاتِلُونَ
33:25فِي سَبِيلِ التَّغُوتِ
33:27وَاللَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا يُقَاتِلُونَ
33:29فِي سَبِيلِ التَّغُوتِ
33:31The meaning of Taghut
33:33is that everything that
33:35goes beyond Allah
33:37is Taghut.
33:39The word Taghut
33:41is the one that
33:43goes beyond Allah.
33:45Taghut is the one
33:47who denies Allah.
33:49In Surah Nisa,
33:51Allah says
33:53يُرِيدُونَ أَنْ يَتَحَاكَمُوا
33:55وَاللَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا يُقَاتِلُونَ
33:57فِي سَبِيلِ التَّغُوتِ
33:59They want to take their decisions to Taghut.
34:01So the system of government
34:03of falsehood is also called Taghut by the Quran.
34:05There can be four other meanings
34:07of Taghut in the Holy Quran.
34:09In different meanings,
34:11its meaning is determined.
34:13So the summary is that
34:15the one who stops from the path of Allah
34:17One is the one who disbelieves.
34:19His rank is low.
34:21One is the one who disbelieves
34:23He is working for the system.
34:25He is stopping the faith.
34:27يَلَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا وَسَدُّوا أَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ
34:29He disbelieves and stops from the path of Allah.
34:31He becomes Taghut.
34:33And this is mentioned here.
34:35So everything that you are stopping from Allah,
34:37stopping it,
34:39tearing it,
34:41separating it,
34:43removing its obstacles
34:45and moving to the path of Allah
34:47is necessary for every believer.
34:49Allah says, فَمَن يَكْفُرْ بِالتَّغُوتِ
34:51One who is Taghut,
34:53one who disbelieves in Taghut
34:55وَيُؤْمِنْ بِاللَّهِ
34:57and believes in Allah
34:59فَقَدِّسْتَمْ سَقَبِالْعُرْوَةِ الْوَسْقَةِ
35:01He has held a rope
35:03that is very strong
35:05and that strong rope
35:07is taking him to Allah
35:09while removing all obstacles.
35:11لَنْ فِي سَامَ لَهَا
35:13It cannot be broken.
35:15It cannot be separated.
35:17وَاللَّهُ سَمِعُنَ عَلِيمًا
35:19He is All-Knowing and All-Aware.
35:21So this Ayat-e-Karima
35:23was read to you.
35:25I tried to explain
35:27the correct meaning
35:29of it.
35:31And the system of Taghut
35:33and the system of Kufr
35:35that Allah has talked about
35:37was explained to you.
35:39The commentary of the Ayat was completed
35:41and the time of the program
35:43was also over.
35:45We will be back with a new program
35:47Stay connected to Tafsir-e-Quran
35:49Take care of yourself
35:51May Allah protect us all
35:53May Allah be your helper
35:55May Allah protect you
35:57Peace be upon you
