• last month
The making of a piezo-painting... achieved by interdisciplinary measures and a heterarchic mindset: three ladies from the Philharmonic Orchestra Bremerhaven, and such with a professionally classical backround, joined the in other sonic respects electronical set-up, where sampling the sound of painting was intended be part of a collective composing in realtime... acoustically and visually. There were no scripts, no rehearsals, no rules... just the one meeting at eye 'n' ear level, freely improvised at WERK. in Bremerhaven on the 3rd of May 2024.

It's a superb audio-recording by Jan Braetsch... you might want to make use of headphones, and also a proper monitor.

[eng] https://www.live-tempera.com/GB/AUGENHOEHE.HTM [deu] https://www.live-tempera.com/DE/AUGENHOEHE.HTM
MARIA ALTMANNSHOFER https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3wii6h1em4
CHANMI SHIN https://www.instagram.com/stadttheaterbremerhaven/reel/C6wdbakhv-F and https://www.instagram.com/orchester.bremerhaven/p/C7156iJADQC
MATHILDE UHLIG https://www.musik.uni-mainz.de/files/2018/10/Mathilde-Uhlig.jpg
JAN BRAETSCH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76RjCXu05bA
JONAS HUMMEL https://www.live-tempera.com/GB/JONAS_HUMMEL.HTM
MARCUS HEESCH https://discogs.com/artist/5844624-Marcus-Heesch