• last month
00:00Joining us right now in the River Islands guest line is a member of that title team back in 2015
00:05Which will be honored Tuesday night when Charlotte is in town Andre Iguodala's Jersey will be retired Sunday with Dallas in town
00:13And our next guest is gonna be there for both of them and that is former warrior Brandon Rush Brandon
00:19Thank you for coming on the show. How you doing?
00:23We're doing fine man, what does this mean to you and and sort of what dibs was just talking about like dude
00:28It's been a decade. Can you believe that?
00:31It's unbelievable the thing that is on good. It's been 10 years since we won that and
00:36I mean you just can't you can't have found that right now. You like thinking back like godly that time
00:41it's just passed by so fast and
00:44And then now it's coming up on 10 years. You look just amazing
00:47How time flies right and I I'm just sitting here with my partner mark and I was about
00:53Three different shows back when this all went down and for you personally
00:58It had to be quite a journey because you're a warrior and you suffered that absolutely catastrophic injury
01:04I happened to be in the arena that night and all of our hearts dropped and then you end up getting traded
01:10For Andre Iguodala, and then you go to Utah, but then the next season you come back. What was it like for you?
01:18Individually to be here get dealt come back and then be a part of a title team
01:24Well for me it was up and down because the rollercoaster we had my first year there
01:30In 11, we didn't have a good season. I think stuff was hurt most majority of the time and then they hired
01:37I mean I was second year of Mar Jackson
01:39I get hurt the second second game this season out for the season then I get traded like you said
01:46It was as a blessing, I mean just to be able to come back
01:51Certainly put my imprint on that team as far as like the management and whatnot and coaching staff that they loved me having me
01:57Around in the locker room having around the guys
02:00so as the main reason why they thought would be a great idea to bring me back and I
02:05it's just like I just said it has been a blessing to be a part of that team and then following up from
02:10Winning that championship to being going down in history as the winner's team in NBA history
02:16So it is I mean again, it's a blessing that
02:19Brandon rush with us here on weather than dibs. Brandon. What are you looking forward to most for Tuesday night?
02:26You know, I'm looking forward to mainly the Sunday when I'm getting a judge with her
02:31I think that's a big deal, especially
02:34The things he has done for the organization and in that that two times 15 team
02:40Finals MVP, so I'm looking forward to Iggy and then on to that ceremony where they honor us
02:47That's who doesn't attain team
02:49Yeah, and what a season that was and what a run and can you take us back to the Memphis series where?
02:55Memphis takes you 99 89 in game three and it looks like the Grizzlies might be too much and famously
03:01You guys all went to barbecue or you decided to stop guarding?
03:06Certain players on Memphis
03:08What was it like in that series where you were able to to flip the script on the Grizzlies and then go on to win?
03:13the title
03:16It came from this hard work this hard work is putting an effort of guys locking in Tony and what what what the guys
03:24weakness are and these strengths were and I
03:27Mean we had a good coach
03:28I mean had a great coach to stab and then use the bless with having Steph Curry on the team to make it happen
03:33Brandon let's talk about that early Steph Curry career
03:37When did you have an indication?
03:40That we were dealing with a different kind of a player
03:44What would say around his third season is he made a little jump, but he was so
03:49But inconsistent with his games because he's dealing with a lot of injuries here and there
03:53But then after the ankle injury and I want to say 2012 or 2011 went around those times
03:59He was able to take his game up to the next level, I mean pretty much changed the game
04:03I'll be played it how they play today. They shoot everybody shoot threes because
04:08That's how golden state played. Everybody play small ball because that's how golden state was so successful. So
04:15Stuff really really changed the game in my mind these last 15 years
04:20and how important was Andre Aguadala for
04:23That team to be able to play the way that they did because
04:26When he came in and what he brought
04:28Defensively and his ability to ball handle was he a big key into you guys being able to play small like that
04:35Yes, he was a huge key and then having Draymond too. So you can't leave out Draymond Draymond being able to guard
04:41big guys the big fives and
04:43Put him in a center position at 6-4 or 6-5. I was hard to tolerate all Draymond is and then you have a ball maker
04:49A ball a playmaker like Andre they would roam around with his great hand
04:54That's some of the best hands I've ever seen in my life
04:57Getting his hands on the ball stripping the balls or are getting deflections like that. So having Andre was really big for us
05:04Going down the stretch Brandon
05:06I'm gonna circle back to my my previous question because
05:10With regard to when you knew that something was different with Steph and you kind of mentioned the third year
05:15I wonder though now if you can reflect we're not just talking about a different player
05:19We've now arrived at a time where most basketball fans. Look at this player and go. This is a top 10 player ever and
05:28And so I wonder what's your reflection on that? Like did you see that as a possibility at all when you were together?
05:36I didn't think he was gonna be I'm gonna go back to when we played in college. We played him in the
05:42Elite eight
05:43In 2008 and I think you I know he was a good he was able to score the ball
05:48but I wouldn't think I didn't think he's gonna be able to change the game like he did like he has over the last few
05:52years and then it just came with confidence like
05:56Host her put all this confidence in a kid and then in being to shoot the ball the way he does
06:01It's only translate to when a basketball because you put the right pieces around like bringing in drake
06:06My bringing clay like you have all these right pieces around them. And that's what made his team so successful
06:12And Steve Kerr obviously has played a huge role in that and I know that you started with Mark Jackson
06:18He laid the groundwork and the blueprint for the defense, especially for this team
06:23But when Steve came in in that first year and you guys won the title
06:27What was it like to play for Steve when he was a rookie head coach?
06:33For me personally wasn't it wasn't the greatest because I was still dealing with a ACL injury
06:38but as far as like have having him as a head coach and how he
06:42Like a real players coach that understand the levels of ball moving and how to get open open shots without jibbing the ball
06:50crazy and
06:52It's also a philosophy of that what she got from the San Antonio Spurs
06:58There's that ball moving. Everybody's getting the ball
07:01And he was a thrill to play with. I mean, he's a genuine guy and a great coach at that
07:07Brandon they're only a handful of you guys coming back Tuesday night
07:11So what level are you still in touch with all the teammates from from that? That's God
07:16So right now I'm actually talking to Mo most states
07:20You can't set up a time to play golf. Why are you there? Since it's gonna be pretty nice and
07:26Everything can't have the time to anybody else other than holiday holidays. He's in Italy right now. I'm playing
07:32And a couple of the guys we touch base in in corporate there
07:36For off the weekend, but he's going back to Australia fans out the playoffs
07:40So so I didn't get any other guy that really I'm being in touch with
07:44Well, you know Festus is Ely now is a big-time media guy out here in the Bay Area
07:49So I mean just talk to Festus or do you have to go through an agent to actually get to Festus now?
07:56You gotta write him on Instagram. You gotta you gotta you gotta find a way to get in contact with him
08:00He's kind of hard to like reach out to and like send a text to because it takes forever for everything to respond
08:06But he's always on Instagram. So you need to send a message to him and get in contact that way
08:11Brandon rush with us. So so Brandon speaking of covering this team
08:15How much are you watching what's going on with with this particular squad?
08:19And what what's your what's your thought on the acquisition of Jimmy Butler? I?
08:24Think having Jimmy is huge because you know, you have that piece to where you can close out games
08:30Other than relying on stuff to be
08:33Superman all the time. So having Jimmy to close out games now
08:37Gives them the extra
08:39Advantage on on winning some of these games and that's what's been happening last few weeks before the Jimmy trays
08:45They haven't been able to close the games
08:48So now they have Jimmy and I'm seeing like they plan well
08:51I've been having had a chance to watch too many of those games since he's been there
08:55But he's playing well and it seemed that the guys like them and they have been winning
09:00Yeah, obviously you made your way and you had your championship at Oracle over in Oakland
09:06But now this is Chase Center in San Francisco
09:08What are you expecting in terms of the reception from a fan base that now ten years removed from the first title that they're kind of
09:17Expectations about titles yet. They got to have a lot of love for that first championship run
09:22Yeah, I think so. I think it would be a lot of love
09:25That would be shown I guess especially with Andre in his jersey retired and
09:30Having us there's Tuesday to be honored and I think you'll be a lot of love
09:35So I think it's still a lot of fans from the Oakland side
09:40where also Oracle was
09:42Still still big time fans
09:45Brandon what what stands out to you more in your career a college basketball championship or an NBA championship?
09:53That's the top I get that question all the time I would say
09:57College because this is what I mean you have one
10:00Bad game and you done pretty stupid you don't perceive it and India you got you get seven chances
10:06I mean three out of four out of seven chances to
10:09Try to move on to the next round. So I would say college is probably the toughest
10:13Yeah, I was at that game in San Antonio that night and you guys were in real trouble and you know Memphis
10:20Yeah, I believe Douglas Roberts with a couple of missed free throws Derek Rose couldn't convert as well
10:25And next thing, you know, you guys hit a big three to force overtime. That was one of the the real
10:32Rescuing victory from the jaws of defeat games. I've ever been to Brandon. Oh
10:37Yeah, yeah, it was definitely
10:38Even you look in summer summer guys faces you will see that we just seem defeated
10:44Down seven like two minutes ago. I guess this I mean we don't have a chance here
10:48I mean, we just blessed with those missed free throws and Mario making its miracle shot
10:53And once I know we got into overtime and it was over because yeah all the momentum carry in
11:00Hey Brandon before you go. I know you mentioned that that in a way you're almost looking forward to Sunday more than Tuesday
11:06I give us an idea of what Andre Iguodala was like as a teammate
11:12He was a great teammate. I mean, he always has something smart to say
11:16But all around he was just a great teammate to be able to play with even be around outside the court
11:23I mean, he always trying to drop some knowledge and uh
11:26And he's always been great. So nothing nothing bad to say about it
11:31Brandon enjoy the heck out of both of these experiences and and thank you so much for hopping on with us for a few
11:39Thank you. Thank you