• last month
00:00:11Stop crying shit happens. Listen, I've got something here. You're gonna really like
00:00:22Take it easy pretty girl
00:00:30Pretty one you're so beautiful
00:00:44Danny boy
00:01:00Danny boy
00:01:04I'm glad
00:02:00Stand to wake up honey. Come on time to go to school
00:02:09Tough it's time to wake up honey. Come on
00:02:15Let's get you ready for school
00:02:19Come on baby. Mm-hmm. Just five more minutes every morning
00:02:26No, baby, come on, let's go
00:02:30You're missing. It's a beautiful day out there
00:02:38What's the dark out
00:02:43No, it's morning
00:02:48Just five more minutes mom, please. No, honey. Come on. You got to get to school
00:02:53Come on come on
00:03:05It's beautiful
00:03:08I'm missing it way. The morning light bounces off everything. It's beautiful
00:03:17Mom I'm not a morning person like you
00:03:28Look at those pink clouds
00:03:35So many shades of pink
00:03:39But you didn't even notice they were in there
00:03:47Say plants like the morning light. Mm-hmm. I guess plants know best don't they? I thought mom's new best. Oh
00:03:55You have been listening good girl
00:04:06All right, lately all your paintings have been really dark
00:04:17It's just been my mood lately I can't seem to shake it
00:04:29Yeah, I
00:04:32Wish you would paint with brighter colors so that we can hang them up in our place and
00:04:38Brighten the place up a little bit
00:04:46All right, I'm gonna try
00:04:55Right now I'm gonna make some coffee
00:04:58And you're gonna get up and get dressed and get your butt to school
00:05:03Five more minutes. Come on, baby. Let's move it. Come on
00:05:15Put some clean clothes on your dresser. I
00:05:20Picked up some honey yesterday. You want that instead of sugar? Oh, that would be great mom
00:05:36Mom yeah, do I have to go to school today?
00:06:58How much is this $5
00:07:13Five dollars
00:07:20Don't have any money
00:07:27Some music on would you
00:07:32You a holy man
00:07:36Yeah, I guess you could say that fucking music on would you it's been a long day what
00:07:43Did you
00:07:45Never swear in my presence again. I'm a disciple of God
00:07:52Mother Mary would never swear
00:07:56There's some out of here so fast, sweetie
00:08:02Give me my money
00:08:04Not so fast sugar
00:08:06You motherfucking prick, give me my money I told you not to swear like that
00:08:13slut I got a feeling that you
00:08:16You have a problem. I think you like to ride the horse. Don't you? Huh? You need it all the time every day
00:08:24We could have a deal here, right? I
00:08:27Get you high and you fuck me
00:08:36We have a deal, right?
00:08:38No deal. I can get three hits for that money. Go fuck yourself
00:08:51Okay, okay, okay do anything you want just don't hit me please
00:08:57Pretty real pretty and smart
00:09:02Here put that on
00:09:22Mom how do I look?
00:09:32Christ remind me of me when I was your age. I like it. All the students in my school is so stupid
00:09:39Plus this is my own style. I like it
00:09:44That's my girl
00:09:47One of a kind
00:09:58Shouldn't see I gotta tell you something what I
00:10:07Went to the doctor's yesterday
00:10:13Jesus mommy been going to the doctor's a lot lately
00:10:24I'm sick
00:10:35I have a disease
00:10:40What kind of a disease
00:10:45No, what kind of a disease Bob
00:11:02Said I probably had it for a long time. It's just kind of been sleeping in my body and a
00:11:14Little while ago just decided to wake up. It's gonna get a lot worse
00:11:32We're all gonna die
00:11:36It's gonna happen to me a little sooner that's all
00:12:04A year, maybe two or three. I don't know
00:12:18Can't kiss you anymore, honey. No, no, just we just have to be careful. That's all
00:12:29I can quit school and and
00:12:34And take care of you. No
00:12:37No way
00:12:39You're not quitting school, okay
00:12:44I don't want to hear that again
00:12:59Okay, you're gonna be late for school
00:13:05I'll get you some lunch money
00:13:12Don't be late for school
00:13:26I love you, Mom
00:13:31I love you, too, baby
00:14:09Love you, too, baby
00:14:59So Regency, you know why you're here
00:15:02sort of
00:15:03Good gives us a place to start doesn't it?
00:15:07So a policeman brought here this morning
00:15:11Bet you that was kind of scary. Not really. Not really. I guess you've had dealings with the police before a
00:15:19couple of times
00:15:20The report says you're only 15
00:15:2315 and a half
00:15:28But until you are 16
00:15:30You have to have some sort of guardian supervision
00:15:33You understand that I understand that I don't believe that
00:15:37Why is that?
00:15:38Because I've been taking care of myself for the last fucking year without any help
00:15:45Really remarkable
00:15:48And you do see more adult than most of the kids I see here if I don't bother them
00:15:53Why should they bother me because it's the law I don't need help. The report says
00:16:00It was your high school principal that called the police uptight bitch is what she is
00:16:07How's that I
00:16:08Only want to go to my art class
00:16:10She told me I have to go to all my classes the fucking bitch came to my apartment to talk to my mom
00:16:18And that wasn't possible was
00:16:22My mother died a year ago
00:16:25You have my sympathies
00:16:29Your father is he around I
00:16:33Never met the man
00:16:35Remarkable young lady
00:16:38You bury your mom and just carry on by yourself like nothing has changed
00:16:43An entire year with no help that doesn't sound like a juvenile to me
00:16:47Until a bitch takes her fucking nose in my business. Yes
00:16:51That wicked old principal
00:16:55Honestly, mr. Cowles, I don't need your help
00:16:59It's only six months till my birthday
00:17:01What's the big deal?
00:17:03Like I said Regency
00:17:05My hands are tied
00:17:07It's the law
00:17:09Change the law
00:17:13That's a good one
00:17:16Tell me about art class
00:17:19Why only art
00:17:39Hi, my name is Danielle, how can I help you see owner here that would be me. Oh
00:17:49I have some paintings. I need to show you. I'm very busy. Maybe another time two minutes, please
00:18:01Come in as you can see we deal with very established work
00:18:08Please just look at them show me one. That's all
00:18:22Come into the back with me
00:18:30Son teaches night course in art. Maybe you can take his class
00:18:36It's not really possible. I work nice get it wait. I
00:18:40Will keep this painting for a week
00:18:43Come back then
00:18:44If it sells I will take more
00:19:10What did your mom die of a
00:19:13brain tumor
00:19:15now Regency
00:19:16It says something different here. Then you fucking know
00:19:22Your school is very thorough. I don't know how they found him, but they did
00:19:27And did they require that you get tested? I don't have it. Is that what it says in your report?
00:19:33I bet you the whole school knows by now if I go back, I'll be a leper
00:19:37I should sue the fucking bitch badass. Calm down Regency. It's all over. You're clean
00:19:45The school was just trying to protect the rights of others
00:19:48Then they should have all the students tested. What do they know?
00:19:52They could be walking around with AIDS and not even know it. You may be right, but that's up to the school to decide
00:19:58Right now we have to move on. Yeah. Yeah, let's move on. I don't think about that bitch
00:20:05So what do I have to do? I have to find a family for you
00:20:09At least till your 16th birthday
00:20:12It's only six months. Why bother I won't stay
00:20:18Then the police would have to find you
00:20:20Put you in a juvenile home under lock and key. It's the law
00:20:28It's what I'm supposed to do there must be something else you even said I don't act juvenile
00:20:40There is
00:20:43Something I could do
00:20:45All these files on my desk
00:20:48Sometimes I can't find a file for months
00:20:54Six months, please. Mr. Cowles. I'll do anything
00:21:00My you are remarkable
00:21:03You're a smart girl Regency
00:21:07I'm sure you can think of something to trade for a lost file
00:22:26It's finished
00:22:28Come here
00:22:30Jesus Christ, holy fucking shit
00:22:32Shit girl, you're wasting your talent out here with me. You should be selling this shit in a museum or something
00:22:38Museum that's for old dead people
00:22:41This this is different. Look come here
00:22:44There's our house
00:22:47And there's there's the green fields. Okay, there's the white fence in our barn so we can have two horses
00:22:53We'll ride them all day. Fuck. I don't know about this farm thing, man. It just don't seem like us
00:22:58I can't wait to see you milk cows. Fuck you
00:23:05It's kind of cold tonight
00:23:11Take the chill out of the air. Come on. I know you're packing some powder
00:23:14Come on here, it's my last
00:23:18We just lock up some more a
00:23:25Hey, when the fuck you think we're gonna have enough money by this farm fuck, I don't know 2010 or something
00:23:31I don't know. Hmm fucking forever. Our asses will be beach balls by then. We'll need a fucking rocking porch
00:23:37Whatever man, you need to get your fucking hair all this fucking farm
00:23:40We need to make some fucking cash tonight or Curtis is gonna split our motherfucking ass up
00:23:50Jesus Christ mom, there's two people living in this house. And one of them isn't a dopehead. I need food
00:23:57I told you twice yesterday to go get groceries. It's a fucking jar full of coffee too much to ask for relax, baby
00:24:04I'll give you some money. You can pick up some food after school. Okay, what am I supposed to eat for breakfast?
00:24:11vodka or sugar flakes
00:24:13There's some frozen orange juice in the freezer make that and poor me shot. What do you I have to wash down these pills?
00:24:21fucking heroin
00:24:23Fucking drugs fucking booze fucking AIDS. It's a miracle. You still get out of Christ Regency
00:24:29Will you stop with the fucking language?
00:24:37Monkey see monkey do really
00:24:47Hey, that's an idea you've been bugging me for weeks what to get me for my birthday
00:24:56Get me a monkey not a chance they shit all over the place think of something else
00:25:17You to stay around long enough to see me graduate
00:25:22Christ Regency we talked about this
00:25:25Don't go wishing for things that aren't gonna happen
00:25:29goddamn AIDS
00:25:31Regency it's gonna get a lot harder soon. I need you to stay strong and be with me to the end
00:25:41Everything I have
00:25:51I will mom
00:25:54I promise
00:25:57Fuck it's your fucking art teacher. You need to get on the fuck out of here. Go on get on the fuck out of here, man
00:26:04Hey teach a Regency Sarah
00:26:13Yo, yo, yo, when are you gonna purchase the fucking fruit instead of squeezing the shit out of it, huh?
00:26:19Price is free. Fuck you. We ain't fucking free guy. Fuck you
00:26:23Please come to my art class tonight
00:26:25Let my kids see you paint
00:26:27We have a gift let them see you paint
00:26:32You keep asking me and I keep saying no, I ain't never gonna go back to school
00:26:41Tell your students come here make it a field trip. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and you know what bring most little male guys that you got
00:26:48Shit, we make a fucking dime tonight. See you say
00:26:51Yeah, when are you gonna have that piece ready for me, you know, I can't rip the sidewalk off and show to my mom next week
00:26:57for sure
00:26:58For sure for sure. You've been saying that for weeks
00:27:01The world can't wait forever, you know the fucking world ain't got much for me lately
00:27:07Next week for sure. So get the fuck out of here. I gotta go back to work
00:27:13What do you think of my new painting
00:27:16It's dark
00:27:21I'm calling it storm over village
00:27:28In that case
00:27:31It's great mom
00:27:33All your paintings are great
00:27:36Well, what about yours?
00:27:46Think you have been working on not finished yet. Let me see this
00:28:00What are you gonna call
00:28:12Gonna call it
00:28:15Pink man
00:28:18Over a village
00:28:24You always liked pink
00:28:27You remember when you were a little you used to finger paint you always had to have some pink in there
00:28:37Proud of you
00:28:40You're good. Don't let anyone tell you any different
00:28:43And promise me you won't stop painting
00:28:49I will mom I promise
00:28:55Pinky finger promise. I swear I'm a fucking Bible. Okay
00:29:00Creation see would you stop using the f-word? I'm still strong enough to wash your mouth out
00:29:06What f-word?
00:29:08feel fart fun
00:29:11Figure close your eyes. What just close your eyes. I
00:29:16Have an early birthday present for you
00:29:18It's only in a week mom
00:29:23Hang on
00:29:25Okay, open your eyes
00:29:36It's beautiful
00:29:41You should sell it to the gallery I
00:29:44Already have $15,000 cash put aside from the gallery. This one's for you
00:29:57It's signed Aurora why I needed a change
00:30:05If you look closely you'll see a trademark
00:30:10Trademark a
00:30:16Something only you and me will know
00:30:20In every Aurora painting there's something small painted pink I
00:30:26See it I see it
00:30:31Regency listen to me
00:30:34Wait one year then go to the gallery and speak to Racine I
00:30:41Sold her my last painting for $2,000 and God knows what she sold it for
00:30:48Wait a year and bring her one new painting a month
00:30:55And raise the price for each painting I
00:31:00Have ten more under the bed. I just hope it'll be enough
00:31:21Really like the picture man. It's nice, but you're missing some fucking stars shit. I'll fix that
00:31:29Fuck you know about stars
00:31:32So fucking city you probably ain't see a starry night in your sorry ass light shit. There's only fucking streetlights here
00:31:40Really goddamn shock
00:31:44Mean it ain't hurting nobody. It's just passing the time
00:31:48Passing fucking time are we is that what you girls are doing here?
00:31:52Fucking passing time. We'll go and excuse me all the hell cuz I thought you're working with me
00:31:57I can't figure these out my two best lookers
00:32:02Nice and young and soft these ought to be my best fucking pair not the worst
00:32:07Maybe I'm just too fucking nice. Hey, I just dropped by to say hey
00:32:12And my little white trash is on her knees painting kiddie pictures and my number one girl
00:32:23Now this is what's gonna happen if he's come up short tonight, I'm gonna break you twos up no fucking excuses
00:32:28I'm gonna send you with Belinda the boozer and you my little miss white piece of trash with needle Nancy
00:32:33Now, how's you like that? My little fucking pieces of shit. Don't worry. Yes. We'll get the numbers by tonight
00:32:39Well, I won't be fretting little mess up any nigger
00:32:41You just worry about Belinda the corner she's on is real pretty ain't no uptown white daddy's driving around their SUVs up there
00:32:48We'll do it man. Yeah
00:32:50And you best be keeping your eyes and those pearly whites on the road and you my little flower
00:32:55If yous are on your knees, you better be ringing the fucking cash register
00:33:00Give me that pink fucking scarf
00:33:02Don't be hiding the merchandise
00:33:06Now don't get me wrong girls deep down I'm a real nice man
00:33:11Don't I have one of Regency's paintings hanging in my washroom? Yeah. Yeah the one with the black cat peeking in the jack-o'-lantern. Yeah
00:33:17I love it. Oh
00:33:18when you say her
00:33:20Anytime you want to peek at the Big Dipper
00:33:23You just come for a ride on my office
00:33:27Don't you worry your ass off man, no worries
00:33:40Bet you you never seen a star in its name is motherfucking
00:34:30Oh, no name mysterious motherfucker
00:35:27Chef surprise, it's on me here
00:35:31Hey couple of little hungry street gobblers, huh? How about some nice angel hair pasta with shrimp all mixed up in a
00:35:44Who's your sweet little friend my half-sister visiting she's going on tomorrow. That's too bad. You should come visit your half-sister more
00:35:51Oh, yeah, that's kind of the plan. But right now we're really fucking hungry. No problem here
00:35:55Hey, what's this?
00:35:57Are you fat pig I
00:35:59Also get my man to come pay you a fucking visit. Yeah, you're a fucking pimp doesn't care about you
00:36:05He doesn't care that much that he sends you the fanciest restaurant in town. Fuck you you fucking asshole
00:36:11Do you treat all your old boyfriends like that?
00:36:17Yeah, he who laughs last laughs best
00:36:49Sarah yeah
00:36:52Will you ever leave me what will you ever leave me?
00:37:00Stop asking stupid questions. Why not cuz they're fucking stupid. That's why
00:38:08Told you we were gonna make a change. I'm here to help
00:38:11This here is Nancy Curtis. I don't need no fucking baby in a cradle
00:38:16Let's just meet you and see him warm in the car like we used to
00:38:19Yeah, Chris stay in the back like you're used to yeah
00:38:23Don't talk to me like that girl
00:38:25Cuz I can make things a lot worse for your baby ass not by much learn to be part of our team
00:38:30You called this a team. That's right, baby
00:38:34And you still in your rookie season?
00:38:36You and Nancy here gonna be my best two workers tonight. You hear me girl
00:38:41Hey Curtis
00:38:44You can't go fucking dumping her in my lap and expect fucking miracles
00:38:49Listen up hag. You ain't been bringing in the numbers lady
00:38:52Look at you you smell and dress like a pig you look 50 fucking years old
00:38:59You two better bring in the numbers tonight. Otherwise, you're going on a forced leave
00:39:03Use understand loud and clear
00:39:06That's better. That's daddy's girl
00:39:08You do not go talking to fucking Curtis like that, you know, what cuz he fucking means it I
00:39:14Seen fucking other girls talk to him like that. You know what happened to them. They just fucking disappeared. I
00:39:26Guess we should start working
00:39:30Hey, I'm here to help you
00:39:33I guess we should start working
00:39:38Hey, baby
00:39:42Doing well you need a date tonight. Yeah, maybe
00:39:47You did a date you like that we could like tag team
00:39:55Okay, we're gonna like both of us right no, no, no, no, no, no, what do you mean Regency just her sweetie? Yeah
00:40:40We got another customer coming baby
00:40:46Not this one back off fuck fucking frothing out the mouth again, bitch
00:40:57Hope that's what I think it is
00:41:02Well, can I open it
00:41:04Sure, but don't criticize my little head can't take criticism
00:41:18Let me see that
00:41:22You you painted that
00:41:26This is much better than I thought it would be I
00:41:29Can take this criticism all day?
00:41:32I'm gonna be here tomorrow
00:41:34That's up to Nancy here. She's my private teacher
00:41:37She'll be fucking here. Don't you worry? You're pretty fucking little head about it
00:41:42Then I'll see you tomorrow
00:41:59You know what you should turn him into a customer the way he was fucking looking at you he's got nothing to do with this
00:42:09You've got fucking one short temper, honey, I
00:42:13Was just fucking saying that he look like he wanted to fucking pound your brains out
00:42:20I'm sorry
00:42:23How could you tell it's fucking you can see it in his eyes he wants to play spin the ball with you
00:42:43Here comes my fucking man
00:43:07You know the same old party that we had last time
00:43:17Poor guys are coming like, you know
00:43:22I will do it. Oh, yeah
00:43:26Yeah, yeah, she's fucking cool do you want me to go for a walk I will I wonder if I could do that
00:43:33Sweetheart, not with what's gonna be one of the fucking best nights of your motherfucking life. What are you talking about?
00:43:46My main man here once every two months he gets some of his best in fucking the richest of fucking customers
00:43:53You know like kind of like a thank you for me being such a good customer to him, you know
00:43:59And so all we have to do is fucking keep the customers happy, right?
00:44:04You know, we stay nice and fucking warm all night and we got to do as much fucking drugs as we fucking want to
00:44:12And you know what we get home in a fucking paid cabin everybody's fucking happy I can't I told to her I'd meet her later
00:44:20On don't fucking worry about her. You'll meet her later. I promised her no
00:44:31You're fucking coming with me, okay, you know what
00:44:35We're gonna get everything that Curtis was in one fucking shot. All right, don't go fucking messing with me missy
00:44:41All right, he needs two fucking girls to fucking girls. That's you and fucking me. All right
00:44:49Let's motherfucking go
00:46:04We go
00:47:04Time to wake up
00:47:11I'm gonna miss you so much
00:47:13Time to wake up honey
00:47:30You're missing a beautiful day the sun is shining
00:47:35Look at that morning light
00:47:38Still dark, you know, it's beautiful
00:47:43The morning light bounces off everything makes everything so clear
00:48:18Good morning a little missy
00:48:22Looks like you've been dragged all over hell's basement and then some maybe because I had a busy night I can see that
00:48:32Well, the rent's due so I guess it ain't over yet
00:48:37Can we do this tomorrow? I'm really tired and I need some sleep
00:48:46Sure, we can no problem at all
00:48:50But you know, it costs you a double
00:48:53Call it a late see so I'm okay with that
00:49:19Come in the doors open
00:49:25Thought it was Nancy working with needle Nancy's agent you and I hurry
00:49:31It's the hair
00:49:33Do you have something?
00:49:35She's supposed to be bringing you something. Isn't she? Oh
00:49:39No, you two real pals now. She's okay. She's a little different from me and you
00:49:45You look like fucking shit. Your hair's a fucking mess. You smell like fucking shit girl. You need a fucking back
00:49:53Come on, sir. Give me a fucking hit
00:50:00That's your mom, isn't it
00:50:06She was beautiful, wasn't she very
00:50:11My mother's birthday today, come on, give me a fucking hit
00:50:38Dig in sweetie dig in
00:50:44Hey our farm
00:50:50Fucking thing
00:50:56Seems like forever since the fuckers plus the fuck up man
00:51:00shit, I
00:51:02Fucking hate working with that lush
00:51:04you and I
00:51:06We need to seriously figure out a way for us to get back together
00:51:13Yesterday went looking around
00:51:17On second Street, there's this
00:51:19shelter helps woman
00:51:21woman who've been
00:51:23Abused by their husbands. That's sad
00:51:27If anything happens to me
00:51:31I want you to take the paintings that are underneath my bed. I
00:51:35Want you I'm gonna give you the name talk to a girl
00:51:39She owns the art gallery in Union Street. You're gonna sell each painting
00:51:44And each time you raise it
00:51:48Fuck I'm gonna do with all that money. I
00:51:52Want you then to give it to that woman's shelter
00:51:58Don't think I'm gonna make it make what
00:52:04Fuck off
00:52:06Fuck you
00:52:08We'll make it. Just remember the farm
00:52:11We'll take Nancy with us. I don't know man
00:52:16Listen girl shit. It's not her fault that the horses got her. Hey letting her go. It's not our fault
00:52:23What's with you trying to help people all the time
00:52:26All she's gonna do is get high and wasted. You can't help her
00:52:30She needs professional help kind of like the counselor that children's aid officer. You're seeing you know, they're the experts they can straighten her out
00:52:37That expert makes me give him a blowjob once a week
00:52:44Use one unlucky bitch, yo
00:52:50So promise me Sarah
00:52:53Yeah, I promise
00:52:56So, let's
00:53:00Let's celebrate do another hit use high enough girl. Mm-hmm
00:53:06All right
00:53:10Donna easy easy
00:53:14Fuck we gotta say so for tonight yo
00:53:19Use high enough just not high enough
00:53:25Easy girl easy girl. We gotta say so for tonight. Oh shit. Oh fuck. Oh, hell no
00:54:02Stay with me girl
00:55:18Don't know why
00:55:32You whispering guy cuz wake up
00:55:39There's nobody in the cemetery but you and me
00:55:43The spirits will rise
00:55:46Spirits, you know black people don't stick around for those spirits guy
00:55:50You stand me
00:55:52It's been a year since my mom died. Okay now
00:55:57My spiritual drives should be on my mom's anniversary
00:56:02Walk with me, okay
00:56:53Good morning. You had me shit in my pants bitch shit. I'm glad to have you back
00:57:06Thanks, yeah
00:57:19Hey, let's sit for a moment I need to find my legs
00:57:29Looks like it's gonna be a nice night
00:57:33Remember that time you told me about the stars you'd seen up north. Yeah, I
00:57:38Really want to see them
00:57:40Let's you and me take a trip a vacation vacation. That shit sounds weird. Come on. Let's go see some stars
00:57:50Leave this fucking cesspool forever
00:57:57How much money do you think we'll need for what the farm
00:58:03A lot
00:58:04We'll get it
00:58:07Remember, I still have my mom's paintings
00:58:12That reminds me that art teacher guy. I forgot to tell you he's been looking for you
00:58:16Must have come by around like three times
00:58:18Probably the night me and Nancy had a private party. He'll find me
00:58:22He left his number and he told me to tell you to call him anytime day or night
00:58:26See, maybe he sold all our paintings for thousands of dollars
00:58:30We'll get the money we'll get the hell out of here you really think we could do it get that farm
00:58:36Yeah, let's start planning it tonight
00:58:40Before work, we'll get Nancy in on it. I didn't want to tell you while you was in the church and shit, but
00:58:50Nancy's gone. What all I got out of Curtis was that she had to go visit some sick aunt in, California
00:59:00That bastard he fucking killed her
00:59:05He killed her fuck him fuck him fuck him. I swear I'm gonna kill him. We got to find her
00:59:16Curtis scares the shit out of me
00:59:18Let's not go rocking no boat. He's got you and me working together again on our corner. We got it fine. Okay, okay
00:59:24We can do that on our own time
00:59:27Did you check with her dealer I know where we can find him don't even fucking think about going anywhere
00:59:39Yeah, thanks for bringing me here
00:59:57Oh, who is it?
01:00:09I'm coming. Just a minute
01:00:20Not much security around this building there's not much to steal
01:00:37Grab a seat. Do you want some wine?
01:01:01Didn't paint that picture did you?
01:01:05How can you tell because I showed it to my mom
01:01:11Racine she owns that art gallery in Union Street
01:01:20Must be a hundred art galleries in the city Jesus
01:01:24She recognized the work right away didn't matter whose name was on it was Daniella your mother
01:01:37Your mother is an amazing artist she had a distinct breaststroke
01:01:45She was a great artist wasn't she
01:01:59As good as the Aurora painting is I was disappointed
01:02:04Because I thought you painted it. I
01:02:07Guess that was really stupid
01:02:11Do you have any of your own work you can show me a
01:02:20Can I see
01:02:28They're on the table there, but don't take too long. I got to go to work tonight
01:02:49This is amazing
01:02:54Am I the first person to see this
01:02:58Except for my mom in Sahara
01:03:05Do you want some more wine sure
01:03:37Thank you
01:03:40Was that foreplay I
01:03:44Killed have your talent
01:03:49If you want to kill I have someone in mind
01:04:10You look a little ragged there a woman maybe because I had a busy night. Yeah, that's music honey. Show me the notes
01:04:19Easy now one ain't the enemy says you so where's your partner?
01:04:29She's with a client
01:04:32Is that a fact or a riddle?
01:04:35Riddle me this Batman. Where's Nancy? It's a no concern of yours anymore
01:04:42Maybe I'll just make it up to you. I don't know what you're up to
01:04:47Concern yeah, you make it your concern. I might just send you down there to visit her
01:04:52I've been there. I don't like it. Well, I guess I got me a little miss uppity white piece of trash. I
01:05:00Ain't no trash. Don't you worry about me or Sahara one day. We're gonna pack our bags and we'll just leave I
01:05:08Think your miss Sahara's already left
01:05:11What are you talking about?
01:05:13I'm not a little miss lying, bitch
01:05:15Sahara ain't been no client cuz I just seen her not more than four hours ago
01:05:20Where did you see her? I saw her leaving your apartment. So what do you know about that? You lying fucking prick?
01:05:28Well, I gotta make up a lie like that
01:05:30Look, we got a customer
01:05:35You go take care of your business now and we'll talk later maybe go for a nice breakfast
01:05:54Hey, sweetie get over here I want to talk to you
01:05:58What do you want? I want a party
01:06:00What kind of party just a party with you and me? What's your name lover boy?
01:06:06People call me the X-man
01:06:10How about you and me we'll go back to my place
01:07:04Here put that on
01:07:29Such beautiful skin
01:08:05Stop crying shit happens. Listen, I've got something here. You're gonna really like
01:08:18Take it easy pretty girl. Thank nice thoughts
01:08:34There's a good girl daddy loves you
01:09:04This is like Christmas
01:09:07My little present. Oh, you are so beautiful
01:09:12and your skin
01:09:29It's time to wake up honey, come on
01:09:40Yeah, do I have to go to school today
01:09:47Good morning, I'm Mike Mullen with your FM 89 morning news
01:09:51Police are reporting the city's 52nd drug-related death early this morning
01:09:56Officers were called to a home west of the financial district where they found two bodies
01:10:01Believed to be a juvenile prostitute and a man in his late 50s
01:10:05Their identities are unknown and officers are investigating in other news City Council has voted to increase
01:14:30How much is this $5 I
01:14:40Don't have $5