• 5 days ago
00:00Previously, on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
00:18You guys, I spoke to P.K.
00:20He answers the phone, and we start talking like we're friends.
00:25Nothing is up.
00:26I wouldn't trust P.K.
00:28He's ruthless in business, which means he will be ruthless in the business of divorce.
00:32You're angry, and you're not angry at me.
00:35You're angry at your life.
00:37Why would you think of calling the person that actually is kicking you while you're
00:39Forget it.
00:40We aren't friends, and forget it.
00:48You know your sister really well, and I assume that she's open and welcoming.
00:53I find her to be cold.
00:57Sutton and I have had intimate conversations, and she would just love to hear you love her
01:02I don't think that's any of your business, and I don't think it's right to tell your
01:07children that you love them.
01:09I don't need to.
01:17These hills have eyes, and they're all staring at me.
01:21I honor my fine Southern manners by putting you in your place.
01:27I've been in the game too long to play by someone else's rules.
01:34In Beverly Hills, money buys a lot, but my independence, priceless.
01:40Introducing the greatest product I've ever marketed, myself.
01:46I might look like a doll, but don't wind me up.
01:50Where am I going to put these, can you help?
02:08I don't like this view.
02:11What view?
02:12I'm going to put sunglasses in my face.
02:13Oh my god, that harbor's so nice.
02:14You're going to want to actually eat outside and talk s**t.
02:15Right now?
02:16I mean, hold on, let's get everything in first.
02:17Here she is.
02:18Fourth of July is around the corner, and my kids and I always do a barbecue.
02:42I'll see you at the party.
02:43I'll see you at the party.
02:45Oh, we've got to get this door, sorry.
02:48Are you good?
02:49Where are you?
02:50I'm still sweating, even after a cold shower.
02:51I still can't get the, I can't stop sweating.
02:56We have a little confession.
02:58We were listening to your conversation with Reba.
03:02I might could come to California.
03:04I think I could do this.
03:07I might could come to California.
03:09I think I could do that.
03:11I'm going to bring my friends down.
03:15Excuse me, Mom.
03:16It sounded like you got everything out.
03:18Yes, it was good.
03:19Which is good.
03:22Oh, missy.
03:23And there she appears.
03:26Good morning.
03:27How are you?
03:28I'm fine.
03:29How are you?
03:30We were just confessing.
03:30You're chatty this morning.
03:32I am chatty this morning.
03:35I thought y'all weren't leaving until 2.30.
03:38This trip has been emotional.
03:40But it's a hard trip to leave.
03:43I don't think I've felt this way with my mother
03:46since my sophomore year in college,
03:49when she came for sophomore mother's weekend.
03:51And we had the best time talking and walking.
03:55I remember I didn't want her to leave then either.
03:57So this is reminding me a lot of that.
04:00Are you going to be happy to have the chaos gone?
04:02Or are you going to cry that you're going to miss us,
04:04especially me?
04:05I would be sad that some of you are gone.
04:09She's such a cynic.
04:11Oh, are y'all packed?
04:14Are you packed, Ko?
04:16I am packed.
04:18And we'll head to the airport.
04:19Normally, by the end of a trip, I can't wait to get home.
04:22But I am going home to an empty house.
04:26And that's lonely for me.
04:29I'm, like, ready to ask ourselves all of a sudden, hey,
04:31you want to extend the trip?
04:32But heading home, me, myself, and I.
04:37I love that y'all got to meet my mother.
04:40And it was a good trip.
04:41It was a great trip.
04:42Thank you, Reba.
04:43I loved our talk, Mom.
04:44Oh, good.
04:45I'm going to hold you to, once a year,
04:47you get to say I love you.
04:49When is that going to be?
04:50I guess Christmas.
04:50That should be maybe the best part.
04:52I might write it down and hold a little sign up.
04:56I don't remember my mother saying that to me.
04:58OK, well, I love you.
05:01Well, I love you, too, Sutton.
05:03Oh, that's cute.
05:10We love you, Reba.
05:12She said it.
05:13I have succeeded in hearing the three words I think I've ever
05:19wanted to hear from one person.
05:21I love you.
05:24OK, let's go before she takes it back.
05:27I am overjoyed, overwhelmed, and feel completely loved.
05:33Thank you for everything, Reba.
05:35You know, we take it for granted, your little words.
05:38But some people never hear it.
05:40This is why we came.
05:41We didn't think we were going to get it.
05:44But this is what made the trip.
05:47All right, Mom, I will see you soon.
05:49Bye, Reba.
05:53Bye, Reba.
06:01That cousin of mine, always late.
06:04This girl here.
06:06I'm like, I just have to call her and say,
06:07like, how far away are you?
06:09She said, I'm close.
06:09I'm close.
06:10As if anybody believes her.
06:13Let's see, what glasses do I even want to use?
06:18Wait, Tina?
06:20Why am I shocked?
06:22I know I'm African, Bisma, OK?
06:26I've got to get to where I need to be on time sometime.
06:28Oh, hi, Nicks.
06:30Are you bedazzling over here?
06:31You know what, all I'm saying is the back of the mirror
06:33needs to match my shine.
06:38In some ways, I'd say Tina is closer to me
06:43than even my sisters are.
06:44We are 10 months apart in age, and so we
06:47are very, very close.
06:49What is this?
06:49That is the, those are the gold flakes.
06:51Tina and I talk so much that I think sometimes
06:53we talk telepathically.
06:55It can be by text, it could be a phone call,
06:57it could just be mind meld.
07:00Got a little applicator.
07:01Now you got to be careful, because sometimes the gold flakes
07:03want to get on your lips.
07:05I love it.
07:06Bisma, this is beautiful.
07:08This is like the only way to have
07:10a refreshing summer beverage.
07:11Oh, thank you.
07:12That's for you.
07:13Thank you, love.
07:14All the way golden.
07:18Girl, let me get comfortable.
07:19I don't even know where to start.
07:20Look, so there's so much on my mind.
07:22I mean, so many things have been happening.
07:25Because I'm a mature woman, you would
07:27assume that I have to get checked out
07:30to see if I'm still viable to be able to carry a baby.
07:34And Keeley's ready, right?
07:36I don't have any kids yet.
07:37I mean, I would like to have one to three.
07:42We haven't met with the fertility doctor yet.
07:44But she's in Vegas, right?
07:46And so she's flying here.
07:47She wants to do an ultrasound, and she
07:49wants him to give samples.
07:53All his samples?
07:56All the samples.
07:56Every sample.
07:57All the?
07:58Drip, drop, sample, sample.
08:01This pregnancy journey was in theory, and now it's reality.
08:06If I'm going to get some needles poked into me,
08:09that makes it very, very real.
08:11I was really excited, but now I'm nervous.
08:13I feel scared.
08:14What if we don't get the results we want?
08:17What is Keeley saying about all of this?
08:19Like, how does he feel?
08:20I don't know whether or not we are both kind of on the ride
08:25and no one wants to say, hey, can we stop for a second?
08:27Can we get off this train?
08:28Can we just?
08:29Because I think if I say it, it might hurt him.
08:31And maybe he feels like if he says it to me,
08:35that I'm going to be like, oh, wait,
08:36but I thought that's what you wanted.
08:38Are you starting to talk yourself out of the possibility
08:42of doing this?
08:43The more you think about it, is it becoming too surreal?
08:45It's just so scary.
08:47It is so, so scary.
08:50It is.
08:51The experiences of pregnancy have not been easy for me.
08:54I got pregnant unexpectedly with my first daughter
08:58named Eve.
08:59Five months into my pregnancy, I discovered
09:02that I had early stages of preeclampsia, a disease that
09:07creates high blood pressure and starts
09:10to attack your pregnancy.
09:12About six and a half months, my blood pressure spiked.
09:16By the time I arrived at the hospital,
09:18there was a team waiting at the front.
09:21And they put me in a wheelchair and wheeled me
09:24into labor and delivery.
09:27My baby didn't survive.
09:30Two months after I lost Eve, I decided
09:34that I was meant to be a mother.
09:36And I wanted to have another baby.
09:39My pregnancy with Lael was horrific
09:42because every single appointment was terror.
09:46I would have to squeeze Peter's hand because I was just like,
09:50what if?
09:51What if?
09:52I am 15 years older than the last time
09:54that I had this issue.
09:56I need some assurances.
09:58I don't know how to get that.
10:00While it's exciting and hopeful to think about having
10:06a baby with Keely, I can't help but go right back to those days
10:15where I was scared to death every single day
10:19of my pregnancy.
10:20To be on this journey with this man
10:22is both of you saying yes to whatever may come.
10:26Let's run.
10:27I know.
10:28But one step at a time.
10:32Coming up.
10:33Sutton, what are you drinking, honey?
10:35The watermelon something.
10:36There's alcohol in it.
10:37You asked, is there alcohol in it?
10:39I mean, Audrey, shut up.
10:41I mean, honestly.
10:42You're such a bitch.
10:50Hey, Siri, how hot is it going to be today?
10:59The National Weather Service has issued
11:01an excessive heat warning.
11:02Daytime temperatures will hover around 94 degrees.
11:13So what's going on today?
11:15I am going to Dorit's house.
11:18She's having a 4th of July barbecue party.
11:23OK, that should be fun.
11:24Barbecue, chill.
11:25We're playing nice.
11:28It's 4th of July.
11:29Let's do it for our country.
11:31There you go, for America.
11:45Are you excited for today?
11:48I mean, I don't know if excited is a word.
11:51I hope you find some time to connect with Bose
11:53today in your own way.
11:55What was it she said to Kathy and everybody?
11:59You were kind of cold to her.
12:01Well, maybe I'm just experiencing a different Kyle
12:05because I find her to be cold.
12:08Well, you know what?
12:10Now you're the iceberg.
12:12I'm the iceberg?
12:13No, I'm vintage.
12:15Oh my god.
12:16No, no, no.
12:17Because I'm the ice queen, I thought, you know,
12:18you could be an iceberg.
12:19Then we could, like, hang out together.
12:23OK, I'll see you soon.
12:27OK, what am I going to wear?
12:29What am I going to wear?
12:31Oh, you guys.
12:40It looks gorgeous.
12:44See the theme?
12:46Red, white, and blue.
12:48My little pickle, should we look around and see everything?
12:50Let's go have a look, baby.
12:52Look, our slide.
12:54Oh, I'm getting a snow cone.
12:55I've always made a big deal out of holidays with the kids.
12:58Fourth of July is no exception.
13:00Obviously, with what's going on with PK,
13:03we've not had a lot of joy and laughter in the house.
13:06That's what it feels like the kids and I all need.
13:10OK, hi, guys.
13:13How are you?
13:13Oh my god, I keep knocking into everyone.
13:15I'll be right down, Isabel.
13:17This year, PK's not here.
13:20And it definitely feels like there's something missing.
13:23But I think that's why I want to be having fun
13:26with my friends, with my kids.
13:29And this way, I'm not thinking about how sad it is.
13:45This smells good.
13:55The idea that I would have people come to my house
13:59and I'm not there to greet them, or Avi's not
14:02there to greet them, someone's not there,
14:05a roach isn't there to greet them, boggles my brain.
14:11I'll just wait.
14:14I just was looking for my body chain,
14:15and I don't want to leave people downstairs.
14:23Should I sit?
14:25I don't know.
14:32This is awkward.
14:39I don't know those people.
14:42I really should study the California map.
14:45Did Dorit really think we were going to get up on that slide?
14:48This is why I like to be late.
14:58I'm sorry I'm late.
15:00You look cute.
15:01Oh, look at this.
15:02What is this?
15:03Oh, I didn't see.
15:04I didn't even see.
15:04Why is this a shrine?
15:06Oh my god.
15:07I didn't even see this.
15:08This looks like an anniversary party.
15:10Listen, I still have photos up of Mo and me also,
15:13but not at a round table as you enter the home like,
15:16oh, there's a shrine to PK.
15:18I'm not going to be there.
15:19I'm not going to be there.
15:20I'm not going to be there.
15:21I'm not going to be there.
15:22I'm not going to be there.
15:23I'm not going to be there.
15:24A shrine to PK.
15:27Seems a little strange.
15:28Have you said hi yet?
15:29To whom?
15:32To Dorit.
15:32She's not down here.
15:35I wish I had another chain.
15:37Should I wear this?
15:38I kind of, I know it's hot.
15:39But I'm feeling self-conscious.
15:41I don't know.
15:42I couldn't get a spray tan.
15:43Hello, guys.
15:45Happy Independence Day.
15:48But by the way, you're just as bad as me with the photos.
15:50This looks like a shrine.
15:51Oh god.
15:52Why does it look like a happy anniversary party?
15:53Honestly, I haven't had a chance to touch anything.
15:56But by the way, can we just sit here
15:58and do the same thing I've been doing?
15:59I didn't even think about it.
16:01I'm glad I could come.
16:02Can I leave now?
16:04I come here in American peace, like Harry S. Truman.
16:10She's starting to wear at me.
16:11Thanks for making me look at it, Kyle.
16:14You are so beautiful.
16:15Oh, thank you.
16:17How are you guys?
16:19Thank you for coming.
16:21Seeing Kyle and Sutton, the first to arrive to the party,
16:24is a little bit awkward.
16:25They definitely weren't my first choice to arrive.
16:28But in the spirit of having fun today,
16:31that's exactly what I'm going to try to do.
16:32How cute is this bag of hers?
16:35We're bringing it with the Patriots.
16:36Yes, we're trying to be red and white and blue.
16:39I'm sorry.
16:40Did you?
16:41That's so kind of you.
16:43She always tries to take my thing.
16:44You know what?
16:46Well, Eddie, I think you owe it to me.
16:49I most certainly do not.
16:53Yes, you most certainly do.
16:58No, I'm good.
16:59No, you're not.
17:05This is uncomfortable.
17:10Well, this is getting awkward.
17:11I'm going to get a little snack.
17:13Even though today's all about fun,
17:14I can't ignore the tension between Sutton and I.
17:16Last time I saw Sutton, she interrupted me when I poured
17:20my heart out about Jagger.
17:22This morning.
17:23So he's like, are you and Daddy divorced?
17:27I'm sorry.
17:28I hate to interrupt.
17:28I'm so sorry.
17:29I think we need to get going because it does take
17:31us a while to get out there.
17:32Anyway, so before I was rudely interrupted.
17:35Well, sorry.
17:35We got to go.
17:36Honestly, I'd be prepared to forget about most things
17:40that Sutton has said or done to me
17:42if she just gives me this handbag.
17:44But that bitch has got a tight ass grip.
17:46Shall I take you to the bar?
18:03My God, Garcelle!
18:07Happy 4th.
18:09Happy 4th.
18:10Hi, happy 4th.
18:12You too.
18:13This is so festive.
18:14This is so pretty.
18:15Yeah, it is very pretty.
18:16This is such a great house.
18:17It is a great house.
18:25Sutton, what are you drinking, honey?
18:27The watermelon something.
18:28Oh, there's alcohol in it.
18:32Natan, didn't you ask Sutton what she's drinking?
18:36And you asked, is there alcohol in it?
18:38I mean, Audrey, shut up.
18:41You're such a bitch.
18:42Excuse me?
18:47Don't say, and there's alcohol in it.
18:49Don't start with that.
18:50It's not nice.
19:00I think I might have a cramp.
19:01Oh, my God.
19:03My goodness.
19:04I'm so sorry.
19:05Don't do that.
19:06I know you are.
19:07I don't know what's wrong with you.
19:08You're way too drunk, Marjory.
19:09You're way too drunk.
19:10You're way too drunk.
19:11I'm sorry about that.
19:12I didn't mean to hurt you.
19:13I didn't mean to hurt you.
19:14It's not nice.
19:16Dorit has never apologized for perpetuating a rumor
19:21or a myth that I have some sort of drinking problem.
19:24Sutton is a drinker.
19:25I would not be surprised if she pours a little vodka
19:29in her coffee in the morning.
19:30Do I think either one of us was insinuating
19:33she has a drinking problem?
19:35Do you think she has?
19:36I don't know.
19:37So I think we can all say that I do not
19:38and it's ridiculous,
19:40which is really, really, one, hurtful, two, not true.
19:45And now she is just being a bitch to be a bitch.
19:51But if you could do me a favor
19:52and not call me a bitch in my own home.
19:57Well, don't start with the vodka stuff, it's not nice.
20:02I'm gonna go.
20:04Sutton, I'm not looking to argue with you.
20:06I just said don't call me a bitch in my home
20:08for fucking sake.
20:12I am so sick of fighting with you.
20:14Thank you for having me.
20:16Thank you for having me.
20:17No, I'm out.
20:18So I'll just call you a bitch and go.
20:22I think so, though.
20:24I'm not gonna get anywhere with her
20:24and I'm not gonna do this.
20:25I mean it.
20:26I'm leaving.
20:27Well, maybe if you wanna get somewhere,
20:28try not calling someone a bitch.
20:30She's a little bit sensitive after the coffee, vodka.
20:32I'm a little sensitive to herself.
20:34Can I get a watermelon vodka?
20:36I'll be right back.
20:37Are you kidding me?
20:39Garcelle and Kyle are running after her.
20:41Not even a thought.
20:43Not even a consideration from either one of them.
20:48Run after little crybaby.
20:51Make sure you have her drink in your hand.
20:52Oh my lordy, have mercy.
20:55Can we just talk?
20:56Can we just talk?
20:57Can we just talk one second?
20:57Can we talk one second?
20:58I knew you didn't wanna come
21:00and you were the bigger person, you came.
21:02And she's gonna fucking do that.
21:02I get it.
21:03I haven't heard Sutton talk like this.
21:06Like she's pissed.
21:07I think it's because she wasn't getting along with Dorit,
21:11but still wanted to take the high road.
21:14She came and then this is how you're coming at her.
21:18I get it.
21:19It was a bad joke.
21:19She's not great at jokes.
21:20She's not joking.
21:21She's not good at jokes.
21:22She's not joking.
21:29Excuse me, bitches.
21:31That's not the word we're gonna start with today
21:33because I just started a bunch of shit.
21:35Oh, you just started something?
21:36No, not me.
21:37Why me?
21:38Oh, I thought you, oh, hi, hi, hi.
21:41I'm like, wait, what?
21:42I'm like, it was a, I was joking.
21:44But okay, I didn't realize.
21:45Oh my god.
21:46Hello, darling.
21:48Honestly, perfect timing.
21:50I was waiting for normal and good energy
21:53and a happy and all.
21:55Oh my god, hello, baby.
21:56Oh my goodness.
21:57Hello, happy, darling.
21:59Can we try to hit the reset button, maybe?
22:03I know.
22:04It was just a really bad joke.
22:06I know you're sensitive because I understand
22:07that I get that.
22:08I know this feeling.
22:09What she did to me last year
22:11and what that put me through, no.
22:14Yeah, I understand.
22:16I understand that.
22:16I was being nice by getting
22:17that nasty-ass watermelon drink.
22:20Oh, it's not good?
22:21I just ordered one.
22:22I never cared, but I was.
22:23Just hang out with us for a minute.
22:24Let's go get another nasty drink.
22:26Like, I am done.
22:30Fuck this fucking, oh, I hate this.
22:32Can't get hurts with it, but.
22:34I'll pick it up.
22:36Let me see where she's at.
22:37Let me see where she's at.
22:38I really need to see.
22:39Will you be willing to talk to her?
22:39No, I'm not gonna talk to her.
22:40What do you mean?
22:41At least.
22:42I'm not giving her a second.
22:43I'm leaving.
22:44Can I just say something to her?
22:45I'm leaving.
22:46What if she apologizes?
22:46I'm leaving.
22:47Let me say something.
22:49Oh god.
22:50It is not lost on me that Sutton was berating me
22:53for leaving Boze's wellness day.
22:55And now, she wants to walk out?
22:58Everybody, I'm done with this shit.
23:01It was a lot of reaction
23:04and I was like, I feel disappointed in Kyle
23:07that she's leaving this group.
23:09We all have had those moments.
23:10It's funny how Sutton makes a lot of rules for everybody,
23:12but doesn't listen to any of the rules herself.
23:14Aye, aye, aye, aye, aye.
23:16Looks like you're being-
23:17Can I talk to her one second?
23:20I don't think she's going to stay
23:21without some encouragement from you
23:22and I don't know if you want to do that or not.
23:24It sounds like the two of you, more than anyone,
23:26are gonna be the people that are gonna get her to stay.
23:28Certainly not gonna be me.
23:30She called me a bitch in my own home.
23:31I told her, do me a favor, don't do that.
23:34There's a sisterhood, remind her of that.
23:36She's the one who's pledging the sisterhood.
23:39She called me a bitch in my own home.
23:41I should be kicking her out.
23:43But instead, she's the victim.
23:45I wasn't the one that brought this up last year.
23:47Do you think there's something going on with her?
23:49I told her.
23:50I said, I didn't know if this was your first drink
23:52or your fifth.
23:54Why are you making such a huge deal over a joke?
24:00Unless, of course,
24:02there's something very big underneath the surface.
24:11But I'm not staying, I'm leaving.
24:14Thank you so much.
24:15What's wrong?
24:18You look cute.
24:19Come on in.
24:20I'm just being slutty American.
24:21Hi, little slutty American.
24:22Happy birthday, America.
24:24How are you?
24:25I'm good.
24:25I have body makeup on, so I don't know.
24:28Hi, mama.
24:30How are you?
24:31Good, how are you?
24:32I'm okay, thanks.
24:32I'm leaving.
24:34This is awkward already.
24:35Yeah, I'm leaving.
24:36Wait, what are you talking about?
24:37I'm leaving.
24:39We're trying to get her to stay.
24:40Right out the gate.
24:40Oh my God.
24:41I haven't even gotten past the front door
24:43and someone's already in tears.
24:45I don't want any of this.
24:46I just want a hot dog.
24:47What's going on?
24:48Oh, nothing.
24:50Well, something's going on.
24:50You're right.
24:51So tell me.
24:52Tariq brought up, like, the vodka thing
24:53and I did not appreciate it.
24:55I don't want to perpetuate that myth
24:58and I don't want to be around someone
25:00that's going to do that to me.
25:02Oh, wow.
25:04What a gorgeous group.
25:06Is that Kathy?
25:07Why is everybody over there?
25:09Do we need to go over there?
25:10Yes, something does.
25:11I feel like I don't want to be left out.
25:13Oh God.
25:14I'm like, now I got to do it.
25:18Come on, baby blue.
25:19Can we not get to the house?
25:22She's leaving, she said.
25:24My once a year hot dog.
25:25Hey, hot stuff.
25:28It's just, come on into the house.
25:30I'm not comfortable here.
25:31She wasn't.
25:32I'm just going to grab a drink, food.
25:36Let's go grab a quick drink.
25:37How about this watermelon coconut cooler?
25:39You got it.
25:40To congregate here at the front,
25:42it's like Dorit is hosting a party.
25:43Stop being Dorit's spokesperson.
25:49Girl, I'm not being Dorit's spokesperson.
25:50It sounds like it.
25:52It looks rude.
25:54All right, I mean, y'all want to coddle her, coddle her.
25:56I'm pissed that these ladies don't have any couth
26:00to at least get up and come into the party
26:02and behave like civilized people.
26:05My God.
26:07What just happened?
26:08What just happened?
26:09At this point, this is actually annoying to me.
26:11Once again, Boze is team Dorit
26:14without knowing any backstory.
26:15And she just comes in and automatically defends Dorit
26:18without knowing anything.
26:20You don't get to scold us.
26:22I just said that nobody needs to coddle that woman.
26:26You said that?
26:27Yeah, because she's being coddled.
26:28You're the hostess of the party
26:30and it looks rude for everybody to be over there
26:33when they could actually be over here.
26:35The lack of empathy, support, grace,
26:39or even sheer kindness.
26:43Don't be a bitch.
26:45Don't be a vile human.
26:49Don't be a douche.
26:52Don't be a douche.
26:56Coming up.
26:57I feel like you're a little hard on me.
26:58We haven't even spoken.
26:59How would I be hard on you?
27:00Okay, Judge Judy.
27:09I have ruined this and I'm going to leave.
27:11No, you're not.
27:12You haven't ruined it.
27:13Yeah, no, I'm out.
27:15I want to leave right now.
27:16I've had it with Dorit.
27:17She has gone after me for years.
27:19And to be honest,
27:21I'm sorry that your businesses have failed
27:22and mine is not.
27:24Oh my God.
27:26I'm sorry that you can't have a clean divorce and I have.
27:29I'm sorry for all of your problems.
27:31Your problems are not my problems.
27:33And I do not want to be your punching bag.
27:36I'm just, I'm tired of it.
27:41Did she really leave?
27:43Can I at least get a hot dog?
27:47You look amazing.
27:48Thank you very much.
27:50I try.
27:51It's a cheeseburger?
27:52Oh yeah, it's amazing.
27:56I brought a swimsuit with me
27:58thinking we were going to go swimming.
27:59Rick goes, that swimsuit is way out of line.
28:02I love it that he says that.
28:03Ooh, those look good.
28:05Save me some.
28:07Let's go in this shade, y'all.
28:08You look so cute, by the way.
28:10You look cute too.
28:15Hey, so y'all stay.
28:16I do love this costume.
28:18It's hot.
28:19Your girl left?
28:20She left.
28:23Because she didn't feel welcomed here.
28:29How am I supposed to feel in my own home
28:31that she called me a bitch?
28:32Well, you led the charge was, is there,
28:34of course there's vodka in her drink.
28:37But did that, but that's equal
28:39like calling her a bitch and an asshole?
28:40I mean, seriously.
28:41This is a question.
28:42Somebody walks in my house and calls me a bitch?
28:44Those are fighting words.
28:46I don't think any of us are mean girls.
28:49Maybe I'm just used to it.
28:51No, you are.
28:52We are.
28:53Exactly, you're conditioned.
28:54Guys, I'm gonna go check on my babies.
28:57The drummer girl.
28:58The other, yes, I'll be right back.
29:01Where's my one kosher hot dog for the year?
29:03I hope they save me one.
29:05Can I get another watermelon drink, please?
29:07I'm ready to drink.
29:09Oh, no.
29:11Is it relish?
29:14Is it relish or just pickles?
29:16I'm stealing your hot dog, y'all.
29:18I am so very sorry.
29:19Hate me later.
29:21I know, I need something.
29:23Look, I mean, I think it's great
29:25that y'all were there to support,
29:26but I think, again, in the spirit of sisterhood,
29:29can we all rally around her?
29:32Can we talk?
29:33Where's the spirit of sisterhood
29:34when you came over there and called us rude?
29:40That's actually being a sister.
29:41That's actually coming to tell you to check yourself.
29:43I feel like every time you're telling us
29:47what to do about Dorit,
29:49and when you don't know the whole situation either.
29:51Let me just put it in relative terms, right?
29:53I am calling things as I see them.
29:55So are we.
29:57Okay, Garcelle, who's been Sutton's spokesperson
30:00since she got here a few years ago?
30:03I was very sorry about her being on bed rest.
30:06Your sorry is so big.
30:08The face is big.
30:09Diana, that's kind of shitty.
30:10Are you her bodyguard?
30:11I don't need a bodyguard.
30:13I'm not her bodyguard.
30:14You made out with your driver, okay?
30:17Hold on a minute, hold on a minute, hold on a minute.
30:20That was between me, Erica, and Sutton.
30:22And now I feel like you're saying it to embarrass her.
30:25It's okay for Garcelle to defend Sutton,
30:26but Boze can't defend Dorit.
30:30Everybody needs to quit being so threatened
30:32by the Boze and Dorit friendship.
30:33Let people get along.
30:35It seems like you're one-sided.
30:37I'm not.
30:38Did you not say that she hasn't been welcoming to you?
30:43It's not like I think she's a cold-hearted bitch.
30:45I'm just like, we haven't connected.
30:46So funny you said that,
30:48because I actually felt the complete opposite.
30:51The times that we have spent together,
30:53that I actually did feel like we had a great connection.
30:57You look perfect with the flowers and the setting.
31:01Wait, so this is me?
31:04And this is Dorit?
31:04Mine are prettier.
31:06Oh no!
31:07I'm gonna scoot next to Kyle over here.
31:09This is so nice.
31:11It's like feeling better
31:13than I even thought it was gonna be.
31:15I was really surprised to hear that.
31:17It hurt my feelings.
31:17Well, part of the reason I asked Cathy,
31:19because by the way, if I just thought that you were cold
31:21and didn't want to know you, I wouldn't have asked you.
31:24I feel that I've had very deep conversations
31:28with almost everybody.
31:29I haven't necessarily had that with you.
31:32And so that feeling for me is like,
31:34oh, Kyle is a little distant.
31:40She's a little cold.
31:43The vibes aren't vibing with Kyle.
31:45She has not opened up to me
31:48about anything that's going on in her life.
31:50There is no warmth,
31:52so I don't really know what to do with that.
31:54There's nothing to do.
31:55I don't have anything to work with.
31:56Give me some vibes.
31:57Out of principle,
31:59I'm not gonna sit there and pull out my phone and say,
32:01oh, here, here is what I-
32:02That's what she wants you to do.
32:03Oh, okay.
32:04Well, out of principle, she can right off.
32:07So I don't know anything but her being sharp.
32:13I feel that I was being maybe singled out
32:17because of what was going on with Dorit and me,
32:20and that because you got to know her first,
32:22that you have a loyalty automatically to her,
32:24which is very clear how you came up
32:26and scolded us out there.
32:28Even though you said that you don't have preconceived ideas,
32:33your actions say otherwise.
32:35I am not somebody who is led.
32:38I know you say that,
32:38but it feels a little differently because-
32:39I'm not somebody who's led.
32:41Bo says 100% been biased against me.
32:44Of course, she does not want to admit to that
32:46because that would seem juvenile,
32:50but that's what's happened.
32:52I feel like you're a little hard on me.
32:55Yeah, I do.
32:57In what way?
32:58Like in the conversation,
32:59like in the Viper room,
33:01when you said, you know,
33:02put your phone down, block P.K.
33:04I definitely was like,
33:06oh, that's the breaking up the girl code.
33:08But we always laughed about it.
33:09How about we pick up the phone and block him?
33:14I already feel like, I'm like,
33:15okay, Judge Judy, you've never even met P.K.
33:18Why did she need to meet him?
33:21I'm talking to her right now about this situation.
33:23About my life?
33:24I can chime in.
33:26I'm not unduly trying to like,
33:31Heisman you, push you out
33:33because I'm being led by Doreen.
33:36You know, I'm not.
33:37But I've shared,
33:38I've been sharing so much.
33:39I've shared about with you one-on-one in the group.
33:42Like, I don't even know what's going on with you right now.
33:50I don't.
33:50What are you talking about?
33:52I don't.
33:52I literally thought to myself the other day,
33:56you and I are having to back up every little thing.
33:59It's just so annoying.
34:00It's actually so annoying.
34:02I can only laugh so much longer.
34:03I'm telling you.
34:04And I have stamina.
34:05This is exhausting.
34:07She can literally say anything
34:08and you're like so all over her ass.
34:10It's actually gross now.
34:19Coming up.
34:21I'm having a conversation with her
34:22and everything she said, you have to back up.
34:24I didn't back anything she just said up.
34:26I've been quiet.
34:27Yes, yes.
34:28I'm listening.
34:35I don't even know what's going on with you right now.
34:38I don't.
34:39What are you talking about?
34:40I don't.
34:41I literally thought to myself the other day,
34:44like I have no idea.
34:44You and I are having to back up every little thing.
34:47It's just so annoying.
34:49It's actually so annoying.
34:50She can literally say anything
34:52and you're like so all over her ass.
34:53It's actually gross now.
34:56I'm having a conversation with her
34:58and everything she said, you have to back up.
35:00I didn't back anything she just said up.
35:01I've been quiet.
35:03Yes, yes.
35:03I'm listening.
35:05Dorit just does not know when to not talk.
35:08This is between Boze and me.
35:09We're in a good place now.
35:10Can you just leave it be?
35:12You don't have to be up her ass 24 seven.
35:15You know I'm separated from my husband.
35:17I'm married for 28 years.
35:19Do you need to scream?
35:19With him 30 years.
35:20Do you need to scream?
35:21We have four children.
35:22What else do you need to know?
35:23Do you need to scream?
35:24She's not screaming.
35:27I will lower my voice.
35:28What else do you need to, I mean what else?
35:30That's a lot.
35:32From the beach, from Garcelle's house,
35:33did we start fresh and clean or are we going back?
35:36Tell me now because I need to know.
35:38What I would like to see is that we get to a place
35:41where we're able to have conversations
35:44and feel comfortable telling one another how we feel.
35:49Yes, I would like that too.
35:51Start earning back trust.
35:53I want to start fresh and clean.
35:55Okay, but I thought that we decided that
35:57on the beach in Garcelle's house.
35:58And I still consider it that.
36:02It feels like I'm being clawed at.
36:04I understand and I want to start from scratch, okay?
36:08The trust is gonna have to start from scratch
36:10for both of us, both of us, okay?
36:12We both have to build from scratch, okay?
36:14And I mean that.
36:18From the beach, we are starting fresh and clean, okay?
36:21It's important to me to move forward with Tariq.
36:24Is it annoying sometimes and extremely frustrating?
36:28Yes, it is, like right now.
36:30But I want to be in a better place with her,
36:32so I'm going to take a breath and reset.
36:35You and I are working our way back to a place
36:38that I would really like for us to be.
36:41Me too.
36:42But obviously, we're both gonna be very,
36:44let's take this slow.
36:47I feel like Kyle and I have already done the dance.
36:49If we're gonna do the dance over and over and over,
36:52then I'm doing exactly what I did in my marriage,
36:55which is not something I want to do.
36:57So if Kyle and I can go from having a little bit
37:00of a disagreement to her saying she wants to work
37:02on our friendship, I'm gonna take it.
37:06I need peace.
37:09I want you to know that I love you a lot.
37:11Yes, you do.
37:13Don't interpret for them.
37:14You're right, you're right.
37:15You might get.
37:16Oh yeah, I'll get in trouble.
37:17You might get in trouble.
37:18Come on inside for me.
37:20Yeah, I'll come inside too.
37:21We're being all over the place.
37:23Oh my God.
37:24With this group, let's not make mountains out of mo,
37:28mohills, is that right?
37:30Mohills out of mountains?
37:33Whatever it is.
37:34Do you get what I mean?
37:37Should we leave them alone?
37:41I'm telling you, this is me trying to get my life together,
37:45trying to get rid of things, trying to organize.
37:48I can't catch my breath and I can't.
37:51This is making me feel better.
37:52I have been so unorganized.
37:54Oh Kyle, I have just given up.
37:57I've thrown the towel in.
38:00Dorit is extremely meticulous.
38:02I'm really surprised to see this sort of mess
38:06and all these boxes.
38:07It's really showing me where she is at in her life,
38:12honestly, and I know that feeling.
38:14When you have so much going on in your life,
38:17you can tell by your home.
38:18I can see you've given up on your OCD.
38:20Okay, literally.
38:23This has never happened in your life before.
38:26I don't even see it, Kyle.
38:28That's how I know I'm not myself.
38:31It's like my mind, my brain is, it's just, I'm,
38:36oh my God, I'm.
38:37When he left, I decided to use part of his closet.
38:43I don't know why I don't just use all of it now.
38:44I just was taking a little bit of it at first
38:47because it felt weird.
38:55When you even, you take a little bit,
38:57is that like, of what?
38:59Like thinking that he might come back?
39:01I think in the beginning, it feels weird, like,
39:04in the beginning, it's like separation
39:06and you don't know what that really means.
39:08You know what I mean?
39:08I know.
39:09And then you're like, well,
39:10I'll just borrow a little bit of the space.
39:13You guys started where you said
39:14we're gonna separate for six months
39:16and then look at it, right?
39:18But yeah, and then I think when he started
39:21buying the furniture, instead of having the house
39:23like staged, I was like, oh, he's buying furniture.
39:26How do you feel?
39:31I mean, that's what I ask myself every day.
39:33It feels like we're family.
39:35But do you want, do you want to be back together?
39:46How do you feel?
39:48Do you want to be back together?
39:53Right now, I just want to take this time too, you know?
39:57But I'm not doing anything with the time.
39:59I don't understand what you're supposed to get
40:01after six months.
40:03I think maybe that was just an easy way to say,
40:06what do you say?
40:07I'm leaving for a year, I'm going, I don't know.
40:09But to ease the, I don't know,
40:11I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
40:13I don't know.
40:14I'm going, I don't know, but to ease the.
40:16Well, do you want a divorce?
40:19I'm, I mean, if I'm, if we're,
40:21I'm not going to stay like this.
40:24Do you want a divorce?
40:26So if we're not going to get back together,
40:27then I'm going to get a divorce, yes.
40:28Do you want to get back together?
40:30Right now, that's not going to happen, so.
40:33Mo and I, we have both been in denial
40:36about the situation we're in.
40:39And we go about our lives
40:43like we're still family because we are.
40:47But the time is flying by and, you know,
40:50anytime it comes up, he'll say things like,
40:53it's way too soon to be thinking about divorce.
40:55Don't get ahead of ourselves.
40:57So I definitely feel like I am in limbo.
41:01I would like to do what they're doing,
41:03going off and doing,
41:04I just don't even know how to do that really,
41:05to be honest.
41:06What do you mean?
41:07We have to just live.
41:09We have to live.
41:10But why would you?
41:11Well, I just, I haven't been able to catch my breath.
41:16You don't understand.
41:17I just,
41:21would I choose to be in this situation?
41:23Same. That's the truth.
41:24I wouldn't.
41:25I wouldn't.
41:26I think PK had lived with the thought of separating.
41:30He was mentally ready when we separated,
41:32whereas it kind of took me by surprise.
41:36And I still feel like I'm digesting it all.
41:39I never imagined I would be in this position
41:41in a million years.
41:42But I'm here.
41:45It's all weird, Kyle.
41:48Feels like old times.
41:50We're leaning on one another.
41:52I've kind of missed it.
41:53Kyle, listen, if the man wants a divorce,
41:56we're getting a divorce.
41:58Can't stop it.
41:59Did he say a divorce now?
42:01He's mentioned divorce, but only in a threatening way.
42:04Well, let me ask you a question.
42:05Like when you're not with him,
42:07do you like your independence?
42:08No, I haven't had it yet.
42:10We're in the exact same situation,
42:11and that's because we're both stagnant.
42:13I think he's 50 steps ahead of me,
42:16and I need to catch up.
42:22I just need to know.
42:24You think he wants to get divorced?
42:29We're not getting back together anytime soon.
42:31That I can tell you.
42:32And by the way, Kyle,
42:34I would like a minute to just think what I want.
42:38What I want.
42:39I don't know what he's doing.
42:40He's out there acting like a single man and dating.
42:42Well, I think we would know.
42:44I mean, it's kind of hard to do that in our world.
42:48I don't know.
42:55Mauricio Umansky was caught with a mystery woman.
42:58The real estate mogul touched down in Mykonos Tuesday,
43:01where he was photographed collapsing into the arms
43:03of a hot blonde wearing a sheer cover-up
43:06over a dark bikini.
43:12How are you?
43:13Did you know this was coming?
43:14No, not at all.
43:17I don't know.
43:18It's weird.
43:19I don't really know how I am.
43:22Next time on The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.
43:25Did you see the photos of him in Greece
43:29at the airport with a girl that has no clothes on?
43:31I'm half Chinese.
43:32Yeah, I'm 10% Native.
43:33We always wanted to be Native American Indian
43:35because we love Cher.
43:37Yeah, but she's Armenian from the valley.
43:40You need to pick on somebody else whose wallet fits.
43:44You think you're bigger than her?
43:45I think my wallet is.
