• 4 days ago
00:00You've seen our first taste of freedom.
00:07There's a part of me that still feels I've got to go back to prison tonight.
00:13I use a lot of men for money over $800,000 for my drug habit in prison.
00:20This is how we got there in the first place.
00:25When I started stripping, my stage name was Trouble, because I was always in trouble.
00:31Drugs have f***ed my entire life up. I really started just spiraling out of control.
00:35I put my pills or whatever it is in here that I'm about to snort, crush it up and snort it off here.
00:40I could never strip sober. I drank and drive every day.
00:43Ms. Gomez offered me $10,000. I also offer some sexual favors as well.
00:49All I see is this dude, like, stabbing like this.
00:52This guy was stabbing, trying to kill me.
00:56My name is Lizzy Gomez.
00:58My name is Louis Foget.
01:00And this is my crime story.
01:02And this is my crime story.
01:11Once you get started, it's crazy how quickly the train just rolls off the tracks.
01:22I grew up in a small town on a farm, Toivola, Michigan.
01:27The closest neighbor was, like, two miles away.
01:30I felt like an outsider growing up because I was the only black person in my school.
01:37I never met my biological father.
01:39My mother told me he was a student from Africa.
01:43My stepfather, Frank, and my mother raised me.
01:46I was treated like a princess, gifts and everything like that.
01:50I got whatever I wanted.
01:52That is because, you know, I was being, you know, bribed to shut my mouth and keep my mouth shut.
01:58Our family is based on lies.
02:00It's so many lies.
02:05I didn't have many happy memories of my childhood.
02:10On the farm, I was abused by my stepfather and my uncles from the time I was a baby all the way until I was 10 years old.
02:19At 10 years old, it stopped because he said I was too old.
02:26As a teenager, I was very promiscuous, and I sought attention from older men.
02:33I did this for about 20 years.
02:35It's because I did not feel loved in my family.
02:42I've never met Lizzie, but I have worked with hundreds and hundreds of molest and rape victims over the years.
02:49For people who have been sexually traumatized, they have to cope with what happened to them in some way.
02:54So they either can pull in and keep everybody out and be very walled up, or they can become very promiscuous.
03:02Because they're trying to cope with what happened to them and put it into some kind of normalizing behavior.
03:08And also they're trying to say, look what happened to me and I don't care.
03:17At 17, I left my house because I graduated high school.
03:22I had no money, so I decided to go into a strip club.
03:28I didn't really have that many great moves.
03:31I didn't know how to work the pole, but I won an amateur night, which was $1,000.
03:37So I started dancing.
03:39Oh my goodness.
03:41My friend Tiffany has been there through all my stripper days.
03:45I remember this stuff.
03:49This is like so tiny.
03:51Yeah, we used to wear that. Oh my goodness.
03:54And these, the hooker boots.
03:57Mine were actually bigger. Remember them?
03:59Like up to my thighs. Mine were up to my thighs.
04:01The zip.
04:02The zip. Yeah, the zip.
04:04Liz was always a free spirit.
04:06She flew by the seat of her pants.
04:08You know, she's like a sister to me.
04:12The first time that I danced at a club, I was so frightened, so terrified, so scared.
04:17Like my heart was pounding.
04:20It took me a long time to be comfortable being naked in front of people.
04:27I was making probably around $500 to $1,000 a night.
04:32But I could never strip sober.
04:34I tried it one time. It didn't work out.
04:37And I believe the alcohol made me feel numb, and so I could strip.
04:43Then I ended up using crack and cocaine while I was stripping.
04:47So my drug habit became out of control, and I spent a lot more money on drugs.
04:54Because I wanted to make more money, I became a prostitute at 17.
04:59I realized that dancing, five minutes, you get $10.
05:04Prostitution, you got five minutes for $1,000.
05:08I had no idea how bad everything was about to get.
05:12It was crazy.
05:13I know you had a pimp when I left.
05:15I did have a pimp. And, you know, I was on crack really bad.
05:20I don't think anybody should have a pimp, ever.
05:24Because a pimp, what he does is he takes all your money, and then he gives you dope and feeds you dope.
05:29You become into this type of relationship where they're controlling you.
05:34They're controlling everything you do.
05:40I did have a couple memorable clients.
05:44Can't say his name, but he was a 1980s sitcom star.
05:50I did see him for $5,000.
05:53When I was making so much money as a stripper or a prostitute,
05:57I would probably spend around $100 to $200 a night on drugs.
06:03I was probably doing eight ball a day.
06:07Because I was high, like, the whole time I was working.
06:10Did being high help you or hurt you?
06:12All depends on when I was high on.
06:14Yeah, that's true.
06:15Yeah, all depends on when I was high on.
06:20There was plenty of times I felt like I was in danger as a prostitute.
06:24One of the biggest ones was a guy that was giving a lap dance.
06:28He kept shaking his pills.
06:29I don't know what that meant.
06:30Maybe that was a code.
06:32And as soon as I said, sure, I will have sex with you for money,
06:36then a bunch of the officers busted in.
06:43I also started to sell harder drugs.
06:45I started to sell cocaine, and I started to sell ketamine.
06:48That just made my drug usage even worse.
06:50I seen the cops in my rear view.
06:52He pulled me over.
06:53At one point, Ms. Gomez had offered me $10,000.
06:57My story went viral before viral was even a thing.
07:11It's just crazy.
07:13Drugs have f***ed my entire life up, you know.
07:15Unfortunately, it was like there wasn't a drug I didn't like to do.
07:25So this is my old neighborhood.
07:27Iwanaki, New Jersey.
07:28Everything looks exactly the same.
07:30My house is right up here, my old house.
07:33Basic, typical neighborhood.
07:35Suburban neighborhood.
07:36Nothing really crazy goes on around here, unfortunately, until I moved here.
07:42My parents had gotten divorced when I was in,
07:44I think it was like fourth grade.
07:46My mom remarried, and we moved up here.
07:49And we had a basic good household, no problems.
07:53As a child, I really was into sports.
07:56I loved sports.
07:57I liked to play with my friends after school.
07:59Like, that was something that's big.
08:01Just mess around until the street lights came on.
08:07My parents weren't home that often.
08:08They worked a lot.
08:09They worked in retail.
08:10So when I'd come home from school, you know, nobody would be home but me.
08:13So my friends would come over and stuff.
08:15This would be like the hangout.
08:17I really wasn't a troublemaker, but I guess behind the scenes,
08:20you know what I'm saying?
08:21Like, I guess I started to experiment with smoking weed and stuff like that
08:25at a very early age.
08:28I thought it would be cool if I could start selling weed, you know?
08:31And that's what I did.
08:33I started selling little dime bags, knit bags, $5 bags, whatever.
08:40Like, I would bring it to school and sell.
08:42One day, this kid decided to make a pipe out of clay in a clay class,
08:47and he asked the teacher if he would fire it.
08:50And the teacher asked him what it was for,
08:52and he proceeded to tell him that it was to smoke weed out of,
08:55and then got sent to the principal's office.
08:58And then the principal obviously asked questions, this, that, the other.
09:03And next thing you know, kids' names were getting called down to the office,
09:07and the last person that got called down was me.
09:11And when I walked into the office, the police officers were there.
09:14They brought me to the principal's office
09:17and proceeded to tell me that I was getting arrested
09:21for selling weed on school property.
09:24Luckily, I was 13 years old.
09:26That really saved me from going to prison.
09:28All I got was a year probation.
09:31I think it was 100 hours of community service and some fines.
09:36I don't think I learned my lesson
09:38because not only did I still continue to sell weed and drink,
09:44I also started to sell harder drugs.
09:46I started to sell cocaine, and I started to sell ketamine,
09:50and then just like that, I also used as well.
09:58I graduated high school and I moved to Florida.
10:00In college, it was just like full-blown partying every single night.
10:05I'm literally using cocaine every day.
10:07It just became a part of my daily life, you know?
10:10I started using heroin, and then I started shooting it up.
10:13That's really what turned me to really start running out of money
10:17and stealing and robbing and doing all types of crazy shit
10:20because I got physically addicted to it, and I was getting sick.
10:23And that's what I was trying not to do.
10:25I just didn't want to get sick no more.
10:29The hallmark of addiction is continued use despite negative consequences.
10:34So someone who's addicted to a mood-altering substance, for example,
10:37will continue to use that substance
10:40despite it causing negative consequences and destruction in their life.
10:46Due to the fact that I was just doing so much drugs,
10:49partying all the time, drinking, I ended up dropping out of college.
10:52That just made my drug usage even worse.
10:55I didn't even have school.
10:57And it got to a point that it was just so bad that I just had to leave.
11:01And I moved to my mom in Georgia,
11:03just tried to get away from the drugs, but it didn't matter.
11:20There were so many times that I really, like,
11:22I didn't have any cash on me, any money,
11:24and I'm trying to figure out ways to come up with some money.
11:27How you guys doing?
11:31Never mind my business.
11:33I actually asked my dealer one day if he needed any food.
11:36I had gotten a sub sandwich for him before,
11:38and I walked out and ended up, you know, taking that to him.
11:41And he gave me some dough before, so it really crossed my mind about,
11:44hey, you need some groceries, I'll go grocery shopping for you.
11:48And he loved the idea.
11:50I went to the grocery store with the bags in my pocket or whatever,
11:53and as I'm going down the list, I'm taking the food off the shelf,
11:57and I'm putting it in the grocery bags,
11:59and I'm putting it in the cart or whatever.
12:01And after I was done putting everything in the cart,
12:03I just walked out the front door.
12:05Make $200, $300 worth of food,
12:07I bring it to him, and he hooked me up big time.
12:09Crazy, I'm lucky I didn't get caught.
12:11I never was asked one time to show a receipt or nothing.
12:14And I recall passing, like, greeters or whoever it is at the door
12:18and was walking right by, hey, have a good day,
12:20and just walk right by them, you know?
12:22And that's how I get my dough.
12:24I think maybe I was doing the grocery thing for maybe a month or two.
12:29You can't do it every day.
12:31You keep on thinking of other things to do,
12:34and, you know, sometimes I'd go to, like, the hardware store,
12:36take s*** from them there, I'd fix stuff for them.
12:38Like, you're just thinking all different ways for you to
12:41come up with some extra cash so you can get your drugs.
12:44I really started just spiraling out of control.
12:49Even though I was doing drugs basically every day,
12:53I didn't get into trouble until about 2006,
12:57and it just was like a domino effect.
13:00The first year I got in trouble, and the next year, and the next year,
13:03it was every single year it just seemed like I was getting arrested for something.
13:07Greg and I were incarcerated together from 2019 to 2021.
13:12He knows me from who I am today,
13:14and today I'm going to show him and talk to him about who I used to be
13:18and some of the things that I used to do.
13:25What's up, man?
13:27What's up, man?
13:28How are you?
13:29I'm good.
13:30Old memory lane for me right here in this area.
13:32Why do you say memory lane?
13:34I just had an incident happen here a long time ago, man.
13:40I owe this guy money, and he told me to meet him at this barbershop.
13:43I pulled up to the barbershop, I sat in my car,
13:46and I just chilled there for a minute, called him, let him know,
13:49and I seen him creep around the corner over here.
13:51I come up here, talk to him on the driver's side window,
13:53I gave him the money, and when I gave him the money and he walked off,
13:56the barber apparently saw the little transaction go down in my car,
13:59thought it was a little, a deal.
14:02Anyway, as I'm backing out, the barber was coming out of here,
14:06and I'm backing out, going to pull off.
14:08Police officer came down.
14:10I'm driving, the cop's passing me, and when the cop passed me,
14:14I seen the barber go out to the street like this,
14:18and I seen him talking to the police officer, pointing.
14:21When I seen that **** in my rearview mirror,
14:24took off down the street, and I tried to get away.
14:27Next thing you know, I seen the cops in my rearview.
14:30He pulled me over, and then it was just like asking me questions.
14:34What am I doing here? Who are you talking to?
14:36And I'm like, I'm not doing nothing, I was just meeting up with a friend,
14:39and he's like, no, someone told me that he's seen you make a transaction,
14:44and then you took off.
14:46And he's like, do you mind if I search your car?
14:48And I'm like, no, go ahead and search my car, I don't have anything.
14:51That's what I was trying to tell him, I'm not doing anything.
14:53He's searching through my stuff, and I seen him bend over.
14:56He picked up a bag, boom, and he picked up something, looked at it,
15:00it was like a cellophane wrapper.
15:02You know around the cigarettes?
15:04So I seen him, he had it, and he went, and he put it on his hood.
15:07He opened up the trunk, put it in there, and I seen him pick it up and scrape.
15:11And when he scraped, he took a little tester, boop.
15:14I said, you let him search the car?
15:16Yeah, I didn't know better, man.
15:18I had no idea that letting a cop search my car that day
15:21was going to be the dumbest mistake of my life.
15:28Saw the suspect vehicle with personalized plates that spelled trouble.
15:32All of a sudden, the cop pulls me over.
15:34I was giving lap dances to all the officers.
15:37I would come in here.
15:40I had a $400 a day drug habit.
15:43I had to get my money somehow.
15:45You know, maybe I could snatch somebody's purse.
15:47Oh, man.
15:48I just instantly grabbed the money, knife pulled out, over with.
15:57The first time I was arrested was when I was 18 years old for prostitution.
16:02There was a sting operation where they were in one side of the hotel room
16:06and the guy that I was giving a lap dance for was on the other side,
16:10and he kept shaking his pills.
16:12I don't know what that meant. Maybe that was a code.
16:14And as soon as I said, sure, I will have sex with you for money,
16:18then a bunch of the officers busted in the other door to the adjoining room.
16:24My very first time being arrested was scary.
16:27I was in a pen with a whole bunch of other women,
16:31and it was just really, really terrifying because I was so young.
16:36But the charges were dropped.
16:39I guess a pimp's supposed to offer protection,
16:41but I didn't really have any situations where my pimp offered me protection.
16:46And I ended up just grabbing all my clothes when I got out of jail
16:50because he didn't know.
16:52I grabbed all my clothes and everything, and I just left.
16:54And I just started walking the streets,
16:56and I thought I would be better off than having a pimp.
16:59When I was 21, I moved to Wisconsin and worked in strip clubs there.
17:05Then my drinking got out of hand. It really did.
17:09My addiction was bad.
17:11I always thought I could drink and drive,
17:13and I did it for so many times.
17:17I drank and drive every day.
17:19It was a thing that I did, or I was high and driving every day.
17:24I never was afraid of the cops.
17:26I kept getting pulled over.
17:28Having these DUIs, I was always on probation.
17:31I didn't want to stop my behavior.
17:46I can't believe I'm at the same spot.
17:48I started this all.
17:50This whole mess.
17:53This whole mess.
17:55I can't believe I am here.
17:58My friend Erica, she known me as a drunk alcoholic,
18:02and always flashing and showing my boobs,
18:05and just that lifestyle.
18:07Oh my goodness, thank you so much.
18:09No alcohol, right? Because I don't drink.
18:11Okay, awesome.
18:12I was here at the keg.
18:14This is where I was at, where it put me in prison.
18:19So I got my seventh DUI here.
18:23Yes, that's how bad my addiction was.
18:26It was horrible.
18:28Yeah, you were pretty crazy.
18:30Oh my God, that girl could drink for days.
18:33I think she could just have a whole bottle to herself.
18:36When she drinks, she gets a little too extra friendly.
18:40Oh my goodness.
18:42This is basically where this happened, my DUI.
18:46And because I was like staggering, right?
18:50I was staggering drunk, tripping.
18:53I was like this, just like all over the place, girl.
18:57And I remember like, and the police station is like right there.
19:01Yeah, it's like right next to me.
19:04There was a bunch of people like over here.
19:07And they said to me, don't get in your car.
19:11I was like, no, I was like, I said the F word, I said you.
19:16And I said the B word.
19:18And I was like, I'm going to do whatever I want to do.
19:26I was like, I don't want to do this.
19:28I don't want to do this.
19:30This is what I want to do.
19:37Back in early July of 2008,
19:41shortly after 9.30 p.m., I was out on a routine patrol
19:46about a block from our police department
19:48when I got a call about a female intoxicated,
19:51getting into a vehicle ready to drive out
19:54from one of our public parking lots.
19:57And I remember like my car was like parked on this wall,
19:59like right here, one of these spots right here.
20:02And I got in my car and I drove out.
20:07As I approached the police department up here on Oak Street,
20:10I got to the intersection, looked to my left to the north
20:13and saw the suspect vehicle with personalized plates
20:16that spelled trouble.
20:19This was my license plate that the cop recognized me by.
20:23My stage name was Trouble, because I was always in trouble.
20:27And at that point, I obviously began to follow her
20:30to look for signs of intoxication or impairment.
20:34And as we got here, I could hear a loud stereo turn on.
20:38Local ordinance prohibits loud stereo,
20:40so I've now got a reason to make a legal traffic stop on her.
20:43Ended up driving, you know, 2 blocks, and that's it.
20:53All of a sudden, the cop pulls me over.
20:58That's it. That's all I remember.
21:00I don't remember the whole getting arrested,
21:02because I was totally wasted.
21:05But it was crazy. My story blew up.
21:08It went viral before viral was even a thing.
21:16All I see is this dude, like, just stabbing.
21:19The knife went through the metal.
21:21My adrenaline's going. My heart's just racing.
21:23I can't believe he just did that.
21:25At one point, Ms. Comad did offer me $10,000.
21:28Also offered sexual favors.
21:34The cop asked me questions. What am I doing here?
21:36Who are you talking to?
21:38And I'm like, I'm not doing nothing. I was just meeting up with a friend.
21:41And he's like, do you mind if I search your car?
21:43And I'm like, no, go ahead and search my car. I don't have anything.
21:45That's what I was trying to tell him, like, I'm not doing anything.
21:47The cop's searching through my stuff,
21:49and my son looked at it. It was like a cellophane wrapper.
21:52You know, around the cigarettes? He put it on his hood.
21:54Like, he opened up the trunk, put it in there,
21:56and I seen him pick it up and scrape.
21:58And when he scraped, he took a little tester.
22:00I said, you let him search the car?
22:03Yeah, I didn't know better, man.
22:06He tested positive for cocaine, and I got arrested.
22:09Crazy. Yeah, man.
22:12This is my first felony, possession of cocaine.
22:15I had five years probation for this.
22:17And if I didn't complete my probation,
22:19it would get expunged from my record.
22:21Everything would be good to go.
22:23I'll see you. I'll see you later, bro.
22:25All right, great.
22:27I was definitely lucky enough to get a lawyer.
22:29Luckily, my dad paid for that for me,
22:31and my mom was able to bail me out and stuff.
22:34I'm just very lucky to have such a supportive family.
22:38This is from my heart. All right.
22:40When you wear this bracelet, always remember,
22:42you have given me so many reasons to be proud of a man.
22:45You have become today, but the proudest moment for me
22:47is telling others you're my son.
22:49Love, Mom. Thank you.
22:51Appreciate it.
22:53I love you, Mom.
22:55My lawyer's like, yo, you're not going to prison.
22:57I got you. You're good. Just stay straight.
22:59But obviously, I couldn't.
23:07Prior to me getting locked up in 2007,
23:10one of my best friends, Dirk, and I
23:12opened up Big Pie in the Sky.
23:15How you been? Good to see you, bud.
23:17He was always supportive of me. He was always there.
23:19He let me work, even though I was dragging the s*** out of it,
23:22like getting s*** up at work, doing dumb things.
23:25But Dirk was always there. I always had a job.
23:30You know, I just feel kind of bad and s***y
23:32about some of the s*** that I did a long time ago.
23:34I'd run over to the gas station, get a couple 40s,
23:37go on a 30-minute break, might turn into an hour and a half.
23:39I'd disappear. I might come in and work late.
23:41So that affects everybody, you know?
23:43And it just does not look good,
23:45especially when you're supposed to be the manager.
23:47And I feel s*** about that, you know what I mean?
23:50I was in a complete, like, cloud, a haze.
23:54I literally was just walking, you know what I mean?
23:56You were gone. There was not anything in your eyes.
23:59Yeah. That's how my life was at that point.
24:02And it just got worse. Yeah.
24:04Just the things that I would do,
24:06like I would get high in the bathroom.
24:10I would come in here. I'd sit here.
24:12I'd clean the toilet off the back here
24:14with toilet paper, some water,
24:16and I'd put my pills or whatever it is in here
24:18that I'm about to snort, crush it up and snort it off here.
24:21I would have known all that.
24:23I would have fired your ass sooner, man.
24:25Yeah, crazy, right?
24:27That's s*** crazy. S*** up.
24:29I feel like deep down inside,
24:31I knew something was going extremely wrong,
24:34but because Louis was such a good person,
24:36it was easy for me to hope that it wasn't as bad as it was.
24:41Clearly, it was way worse
24:43than I ever could have imagined at that time.
24:45I mean, I can remember you passing out on the oven over here.
24:47That's crazy.
24:48You were right here, just like this.
24:52Something needed to happen at that point.
24:54You know, customers, I'm sure, were seeing it.
24:56Obviously, it was affecting the other employees,
24:59and at that point, you know,
25:01that was when he told me I had to stop working there.
25:05In some ways, I wish I could have done more to help.
25:08You did your best. You did what you thought,
25:10and I appreciate it, but it's good. We're good.
25:13I know. There's still a lot of times
25:15that I wish I could have stopped it
25:17before the downward spiral happened, though.
25:19I was 31 when I got fired from Big Pie in the Sky,
25:21and that's when I really hit rock bottom.
25:23I love you, man. I love you, too, man.
25:25I love you, man.
25:26At this point in my life, I was living with my mom.
25:28I had no job, and I also had a $400-a-day drug habit.
25:33I had to get my money somehow.
25:41These old stomping grounds.
25:43My drug habit had led me down a path
25:47that eventually took me to prison,
25:49which is where I met Calvin.
25:51He's just a really solid guy.
25:53We met in a dorm that I was in
25:55and just connected right away.
25:57There he is. There he is.
26:01What's up, my brother?
26:03What's up, man?
26:04Good to see you. Good to see you.
26:06You, too. How you doing?
26:08I'm doing good. I'm doing good.
26:09You're looking good.
26:10When I was away, me and Luis spent,
26:12I'd say we spent around 2 years together.
26:15So, you know, 2 years like that,
26:17it's more like 10 almost.
26:20Going into the liquor store, man,
26:22it s*** brings back...
26:24brings back memories.
26:26I'm taking Calvin right now,
26:28pulling up into the parking lot
26:30of the liquor store that I robbed,
26:32which is something that really, really,
26:34really changed my life, I'd have to say.
26:36That's probably my turning point,
26:37you know what I mean?
26:39I robbed this liquor store
26:41almost 11 years ago.
26:43Like, that ain't some little b****.
26:45Like, that's a major...
26:46that's a major crime.
26:49This is it.
26:50This is the spot.
26:52Typical day, right?
26:54Unfortunately, it's like every day I got s***.
26:56How am I gonna get...
26:57Some money.
26:58Some money to get some drugs.
26:59Like, how am I gonna get it?
27:00So maybe I can snatch somebody's purse.
27:02Oh, man.
27:05Maybe look for an older couple and just...
27:07You know what I mean?
27:08Jack them.
27:09I wasn't even thinking.
27:10I don't think I cared.
27:11I didn't care.
27:12I was so far gone on these drugs
27:14that, like, I didn't give a s***.
27:16I had a couple of knives,
27:17like, kitchen knives,
27:18you know what I mean?
27:19I took one of them,
27:20put it in my car.
27:22I drove to a parking lot,
27:23like, a public parking lot or whatever,
27:25and just sat there,
27:26just kind of lurking around.
27:27And, like, I seen a couple of, like,
27:29you know, women walking around
27:30with their purses right in the front.
27:33Trying to find your mark.
27:34And I'm like,
27:36I can't do this.
27:38Like, I can't do nothing.
27:39Mind you, I'm feeling s***.
27:40That's great.
27:41That's the only thing you got left.
27:42So I was like, man, f*** this s***.
27:43Like, I knew already
27:44that it was my dealer's birthday.
27:46I did have $10 on me.
27:48Like, what can you get for $10, really?
27:49Right, right.
27:50So I'm gonna slide on there
27:51with a six-pack of beer for him.
27:52So I drove over to the liquor store.
27:58They definitely didn't have
27:59a security guard here
28:00last time I was here.
28:02Walking up and down these aisles
28:03is bringing me back
28:04to a very foggy time in my life.
28:07F***ing down here.
28:08Like, this is where I committed my crime.
28:12So I ended up just going in here, man,
28:15getting, opening a thing up, boom.
28:17Getting me a six-pack.
28:21Just cool as can be and just walk up.
28:24Nothing in my head ever, ever thought
28:27that I was gonna rob this place.
28:29Oh, man.
28:30I would never think that.
28:31Drugs are 100% consuming me,
28:34or lack of at this point.
28:37I didn't have any money on me.
28:39Right, right.
28:40The last 10.
28:41The last 10.
28:42I give him the $10 bill.
28:46And when he hits the register,
28:48the drawer opened up,
28:49you know what I'm saying?
28:50So when the drawer opened up
28:51and I seen them 20s,
28:52it was like...
28:53Lost your mind.
28:55The armed robbery was 100%
28:59split second.
29:00I didn't even think about doing it.
29:03I don't even,
29:04I couldn't even tell you
29:05what I was thinking in my mind.
29:06I just instantly grabbed the money
29:08when I seen that drawer open up.
29:11Knife pulled out over it.
29:15I also did have the knife
29:16already in my pocket.
29:17I just snapped, bro.
29:18Like, I snatched the money up
29:20and I snatched the money up.
29:21The knife was like this.
29:22The dude hit my hand.
29:24The f***ing knife fell,
29:25bounced behind the counter.
29:27That's, that's crazy.
29:28Man picked it up and...
29:31chased me with it,
29:32like trying to stab me.
29:35I gave her a preliminary breath test.
29:37That put her at three times
29:38the legal limit.
29:39Told Ms. Gomez,
29:40at this point,
29:41you are under arrest.
29:42I feel ashamed for my actions.
29:44Once the story made national news,
29:46it was crazy.
29:48I thought I got away.
29:49That's the thing.
29:50And that's when everything
29:51was just not okay.
29:52He was like,
29:53look, we can do it
29:54the easy way or hard way.
29:55We got you surrounded.
29:56And the SWAT team just,
29:57it was over with.
30:07I ended up driving,
30:09you know,
30:10two blocks,
30:11and that's it.
30:15All of a sudden,
30:16the cop pulls me over.
30:18I don't remember
30:19the whole getting arrested
30:20because I was totally wasted.
30:23So Ms. Gomez,
30:24her vehicle was parked here.
30:25Obviously, the SWAT cars
30:26were on the street behind her.
30:28I made contact
30:29as she's getting
30:30out of the vehicle,
30:31explained the reason
30:32that I was stopping her
30:33for a possibly impaired
30:34driving infraction.
30:35I asked Ms. Gomez
30:36to walk up to the sidewalk
30:37up here, which she complied.
30:39So as I'm talking to Ms. Gomez,
30:40who's standing in this position,
30:42wearing a very short
30:43summer dress,
30:46took her leg,
30:47her left leg,
30:48raised it up
30:49to a very high position
30:50with no underwear
30:52I said,
30:53what are you doing?
30:54And Ms. Gomez says,
30:55I know the test
30:56that I'm about to do.
30:57I'm just stretching
30:58and preparing.
30:59I asked her to step down
31:00off of the curb.
31:01We do three standardized
31:02field sobriety tests,
31:03and the first is
31:04the walk and turn.
31:05So there are six clues
31:06that we look for.
31:07If the suspected drunk driver
31:08fails two of them,
31:10that test is considered failed.
31:12She obviously failed.
31:14At that time,
31:15I gave her
31:16a preliminary breath test.
31:17It's a little handheld device,
31:18and I believe that the reading
31:19at that time
31:20was 0.24,
31:22which in Wisconsin
31:23and most states in the country,
31:250.8 is the legal limit.
31:27So that put her
31:28at three times
31:29the legal limit
31:30to be driving that vehicle,
31:32at which time,
31:33failing the three tests
31:34and the preliminary breath test,
31:36she was placed under arrest
31:37for operating
31:38while intoxicated.
31:39Ms. Gomez
31:40put in the backseat
31:41of my lieutenant's squad car
31:42for a simple transport
31:43back to the police department
31:44to begin the OWI process.
31:47During the transport
31:48down to the
31:49Columbia County Jail
31:50or the hospital
31:51to get the blood draw first,
31:53Ms. Gomez had again
31:54begged and pleaded
31:55to be released
31:56because she's on probation,
31:58and she was fearful
31:59that it would put her in prison.
32:00So at this point,
32:01she's offering
32:02several things
32:03to basically turn around
32:04and be released
32:05and not taken to jail.
32:07At one point,
32:08Ms. Gomez
32:09had offered me $10,000.
32:11Ms. Gomez
32:12had also offered
32:13or suggested something
32:15sexual favors as well,
32:16which obviously I ignored
32:18and basically told Ms. Gomez,
32:20at this point,
32:21you are under arrest
32:22and there's nothing
32:23that can be done
32:24to get you out
32:25of this situation.
32:26The police officer claimed
32:28that I offered him $10,000
32:30and sexual favors.
32:32I believe the old Lizzie
32:34would have done that,
32:36but the fact that
32:37I was so wasted,
32:39I don't remember doing it.
32:41That's the police station
32:42where all the magic happens.
32:44I'm just kidding.
32:45No, you know, but yes,
32:47here is the Wisconsin
32:48Dallas Police Department.
32:50The officer brought me in,
32:52and all I remember
32:55is that he came back
32:57and he said,
33:00who unhandcuffed her, okay,
33:03because I was giving lap dances
33:05to all the officers.
33:06Oh my goodness.
33:08Can you believe that?
33:09I mean, no,
33:10you can believe that.
33:11I can believe it.
33:12I understand,
33:13but that's what, yeah,
33:15that's the only thing
33:16I remember that happened here
33:18at the Wisconsin
33:19Dallas Police Department.
33:21Looking back,
33:22I feel regret,
33:23and I feel ashamed
33:25for my actions.
33:28So the initial charges
33:30that night,
33:31I had given her,
33:32again, it was operating
33:33while intoxicated or impaired.
33:35They actually charged her
33:36with another felony
33:37of bribery of a public official,
33:40and at that point,
33:41once that criminal complaint
33:42came out,
33:43it gained a lot of traction
33:44in the local media,
33:46and at some point
33:47hit national media.
33:49Once the story made national news,
33:51it was crazy.
33:57It's actually very rare
33:58to get a bribery count
34:00on an OWI.
34:01In 13 years I've been doing this,
34:03I've only seen it once before.
34:05So typically,
34:06you will see people say,
34:07please let me out of this
34:08is there anything we can do?
34:10You don't normally hear,
34:11I'll give you $10,000
34:13or other favors
34:14if you let me out.
34:16I reviewed her prior record,
34:18and what stands out
34:20is how close in time
34:21they were to each other.
34:23Each one makes the next one
34:24more and more aggravated.
34:26It revokes your license
34:27for longer.
34:28It adds to jail sentences.
34:30Everything about it
34:31just gets compounded upon itself.
34:33After I got arrested
34:34in Wisconsin Dells,
34:36I posted bond
34:37and went out to California
34:39to party like a rock star
34:41because I knew
34:43I was going to go to prison
34:44in Wisconsin.
34:45So I wanted to have it
34:47my last hurrah.
34:50And I tried black tar heroin
34:53one night for my very first time
34:55and I thought
34:56I could drive my vehicle.
34:57I ended up running my car
34:59into a bus stop
35:00and at the bus stop
35:02there was a fire hydrant
35:03which I hit.
35:04So there was water everywhere.
35:06I literally thought
35:07I was in the ocean
35:08and I ran over a guy's foot.
35:11This DUI landed me
35:13in the California State Prison.
35:22After my eight DUIs,
35:24I did a ten year prison sentence.
35:27Hi, my name is
35:28Elizabeth Ann Comas
35:30and I am currently housed
35:33at the California
35:34Institution for Women
35:36located in Corona, California.
35:39The way I was making money
35:40in prison was
35:41by putting myself
35:43up on this app
35:44called Meet an Inmate
35:46where you can find pen pals
35:47while you were in prison.
35:50And I found many pen pals
35:52that became my sugar daddies.
35:54Their sugar daddies were
35:56supporting me
35:57in my heroin addiction
35:59by sending me money.
36:01And I spent a total
36:02of about $800,000
36:04in prison on heroin.
36:06Forgive me Father
36:07for I have sinned.
36:08I use a lot of men for money.
36:10Over $800,000 for my drug habit.
36:13I didn't want to quit drugs.
36:15And that's when God intervened
36:17and just picked me up
36:19and said,
36:20no, you're done.
36:22You're not doing this anymore.
36:25I was in prison for ten years.
36:27Almost a decade.
36:29And I didn't want to leave prison
36:31because the heroin was in prison.
36:33And people say, you know,
36:35prison rehabilitates you.
36:37It doesn't unless
36:39you want to be rehabilitated.
36:41It really doesn't.
36:43I mean, ten years in prison.
36:45That's a decade.
36:46A decade of my life just gone.
36:48You know?
36:50But I'm sitting here today free.
36:54I am free
36:55and I'm a child of God.
36:59Change is a process.
37:00It was a transformation.
37:02It wasn't all at once.
37:04I am so grateful.
37:05I'm so grateful for this church.
37:06I'm so grateful for my family.
37:08Look where I'm at.
37:09From prostitute to Sunday school teacher.
37:14Lizzie is a whole new person.
37:17From the pole to the pulpit.
37:31The armed robbery was 100% split second.
37:36When I said some money,
37:37the knife was like this.
37:38The dude hit my hand.
37:40The f***ing knife fell,
37:42bounced behind the counter.
37:43The man picked it up
37:44and chased me with it,
37:45like trying to stab me.
37:47And I just ran out.
37:48I get in the car.
37:49As soon as I get in the car,
37:50I turn around.
37:51When I look to my left,
37:52all I see is this dude like
37:53just stabbing like this.
37:57He was stabbing the guy
37:59He was stabbing the window so hard,
38:01the knife ricocheted off the glass
38:03and it actually punctured the car door.
38:05The knife went through the metal.
38:07This guy was stabbing,
38:08trying to kill me.
38:09If he would have caught me,
38:10he would have killed me for real.
38:11And so, going like this
38:13and I just looking like,
38:14ho, I gotta get the f*** out of here, man.
38:16I turn the car on,
38:17I back out,
38:18and I just take off.
38:21Adrenaline's going,
38:22my heart's just racing.
38:23Can't believe he just did that,
38:24you know what I mean?
38:29After I committed the armed robbery,
38:31I thought I got away,
38:32that's the thing.
38:33And I'm thinking I'm good.
38:34I go get my drugs,
38:35go back to the house,
38:37get high, whatever.
38:38When I mind you,
38:39I took my mom's car.
38:41So they had...
38:42That's the first person
38:43they gonna call.
38:44And that's when everything
38:45was just not okay.
38:48One of the detectives
38:49called me and said,
38:50do you own a gold f***?
38:54And I said, yeah.
38:55Do you have a son named Louis?
39:00Well, he just robbed
39:01such and such liquor store.
39:03I'm like, what?
39:04They show up at my job.
39:07They're questioning me.
39:09I was in complete disbelief.
39:11Called my mom,
39:12she tripping like,
39:13yo, what did you do?
39:14And I was like,
39:15I didn't do anything,
39:16I tried to play it off.
39:17You just better turn yourself in
39:18because if you did this,
39:19you need to pay the price.
39:20And she was like,
39:21hold on a second.
39:24And she handed the phone off
39:25and the guy's name
39:26was Detective Waddell.
39:27He's like, hey, Louis,
39:28this is Detective Waddell.
39:29He's like, look, man,
39:30we got you surrounded,
39:31we got you at the house,
39:32we know what you did,
39:33we got everything on camera.
39:35Sure enough, man,
39:36he asked me, you know,
39:37do I want to surrender easily
39:39or do you want me to
39:41come in here after you?
39:44And I looked out the window,
39:45looking around,
39:46there was nobody there.
39:47I'm like, man.
39:48He's like, look, Louis,
39:49we can do this easy way
39:50or hard way.
39:51What you want to do?
39:52I said, f***, man,
39:53thinking about this
39:54and I'm just like,
39:55I got nervous.
39:56So I was like, man,
39:57I had a little bit more
39:58dope left,
39:59went in the bathroom,
40:00did what I had to do
40:01and I was like,
40:02all right, man,
40:03look, I'm coming out.
40:05As soon as I walked out
40:06of the house, man,
40:08It was hot, though.
40:09SUVs flying over
40:10the little hill
40:11that I didn't even know
40:13coming out SWAT team,
40:15It was over with.
40:16All right.
40:17It happened right here
40:18where they got him.
40:20They pulled him out
40:21of the house,
40:22threw him on the ground,
40:23everybody stood over him
40:24with their guns.
40:25Like he was going to do
40:26some damage,
40:27but of course,
40:28he's not that kind of person.
40:31And they took him away.
40:34Of course,
40:35he was charged
40:36with a home robbery,
40:37aggravated assault
40:38because he presented
40:39a kitchen,
40:40a butcher knife
40:41or a kitchen knife.
40:42So his sentence
40:43was basically
40:44a 10-year sentence
40:45with parole.
40:46From that day forward,
40:47I never...
40:48Never seen the streets again.
40:49Never seen the streets again
40:50for 10 years.
40:51I am.
40:53I think I got
40:54maybe $80.
40:55Drugs will have you
40:56doing everything, bro.
40:57Yeah, crazy.
40:58It will.
40:59I mean,
41:00I didn't know the law
41:01for armed robbery anyway,
41:02what the consequences was.
41:03I had no idea
41:04it was a mandatory sentence
41:05of 10 years.
41:06So when I got sentenced,
41:0810 years,
41:09like you hear it.
41:10It hit me.
41:11I got emotional,
41:12but like you really
41:13don't realize,
41:14like, yo,
41:15I'm about to do 10 years.
41:16$80 got me 10 years.
41:33What's up, ma?
41:34Come in.
41:35How you doing?
41:36How are you, baby?
41:37How are you?
41:38This is my friend Calvin.
41:40This is my mom, friend.
41:41Nice to meet you, mom.
41:42Nice to meet you.
41:43I have been out of prison
41:44since November 29, 2022.
41:46So I'm going right on a year.
41:50I've been out 11 months exactly.
41:52If you need my help, bro,
41:53let me know, though.
41:54I appreciate it.
41:55All right.
41:56The armed robbery,
41:57I can't believe I did that,
41:58but I'm happy I did it
42:00when I did it.
42:0110 years is a long time,
42:02but I needed it.
42:03I was that f***ed up.
42:04I needed to spend 10 years
42:05in prison
42:06because it saved my life.
42:07It gave me a second chance
42:08at life,
42:09and I'm very thankful for that.
42:10In Jesus' name,
42:11we pray, amen.
42:13Just got to enjoy life,
42:14make right choices,
42:15and when that s***
42:16is taken away from you,
42:17like, you realize it.
42:18Got a little flavor
42:19right here on this lightly pink.
42:38on Love After Lockup Crime Story.
42:40In my family,
42:41hook and mess
42:42seemed to be the thing,
42:44and we were damn good at it.
42:46Something that you like,
42:47you take it.
42:48It was kind of natural for me
42:49to break the law.
42:50The sheriff came
42:51through every window,
42:52gun pointed at our f***ing heads.
42:53I had no idea
42:54what the f***
42:55really was going to happen.
42:57Find a screwdriver,
42:59Take off like a bat out of hell.
43:01Looking back,
43:02I was crazy.
43:03That's a life
43:04no one wants to live.
