• 4 days ago
00:00Previously on Love During Lockup.
00:05We instantly knew we were gonna make this work no matter what.
00:09I'm terrified to disappoint her.
00:11What's the chances she'd make that first parole?
00:14She may not get out this time around.
00:16This doesn't get easier.
00:18I just want my wife home.
00:22Um, I found a ring, baby.
00:27They have no idea how serious me and Kaylee really are.
00:31The relationships have to end.
00:33I'm asking you to trust me again. I love you with all my heart.
00:36It's a lose-lose situation.
00:38I hope Donnie appreciates the effort that I put into the relationship.
00:41I moved my kids here.
00:43This is saying Donnie has collaborated to procure drugs.
00:47If he is procuring drugs, I will be hurt like a knife in my heart.
00:53I'm just ready to come home.
00:58I was in a very dark place after my divorce.
01:02Willie was the only person that helped me.
01:04It sounds like you're kind of using Willie just to erase your ex-husband.
01:08Willie is nervous about me going to Utah.
01:11Do you plan on seeing your ex-husband?
01:13I don't know.
01:15We already had the talk that the first two days was just me and you.
01:19She want me immediately. She don't want to wait. I think that's gonna be an issue.
01:23I've never been with Rob on the outside world.
01:26You know I gotta see my son. You know I love you, baby.
01:29I just want to get him home. I don't even want to keep my hands off of him.
01:47Everybody got it figured out?
01:59How you feeling, bro?
02:00I'm feeling good. I'm excited.
02:02I'm really free. It's like I can pinch myself.
02:06Make sure you're not dreaming, right?
02:08I'm not dreaming, but I know I'm not dreaming.
02:10How does it feel to see your woman?
02:12I feel good.
02:13I'm sorry.
02:14I'm excited. I'm trying to contain myself. I'm not trying to act too thirsty.
02:17What a beautiful scrunchie.
02:19Daddy was like, ooh, they're gonna make some cute babies.
02:23We're a team. We've never been on the outside together, so I have to do it in 10 years.
02:28Ass looking good. Titties looking juicy.
02:30I just want to grab her. I ain't gonna front.
02:34Nana, stay with Tisha and Tobi.
02:37Go with Tisha.
02:39Come on, baby.
02:40She is in trouble. In trouble, for sure.
02:44That's a good answer for you.
02:50I've never, ever, ever felt this way about anybody. Ever.
02:54He does it for me. I'm about to cry.
02:59Because I really love him.
03:01Oh, there we go.
03:03You like it?
03:04Yeah, it's just nice.
03:06When you have this relationship with a person over the phone, it's just like, you know, it's like a little fantasy, right?
03:11They're not really tangible.
03:13And then all of a sudden, boom.
03:16Mr. Perfect falls right in your lap.
03:18And you're like, what the hell? It's real.
03:21Come on, man. You may be blocking right now.
03:24We'll play with you later, okay?
03:25And then find your way up out of here, man.
03:35Feeling good?
03:36You look so good.
03:37This is what I'm about to do.
03:40Oh, it looks so good.
03:51This is just getting me hot. Sorry.
03:54When you hear somebody kiss you the way Robbie kissed me, like, you just know that's your person.
03:59It's just like, you can't do no wrong.
04:01You can't do no wrong.
04:03All right, y'all gotta go.
04:04All right, y'all gotta go.
04:06The last time I had sex with someone was two years ago.
04:11But as long as I waited to get some d***, I might die.
04:19If the sex is not on point.
04:22Like, out, out. Out, out.
04:35Y'all ready?
04:42Sex is not the most important part of the relationship.
04:47Open up, open up.
04:48But damn sure it's a big piece of it.
04:53Open the door.
04:55What's right here?
04:59What's up? Where y'all at?
05:00Girl, are y'all kidding me?
05:02Hold on.
05:03What the f***?
05:04Rob invited everybody to the suite to hang out and have a great time.
05:10But they're early.
05:12Oh, y'all busy?
05:14Can't do nothing.
05:16Gotta get dressed.
05:17Don't come right now.
05:20Before you break a hole in the door.
05:22My hair's messed up.
05:34Wish I had Patsy on.
05:48You may start the conversation now.
05:50Hello, baby.
05:51Hi, honey.
05:52What are you doing?
05:53I'm in the pool.
05:54Ooh, okay.
05:58He's your suit piece?
06:01No piece.
06:04I love how Hunter and I resolve our conflicts or disagreements or things that we've been through together.
06:10I need the right of prisoner women broken up with and those relationships done or I'm out.
06:17They're gone. It's me and you.
06:19Really good, healthy relationships are built on trust.
06:22We're really both willing to let things like this go.
06:26How's your day been?
06:28I'm feeling, like, really relieved that we are done with the right of prisoner girls.
06:33Yeah, absolutely.
06:34To, like, come down from that, you know?
06:37I'm a serious cook.
06:39I wanted to tell you something.
06:42I wanted to make sure that it was legit before I told you.
06:44I didn't want to worry you or anything.
06:46That's not necessarily comforting.
06:47What is it?
06:48My neighbor showed me a picture of a woman.
06:51You know this chick?
06:52She just jumped on my tablet and asked me if I knew you.
06:56Then she went on and said you were a piece of s**t, dragged me to the dirt,
07:00and said that she was with me on breakfast books to beat me up.
07:06Like, we could figure out a way to get them, blah, blah, blah.
07:08That just happened, like, probably like an hour and a half ago.
07:11So, these women are pretty heated.
07:13This is serious.
07:15I'm furious that there is someone threatening Hunter over this situation.
07:21You were a sugar mama, and if you're paying to play with someone who has that much time on their hands,
07:26why on earth would you think that they're not paying to play with someone else?
07:31You need to tell somebody about this.
07:33Like, an authority.
07:34I get it.
07:35Like, this needs to be documented.
07:37It needs to be reported.
07:38And, like, this person needs to be, like, charges should be filed against them for, like, intended assault on you.
07:45Like, do not threaten my man.
07:47We need to take things like this really seriously.
07:50If they act like a stalker and they quack like a stalker, they're a stalker.
07:54If they are acting like they intend you harm, they intend you harm.
07:58So, we need to treat it like that.
08:03I know who it is.
08:04This trick system has been on and off the table, like, since we started.
08:07But I have broken up with her.
08:09She's a little jealous and a little firecracker, for sure.
08:12When it comes down to it, I definitely think it's karma.
08:15Baby, this is my problem, not yours.
08:17Okay, well, you're telling me about it, so now it's my problem.
08:20I love you, baby.
08:21Baby, I love you.
08:22I'll call you later tonight.
08:24All right, take care.
08:28Better not be real.
08:33Everything has gotten so out of control.
08:38I told Katie I was going to break up with these women.
08:42I told Katie I was going to break up with these women.
08:44But I can't bring myself to cut it off with Kaylee.
08:48I love her to death.
08:50I don't know how much longer I can keep this lie going, period.
09:00I haven't heard from Crystal, and I don't know if she's talking to someone else.
09:04Well, I heard Brittany's back.
09:07If I find out Crystal's hiding a relationship with another female,
09:10that would be it.
09:11I don't know if we should get married right now.
09:16I really just want to know, like, why my name is in this.
09:22I don't want to do it.
09:23What happened?
09:37I haven't heard from Crystal in over a day.
09:41It's too upsetting.
09:44I wonder what is going on.
09:46I don't know if she's talking to someone else, or maybe she's been isolated,
09:50and that's why I'm not hearing from her.
09:52I mean, there could be a hundred horrible things that could be going on.
09:55I'm just left out here to wonder.
10:02So I'm going to check in with Rita, see if she knows something I don't.
10:07Crystal and I, for four years, almost five at this point,
10:11we talked every single day.
10:12We have a set schedule.
10:14So not talking to Crystal after waiting this long for this day, I don't know.
10:18It's almost contrived.
10:20Today is the day Crystal becomes eligible for parole.
10:24I'm ready to have her here.
10:25I'm ready to have her in my arms, in my bed, in my car.
10:28I'm ready to—I want to go share my life with her.
10:31It may be a bit longer before we even know a date for the hearing.
10:37My hope and optimism that Crystal may be coming home around this time
10:41is what's kept me going for the last four years.
10:44Yesterday, I got off a 24-hour shift.
10:47Crystal, she wants me to come visit her,
10:49which is six-hour drive plus two-hour visit.
10:53It's an all-day event.
10:59It's a 24-hour shift.
11:00You've been an EMS wife long enough.
11:02You know how it goes.
11:07I want her no matter what. I'm coming.
11:10I would have loved to come out there,
11:12but in order for her to be supported and us to be supported, I need to work.
11:17If she doesn't want money on her books, then fine.
11:20I'll come visit you instead of working.
11:23It breaks my heart a little to think about her.
11:25Looking forward to this day, and I let her down. I did.
11:28But when Crystal's let down or is told no, it's the end of the world for her.
11:34It's been so difficult between us lately.
11:37She's so stressed about prison drama, parole, and everything else.
11:43She's a ball of thorns.
11:46Crystal requires a lot of attention at all times.
11:50In the past, she's been in serious relationships with women in prison
11:55because she was craving attention and she was lonely.
12:00I do start to, my mind wanders that she may be seeking
12:05some sort of solitude with someone else.
12:09Recently, a girl's been kind of pressing Crystal to go to, you know,
12:13on a little date, a prison date.
12:16If I found out Crystal's hiding a relationship with another female with me,
12:20I would actually, I would treat it the same way with a man.
12:23Since my last relationship, I've learned that I will not be able to
12:28I've learned that I will not tolerate cheating.
12:33All I ask of her is some grace and understanding.
12:38I'm pissed.
12:48We're going to warm up really fast.
12:50Yeah. Breathe in.
12:53We're going to take that right leg back.
12:56I don't know how to dance.
12:57You don't know? Okay, guess what?
12:58All right, teach me, girl.
12:59You're a believer.
13:00Teach me.
13:01And you know how to dance.
13:07Dancing is really good for your soul, so don't worry about how you may look.
13:12Just feel free and, yeah.
13:17Just roll it. Just roll it.
13:20Look at that girl in the mirror.
13:22Who is she? She bad.
13:24Amareha is someone that I just met when I moved here,
13:27and we just clicked and became friends.
13:30And walk it.
13:32Put those hands up.
13:34When she invited me to dance class, I'm like, why not?
13:37Come on, you a matter walk.
13:38My kids are at school,
13:40and I need to take my mind off everything that's been happening with Donnie.
13:44Inmate instructed his uncle to send $500 to Cash App to...
13:51This is my Cash App.
13:53I don't know what to think.
13:54I guess he's getting moved.
13:56I've been removed from the visitation list,
13:58and there's a drug charge.
14:00Thank you, Donnie, for the triple threat.
14:02I love it. Thank you so much.
14:04All right, water break.
14:06I need to get out and just, you know, let my hair down.
14:09I'm glad that you came.
14:10I know it might have been a little extra.
14:13I hope you don't feel overwhelmed.
14:15No, I'm cool.
14:16Yeah? Okay, good.
14:18So, like, what's really going on with Donnie?
14:20Like, is he still in the hole?
14:21Girl, no, he's out the hole.
14:24He moved facilities, and they took me off his visitation list.
14:27I don't know what's going on, but I'm irritated.
14:31I haven't heard from Donnie for a few days.
14:34I still don't know what happened.
14:36All right, ladies.
14:38Y'all ready to continue?
14:40I feel like my life is on hold right now.
14:43One of the main reasons for me moving here is so that I can visit you.
14:46Now I can't visit you?
14:47Like, make it make sense.
14:49Arch your back, and then bring it down.
14:51All right.
14:52And then bring it down, yes.
14:54Got to put it in your back.
14:56There we go.
14:57Five, six, seven, eight.
15:00Hold on.
15:03Down, and jump it!
15:05And touch it!
15:07Hey, hey, hey!
15:14Come on now.
15:16Way to get loose.
15:17Way to roll loose.
15:18I'm out of breath.
15:19All right, my man's calling, so I'm going to have to step away for a minute.
15:22I'll be back.
15:23Okay, that's fine.
15:24That's perfect timing, because we are finishing up anyway.
15:27What's up?
15:28Where are you?
15:29I'm at a new spot.
15:33New York, or something like that.
15:36And where's that at?
15:37It's a little farther than where Marianne was.
15:39How far away is that?
15:42Maybe like three hours.
15:45So how long do you have to stay there?
15:48About eight months.
15:50Eight months?
15:53I really just want to know, like,
15:55why my name is in this, why my cash tag is in this,
15:58what do I have to do with this,
16:00and why are you in something regarding drugs?
16:04Um, I don't know.
16:05I'm still trying to figure things out.
16:07So all you're doing is receiving rent money.
16:09Legitimate money.
16:10That's all.
16:11It ain't nothing wrong with that.
16:13But it ain't got nothing to do with no illegal stuff.
16:17Everything is the right way.
16:21I just...
16:23Yeah, that's the main part.
16:25I just hate that my name is tied into anything regarding drugs,
16:29anything regarding you being in prison.
16:31Like, I have kids.
16:32I don't even play like that, and you know that.
16:47I feel like I'm a stereotype.
16:48Because I was a drug dealer once upon a time
16:50doesn't mean that that's who I was all my life.
16:52I graduated high school, I went to college,
16:54and I was trying to get a job,
16:56and it was like every job kept overlooking me.
16:58So I just was like, you know, I got to figure something out.
17:02And that was the fastest way.
17:04It was the wrong way, but it was the fastest way.
17:06Is this going to get you more time?
17:08Like, what? I don't get it.
17:10I mean, it's not going to give me more time.
17:12It just might not let me get to my early, though.
17:15So if you don't get out early, when do you get out again?
17:17When you'll be getting out?
17:21So I'm supposed to stay here in Ohio for two and a half years now
17:24until you get out, basically.
17:28No, it's not going to happen.
17:30I can't even visit you, so being three hours away don't even matter.
17:36Sorry is not good enough.
17:38I need some time to process this.
17:40Like, I'm so irritated with you.
17:42Like, I don't even want to see your face.
17:46I love Donnie.
17:48But once I got here, everything just spiraled downhill.
17:52And hopefully we can come back from that.
17:55Were you procuring drugs on the inside of the prison?
17:59No, I didn't do anything illegal.
18:02And I really can't talk too much because it's a recorded line.
18:07I don't want to tell Jaquima the whole story right now.
18:11I got to go. Nice meeting you.
18:14What happened?
18:17Jaquima, Jaquima. Hey, hey, hey.
18:19Are you okay? Like, what's going on?
18:21No, I'm mad. He's been moved three hours away.
18:25And I just, I don't want to deal with him.
18:27I hate him. Like, I hate him.
18:29I don't even want to be here anymore.
18:30I want to go back. I want to go back to Dallas.
18:32I don't want to be here no more.
18:38What do you want, Ami?
18:40I need to figure out what I really want to do.
18:44The prison may make the case that he was misleading these women into giving him money,
18:48and that could affect his release.
18:50Kate might be in a relationship with a career criminal.
19:07Why would you ask me that?
19:09Why would you ask me that?
19:13What do you want, Ami?
19:21Rekindling what? Oh, my gosh.
19:24Oh, my gosh. You're so extra.
19:28No, we're not going to do that.
19:31Because you're in a relationship. I'm in a relationship.
19:36Why would you do that? I didn't come here for you.
19:38I came here for my family.
19:41This little thing in my head is like, why did you answer the call?
19:44Why did you even pick up?
19:51Oh, my gosh. Ami, can you stop, please?
19:54Around this time last year, my mom found out she had cancer.
19:58I was hooking up with Ami.
20:00And then I thought I was pregnant, and so I just told Will.
20:04Like, what the hell was I thinking?
20:06I even told Ami that, too. Like, why did we do that?
20:12That was off the hook.
20:14That was Ami. Like, that was out of no—
20:16See, see, see, see. Hold on. Hold on.
20:19Hold on.
20:21Hold on.
20:24Hold on.
20:25That was crazy. That was a crazy phone call.
20:28Like, I think he—
20:30Oh, my God. I'm just tripping right now.
20:34He is my weakness.
20:36He knows what makes me happy. He knows what makes me sad.
20:39He knows all that. It's been 13 years that we know each other.
20:41So, like, he knows how to say certain things that'll make me laugh.
20:45He knows how to say certain things that pisses me off.
20:49Oh, my gosh.
20:50Ami has a bad habit of smoking and drinking and partying.
20:55When I filed for divorce, Ami didn't want to sign the paper.
20:58He still wanted to work on our marriage.
21:00But I was like, I'm not going to sit around
21:02and have you get drunk every weekend for you to—
21:05for me to deal with you.
21:07So when we got into that divorce and I left Utah,
21:10I told myself that I'm not going to look back.
21:13That's the person I fell in love with,
21:15the Ami that just makes me laugh all the time.
21:17But then when he does the other stuff,
21:21it just makes me want to be away from him.
21:23It's like throwing me off course.
21:25Like, I literally want to be with Willie,
21:27but here I am all excited to hear Ami's voice.
21:30I don't even know why I felt that way.
21:34Will's calling.
21:39Hello. Hi, babe.
21:41You miss me?
21:47I just feel like I have so much on my plate right now,
21:49and I just feel like I need to figure out what I really want to do.
21:58But I really feel like you want to be in Utah
22:00because your ex is out there.
22:02But that has nothing to do with anything.
22:04It's like I don't even care about him.
22:06I don't even care to be around him.
22:08I'm not—I'm not even worried about that.
22:10Like, I'm more worried about being around my mom
22:13than I want to be around my family.
22:19I just have so much going on.
22:27I'll call you in a little bit.
22:34Like, I have so much going on right now.
22:36I don't know if I want to be with Willie,
22:39if I want to be out here with my mom,
22:41and everyone just keeps saying,
22:42Ami, Ami, Ami, and then Ami doesn't—
22:45I don't know. I don't know.
22:47I'm so worried about trying to be there for people
22:51and make sure people are not hurt.
22:53I'm so worried about just everyone.
22:58I'm so done. I'm so over it.
23:24I think Ami and Willie are just
23:29a part of just MJ trying to hide herself.
23:35Because Ami loves me, and Willie loves me,
23:38and I feel loved by them at a certain point,
23:40and I just feel like I wanted to be loved by anybody.
23:47I want to just think a lot of things through.
23:54I'm going to get some time to myself.
24:12Her behavior is not like her at all.
24:14Something had to happen.
24:16Who is this?
24:17That's a very good question.
24:19I don't know who the f*** this is.
24:22I don't know who the f*** you are anymore.
24:24I would charge $15,000.
24:28That's a part of my commitment as his partner.
24:42Open up. Open up.
24:50Open up.
24:52Are y'all kidding me?
24:54Open the door.
25:01I'm coming. I'm coming.
25:05Oh, f***.
25:07Oh, y'all what?
25:10Rob, where you at?
25:12Oh, come on.
25:14Fix yourself.
25:17Oh, that is so embarrassing.
25:20But I know for sure I'm d***-matized.
25:26The way he touched me, he look at me.
25:31They looking at me. They look at everybody.
25:34It's like the walk of shame.
25:36Get your ass up there so they can take all eyes off me.
25:43Just nasty.
25:45We just needed, like, 10 more minutes.
25:47I know, man. I feel like, you know, that was kind of quick.
25:50I'm glad you got yours up.
25:52I got tricks, and I mastered them, so I know how to not to f***.
25:55Gotta fix the girl a little bit.
25:57I know how to keep my composure when I go to work
25:59so I can enjoy what I'm doing, you know what I'm saying?
26:01So, you know, many men's over happy.
26:05Hey, baby.
26:07Hey, what's up?
26:09You see your uncle? You see your Uncle Robbie?
26:11It's so amazing to have, like, all my whole family there for me.
26:14My bros and my whole family, my father, my sister.
26:17Hey, baby, you OK?
26:19What's wrong? You don't like your uncle?
26:21My niece was so beautiful. That's the first time I met her.
26:23Let's see a little view. I'm going to get out there with the bros.
26:25Jay, you want to pop out, Jay?
26:27Boys, let's see the old boys. Man, ladies, you want to stay out there?
26:29No, I got to get this view.
26:31That's the view. We got to take some pictures.
26:33So, Miss Ma'am, how you feeling?
26:35I'm just so mad. Y'all was banging like y'all was crazy.
26:37Y'all could have waited.
26:40Well, I mean, you got that awkward moment out of the way.
26:43It was so good. I didn't want to...
26:49The three amigos.
26:51You going to be ready to let him go to go to Brooklyn once all of the commotion is over?
26:55It takes about two hours to get to and from Rob once he paroles to Brooklyn.
27:02Can you turn it off?
27:05I just feel like I really just want to spend so much quality time with Rob.
27:12These people got to go home.
27:17Chicken good, Nyla?
27:19All right.
27:23The one food I think I miss is a chicken ball.
27:26I miss that so much with the guac sauce and the chips.
27:28I ain't had that in a long time.
27:30That's what I want.
27:34It's crazy how I've been craving that, though, like out of everything.
27:37Everybody eat, have a great time, be married.
27:42I want to relax. Is that so much to ask for?
27:45Everybody busting in on the door, ruining my sex session.
27:48I feel as if I should definitely be Rob's number one priority.
27:54It's really pissing me off.
28:02What are you gonna do when Willie's out and you want Ami?
28:05I do think MJ is in love with Ami still.
28:08What if I'm just using Willie?
28:10Did you hear from Crystal today at all?
28:13Yeah, she's mad.
28:14There's a lot of drama swirling around.
28:16I don't know who the *** people are anymore.
28:20Tomorrow, I'm leaving Utah.
28:22A lot of things just happened that I didn't realize how much I have on my plate.
28:27And so yesterday, I couldn't sleep.
28:29Like, I was up all night trying to figure out what's best for me.
28:36What the heck?
28:40I'm so excited.
28:42I'm so excited.
28:44I'm so excited.
28:46I'm so excited.
28:49You never know when you can lose it all.
28:52Hello, brother!
28:54I missed you. I missed you. I missed you. I missed you.
29:00It's okay. It's okay.
29:02How are you?
29:03I'm so confused with what's going on with my mom, with Willie, with Ami.
29:08So I called my brother.
29:10You look so good.
29:11Thank you. Let me see.
29:12Okay. Okay. Looking snatch.
29:15I think he knows what I've been through.
29:16Come on. Let's go sit over here.
29:17And so just him hearing me out as a sister, I feel like he feels my pain more than anyone else.
29:23Oh my gosh. It's good to see you.
29:26So how long you been here?
29:28So I came two days ago.
29:29I took mom to radiation and Ami calls.
29:33Talk about rekindling.
29:34You still on that?
29:35He's talking about rekindling love.
29:37Here's me.
29:38And I'm like, what the hell is that?
29:41Control. Empty control.
29:43Does Willie give you that?
29:45No, Willie doesn't give me that.
29:46Willie gives me the we're grown.
29:48You know, we know what we want.
29:50We have our moments where it's like giggly.
29:52But like Ami gave me that kind of little girl.
29:55Me and Ami, we were just not seeing eye to eye for the last two years.
30:00And then like we went to a family function.
30:02Ami got drunk.
30:03And when Ami gets drunk, he tends to be a whole different person.
30:08Ami knew drinking was my weakness.
30:10I'm trying to change.
30:11I don't want to drink anymore.
30:13And so I felt like him putting my weakness in front of me was him not supporting me.
30:17I was at a point where I'm like, you know what?
30:19I'm done.
30:22What are you going to do when Willie's out and you want Ami?
30:24What if I'm just using Willie to cover for Ami?
30:28That probably could be it.
30:30What if you cross paths with Ami?
30:32Are you going to have a conversation with him?
30:33Yeah, talk to him.
30:34I'm a grown woman.
30:35The big girl's out.
30:36I feel like that's a lie.
30:38I know.
30:39I don't know what the hell's going to happen.
30:40I feel like that's a lie.
30:41That's a lie.
30:42I'm not even lying.
30:43I said I don't know what's going to happen.
30:45Like, I don't know.
30:46What if you see it?
30:47Then what?
30:48I think Willie will be a good husband.
30:50I know he'll be a good father.
30:52And I know he'll be a good protector.
30:55And that's everything I need.
30:57I'm going to face it.
30:58And I'm going to just take your head off.
31:01So I need to face this issue.
31:03I just need to talk to Ami.
31:05I just need to see his ass.
31:07Are you nervous to tell Willie that you're going to see Ami?
31:10I'm not telling Willie anything.
31:13At the end of the day, I would always pick Willie over Ami.
31:17And if Willie don't pick me, oh well, I'm still going to follow Willie until he picks me.
31:22Because I love Willie.
31:23I love Willie!
31:25See, that's not a lie.
31:26And then what if he comes out and he's not what he says he's going to be?
31:33Then what if you just run back to Ami?
31:35No, I don't think so.
31:36I don't think so.
31:37You will.
31:38Opposites attract.
31:39No, it doesn't, Peggy.
31:4013 years, I kept trying to make it attract.
31:43It wasn't attracting.
31:45It just kept going.
31:46You're going to get back with him.
31:48You'll get back with him.
31:4913 years?
31:50I don't think you can just brush somebody under the rug for 13 years.
31:53Peggy, I don't think so.
31:54Oh, MJ, I don't think you can.
32:01I am getting ready to go talk to a lawyer.
32:06They went ahead and added another 30 to 60 days on his sentence.
32:14I'm speaking to a lawyer today because some right-of-prisoner woman
32:18reached out to another prisoner on his yard and offered to pay him to hurt Hunter.
32:35Hi, Austin.
32:37Nice to see you.
32:38Good to see you.
32:39You look nice.
32:41Have a seat.
32:42You're going to miss it.
32:47Thank you so much for seeing me today.
32:48Well, I'm happy to help.
32:49So, what did you want to talk about today?
32:51I wanted to come in and talk about if there's any ways that we can help Hunter get out of prison sooner.
32:57He's done a litany of programs, it says in here, HVAC, basic, auto series, so on, so I could list them all.
33:03He's doing a lot of work to improve himself, so.
33:06Yes, I think there's a lot of compelling things that a judge would support releasing him sooner than his current release date.
33:12But you might have a problem.
33:14Looking at his infractions, it says here one of them was this year.
33:18That was on.
33:19That was the video visits he was having with the right-of-prisoner woman.
33:23The woman who he was having the visit with exposed herself to him.
33:27Then they looked back on the rest of his visits with other women and they were all doing that.
33:31So, he got in bigger trouble when they looked back.
33:34And how did they find him?
33:35I mean, does he have a web?
33:37I put him on a website called Right-of-Prisoner when he first went in so that he could have some people to talk to
33:46and so that he could have some financial support from some people who were calling Sugar Mama.
33:55What brings you in today?
33:57My fiance, Hunter, he is currently serving time.
34:01Our visitation is suspended because we decided to be very naughty on the prison cam.
34:08So, big mistake there.
34:10He got disciplined for that, obviously.
34:13Big time.
34:14What did they do?
34:15They did all kinds of like loss of privileges.
34:18So, no video visits, no in-person visits.
34:24He also got 30 to 60 days added on to his sentence.
34:27So, I'm trying to see, is there anything I can do in terms of like getting the extra time taken off?
34:33So, I just wanted to know if you're able to help.
34:36I would charge something like $15,000 to handle a case like this.
34:44$15,000 is a lot of money.
34:48But it is really important for me to continue to hold Hunter down
34:51because I really do feel like we're soulmates and we're meant to be together.
34:55He's worth it.
34:57How many of the women were there?
34:59I think like six or eight.
35:01Six to eight.
35:02That is something that I wanted to talk to you about is this threat that was made against him
35:07from a woman on the outside to another inmate offering money to hurt him.
35:14The appropriate thing is to notify the prison and just say, hey, there's a possible security threat.
35:19But going back to the girls here,
35:23my concern is that the prison may make the case that he was just trying to get money for commissary
35:30and that he was misleading these women into giving him money to do that.
35:33And, you know, that's wrong.
35:35So, they'll have a good argument there.
35:37And that could affect his release.
35:40And I don't want anyone looking at this and say, hey, I think that his current girlfriend,
35:45hey, she set the social media sites up so that he can scam girls so that she doesn't have to pay.
35:50But you could see someone coming to that conclusion.
35:53Well, I mean, I don't see it as a scam.
35:57I don't feel responsible for these women.
36:00It's their responsibility to be clear about what the terms of their relationships are.
36:07There are sugar baby websites out here.
36:10But those people know what they're doing.
36:12They're giving their money up.
36:13They're having relationships that are transactional.
36:17In this case, some of these women may have felt there was a real relationship there
36:21and that they were getting something real and that they were defrauded.
36:24And so, I would rethink that.
36:29I did not take things as far as Hunter took them with these conversations with these women.
36:34I signed him up for it.
36:36That's what I can take responsibility for for this situation.
36:39But the rest of it, he handled himself and he has to clean that up.
36:42Those are his monkeys. That's his circus.
36:47Finances are a really large part of this relationship for me.
36:52Overall, I would say I've spent $5,000, $6,000 in total since we've met, which I know is a lot of money.
36:57That's a lot of money.
36:59I feel like that's a part of my commitment as his partner.
37:02And I don't really have any doubt that once he's out, he's going to bless me tenfold.
37:06I know you really like this guy, but I don't want it to be a situation where you've spent all this time on this guy
37:15and he's taking advantage of you.
37:19We can certainly help get him out early.
37:21The key will be, though, he's got to help by not having any more of these sugar mama relationships.
37:28I'm concerned a little bit that Kate might be in a relationship with a career criminal.
37:33She needs to think through the morality of some of the things that are happening, like this sugar mama website.
37:40Even if you don't care about that person or you think that that person's an idiot,
37:44you don't have a right to take advantage of them.
37:47And I think that that is probably something she should meditate on a bit and think about.
37:53That's a giant red flag.
37:55If you play stupid games, you will win stupid prizes.
38:12When Crystal will refuse to call and just not keep in touch,
38:17my mind wanders that she may be seeking some sort of solitude with someone else.
38:22It would be devastating and my trust would be utterly betrayed.
38:37I'm back here. Come in.
38:38Your door was unlocked.
38:41Did you hear from Crystal today at all?
38:45When? What did she say? Because I haven't heard from her since yesterday morning.
38:49She was kind of down because you didn't make it to see her.
38:51Crying, my heart's broken.
38:54She said you told her you was coming, but at the last minute you said, I'm tired.
38:58That's why she's not calling?
38:59I guess because she's mad.
39:01She just made all these plans and thought she was going to be there, you know.
39:05I know.
39:07Like, I didn't know if she got sick, if she got hurt.
39:10She's okay, though?
39:13Kind of upsets me, though.
39:15She knows my schedule.
39:17I wish there were some leniency from Crystal.
39:20I wish there were some, maybe, understanding.
39:23My job is her job, in a way, because she depends on it just like I do.
39:27Without that, there's no commissary.
39:29There's no, you know, we'll have to limit our phone calls.
39:32The lifestyle she's adjusted to is dependent on something that sometimes she sees gets in the way of us.
39:39At that point, I would have been wide awake for 38 hours straight.
39:43Crystal can't stay awake for nine.
39:45But today is her official parole date.
39:48I know.
39:49It's a big deal.
39:50I know.
39:51But we're grown adults.
39:53There's disappointments in life, isn't there?
39:55I was disappointed, too.
39:57That's another thing.
39:58She doesn't consider the fact that it's not her visit.
40:02And we're seeing each other.
40:03And it hadn't been that long since she was down there.
40:06I was there the weekend before.
40:08I think Crystal maybe expects too much.
40:12She's not forgiving, ironically, coming from an incarcerated individual.
40:17This last couple weeks and her behavior and what's going on, it's not like her at all.
40:23Something had to happen different that I don't know.
40:27Do you ever think she's talking to anyone else?
40:30It's crossed my mind.
40:31I hope not.
40:33Well, I heard Brittany's back.
40:37I didn't know.
40:39Brittany is someone that Crystal's dated in the nontraditional sense, prison relationship sense.
40:48Brittany got released from prison.
40:51I didn't know they're back in the same prison again.
40:55I know Crystal's history with her, and I know it wasn't necessarily emotional more so than it was the other thing.
41:06But I only know what Crystal tells me.
41:09I would want to know why she felt the need to hide it from me.
41:13When Crystal first got to prison, you know, she had a real girlfriend.
41:17It wasn't hooking up.
41:18It was a relationship, like a wife-girlfriend.
41:21What was her name?
41:22That doesn't matter.
41:23But it's possible she might come home and be like, f*** this, dude.
41:27You know, a lot of those girls on there are just gay for the stay.
41:31Some are gay for the stay, but some are gay for the gay.
41:35I don't know what the f***, you know, what the Brittany to.
41:38That's just some drama she's got to figure out.
41:40Maybe if you talk to Crystal, you just let her know to call me.
41:44All right, bye-bye.
41:49Four years ago, I did not imagine that today would be like this.
41:54You know, so I'm just f***ing pissed.
42:01Hello, this is a prepaid collect call from Crystal.
42:05You may start the conversation now.
42:09Who is this?
42:11I don't know who is this.
42:13That's a very good question.
42:15Because I don't know who the f*** you are anymore.
42:18The Sam that I know, that I love, like, never shuffled that with me.
42:25You just f***ing blew me off. You didn't give a f***.
42:28But it's not true, Crystal.
42:29It is true.
42:30I didn't blow...
42:31Did you come? Did you come?
42:33Well, what do you f***ing call that?
42:38Next time on Love During Lockup...
42:40Excited to meet Bradley?
42:42Never too late to back out.
42:44Hi, baby.
42:46Are you f***ing serious? You sleeping with Ami?
42:48I waited for a year.
42:49I'm done.
42:50You're done?
42:51You laughed in my face!
42:52Oh, you told me.
42:54What the f*** is going on?
42:55I haven't jumped in talking to you for the last couple months.
42:58I can't take care of you if I don't take care of myself.
43:01He's kind of giving up.
43:02I don't get a f***.
