hey yalll! honeslty this is peak form of life for me, chill pace, healhty simple living and working on reducing my stress levels forreal omg. if u need some motivation or a friend to hang out with i gotchu xo
-APPLE MUSIC https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/baddies-only/pl.u-06oxDlbCWLBqAqq
-SPOTIFY https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6jvGpJycCeezIYtyN6j3FV?si=194393b01591475e
RIFFIE: https://youtube.com/channel/UCkbXO-80MEB3FZ0zh958c4g
FAQs ♡
25 years old, graduated nursing school, now a full time content creator!
I'm Puerto Rican and black girl
-APPLE MUSIC https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/baddies-only/pl.u-06oxDlbCWLBqAqq
-SPOTIFY https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6jvGpJycCeezIYtyN6j3FV?si=194393b01591475e
RIFFIE: https://youtube.com/channel/UCkbXO-80MEB3FZ0zh958c4g
FAQs ♡
25 years old, graduated nursing school, now a full time content creator!
I'm Puerto Rican and black girl
00:00Hey guys and welcome back to the channel, it's Monet here!
00:12Guys! The way that I was supposed to start this vlog tomorrow but I'm just so excited that I'm like
00:18I want to talk to you guys now! It's actually Monday night and I just, I'm so excited. I feel
00:26like I have this new like burst of life, okay? Since the last vlog you saw me I was doing my little
00:31self-isolation, self-recovery vibe and it was very much needed. It's actually funny because when I
00:38was posting the content from that, I already was in Texas so I like spent that entire week just like
00:45filming everything but not editing. So I would just like film, be present with myself and like not feel
00:50like I had to rush to post everything because I feel like that takes away from like my peace
00:55of just like being present. So once I got to Texas, all I was doing was editing but not filming so I
01:02was just like editing, posting and like being on my grind behind the scenes and I really wanted to
01:08like see how I would like that kind of method because in general I don't really post so much
01:13in real time. I realize it's just not my forte. I don't know how much I liked it because I also
01:18just felt like I kept procrastinating and editing and then I just had all these projects piling up
01:23and I was like oh my god I need to post this and like I was like a day behind and that should just
01:28be stressing me out but it was a fun experiment nonetheless. But with that being said, I've spent
01:34a whole entire week in Texas just being on my grind babe. Eating good, sleeping at 9 p.m, waking up at
01:426 30, working out, being active and it was just the most gorgeous week ever. So this is my
01:54second week in Texas so I'm already feeling like I'm on my routine. Me and Jay just cleaned the
01:58entire house, like I'm talking swept, then vacuumed, then did the ocetamop, like wet floor, down. We got
02:08all these new air fresheners in like every room in the house, like candles lit, the bathroom was
02:15scrubbed clean, like oh I feel like I just feel so good. So anyway, this vlog's gonna be a day in my
02:23life but I figured I'd give you guys a little intro to where I'm at and my new routine, you know what
02:29I'm saying? Now that I'm like on my shit and I do think it's gonna be sustainable. I do want it to
02:34be, like have longevity. I want it to be a lifestyle that I'm just living healthy. I'm out of my like
02:40partying era, I'm out of my like high school, college, like going out to clubs all the time, like
02:46it's just reality, it's just life and like I'm embracing it. I feel like I really just want to be
02:51confident with like my life and not feel like I need to be anywhere that I'm not. My soul really
02:56wants right now is just to like really see the peak form of like my 20s health. Like I really want
03:03to take advantage of my health. I'm just really excited and really proud of myself and it's only
03:07up from here. I don't know, I'm just on it girl. So I'm gonna spill all of my tea, what I've been doing.
03:15So we're gonna spend a full day together, wake up at 6 30, go on a walk and also just being outside,
03:21like moving my body, like I have so much more energy, like I feel more confident. I really want
03:26to feel confident this summer. I want to be like in a baby suit and just like I can wear whatever
03:31and just feel like it'll be okay. So anyway, I don't want to ramble too much in the beginning
03:35but a little sneak peek into tomorrow. We'll do a morning walk, going to the gym. The food that I've
03:41been eating, I've just been really obsessed with just like creating a bunch of fun things. We'll
03:46be in the kitchen a lot together. Also went to a little retreat this weekend, it's called Miraval
03:51and we only went for a day and I loved it so much and basically it's like this retreat that has so
03:58many activities. It has a spa, it has a gym, it's like a wellness center that you can like take
04:04advantage of as much as you want or as little as you want. So we like checked out the schedule,
04:08there was like yoga classes, there was like this obstacle course thing, there was like horseback
04:13riding. Tell me why they had a chicken keeping class. The fuck. So me and Jay were like yes,
04:19like we're about to get chicken this week. So we go and this guy is just spilling all of the tea that
04:25we literally ever needed to learn. Like it was just the stars aligned and it was so helpful and
04:30it was literally like yesterday. So now we're just even more excited, we are even more confident.
04:35Also the barn is being turned into a gym. Oh my god, I'm going to show you guys we're everywhere
04:40tomorrow. So anyways, I just got out of the shower, did my wash up. It's nine o'clock and your girl's
04:48going to bed. Ten o'clock latest every night. I'm waking up early so I feel good. I hope you guys
04:52are ready. I hope you guys are going to be motivated. I hope you guys are excited for another
04:56day of my life in Texas. Love you guys, see you in the morning.
05:22Good morning. Is that Houston? Remy sleeps in this room by herself.
05:46Good morning.
05:57Where are you going? See dad?
06:00Dad's in there.
06:16The birds chirping.
06:21Wow, good morning vlog. We're about to go on our walk.
06:25Maybe the weather outside? No, it's so nice and the birds are chirping.
06:40I've been wanting to order like a vest. Jayla will tell me.
06:44Just to get like the one with like a little straw on it. Also, the trash is like all the way down
06:49and we have a really long driveway which is dope. Get some more steps in but like yeah we have to
06:55walk in trash all the way down. I'll show you guys how far but it's a gorgeous morning. I also was
07:01thinking of getting like a weighted vest. So like getting a weighted vest with the straw combo.
07:05Don't play with her. And then there's like little wrist weights and stuff. Some ankle weights. I
07:10don't know. I'm feeling so good. As you can see, very nature-y. I'm so grateful like what the f-
07:17So anyway, there's the horse stable and that's where we keep like we'll store the trash and
07:22recycle there for now until we get animals and stuff and then at that point we'll just walk
07:27all the way down. This walk is actually, fun fact, one mile to the exit one mile back. So
07:34two miles total and I was in Hunger Games.
07:48So yeah, this walk is kind of perfect too because there's some crazy declines,
07:52some crazy inclines, some level land. Two miles total. Get your steps in. Eventually I do want to
07:58run it like jog it but since I know I'm going to the gym and do the Stairmaster. There's this one
08:03girl on TikTok. Her name's Madeline. I love her and she kind of told me- she told me specifically.
08:09No, she was talking about this like 30-30-30 rule. So within the first 30 minutes you wake up, have
08:1430 grams protein and go on a 30-minute walk before you like have caffeine and before you do anything
08:18else. Sorry, this is downhill but this is the bitch on the way back. Guys, it's like final uphill
08:23battle. I'm gonna miss this weather though. Like I just know it's gonna be so hot in the summer and
08:29like this is like a perfect morning. Crispy, dewy. Look at this guys. Wow, I'm just the luckiest girl
08:36ever. I also brought my Fujifilm. Wow, what settings are on this bitch? Look at that. Look how cute this shit is though.
08:52Peaceful. Now this incline coming up, I always try to jog it.
08:59Done? Need to go a little more? You gonna finish? Oh god. Should I? Yeah. Okay.
09:20I will say the retreat place we were at this weekend had no phone policy. I just went to check my phone
09:24and I felt like felt guilty. Yeah. Anyway, we're almost to the end. There's this cute old man that we
09:30always see on this walk because we're friendly neighbors and he has a cute dog and he makes
09:34these like sweet little dad jokes. We have to get his name next time so. He's like 65, 70? I think the
09:39grades are coming in quick. He's very gray hair. He's so active. Uh 65. Yeah, I feel like he's in the 60s.
09:45And he's like this curly doodle, brown haired doodle. And also this house I'm looking at right now has two
09:49longhorns. They're honestly so like majestic and creepy and scary and beautiful.
09:56Like they're huge and they're sleeping right there. This one's literally staring at me.
10:03Staring at me. Oh god. Final stretch. This shit is so steep. Oh my god.
10:10Oh my god. We made it home guys. Good morning. We're home. Hi. The kitchen is so clean. Y'all we did a big one.
10:25So now it's time for my 30 grams of protein. So I like to do three hard boiled eggs. When I first
10:34started doing like the high protein diet, I was so bloated. Like it just like is adjustment to
10:40your stomach. And just like having high quantities of like new things. So I was just so bloated and I
10:45was like doing so much research. Like protein bloat. Like I don't know. Just trying to figure out how to
10:50fix it. And just to give it something your body just gets used to over time. I stumbled across
10:54this one girl's page and she recommended these. It's like trio. This one's like gut health, digestion,
11:00microbiome support. This one's a skin elixir. The superfood greens. It's like a bunch of antioxidants.
11:07Like this one is the superfood green spirulina antioxidant. This one's digestion, microbiome
11:14support, prebiotics, probiotics, enzymes. And the skin elixir, hyaluronic acid, collagen production.
11:20Whatever. It's like a great trio. They sell it as a set but it also tastes like ass bro. So I'm like it
11:25has to work. Because like if it tasted really good and I'd be like okay is this like a fad? Like did I get scammed?
11:40Cheers. Ew it literally smells so bad.
11:46But clearly it's not that bad. Okay so.
11:51Okay so for the eggs y'all there's a science to it to make them perfect. I remember growing up like
11:57hard-boiled eggs were always just like cold and dry and like ew powdery because like the inside was
12:02so overcooked. Like it was yellow and just fucking cold. So I literally feel like this is the best
12:10way to make hard-boiled eggs. Jalen do you want two or three? Three. Guys this man did not like
12:17hard-boiled eggs until I started making them. I feel so honored. He was like no thanks, no thanks,
12:23no thanks. So then when I was eating it for like the second day in a row he's like okay I'll try it
12:28and he was real quiet. He tried it. He was like the next day he's like do you want one? He's like yeah.
12:34And now he wants three. So when you put them in you put a timer on for seven minutes. A lot of people
12:39do it for like 10 or more. When you do it at seven it's like a perfect soft boil. Sometimes a little
12:45more runny. Sometimes like that's it. It's never like yellow on the inside. That's the best when you
12:51put some salt and pepper and shit. Okay now the timer is over. Go ahead and take the eggs out.
12:58Put them in cold water like immediately so it stops the cooking so they don't overcook. Two of
13:03them actually split which like doesn't usually happen. So here's how I do my eggs. Now each egg
13:09has seven grams of protein. About 770 calories. So it's like a nice pre-workout. I like crack them
13:16all around like this and then I put them back in the water. These are gonna be really runny. I can
13:26tell just by how squishy the eggs feel. Now breakfast is where I like to get like the most of my protein
13:30in because eggs are like such a hack. I realized that egg whites and tuna are like kind of the best
13:36hacks to get your protein in and like also keep an eye on just like conscious calories and carbs.
13:43So I like to do like a really heavy breakfast and then I eat it like again at one. Then I eat
13:47again at like three. But this doesn't count as breakfast to me. This is like just a little
13:52warm-up. Okay. Oh my goodness. That was not the best one to start with but it split in half so I
13:59just wanted to. Oh. See I could have did this one for like seven minutes 30 seconds. But I love it like this.
14:07You can see this is how seven minutes looks. Very gorgeous to me. Eight minutes would be like
14:12honestly kind of perfect too. Yes the salt makes it so good. And then I like to do pepper and then crush
14:18red pepper on mine. A little pre-workout. You're inhaling them. You like them. Oh my god. Guys I'm
14:26about to go to the gym by myself. So what should I work out today? I did abs and glutes yesterday.
14:31Should I do like back? Because I did I did bi's and tri's. I did glutes and abs. I would do either
14:36legs or back. Do you want to work out tomorrow together? Yeah. What do you want to do together
14:41tomorrow? I'm gonna do legs. All right I'm gonna do back and core today and then my 45 minutes on the stairs
14:4720 minutes in the sauna. I'm sorry this is the best shit ever guys. We're on our way to the gym y'all.
14:55I'm excited. Yeah we can hit some like back and core and stairs and sauna and those big ones
15:02together. I don't ever drive Jalyn's car by myself so I feel crazy. I'm gonna listen to some new Drake though.
15:33I used to be an anti-social man but now I'm making friends. I just got a mansion out in
15:38Texas and it's a beach front. Is she bringing four friends? I know I hit at least one. Got them all
15:43tanned and by the pool and they greased up. Rollies in my city man I keep it fucking sweet stuff.
15:49Me and Capo trying to leave my market piece to Easter. Ain't nobody make it too much money on the
15:55stuff but I beat for rapper because I'm never with the sweet stuff.
15:58Jalyn came from Mexico, she know she got the sweet stuff.
16:03Ayy, niggas ain't got no shit. Niggas just got their stuff. I put that top level. I love my car to the level.
16:10Hype Williams, Lil Niggas. If you don't say it, don't wreck it. Give a fuck.
16:16I'm trying to do five minutes today. I'm gonna sit in the sauna for 20. Holy shit. I am cooked right now.
16:23Oh my gosh guys. Oh, I sweat through this whole thing. Oh my gosh. I love a good sweat. Like I know
16:32you don't need to sweat to like be have a good workout but I just really like ending so sweaty.
16:39And that Stairmaster sauna combo, tea. I did 30 minutes on the Stairmaster today because
16:44you gotta listen to your body and I did 45 yesterday and I felt fucking great and today I was like
16:5030 is still fucking amazing but I'm trying to do leg day tomorrow. I feel like I feel cooked.
16:56I also wanted to tell you guys that yesterday I was kind of psychotic for listening to Eternal
17:00Sunshine the entire time on a Stairmaster. Like I don't even know how that got me through it but
17:05it was speaking to me. Then today I tried to listen to Drake's album and I just like, I don't know, it
17:09just wasn't doing it for me. So then I went on YouTube and there's this channel called Deep Dive.
17:13I don't know if I told you guys about it. I don't know but I've just been watching their stuff. It's
17:16so addicting. It's so informative because like there was so much pop culture going on in the 2000s
17:22to like 2015, even till today. Like I think obviously we're living in like from 2020 to 2025.
17:27Like no one's really reflecting on it yet because like that's something we'll reflect on in like 10
17:31years and like how iconic this era was. But like that channel just deep dives into like all the
17:37celebrities and I just watched the one of Leighton Meester. You guys know Blair Waldorf from Gossip
17:41Girl and her story is so interesting. It just tells you about like their story and like how they got
17:45to like their point and like what their like breakthrough was and like it's just so interesting
17:50and all the episodes are about like 30 minutes to like an hour. So it's so perfect. I was watching
17:54the Hannah Montana one or Hannah Montana. Miley Cyrus and I mean I knew her story. It was crazy
18:01and like that woman went through so much. Like her story is so interesting. I'm just proud of her for
18:08being herself. Like really living your life how you want to is the most important part.
18:13Fuck all the judgment and shit like I don't know. So it is 9 30 right now and look at that. I did
18:21all my shit that I wanted to do and then I'll get home and I can make a good breakfast and then um
18:26I want to do leg compressions. I'm so grateful that Jalen is a wellness guru because like when
18:33I get on my shit like he has so many things that I can like get into. So he has these like leg
18:39compression things that have been so relaxing and like so good for recovery. It just um
18:48promotes blood flow to your legs and just like oh I really feel like it's helped me just like
18:55continue to go. So that's a really great recovery that I've been doing. I also just ordered the like
19:00theragun thing. You guys know that like massage gun that like fucking punches you? So I ordered
19:06that on Amazon. It was like 50 bucks and then I'm gonna edit. I really want to edit until noon
19:12and then I also placed a Sephora order because I packed all my stuff. Like I have a lot of extra
19:17stuff in my house you guys know and I packed like a whole entire face of makeup to bring over here
19:23to leave here and it's like a bunch of new stuff that like I wouldn't normally use my normal routine
19:27so I can just like get into like new products and stuff. Why the fuck did I forget setting powder?
19:31That is like actually illegal and remember that one time I forgot my makeup sponge? Like that is
19:37so criminal. How do you forget something so important? So I would like did my whole makeup
19:41the other day and I went to like the final step to set my face. Bro my concealer was literally
19:47it was so upsetting and there was just nothing I could do at that point. So anyway I ordered
19:53some stuff that'll be here today so by the time like noon hits I can take a shower. I'm gonna do
19:58my hair. I'm gonna do my makeup and just be so cute for the day. Today's a great day. I'm really excited.
20:06Okay y'all so Jalen has so many projects going on at the crib. When I pulled up at home there was like
20:11the solar people here so they're on the roof and shit. We're getting solar power. Okay so what's
20:17what's good about that Jalen? It's mainly around like sustainable energy so the idea is like you
20:22want to unplug from the grid or just like unplug from I don't know civilization like a healthy way
20:28so we have a well. We're unplugged from the water source. We have our own septic. We're unplugged
20:31from plumbing and then solar we're going to basically be able to move ourselves off of the
20:36the power grid because there are power outages that happen like and the cold freeze happens and
20:41sometimes the power goes out and then also in the summer there's brownouts which means if it's the
20:45middle of summer and the power goes out we won't have ac so yeah so solar yeah so so far our ratio
20:52has been like 50 50 so we're still gonna be plugged into the power grid but I think in like six months
20:56we'll add more solar and just go completely solar powered so we'll technically be like off the grid
21:02the only thing we don't have is like our own crop and and stuff that we grow here but there's a lot
21:06more things that I'm missing but mainly around sustainable energy. Boom. It's falling the solar
21:11right now and there's no power in the house for the next five hours and I swear guys after not
21:16having water last week for a week I felt so barbaric I feel like I just got like PTSD response
21:23like bro no power but it's fine dang I botched that it's fine she still looks beautiful this is
21:29Jalen's omelet and two pieces of bacon first plate I basically do about a cup of egg whites
21:35half of these um it's about 10 grams protein so I just do egg whites and cottage cheese mixed in here
21:45hell yeah and then I like to put some spinach in mine
21:50and I swear there's nothing like a good craft single it's so good
21:59look how gorgeous
22:05okay guys we have the barn here our barn
22:11and it's funny because there's some discourse online about like whether I say our house and
22:15Jalen says my house and like whatever he fucking hates me and like we're not happy here and whatever
22:20but it's interesting because we have to like just reflect on like it makes you think and our dynamic
22:26is so different than like you know a lot of other situations and we're very fortunate to have
22:31I have my own house he has his own house and when I'm here it's ours and when he's at my house it's
22:36ours but it's my property at home it's my rooftop it's my things I'm working on and when he's here
22:42like this is his like sanctuary and dream that he's building that I am so grateful to be part of
22:47and I don't know I just wanted to address it because like whenever he's at my house he's not
22:50really posting that much so you don't get the same verbiage of like him being like okay our house you
22:56know I'm saying so I just wanted to say that for the people that are picking it apart but yeah this
23:02is our barn because I'm gonna be working my fucking ass off in it I'm gonna be on a stairmaster
23:06and let me just show you where it's at right now so the constructant construction workers are here
23:13and they're tearing everything out so this is what it's giving right now
23:19so originally this used to have like stalls but we broke them down and we gutted them so that we
23:23can have all our gym equipment in here we're gonna leave like the center open so it's like
23:27a wind tunnel so we're kind of like shaded from the sun when it's super hot in the summer but we
23:31can still get some breeze this is gonna be like the stairmaster peloton versa climber so it's
23:36like a cardio corner this is gonna be the sauna and cold plunge this side's gonna be more for
23:41legs so leg press squat rack the dumbbells and everything we'll have like all rubber floors
23:47this will be a whole mirror on this wall and then I think we're gonna wrap the turf that he already
23:53got installed this is the turf I'm gonna wrap it around all the way around the back and maybe even
23:57to this side because it just looks so good and I feel like it would just get so much use so this
24:02is we're gonna have like the sled pushes here pull up bar crunch thing oh my gosh it's gonna be just
24:07so beautiful I see the weighted vest there we have like the dumbbells oh my gosh guys so excited
24:15so unbelievable that he just makes shit happen with me like I can't believe my rooftop is still
24:19not done it's embarrassing the contractors are just embarrassing but the people over here in
24:24Austin get the fuck down quickly like there's literally solar people on the house so just lots
24:30of beautiful home projects going on and this will be done in like two weeks what the heck I can't
24:37believe it but it's gonna be really nice to just not have to leave the house I'm excited so anyway
24:42best update on our barn I want to show you guys the norma tech these are the compressions
24:48literally so insane but it feels so good and I'll do this for like 30 minutes you can do it for an
24:55hour if you're feeling crazy 15 minutes but I'm just editing right now and I posted the giveaway
25:01on tiktok yesterday and it has like 12,000 comments that's just crazy and I picked one winner
25:07why did I do that to myself I like to pick like multiple I don't know why I was just like
25:12I don't know why I did one but I'm looking through the comments right now I'm gonna pick one we got
25:17lunch look at this tuna lettuce wraps and a rice cake jay will be picky low-key and the look on his
25:26face right now I've never liked tuna but trying it same thing with the hard-boiled eggs I feel
25:33like I'm just maturing his palate my like mouths are in the water like in a not good way not good
25:39okay 50 grams of protein for 200 calories oh you did the math those are two cans or three cans
25:49two cans 25 grams of protein in each yes dang isn't that crazy I also made this
25:54elote pasta last night I'm gonna have this cheese it's not bad I'm gonna try this most cheese on top
26:01cotija cotija
26:05I also put one on a rice cake to see how I like it
26:09I used to eat this with like saltines when I was growing up or a tuna sandwich you know the vibes
26:13for lunch I'll go between this and like a yogurt bowl I also got these but Titi loves the seaweed
26:18and I just feel like tuna and like seaweed you know of the sea which reminds me of like those
26:24salmon weren't the girls doing that on tiktok like little salmon what was it salmon rice
26:36okay but for real now I was about to shower and stuff guys but since the power's off the water
26:40is off now so they're about to put it back on I'll have water eventually I'm gonna get cute so
26:46let's get cute together hey girl hey boom fresh out the shower finally okay so I'm about to just
26:55blow dry my hair I ordered some stuff on Sephora I think I told you guys this morning and it just
27:00got here and I ordered a bunch of stuff from color wow so it's like the super super natural
27:07spray okay yes this is like the dream coat so basically shampoo condition towel dry hair divide
27:15into sections and then spray each section liberally then comb through and blow dry each section using
27:21tension I feel like this is gonna give me super sleek fucking hair I also got the speed dry blow
27:26dry spray so it says the same directions as this one so I'm gonna do both of these together I also
27:31got dream cocktail leave-in strengthening treatment I might do this when I'm not styling my hair
27:36oh style with heat to activate so this is also one I'm gonna honestly just do like a full cocktail
27:41on my hair because I really want to see if I can like achieve really good results at home because
27:47I also got this new blow dryer this is the air light pro from L'Oreal dude this shit is crazy
27:53it's so fucking light and it's so powerful it has two attachments it comes with this one that I used
27:59the other day and then it has a diffuser too I used it with no product my hair though and my hair
28:04really got super like dry and straight but it was just like dry because I didn't put any like
28:11moisture or anything in it like you have to do that I just didn't have any that's why so I'm
28:15gonna use these three and then I also got shine spray so this is at the end it's currently two
28:21o'clock I'm gonna see how long this takes probably be done by 2 30 and I'm gonna do a quick little
28:26glam I'm also getting a haircut though I really need one so you can see like my hair's nice and
28:33healthy and I'm gonna get to the end it's like they dry so fast because they're just like so
28:37dead and split last time I got my hair cut too I took most of my layers out I cut off like five
28:42inches and I like had really long layers before I always had long layers but I honestly wanted
28:47like a super clean blunt healthy cut so this next time I think I'm gonna do it one more time but
28:51just only take off like an inch because I really want my hair to be long and luscious
29:06I love YouTube because bro I can actually just talk and hang out like I feel like for TikTok
29:10if I was doing this for TikTok I'd be so stressed out YouTube is just so organic to me I don't do
29:14any sponsors here I don't do I just hang out
29:24okay first impression with the products it still feels a little bit like tangly but I really think
29:32it has to do with my hair needing a haircut like I just really feel like a lot of it has to do with
29:37the ends of my hair being a little fried because it keeps getting tang it just feels tangly like
29:41when I go to run my fingers through it it's like it doesn't look like it but I just know my hair
29:46it's pretty that's pretty straight though for a blow dryer right I don't know why I'm expecting
29:50like literally straightening iron results from a blow dryer so let me calm down let me chill let
29:55me chill because I also bought this mane it's like the um heated the thermal blow dry brush
30:03I'm gonna do that after and just like do my ends and see like maybe tomorrow I'll touch up my hair
30:06with it and see how it works but yeah okay it's 2 30 like I said and the hair is done
30:16hi hey pretty
30:20so this is like the heated blow dry brush I can't lie I honestly love how my hair is growing like
30:28I haven't gotten curtain bangs in so long like look how long they are so basically
30:33I would get them to my chin every time so since my last haircut this is how much my hair has grown
30:37which is crazy I think my last haircut was like in August my hair grows so fast I really like
30:42how it looks like I just feel like it looks really like sexy like when everything is kind of one
30:46length like I really do love layers and I'm sure I'll probably end up getting layers again but I'm
30:51glad that I'm seeing it through oh yeah it's got hot pretty quick I think you do these away from
30:57your face I really just want the ends to be a little bit more yes like the ends just to be a
31:07little bit more bent okay yeah this is so genius like I've already seen like a bunch of tiktok shop
31:13people talking about these
31:32yeah I definitely did my big one on this side I feel like I should go back in on this side
31:36okay oh my gosh my legs are sore okay here's like a proper review on the hair
31:42oh yeah what am I kidding I'm gonna put this extra shine spray on
31:50oh it smells so good I do think it's like a oil it has like some kind of oil in it so I should be a
31:57little careful dang okay bow girl okay this is giving okay let's just do this makeup really quick
32:07hey I just did a concealer blush I put my individual lashes off from LYS they're so easy
32:28they're already pre-glued literally self-adhesive took me five minutes and then my lip combo I think
32:34the lip combo is really what's tea it's the road lip liner in serenity I just made that up balance
32:42and then the mac powder kiss liquid lip color and habit and then the makeup forever new lip oil
32:50daring candy so good period okay guys let's go get some chickens oh my gosh we're gonna get chickens
32:57oh yeah are you sure we're getting six hell yeah why don't we get three
33:03guys I can't believe we're getting our fucking chicken say oh my god this is not gonna work with
33:07this lip gloss I think six is great I think that's the goal for now but I don't know if we can
33:12transport six immediately that's my only thing where I would like be like okay three makes sense
33:15right now but I think we if we can put them in here like little boxes in a bit like they look
33:20like little to-go boxes we're definitely gonna be attached to them we're definitely gonna love them
33:25hopefully have them for years their lifespan average average is like seven years and we learned
33:30I told you guys we took a chicken keeping class so we learned you know there's egg chickens there's
33:35meat chickens and like you raise them kind of differently and we learned about like pasture
33:39raised eggs free range all those kind of things so yeah technically all of our chickens gonna be
33:43pasture raised because they have enough space 108 square feet per chicken allows it to be categorized
33:49as a pasture-raised chicken we are hopefully getting six I think that's what our number is
33:54for like operating on a daily basis for now and then the goal will be to expand the chicken coop
34:01the pasture so we can have like 10 to 12 chickens at a time jalen really wants a donkey and we
34:07actually saw some in person the other day and they grew on me super cute and also one of our
34:11neighbors has a donkey that literally has the longest eyelashes I've ever seen she looks like
34:14such a diva and like I just feel like I just really want glamorous animals is that kind of
34:20fucked up I mean you guys see my daughter roomie like I have that bitch in pearls and like I just
34:26I just feel like it's super cute we're gonna have our two donkeys I think because I think
34:29you have to get two yes we learned that too you have to get two donkeys you can't just get one
34:33and it's basically like you know Winnie the Pooh how they have Eeyore he's literally a sad donkey
34:37because he's like solo and they literally get depressed whenever they're alone so they have
34:43to come in twos we want to get some baby goats and we already picked the names for them yeah
34:48until now you want to wait okay maybe yeah we'll wait to tell you guys the names but they're so
34:53funny yeah and those are like the main animals donkeys goats chickens and then then we'll see
35:00how we feel there I feel like I always wanted like a mini cow but that gives like advanced
35:05and I honestly I wouldn't be able to do this without jalen because he's so good with animals
35:09and like when I literally talked about getting a dog he's like I'll just take care of it like
35:13whatever you want to do like if you want to go whatever like I'll just take care of her and he
35:17really does I got friends but my best friend's right yeah I just know like he's gonna just be
35:23so good at taking care of all these animals we're new here but we're very excited trying
35:28our best to be responsible but anyway let's go pick our chicks oh my gosh the bunnies
35:36oh my goodness because I grew up with bunnies I don't know if I told you
35:57they're so cute look at this one and mommy
36:02you guys with mommy where are the chickens y'all oh my gosh you hear
36:11this is so crazy
36:17how you doing bonjour
36:24oh see that's what we're not going to be doing the brown one
36:26down there this is just a start
36:30these are silkies oh my god look at all of them
36:36shut up guys they have silkies what the heck I can't believe we're here right now guys
36:44they literally just sell freaking goats oh my god are you serious
36:50look at the baby hi guys oh my
36:57what the okay let's see which ones we end up getting who wants to come home with me
37:02come here if you want to come home with me look at that one in the back she's such a diva
37:08hi guys hi don't freak out that one looks like hey hey from Moana literally yeah I like that
37:16brown one oh my gosh he's about to scoop them up and then oh look at him hiding
37:24wait what about that one oh my gosh we got the chicken
37:30guys oh my goodness what are you guys doing in there ready holy shit
37:39I'm not too happy right now okay so the four red chickens that we got are really good at producing
37:43eggs like oh my god but these are the ones that I picked but they had these gorgeous chickens I'm
37:49going to show you I literally can't wait for the dogs to meet them that's going to be my favorite
37:52part hi sister oh my god hi girlies you shy I'm really glad they already know each other because
38:00I heard about like chicken bullying and shit cannot have baddies in the house okay
38:05look how cute they are what's going on are you guys okay these ones are so chill can I pick you up I'm scared
38:19wait I'm kind of scared I got it I gotta boss up cuz I've never held a bird
38:34oh my god it's so cute
38:40does this remind me of hey hey from Moana that's why I loved it
38:46hey hey look at them they're so cute you guys gotta help us name them though I like food names
38:52this one's giving sugar cookies oh look first one in the coop what do you think
38:58nice girl this audience is you right here these are giving the cheetah girls they just stick together
39:08guys it's dinner time you want to eat you hungry Houston sit good boy corset
39:18oh excuse me lady corset hey good girl we're making their dinner and then I want my salmon
39:29kick oh my gosh wait I have to show you guys we have two kind of like girl things we have a
39:34Traeger and a Blackstone so let me show you this is the Traeger it literally makes the salmon like
39:41butter oh my gosh so I don't really know the science but it does have like
39:46wood pellets so it's like wood fired I guess we got like pecan flavored ones this time so we'll
39:51see if it gives like little smoky like taste but it gets hot in here it's not really getting hot
39:56though this is what happened the other night too we were all excited it was preheating and it wasn't
40:00even on we were starving yeah it's not hot yeah we're gonna cook our dinner on that tonight
40:07and I honestly feel really cooked like mentally I just did so much filming and editing
40:12and just things today very productive long day but now that it's six o'clock I'm like I really
40:17want to just let my brain chill play some video games eat some dinner just enjoy just enjoy the
40:24night hey girl hey I feel like literally all we did today was just eat I'm gonna vlog every meal
40:31sorry if this is boring and repetitive but it's kind of obnoxious that we as humans have to eat
40:35like so many times throughout the day but I love it so I'm gonna make my favorite staple meal
40:42this is salmon cucumber bowl I'm actually gonna do a little self-care tonight too so I'm gonna
40:49do a bath and then I'm gonna use some of these cucumbers like on my eyes and shit I love that
40:52so we got our carrots let's scalp the girls I always hate cutting their luscious ponytail off
40:58like you guys are so gorgeous I'm sorry goodbye pony I don't know how bad this avocado is hopefully
41:06we can salvage her because I didn't get any new ones at the grocery store so hopefully it's just
41:11like a little brown on the outside not so much I also made like my favorite drink kombucha and
41:17poppy mixed together a little mocktail it's addicting let's go check on the meats
41:25oh yeah oh they look good I don't know how much longer
41:34so the internal temp you can see right here it's going back up to 400 because I just opened it and
41:38then inside the probe the probe temp is how hot it is inside of the fish the rice is done I'm
41:45gonna add some butter salt and pepper you know the goods but let's finish plating dinner here's
41:51the gorgeous plate y'all just a simple salmon avocado cucumber rice and carrot my fave can't
41:59forget the hot sauce perfect didn't got this raw ass steak medium it's really medium look at that
42:08yeah honestly it's beautiful one two three
42:16uh you're still always having an audience when we eat our dinner literally and this one too yeah
42:22four cheers guys hey y'all oh my gosh I just did my gua sha I left my lashes on I like really
42:32washed my face around it because I wanted to be like cute like I have lash extensions or something
42:38but what a f***ing great day I really used all my brain power and I kind of crashed out after
42:44dinner like I was just ready to go to bed but now I have a little burst of energy it's like 8 30
42:50like your girl is really on some like mature timing so I'm about to put on some true crime
42:59and fold the laundry out of all the chores Jae's least favorite is laundry and my least favorite
43:07is the f***ing dishes because it's just like a non-stop thing and I really like to cook so
43:13I usually take the like role in cooking and it's so funny too because Jae really was like
43:20I could not f***ing cook like I don't know why I just really thought I couldn't
43:24and only this past like year you guys know too I only made chicken and rice and even at that
43:30like I just feel like it was so mid so I've just been really getting creative and he would do
43:35breakfast I would do like lunch I would make a sandwich I'm like period and then he would always
43:40do dinner too so now it's my turn to cook he does the dishes I will fold the laundry but like he'll
43:46put the laundry in the thing and we have like we have good like chores and stuff that we like kind
43:52of trade off yeah I could do this all day like I could fold laundry all day and just like watch
43:56tv so just my little task for the end of the day I really am we're just really working on having a
44:02clean house at like all times just making that a priority he also just like vacuumed again because
44:08really just having the dogs guys and they have access to outside they just come in and out every
44:13day it's going to be have to think it has to be a thing every day that we vacuum so anyway I hope
44:18you guys enjoyed this vlog I really had so much fun spending a day with you guys in Texas now I
44:24can freaking tell you that by the time you're watching this I'm gonna be in Iceland bro what
44:28the heck I'm so excited to see this beautiful place I this is like one of those places that
44:34was like on my bucket list actually like I never thought I would ever go it was just one of those
44:38things I'd be like oh that'd be cool like wait what I actually get to go to Iceland and oh my
44:44god I just can't wait to share it and bring this camera because I just know this camera's gonna
44:47capture like the most beautiful visuals and like I can't wait to bring you guys so I hope you're
44:52excited you're going to Iceland next week it's gonna be fun vlog I am going by myself which
44:59I'm excited about I feel like I'm really just loving that um but it's with I know a lot of
45:07the creators are going so it'll be cute like kinky so yeah I hope you guys enjoy this vlog
45:13make sure to leave a like and subscribe and comment your favorite part I really like to
45:18interact in the comments yeah I also posted like a day in my life on TikTok if you guys want some
45:22more of these vibes in shorter form and it would be a different day but kind of same thing but
45:29I love you guys and I hope you have a great night bye