• last year
(Adnkronos) - “La sfida della sostenibilità del servizio sanitario nazionale la dobbiamo assolutamente vincere. L’incontro di oggi va nella direzione di trovare, insieme a tutti gli stakeholder, alcune leve per garantirne la sostenibilità per i prossimi anni avvenire”. Lo ha detto Tonino Aceti, presidente di Salutequità, a margine dell’evento organizzato nella Capitale da Salutequità per discutere dei più importanti temi legati all’accesso alla sanità e alla sua organizzazione.


00:00The challenge of public health service sustainability is a challenge that we absolutely have to win, there is no way to lose it, we have to win it.
00:14Today's moment goes in the direction of finding together, together with all stakeholders, some levers to guarantee sustainability for the coming years.
00:29Fundamentally, there is an obviously important need to invest additional resources more and more on the national health service, which is one of the largest public works carried out in our country since the Second World War,
00:46guaranteeing democracy, equity and accessibility to care, so certainly financing it, financing it more and more based on the real needs, not on the historical need, but on the real health needs of the population.
01:03But putting more resources is not enough, we must accompany the increase of resources to the implementation of reforms, structural reforms that we have sent back for a long time.
01:16The first reform that must be implemented is to review the principle of loyal collaboration between the State and the Regions to guarantee the speed of decisions and the implementation of decisions with the highest level of equity.
01:30To relaunch the national health program that ends in 2006-2008, to review the measurement and assessment systems of the performances of our national health service, to reform the whole theme of health professions, which obviously need great innovation to meet people's health needs.
01:53And then there is really to focus on the protagonism of patients who should not be the subject of decisions, but the subject of health policy decisions that concern them, and on this our country is far behind and must quickly regain space and places in the international ranking.
