• 14 hours ago
Pourquoi ce 16e astéroïde est le plus convoité de tous ! ☄️✨ Les scientifiques sont en ébullition à propos d'un astéroïde appelé 16 Psyche, et pour une bonne raison : il pourrait être rempli de métaux précieux valant plus que l'économie entière de la Terre ! Ce rocher spatial, flottant entre Mars et Jupiter, serait presque entièrement composé de fer, de nickel et même d'or. Si cela est vrai, son exploitation minière pourrait bouleverser tout ce que nous savons sur l'exploration spatiale et la richesse. La NASA a déjà lancé une mission pour l'examiner de près. Cet astéroïde pourrait-il être la clé de l'avenir de l'humanité dans l'espace ? Regardez la vidéo et découvrez pourquoi tout le monde veut une part de 16 Psyche ! Animation créée par Sympa.
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00:00Imagine an asteroid so rich in precious metals that it could make every inhabitant of the Earth a billionaire.
00:08However, this is not science fiction, but a reality.
00:12It is 16 Psyche, a gigantic metallic celestial body in orbit between Mars and Jupiter.
00:20Its exceptional character is not only in its astronomical value, estimated at 10 trillion dollars.
00:28This asteroid also contains essential clues on the formation of rocky planets like Earth.
00:35In October 2023, NASA launched the Psyche probe to explore this cosmic treasure.
00:41It should reach the asteroid in August 2029, and astronomers hope to get valuable information.
00:48This mission could reveal not only the abundance of metals on Psyche, but also the processes that govern the formation of planets.
00:57But what makes Psyche so unique?
01:01Discovered in 1852 by an Italian astronomer, it was the 16th asteroid listed, hence its name.
01:09It stands out among the countless rocks of the asteroid belt thanks to its metallic composition.
01:16Unlike rocky or icy asteroids, Psyche seems to be mainly made of iron and nickel,
01:23with perhaps traces of gold and other rare metals.
01:27With a diameter of about 280 km, Psyche is not the largest asteroid and remains surpassed by Ceres.
01:34Its size remains nevertheless impressive.
01:37Its surface reaches 1,655,000 km², the equivalent of Florida.
01:44Astronomers estimate that up to 60% of its surface could contain precious metals.
01:50Scientists also believe that this asteroid could be the bare core of an ancient planetesimal,
01:58a protoplanet in the process of formation orbiting around a star.
02:03This celestial body could have evolved to become an entire planet
02:09if a cataclysmic collision had not destroyed it several billion years ago.
02:15If this hypothesis is confirmed, Psyche could offer us an unprecedented view of the interior of telluric planets like Earth,
02:23whose core remains buried under thick layers of crust and mantle.
02:27Do you remember this space probe sent to explore the asteroid?
02:32After leaving Earth to embark on this ambitious mission,
02:36Psyche will travel the dizzying distance of 3.5 billion km before reaching its goal.
02:42This long journey will last for nearly 6 years.
02:45In May 2026, it will pass near Mars and exploit the gravity of the red planet to launch even deeper into space.
02:54This technique, called gravitational assistance, will increase its speed and refine its trajectory towards the asteroid.
03:03When Psyche reaches it in August 2029, it will begin a long 26-month observation phase,
03:10during which it will analyze its surface, identify its composition and try to trace its history.
03:19To carry out this study, Psyche is equipped with a panoply of cutting-edge instruments.
03:24Among them, a multispectral imager will capture high-resolution clichés of the asteroid's surface,
03:30allowing scientists to examine its texture and composition.
03:35A gamma and neutron spectrometer will analyze its chemical structure and determine its metal content.
03:41A magnetometer will detect the presence of a possible magnetic field.
03:46This discovery will reinforce the hypothesis that Psyche is an ancient planetary nucleus.
03:54Finally, a super-high-frequency radio system will measure the gravitational field of the asteroid,
04:00thus providing valuable clues about its internal structure and density.
04:05NASA is not speeding up this probe to evaluate the market value of the asteroid as a mining resource, at least not yet.
04:13The main objective of the mission is above all scientific.
04:16Researchers hope to answer fundamental questions about the formation and evolution of the planets.
04:22This asteroid could help us understand how a fusion material cools down to form a planetary nucleus.
04:29Another question is, why did this asteroid fail to become a planet?
04:34Its study could shed light on the reasons why some celestial bodies evolve into planets, while others do not.
04:42Although NASA's mission is purely exploratory, it has also aroused interest in the mining exploitation of asteroids.
04:49With an estimated value of 10 trillion dollars,
04:53Psyche could, in theory, provide enough raw materials to transform the terrestrial industry.
04:59Such a business remains hypothetical and would not materialize before several decades, if it were to materialize one day.
05:07Yet, the idea intrigues.
05:09But if these metals arrived on Earth, their abundance could cause a collapse of the value of precious metals such as gold, thus disrupting global markets.
05:19Speaking of precious resources, where do gold, platinum and other rare metals from Earth come from?
05:26These so-called siderophiles have a cosmic origin just as fascinating as Psyche.
05:32They appeared during cataclysmic phenomena that occurred billions of years ago,
05:38notably during Kilonovae, collisions between neutron stars that project huge amounts of metals into space.
05:47These elements were then integrated into the gas and dust clouds that gave birth to our solar system.
05:54When the Earth was formed, most of the heavy metals migrated to its iron-rich core.
05:59However, some of them did not reach the depths of the planet.
06:03Violent impacts with errant protoplanets such as Theia, the object the size of Mars, which would have contributed to the formation of the Moon,
06:11trapped some of these elements in the terrestrial mantle.
06:15Recent computer models explain how this happened.
06:19After each major collision, the surface of the Earth temporarily transformed into a huge ocean of magma.
06:26By sinking through this sea of melting rocks, the metals reached a partially solid layer,
06:32which slowed their descent and held them in the mantle rather than in the core.
06:36Then, under the effect of thermal convection, these metals rose to the surface,
06:42where they became accessible to mining operations billions of years later.
06:46If the public's attention today focuses on the metals of Psyche,
06:50we must not forget that space contains many other treasures.
06:54Scientists have discovered, or at least theorized, the existence of precious stones scattered throughout the universe.
07:01Let's take the example of diamonds, made up of pure carbon, an omnipresent element in the cosmos.
07:07They form on Earth at very high pressure and temperature, deeply buried in the mantle.
07:13However, similar conditions can be found in space.
07:18Nano-diamonds, which are tiny crystals, have thus been identified in some meteorites.
07:24Some even contain gases that offer researchers precious clues about the history of the primitive solar system.
07:33According to some theories, it could even rain diamonds on Neptune and Uranus.
07:39On these frozen giants, the colossal pressures would be able to transform carbon into crystalline structures.
07:46In addition, studies suggest that some exoplanets, depending on their size and their distance from their star,
07:52could contain gems such as rubies or sapphires.
07:56Even our Moon has its own extraterrestrial minerals.
07:59Traces of cubic zircons have been found in lunar samples.
08:03Space could therefore hold many more treasures than we imagined.
08:07But let's go back to the Psyche mission.
08:10It could not only reveal all the potential of space resources, but also highlight the challenges related to their exploitation.
08:17For example, extracting materials from an asteroid would require autonomous robots capable of evolving in extreme environments.
08:25In addition, efficient transport systems would have to be put in place to transport these resources to Earth,
08:31or to treat them directly in orbit.
08:33It would also be crucial to ensure that these activities do not disturb the terrestrial ecosystems or the balance of space.
08:40In addition, the legal question remains a major issue.
08:44The 1967 Space Treaty forbids nations to claim the sovereignty of a celestial body.
08:51But the arrival of private companies in space exploration raises the debate on property and the sharing of resources.
08:58Finally, the massive introduction of extraterrestrial metals on Earth could disrupt global markets.
09:05This is why some experts believe that these materials should rather be exploited on site,
09:10for the construction of habitats, satellites or even spaceships.
09:16Whatever happens to the exploitation of 16 Psyches,
09:19the exploration of this asteroid will bring an unprecedented enlightenment on the formation of the solar system
09:24and the processes that shaped our planet.
09:27Since December 1, 2024, the probe continues its journey following the orbit of the Sun, heading for its target.
09:34This journey is not limited to enriching our understanding of the universe.
09:38It also pushes the limits of what is possible for humanity in its space conquest.
