*Peasant League's appeal highlighted procedural flaws of the decision
*The introduction of transgenic could have serious consequences for agroecology
*Peasant League rejects genetically modified seeds
*The Food-Cop organization tries to support farmers
*Transgenic foods and agroecology are two conflicting and incompatible models
*The introduction of transgenic could have serious consequences for agroecology
*Peasant League rejects genetically modified seeds
*The Food-Cop organization tries to support farmers
*Transgenic foods and agroecology are two conflicting and incompatible models
00:00In other news, the Kenyan Peasants League is once again trying to prevent the introduction
00:04of genetically modified food and seeds into Kenya through the court system.
00:08Oscar Abelda with the details.
00:14They challenged the sudden lifting of the ban on genetically modified food
00:18when William Rudeau became president of Kenya in 2022.
00:22Two years later, they were still waiting for the trial to begin.
00:25After the High Court ordered the interim suspension of the lifting of the ban,
00:29the government's lawyers tried to change jurisdiction.
00:32If they eventually succeeded in winning the case,
00:34it was when the judge was changed and replaced by another judge.
00:50The case was closed and the injunction was lifted in November 2024 on the day of this recording.
00:56The state definitely has a lot of machinery behind it.
00:59We are up against a huge force.
01:01So it will take the efforts of the masses in order to allow
01:06their health and their lives to be put at peril.
01:12The Peasants League appeal highlighted the procedural flaws of the presidential cabinet's
01:17decision, the lack of public participation and of the prior scientific reports required by law.
01:22Furthermore, it appealed to the principle of precaution in consideration of the risk to health
01:27and life if they lose their agricultural and farming techniques
01:31and the original seeds that are the basis of what they eat and what they are.
01:34When we harvest again, you do sorting and you select the ones that you feel best
01:40that you can again keep for the next season.
01:43If the Court of Appeal now refuses to suspend the introduction of transgenics as a precautionary
01:49measure, it could mean the beginning of the end of the systems that
01:52farmers are putting in place to protect and promote agroecology.
01:56The data globally says that the world today is producing enough food to feed 14 billion people.
02:04Kenyan Peasants League rejects arguments about the need for genetically modified seeds
02:09as a weapon to fight hunger.
02:11The issue of hunger is not lack of food.
02:14It's poverty.
02:15People cannot buy the food.
02:16So if I don't have money to buy food, to buy indigenous meals now,
02:20and you bring GMOs and I still don't have money, how will I buy it?
02:26One of the systems they are creating is the Food Cop, where producers and consumers ensure
02:31the production and distribution of healthy food.
02:33This undeveloped urban area of Nairobi had a reputation for heroin addiction and crime.
02:38But they have joined the Food Cop, and thanks to a safe market,
02:41they now produce chemical-free food and are growing.
02:44They produce, care for the environment, and expand a model that seeks social justice first.
02:50This office from where the Konyami Food Cop is coordinated has just been demolished
02:54after this recording last December.
02:56But the system devised is working computerized.
02:59Anyone living in the urban and rural farming communes can place their weekly order and share shares.
03:04The numbers are still small, but it has the potential to leave the people in charge of
03:08deciding what they want to eat and be, even if the government does not take any notice.
03:13These are two confronted and incompatible models.
03:16Transgenic seeds, accompanied by other legislations that promote mechanized agriculture,
03:21cornering the rights of peasants, versus agroecology, adapted to the climate crisis,
03:26in theory able to feed everyone by cooling the planet.