• 2 days ago
As DK Metcalf has officially requested a trade, it prompts us to ask this; Would you rather have Deebo Samuel or DK Metcalf?
00:00So the question then that we've got to ask is Debo Samuel at the price you gave him or
00:07in a world where other guys are comparable like DK Metcalf and we just don't know what
00:13is the trade compensation it might take a four it might take a three you never know
00:18I think because he's got thirty one million left on his deal and someone's got to take
00:21on eighteen million in cap space.
00:22We just saw that Washington gave up a five for Debo B.K.'s a little younger and more
00:27productive so that it's at least a four I would think maybe even a third round pick
00:32but would you rather have knowing what you know now Debo at that cost or let's say D.K.
00:39with a late third and a thirty two million dollar cap it well no but the cap it's eighteen
00:45so it's thirty one million for Seattle but the number that the team will inherit is closer
00:52to eighteen I read yesterday they've got to pay some I don't know how it works but basically
00:57that's his cap number for Seattle but you understand what I'm saying so would you rather
01:00Debo Samuel fifth round pick eighteen million or say D.K. Metcalf third or fourth round
01:05pick and around eighteen million I think it's narrowly D.K. Metcalf for me but not by a
01:10lot so does that make you feel any differently or no because burden the hand burn the hand
01:14there's no guarantee you can make that trade that's why I want to make that trade that
01:17another team doesn't give more right so I got this one I won this sweepstakes right
01:22and I'm willing to do it because it makes sense for me at this point it may not make
01:24sense for a lot of teams it makes perfect sense for me two guys in my wide receiver
01:28room one was a quarterback an hour ago the others Terry McLaurin I need more weaponry
01:34so is he running back yes is he a receiver yes is he a slot guy yes I've solved a bunch
01:38of different things creative wise with this one player I would love a traditional quote
01:43unquote number two receiver that has an elite skill set doing certain things Metcalf is
01:48a deep threat to me is the whole point he's not there to shake you down not there to break
01:53ankles and run crisp routes he is a big strong freight train that goes deep as good or better
01:58than anybody in the sport that's really valuable to me I want that too but you know if I've
02:03got to choose either or just the fact that I that this is done now and you're not entering
02:08into some sort of extra layer of competition with folks from Metcalf and let's say you
02:12didn't do Debo Samuel and you go you know we're holding out for DK Metcalf and it turns
02:17out four other teams are and he doesn't like Washington DC for whatever reason or he's
02:21not one of the guys that watched Jane Daniels with Brandon IU for whatever who knows I think
02:25that's a part of the problem is when we talk about these trades we view them almost in
02:31this fantasy football world where it's about the draft pick and the money and if it's equal
02:39then you could have just done this exact same thing maybe not you know maybe the Packers
02:44or the Steelers come forward and DK Metcalf prefers to go there and so Seattle ships him
02:50there because the compensation is really similar or maybe because he's actually more
02:55productive and a little younger and has seemingly less of a regression here recently of maybe
03:02just more of a market and now even though we think we know the value there's a bidding
03:07war and it goes up I just don't think we can look at it in that same vacuum when we're
03:12talking about one to one now the exercise is still a good one from Walder who's a smart
03:17guy at ESPN in saying what I don't like about this is you could have used that money in
03:24another way that's always true you could use it on a D tackle or a D end or a wide receiver
03:30and he's saying I'd rather basically still have that money and the possibility to see
03:35what else shakes free maybe that's paying Christian Kirk or trading for Devante Adams
03:40before he got cut or now signing him again I'm not interested in Adams but my point is
03:46he's going knowing where Debo is right now in his career I'll take the unknown and the
03:52chance it's striking on something I like more than Debo Samuel but Danny I don't think this
03:57was a Debo versus DK thing for them I don't think it was a Debo versus Adams thing I think
04:04this was a hey I really know Debo Samuel I have a relationship with him I like him I
04:09will bet on him and he wants to come here by the way he likes our quarterback he knows
04:14some of our coaches he knows me as a general manager I think this was a fit and I think
04:19the price was right and so they did it I don't think they went to the store to buy cereal
04:25and then they were choosing between four boxes of DK and Debo and Devante I just think basically
04:31they were walking out of the store and someone's like hey do you want this and they go actually
04:35I've always liked that one yeah we'll take that one Walder and other people are looking
04:39at this like they were gonna spend 20 million on a receiver and give up a fifth round pick
04:42for someone and they chose Debo Samuel I don't think that's how it happened I agree
04:46with you and I think ultimately and I said this yesterday after Boulder was on I'm gonna
04:51read the next thing he puts out because the key comes this comes at this like completely
04:55passionless there's no rooting interest in his formulations calculations he's looking
05:02at numbers he's looking at data and for the data inclined you would go this move makes
05:09a little bit less sense than maybe door number two or door number three some of the unknown
05:13where you could maximize dollar figures here there and everywhere and I'm going normally
05:18I think that person let me rephrase that that guy needs to sit at the table for me I always
05:22want the analytics guy to go I just put plugged in the calculation and here's what I came
05:27up with thank you for the information I could either follow or not follow it based on some
05:31well thought out criteria and I'm sure that's happening in Washington now whereas it wasn't
05:34before it was Bruce's gut but now I'm basically sitting here going what we need and what's
05:43normally worth it to us is going to be a little bit different and what I mean is we've got
05:47extra salary cap space fewer draft picks we've got a dire need at a given position it's you
05:54know 20 million bucks on a receiver versus 20 million bucks on a middle linebacker aren't
05:58equal for us in terms of needing to improve our roster so the idea that you were going
06:02to take that I'm just calling it 18 million bucks and spend it on something that might
06:06be a you know better above replacement spot in terms of you know expected points at it
06:13at a different position the value isn't necessarily there for the team that didn't have a receiver
06:18that needs more playmakers to help their quarterback you know what I mean so the value to us because
06:22we were desperate for that receiver is more valuable than say a defensive tackle who would
06:27occupy the same salary cap space I'm just going on record to say that I don't view it
06:33as they chose him over digs or Keenan Allen or whatever like it's not like they had decided
06:40one of these guys is definitely coming in here which one is it and then Debo became
06:44the guy I don't think you'd strike first if that's how you were doing it I think you'd
06:49let the market develop a little bit and kind of see where it went between all those receivers
06:54that are 31 or 32 Adams digs Alan Cooper Brandon cooks you know whoever else is in
07:01there but to me this was a stars aligned guy they knew guy that wanted to be here on the
07:07cheap as opposed to maybe a similar offseason to last year honestly where they go out and
07:13they get I'm just going to make up some names but like they bring in they bring Crowder
07:18back and then they bring in Van Jefferson and Alameda Zaccheaus is back and they go
07:23get River Craycraft or Sterling Shepard or you know DeAndre Carter or Jujus Mischuster
07:30or something and they just kind of piecemeal it together I think that's absolutely part
07:34of the options and I would take what they just did over that but I think this is at
07:39least interesting to pose on the phones even though it's not exact and it's not one-to-one
07:45but DK Metcalf who would cost a similar amount against the cap you would have given up at
07:52least probably one round more valuable draft pick and then an extension or one year of
07:59Debo Samuel with the potential of ultimately keeping him around if he's really good because
08:03the extension I think is a lot to for DK wherever he goes I don't think DK Metcalf going somewhere
08:09and someone is taking him on an 18 mil and not extending him based on his age and there's
08:14some predictability there with his game as you said to me that that screams extension
08:18and he's asking for one obviously yeah so it's a better pick similar money a little
08:23bit more but similar will say it's a wash and then an extension but you have DK Metcalf
08:28now for the foreseeable future for a few years you got a really good complimentary receiver
08:32or what they did one year for Debo which would you guys have rather done eight hundred six
08:36three six one oh six seven that's eight hundred six three six one oh six seven so as I said
08:41to start it it's narrowly DK Metcalf assuming both are available I can go to the shopping
08:45market the shopping market or my thousand I go to I can go to the grocery store supermarket
08:50and you'll take out your your pocketbook oh I've got a coupon for that I'm gonna pay by
08:55check and then you'll have crisp one dollar bills and you'll count out your change one
08:59to let me start again ten twenty it's narrowly Metcalf just because I value that skill set
09:04so much I don't I just don't think they're that I think we underestimate that sometimes
09:08even if it's not as productive in a given game the ability of the guy to go deep to
09:13win those contested balls to run past people I think that skill set is a valuable to have
09:19it of itself but it also scares the hell out of people I want that I think it's more room
09:23for then ultimately what Kingsbury wants to do which is the underneath which is working
09:27quick which is short drops the hitches the the crosses the shallow stuff throws quickly
09:31out of the backfield get the ball to the quarterback's hands I think every once in a while you got
09:35to be able to show that you can go over the top and that's as good as anybody right now
09:38in the sport at doing that so they're gonna be years where you go what happened you only
09:41had 967 yards it's because they put enough games where enough people are going we're
09:46not him we're not letting him go over the top to beat us at this point and he can still
09:50do that in elite level so it's narrowly Metcalf because I'd be into having him and McLaurin
09:54as my one and one a for the next four or five six years maybe six is too much but I would
09:59do that.
