समस्तीपुर, बिहार: डॉ. राजेंद्र प्रसाद केंद्रीय कृषि विश्वविद्यालय हल्दी, चुकंदर और पालक का उपयोग करके हर्बल गुलाल तैयार कर रहा है। वे ग्रामीण महिलाओं को पर्यावरण के अनुकूल गुलाल बनाने का प्रशिक्षण दे रहे हैं, जिससे उन्हें रोजगार के अवसर मिल रहे हैं। इसी कड़ी में डॉ. राजेंद्र प्रसाद केंद्रीय कृषि विश्वविद्यालय की वैज्ञानिक संगीता देव ने कहा कि प्राकृतिक रंगों की मांग बढ़ गई है। लोग जानते हैं कि सिंथेटिक रंगों का उपयोग पर्यावरण और शरीर को नुकसान पहुंचाता है। सिंथेटिक रंग मिट्टी या पानी में मिलकर नुकसान पहुंचा सकते हैं जबकि प्राकृतिक रंग दोनों के लिए सुरक्षित हैं। इसलिए हम उन्हें प्रशिक्षित कर रहे हैं।
#holi #holi2k25 #holifestival #colours #hindufestival #bihar #biharnews #samstipur #herbalcolours #syntheticcolours
#holi #holi2k25 #holifestival #colours #hindufestival #bihar #biharnews #samstipur #herbalcolours #syntheticcolours
00:00It's been a long time since I had this.
00:02I think it's been very good.
00:04So, I'm very happy.
00:06I'll just be back in a couple of days.
00:08So, I think I'm going to be back.
00:10I'm feeling very good.
00:12I'm feeling great.
00:14I'm feeling good.
00:16I'm feeling great.
00:18I'm feeling great.
00:20I'm feeling great.
00:22I'm feeling great.
00:24I'm feeling great.
00:26I'm feeling great.
00:28We have been doing this training program for the past three days.
00:49We have been doing this training program for the past three days.
00:50We are providing training to women in the field of agriculture
00:59Because we see that there is a lot of demand for natural colours
01:02Holi is coming and the market is also available
01:05People are complaining that the climate is changing
01:10The environment is also affected by the use of chemical colours
01:14Our soil is also affected
01:17People think that natural colours should be used
01:25Because it does not harm the face
01:28It also protects the skin
01:30When people use natural colours, their eyes also turn red
01:35People who have breathing problems also have difficulty breathing
01:39People are in search of natural colours
01:42There is a lot of demand for natural colours in cities
01:45That is why we are providing training to women
01:48We are also providing training to farmers
01:52We were providing training 3-4 years ago
01:55This year also there is a lot of demand
01:58But we are not able to meet the demand
02:00That is why we are providing training to women
02:02So that they can grow their crops
02:04They can also grow their own crops
02:07In villages, people celebrate Holi
02:09Holi is a festival that everyone celebrates
02:12There is a lot of demand for natural colours
02:14The market is also available
02:16People are not facing any problem
02:18People are also getting their crops from their villages
02:20For example, chukundar
02:22People are not buying chukundar because it is very expensive
02:26People are throwing it away
02:28In the evening, you can buy chukundar from the market
02:31It is very cheap
02:33It has a lot of green colour
02:35Raw turmeric is also available
02:39You can make yellow colour from it
02:43It is very cheap
02:45And it has a lot of margin
02:47Women can make their own crop in 10-15 minutes
02:52What will happen if we make turmeric red?
02:56We have to peel the turmeric first
02:59If we are making more turmeric
03:01We have to do business
03:03We have a machine for that
03:05We have to peel 50 kg of turmeric at a time
03:08Then we have to remove the colour
03:10We have a juicer to remove the colour
03:12If we don't have a juicer
03:14We can do it at home
03:16We can filter the water
03:18Then we have to mix it in arrowroot
03:20If we have to mix 50 kg of turmeric at a time
03:23We have big machines
03:25People who work here can also come and work
03:29If they want to make more
03:31They don't have a machine
03:33We also have a machine
03:36Then we have to dry it in the sun
03:39It takes 1-2 days to dry
03:41Then we add some scent
03:43Like lemon grass
03:45Lemon, tulsi
03:47Anything that has fragrance
03:49To reduce the fragrance of turmeric
03:53We add some scent
03:55Then we teach people how to pack it
03:58How to give it a brand
04:00This is our Rajendra Kushi Vishwavidyalaya
04:03We teach people how to pack it
04:08We also teach them how to make gulal
04:13From the waste that we throw away
04:16How long does it take to make gulal?
04:19It takes 1-2 days
04:212-3 days
04:25Where does Pusha Vishwavidyalaya do the marketing?
04:29We teach people
04:31But we do the marketing through Khadi
04:34What are you training for?
04:36I am training to make beet
04:38How will it be made?
04:40Cucumber, carrot, turmeric, spinach
04:43Vegetables and fruits
04:48Is it good for health?
04:51Yes, the vegetables that we make
04:55Without chemicals
04:57It is good for health
04:59Are you taking training?
05:01Yes, we are
05:03What will you do now?
05:05We will take training and make it at home
05:07Then we will learn
05:09Then we will work
05:11Then we will have income
05:13What are you training for?
05:15To make color
05:17How will you make it?
05:23And green vegetables
05:26We will make color from green vegetables
05:28We will put it on our face
05:30So that our face doesn't get damaged
05:34We will put it on our face
05:36So that our face doesn't get damaged
05:38Is it not harmful for the face?
05:41What are your plans after taking training?
05:43First we will make it at home
05:45If it is good, then we will do business