Nagidi Gayathri of Nagayalanka Girl from Fishermen Family Shines Big in Water Sports : సాధారణ మత్స్యకార కుటుంబంలో పుట్టింది నాగిడి గాయత్రి. కుటుంబ ఆర్థిక పరిస్థితి అంతంతమాత్రమే! చేపల వేటే ఆ కుటుంబానికి జీవనాధారం! దీంతో చిన్నప్పటి నుంచి తండ్రితో కలిసి వేటకు వెళ్లిందా అమ్మాయి. ఆలా ఈత, తెడ్డు తిప్పడం, బోటు నడపడం, వలలు, లంగరు వేయడం వంటివి నేర్చుకుంది. కొన్నేళ్ల తర్వాత చూస్తే ఇటీవల ఉత్తరాఖండ్లో జరిగిన 38వ జాతీయ క్రీడల్లో కనోయ్ స్లాలం కె-1లో స్వర్ణంతో మెరిసింది. ఆ క్రీడామాణిక్యం. తన గరించి పూర్తి వివరాలు ఈ కథనంలో తెలుసుకుందాం.
00:25This girl who does fishing in the river is Nagiri Gayathri.
00:29She was born in a normal fisherman's family in Nagayilanka village, Krishna district.
00:35Since childhood, she used to go fishing with her father.
00:39She learned how to row a boat, how to row a boat, how to row a net, how to fish.
00:45She set out for her future there.
00:55In 2017, when Kanoi and Kayaking competitions were held in Sankranthi Sambaral,
01:12Gayathri participated in the first water competition.
01:15Hello everyone, my name is Nagiri Gayathri.
01:18I am from Nagayilanka, Krishna district.
01:20I am one of the disciplined international players in Kayaking and canoeing.
01:24I am studying in Sri Velagpur Ramakrishna Memorial College.
01:28I didn't know about water sports before.
01:30My father used to go fishing.
01:33He used to go fishing.
01:35Along with him, my father used to take us for swimming training in his free time.
01:42This is how I got interested in water sports.
01:45In 2018, Sankranthi Sambaral was held here.
01:48I saw the competition and decided to join Kayaking and canoeing.
01:57I decided that Kayaking, canoeing, and boating would be good.
02:02At that time, coaches like Srinu sir and Nagababu sir also joined us.
02:09Krida Karani says that despite all the difficulties, practice is not stopping.
02:13Adhunathana says that if you join Kayaking and canoeing, you will be able to live internationally.
02:18We started practicing when the competition started.
02:22In the middle, the coaches did not join us.
02:25Anyway, we continued practicing.
02:28Now, we are able to go to nationals and internationals.
02:32In AP, we don't have boats like canoes.
02:34When we didn't have the equipment, we practiced in Bhopal.
02:39When we came here, our police team, SP sir, and Appikattal Apparao sir sponsored us with normal fibre boats.
02:48But these boats are very heavy.
02:52These boats are used only for practice in plain water.
02:56In white water, these boats are not used like foreign boats.
03:02These boats break even if they touch the rocks.
03:07We have foreign boats like Wajda.
03:11We need boats like that.
03:13It is very difficult to spread the equipment.
03:17The boats we use cost 35,000 rupees.
03:22But foreign boats cost 4 to 5 lakhs.
03:25We need boats like that with good equipment and paddles.
03:30I want to go to the international Olympics.
03:34I want to support that.
03:44Tamil Nadu
03:50Tamil Nadu
04:04My name is Nagiri Venkata Nagaswamy. I have two daughters and a son.
04:12My daughter won a medal in the water sports competition.
04:20Thanks to your support, my daughter has won a gold medal.
04:25She has come to practice in the morning and evening.
04:27Even if there is no master, she has come to learn.
04:31My name is Nagiri Nagababu.
04:33I have been working in the water sports competition.
04:40The government and some officials have helped me.
04:44My daughter wants to go abroad.
04:48I don't have the ability to send her abroad.
04:52Boats are not good for the waves.
04:54It is enough to practice in plain water.
04:59Foreign boats are not good for the waves.
05:08But my daughter has come to learn.
05:11Gayathri has won the Asian championship in Thailand.
05:14She has also won the international championship.
05:18But she has no money to go abroad.
05:21With the help of the government, she wants to go abroad.
05:30Abidha, a unforgettable journey
05:45I have played in eight national championships.
05:48I have won three national championships.
05:50I won the 4th place in 36 national championships.
05:54I also won the 3rd place in 37 national championships in Goa.
05:58gold medal in the 38th national games. We don't have boats in AP, so we practised this
06:05event in Bhopal when we didn't have the equipment. Some people from India are practising in Germany
06:15and other foreign countries. I also have the facilities, financial support, diets and
06:22other things. I want to win medals in the Olympics and Asian Games.
06:30Gayathri is proving that she is not a burden to her father. She is going to competitions
06:35due to financial problems. Dheema is saying that if the government supports her, she
06:40can achieve more.
06:42She can achieve more with the support of the government, even without a coach.
06:50She has won a gold medal in the international water sports competition in Uttarakhand.
06:56She is also saying that if the government supports her, she can achieve more.
07:04With cameraman Koti, Srinivas, CTV News, Nagalanka.