00:01Ryan, why are you so mysterious?
00:03Wait, wait, you'll see.
00:04In a kilometer you will reach your destination.
00:07Adi, aren't you going to tell her where we're going to the Ingrid?
00:10Okay, it will be our secret.
00:12Can I suggest something?
00:14Go ahead, mommy.
00:15Ask Ingrid Pelaez about the anemic state of Rosemary Pelaez.
00:19Oh, yeah?
00:21Go ahead, Ingrid.
00:23Well, Ryan is sad.
00:26He's not well, he's still very hurt.
00:28And you don't want to see me again or what?
00:31No, no, not yet.
00:34Did he say he hated Ryan?
00:36No, no, no, not with those words.
00:39So what did he say?
00:40Well, it's just that Ryan, I couldn't talk to her much either.
00:43Because he came all asleep last night.
00:45He practically sunk into Andres' arms.
00:48I was also like ...
00:53In whose arms?
00:55What are you talking about, Ingrid?
00:57What do you mean Rosemary and Andres?
00:59Why didn't you tell me this?
01:05Come on, it's this way.
01:09What a curious place.
01:11I had never entered one like this in my life.
01:13Welcome, your name is Miselania.
01:15Hi Gina.
01:16Hi Rosemary, how are you?
01:17Fine, thank you.
01:18We came for Andres to take a picture for his will.
01:22Of course.
01:23Nice to meet you.
01:28If you want, come this way.
01:35That's it.
01:36If you can, turn around here.
01:38There, to the bottom.
01:39That's it.
01:41Let's see.
01:43Oh no, but wait.
01:44No, no, wait.
01:45I'm going to fix it.
01:53No, but smile, because the idea is that you buy it
01:56and you don't want to be scared when you see your will.
01:58Well, I don't have many reasons to smile lately.
02:02Well, when he was a millionaire, he didn't seem to have many reasons either.
02:06But one day it starts.
02:10You have to smile.
02:15What are you doing?
02:18What are you doing?
02:19It's for you to laugh, please.
02:23That's it.
02:26That's it.
02:28That's it.
02:30No, you gave me where you got it.
02:33Oh, pretty.
02:35Calm down.
02:36I need to print it quickly.
02:37Oh, yes.
02:38Come on, I'll pass it to you.
02:39It was perfect.
02:41Did you see?
02:42That if you could, you already started.
02:45The muscle of the smile.
02:51And this crap.
02:52This disgusting rat trying to get my girl out of bed.
02:55And also get her drunk.
02:57Brayan, no.
02:58No, yes, yes, yes.
02:59I was trying to take advantage.
03:01That disgusting.
03:02No, it wasn't like that, Brayan.
03:03Yes, and also his sister was very gifted to end up there with Andres.
03:06Oh, well, Brayan, enough.
03:07It was also his fault because he left her alone for being behind the San Migueles.
03:11Rosemary came out very calm.
03:13Rosemary left very late, alone, at night, to catch transport.
03:19Thank goodness Andres went with her to the pension.
03:21Who knows what would have happened to him?
03:24If something had happened to him, Brayan, I will never forgive him.
03:29Little girl.
03:31You got the hair, didn't you?
03:33Between Rosemary and Andres there is nothing, Brayan, nothing.
03:39I do know that.
03:40Because Rosemary would never look at that little egg.
03:44What doesn't fit in my head and boils my blood is that she would like to get me out of bed.
03:51Brayan, we better follow where we are going to go.
04:01Orlando, in so many years that I have been a partner in this club,
04:04I had never witnessed such a denigrating show.
04:07What do you mean, Mrs. K?
04:09The pool, Orlando.
04:11Look, it's disgusting.
04:13Don't they throw chlorine or what?
04:15And this is the best of all.
04:17This glass, what?
04:18Oh, what a shame.
04:20Miss Karla, what happens is that we have a new swimmer,
04:23who must be around here already.
04:26Well, in the meantime, I'm going to ...
04:30But be careful, don't cut yourself either, Orlando, it would be the last straw.
04:33Don't worry, Leonidas will have made himself.
04:42I left the pension very early.
04:44I didn't have time to know if Bryan and Rosemary had fought or not.
04:48But I'll tell you one thing.
04:50With all due respect and without the courage to offend her,
04:52Bryan does not deserve a girl like Rosemary.
04:54Oh no, why do you say that?
04:56Leonidas, I remind you that in this club it is completely forbidden to party with the partners,
05:02Mr. Antonio, please, excuse me, those are the rules.
05:05Why don't we take advantage of the fact that we are here,
05:06the three of us together, rather, and sit down, Orlando,
05:09and discuss here with AntoƱita the position you gave me.
05:12Because, anyway, I'm not for swimmers' positions and that,
05:15what I have as an authority is more useful to me,
05:17suddenly an administrative one.
05:19I don't give much of the SEO.
05:21Leonidas, I cannot go beyond Orlando's decisions,
05:23nor the board.
05:25So it's true.
05:27And he's here because of me.
05:29I got him out of his job.
05:31What a shame for you, Orlando.
05:33Excuse me.
05:34Mr. Antonio, you don't have to apologize.
05:37Leonidas, it is better for you to return to your position.
05:40I am sure that if you work with dedication and effort,
05:46Orlando will reward you with a much better job, right?
05:52Of course, right away.
05:54AntoƱita, may God protect you.
05:56Santa Marta, Miraculous too.
05:58Excuse me.
06:00I'm good.
06:02Let's go.
06:05Well, Mr. Orlando,
06:07what Antonio did to me doesn't make any sense.
06:10Could you call me aside and tell me the things?
06:12I have an image to take care of.
06:14Leonidas, if you don't want this to happen to you again,
06:16do your job well, period.
06:18Being a swimmer is not for me.
06:20Because, imagine, if I don't know how to swim,
06:22I get there and drown.
06:24Yes, that would be a terrible loss for humanity.
06:26So what?
06:28Are you going to give me another job that is more like me?
06:30As Mrs. Antonia wisely said,
06:31do your job with effort and dedication
06:33like you want someone else to do it.
06:35Ah, but you're doubting my abilities.
06:37No, no, no, no.
06:39And you have to prove them immediately,
06:41because the pool is in need of chlorine.
06:43Excuse me.
06:45And you have to prove them immediately
06:47that the pool is in need of chlorine.
06:57Did you study at Harvard?
07:02I never imagined
07:04that I would end up writing it
07:06in a job application.
07:08Well, let's put all the good energy into it.
07:11Here I made you a list
07:13with all the places where you have the appointments
07:15and the hours of the interviews.
07:23Mata Tigres.
07:25Is this real? Are these places real?
07:28I don't know.
07:30Do you get lost?
07:32Do you want me to go with you?
07:34No, thank you.
07:36If I didn't get lost in Beirut,
07:38if I didn't get lost in Shanghai,
07:40if I didn't get lost in Reykjavik,
07:42I'm not going to get lost here in Mata Tigres.
07:44Well, it's not as easy as one would like.
07:48Could it be that Mr. Leito
07:50doesn't have a phone to lend him?
07:52Even if he's old, I don't care.
07:54No, he doesn't, but don't worry.
07:56I have a photographic memory.
07:58What are you going to do?
08:00Pay close attention.
08:02To get out of the neighborhood,
08:04you have to take a bus
08:06that we call the food truck.
08:08And you're going to take him to the station,
08:12And there he's going to take another bus,
08:14which is the 8,
08:16but not the express one,
08:18but the one that stops at all the stops.
08:20And there he asks a policeman,
08:22a high school student,
08:24the same, I wrote down all the stations for him.
08:26And he goes to the North Terminal.
08:28Because if not, he has to pay the ticket again.
08:33Understood. Perfect.
08:35Thank you very much.
08:39With what are you going to pay the tickets?
08:45I have the card of the public transportation system.
08:48You probably still have balance,
08:50so don't turn me over, please,
08:52because if not, he has to get up
08:54and he won't get there.
08:56Thank you very much.
08:58I promise you that I will return this
09:00with the interest of the day to the rate of the banks.
09:02I hope the interest of the day ...
09:04Rather, start.
09:06I'm going to get there today, it's late.
09:08The ...
09:10Oh, the life leaf.
09:12Life leaf.
09:14Life leaf.
09:16Good luck.
09:18I don't believe in luck.
09:20Oh, then have a good time,
09:22because I'm going to forget.
09:23The photos.
09:30Roxmary, what do you have there?
09:33Nothing, nothing.
09:35The hands.
09:37Can I have a word?
09:39Of course.
09:41Mrs. Maritza, tell me.
09:43But don't look at me like that.
09:47Calm down. Breathe.
09:49Like with the face of the fattened lamb.
09:51Rather, tell me,
09:53have you slept with Andresito?
09:55With fiancƩes?
09:57No, Mrs. Maritza, I ...
09:59Well, normal.
10:01It's a common acquaintance.
10:03Sorry, I ask you,
10:05why are you talking to me like that?
10:07What's wrong with you?
10:09No, what's wrong with you?
10:11Because as far as I know,
10:13a decent lady who is on her way to the altar
10:15does not go down until midnight
10:17and gets drunk
10:19with an acquaintance
10:20who is a fan that they have to bring loaded.
10:22I don't think it's prudent
10:24that I'm checking the pump
10:26to the acquaintance while he washes his clothes.
10:28And much less that they walk a lot
10:31maintaining clandestine conversations.
10:34Mrs. Maritza,
10:36I think you're a little confused
10:38and I'm going to ask you a favor.
10:40Don't start making up rumors.
10:42No, my dear.
10:44I don't need to make up anything
10:46if we were all witnesses
10:48of that deplorable state
10:50that you came from.
10:52You should be ashamed.
10:54Mrs. Maritza,
10:56with all due respect,
10:58I don't know what you care.
11:00No, I do care.
11:02And a lot.
11:04And do me a favor and explain to me,
11:06is it true that you broke up with Brian?
11:08What a shame.
11:10And if so, I congratulate you,
11:12as they say in La RapidĆsima,
11:14because it didn't even take five minutes
11:16to throw the glove at poor Andres.
11:18Think what you want.
11:20I don't care.
11:41Thank you, my queen.
11:43How kind.
11:45This is luxury, man.
11:47Mommy, I'm not into jewelry.
11:48I don't know what you're talking about.
11:50That's how my veins run blue.
11:52But that's why I brought you here,
11:54so you can choose Rosemary's ring.
11:56No, no, Brian, I can't do that.
11:58It's just that I don't know much about jewelry.
12:00I barely have those earrings that were my mom's.
12:03No, no, no, calm down.
12:05Who knows Rosemary better than you?
12:09I blindly trust what you decide.
12:11Well, Cunis,
12:13and for the price?
12:15Well, let's not worry
12:16because there are no limits.
12:18What does that sound like?
12:20No, there are no limits.
12:22I've always dreamed of saying that.
12:24Let's see, Raquel, choose.
12:26This is a store.
12:29Number 8, Food Express.
12:34Number 8 Food Express.
12:39Number 8 Express.
12:44Stop, stop!
12:59According to what Leonidas told me,
13:02things between Brian and Fernanda can intensify.
13:06So we're going to have to be very careful.
13:09As you wish, ma'am.
13:10And now, as Fernanda is warned,
13:13I'm sure she's going to take all the necessary measures
13:16so that I don't realize what her real intentions are.
13:20Oh, my God.
13:26What happened, Hugo?
13:28Well, it looks like the pool,
13:30as if by magic, is now a washing machine, look.
13:42What is this?
13:44Come here!
13:46What is this?
13:48What is this?
13:50It looks like foam.
13:52It looks like detergent.
13:57Like me?
14:01Rosemary, baby,
14:03what do you think?
14:04What do you think?
14:06That because you're looking at your phone like that,
14:08with that zombie face,
14:10Brian is going to answer the telepathic message
14:12and he's going to call you?
14:14Call him, okay?
14:16Hey, Mrs. Maritza, don't you get tired?
14:18No, baby, of what?
14:20Of carrying the weight of being the one
14:22who bothers me the most in this house?
14:27Girl, I want to talk to you
14:30from woman to woman.
14:32And I want to give you
14:34a very valuable philosophy capsule
14:36that I hope you put into practice
14:38until the last day of your life.
14:40Let's see, calm down.
14:42I'll be older than you,
14:44what, one?
14:46Oh, no, two years at most.
14:48But yes, I have a lot of experience
14:50and a lot of wisdom.
14:52Look, a woman retreacher
14:54never restrains her man.
14:57Oh, what a valuable advice.
15:01And two, please,
15:03especially when I come from the loneliest woman
15:05in the house.
15:07If I haven't gotten married,
15:09it's because I haven't wanted to,
15:11but I've had a lot of proposals.
15:13I'm full of pretenders.
15:15Hello, baby, what's up?
15:17Walk, I'll make you a delicious changuita
15:19and tell me what you have.
15:21Right now, right now.
15:25Andres, what are you doing here?
15:27Why did you arrive so early?
15:29Obviously, I made a mistake.
15:31The man and the man charged me the same.
15:33But, let's see,
15:35what about the instructions I gave you?
15:38What happens is that I didn't get lost
15:40because I had Adi, who was my GPS,
15:42my compass in the world that I no longer have.
15:44So I need you to give me back the instructions
15:46because I'm not going to get to the interviews.
15:48No, you know what we're going to do?
15:50I'm going to go with you,
15:52because if you don't, you'll get lost again
15:54and you need to get a job right now.
15:56I'm going for a kiss.
15:59Mata tigres.
16:01Well, I don't understand why you're blaming me
16:03if I tell you what you told me to do,
16:05which was to throw chlorine in the pool.
16:07If you did what I told you, then tell me something.
16:09Why is the chlorine without a lid?
16:11The chlorine...
16:13Answer me, why is the chlorine without a lid?
16:15Because he threw detergent on it, Leonidas.
16:17He threw detergent on it.
16:19I thought he had thrown chlorine on it.
16:21And why is this happening?
16:23Because you think this job is not for you, right?
16:25And now what do I have to do?
16:26I have to go and take care of that pool.
16:28What for? To wash it.
16:30And I'm going to lose money because I have to suspend the service.
16:32No, it's the first time in the time I've been working here
16:35that this happens to me.
16:37Listen to me, Leon.
16:39This had never happened to me.
16:41I told you I was not for that job,
16:43that mine was more administrative and that way,
16:45if you understood me.
16:47Yes, sir, and I was not wrong.
16:49I'm tired.
16:51No, no, no, but you can't blame me for such a small mistake.
16:53Remember that I am a friend of Antonia Ferreira,
16:54but of all my life.
16:56I've known her for a long time, I've done business with her.
16:58What is she going to think?
17:00That you threw me for this nonsense?
17:02No, no.
17:04But, but, but ...
17:17You almost didn't make it.
17:20What did my aunt tell you?
17:22You can't imagine the interrogation.
17:24And she didn't even bother to make love to me.
17:27She directly told me that she suspects
17:30that I'm hiding something.
17:32They already have you on the radar.
17:35You told me from the beginning
17:37that that lady doesn't have a hair of a fool.
17:39Well, she's proving it.
17:41And what did you tell her?
17:43I told her at the theater that Brian and I
17:46are honestly just friends.
17:48And that I had never been in love with Andres.
17:52And I had to break up with him.
17:55But he didn't eat the story so easily.
18:00That's why we have to be cautious.
18:03So that lady doesn't ruin our plan,
18:07we have to give the final blow to Brian.
18:14This ring seems divine to me.
18:16A ring so beautiful
18:18can only be for the most beautiful woman on earth.
18:24What's wrong, Mom?
18:26Don't you like what I'm telling you?
18:28Brian, of course I do.
18:30That's the most beautiful thing you've ever told me.
18:33And then why are you going to cry?
18:35Why are you so sad?
18:37Because I know that all this is the product of my imagination.
18:55What's up, baby?
18:57Have you chosen a churrumbel or a stone you like?
19:02Yes, I think my sister would like this one.
19:05No, that's too soft.
19:07That's too small.
19:09No, no, no.
19:11Let's go with this one.
19:12Let's go with this one.
19:14Brian, but why?
19:16Is my sister going to look at the size and the price?
19:19No, no, no.
19:21What's going on?
19:23Do you remember the fake Ferreira?
19:25The Andres?
19:27I'll give you a big stone, a big one.
19:29I'm not going to give up, ma'am.
19:31I'm not going back.
19:33Well, then we have to do something like this.
19:36Like this?
19:38Well, you always win.
19:40Miss, make a cross.
19:42Let me see this ring.
19:44Look at this one.
19:46This one?
19:48Excellent choice.
19:50That's it. Let's try it.
19:52This ring is severe.
19:54The finger.
19:56That's it.
19:58Wait a second.
20:00Let's ask the artificial intelligence if she likes this.
20:03Do you like this ring?
20:06That's a yes.
20:08The robot language.
20:10It's perfect.
20:12Mom, what are you going to choose?
20:14Go see if there's anything you want.
20:16I'll buy it for you.
20:18Don't worry, it's not necessary.
20:20Of course it's necessary.
20:22You're family.
20:24Whatever you want, I'll buy it for you.
20:28Ferre's incoming call.
20:30No, no, no.
20:34Of course.
20:37Leave me alone.
20:39It's the first time a guy hasn't answered my phone.
20:42Who does he think he is?
20:44You call him until he answers.
20:46If you want, I'll kneel down too.
20:48Mateo, we're talking about a scoundrel
20:51who's never had a woman kneel down to him.
20:54Andres humiliated me so much.
20:57Let's see if he doesn't answer me either.
21:00Let's see.
21:02Let's see.
21:03Let's see.
21:05What's up, dear cousin?
21:07How's it going?
21:09How's my business?
21:11Hi, cousin.
21:13Everything's great.
21:15I just didn't see you around here,
21:17so I wonder if you're a little sick.
21:19No, I'm not sick.
21:21I'm here where people are cool.
21:23I'm looking for a gift
21:25for the love of my life.
21:27Yes, sir.
21:29You mean Rosemary?
21:31Of course, who else?
21:33No, no, of course.
21:35I say it because last night I felt a vibe
21:37that you were going to finish things.
21:40No, how could he think of that?
21:42He's very wrong, Dad.
21:44What I've realized is that I'm going all out
21:46with Rosemary.
21:48In fact, tonight I'm going all out, Dad,
21:50so that we can continue our plans
21:52to love each other forever
21:54and be husband and wife.
21:56Are you serious?
21:58Of course I'm serious.
22:00In fact, cousin, you know what?
22:01Tonight I'm going to be the first lady of Carsmas.
22:04You'll see.
22:06Super, super.
22:08I won't bother you anymore.
22:10We'll talk later.
22:12What did he say?
22:14That he's going to marry Rosemary.
22:20let's just leave this like this
22:22and we're going to have to make money
22:24like all mortals, working.
22:26Fernanda, are you crazy or what?
22:31I'm not working like I want to make my fortune.
22:34And you, you,
22:36how many years do you have left of beauty?
22:38How many years do you have left of modeling?
22:41With what you earn,
22:43you won't be able to earn
22:45half the fortune of the Ferreiras.
22:47So sit down, shut up,
22:49and let me think.
23:02Well, that's enough.
23:04You have to stop making that face.
23:06What face?
23:08The one you have
23:10for not being able to locate yourself in this part of BogotĆ”.
23:12No, I'm not like that for that.
23:16And besides, it's not my fault that this public transport system
23:18is a disaster that has neither rights nor wrongs.
23:20It's a matter of getting used to it.
23:22That's all.
23:31Well, I think that...
23:35In the next... Yes.
23:37In the next stop we have to get off.
23:41Well, well.
23:50Ingrisita, what's up?
23:52Your waitress hasn't said a word
23:54since we left the jewelry store.
23:56Is everything okay?
24:01No, Brian, nothing's wrong.
24:03Everything's fine.
24:05Okay, but did you like the ring or what?
24:07It's spectacular.
24:09It's divine,
24:11but it wasn't necessary to spend so much money.
24:13It's going to be very strange to see my sister
24:15with such things on her finger
24:17and still living in the pension.
24:19She's so... so insecure.
24:21Well, I told her to go live with me,
24:23but she didn't want to.
24:25She's all over the place.
24:27She probably doesn't want to leave my brother and me
24:29until she marries you.
24:33I don't know.
24:35Of course.
24:37Of course, I just had an idea.
24:39A great idea.
24:43Adi, do me a favor.
24:45Find me the best apartments
24:47that are being sold here in the city.
24:49Do it.
24:51Of course.
24:53Any special feature?
24:55They have to be awesome.
24:57Managing list of apartments.
24:59Special feature, be awesome.
25:01I don't know what he's thinking.
25:11I think it's here on this...
25:13It's here, right?
25:17Very good. Let's see how this interview goes.
25:19Hey, hey, hey.
25:21Yes, yes, yes.
25:25Andres, it's just that...
25:27All this line?
25:29Yes, yes, we have to do all this line.
25:31I've never done a line in my life.
25:33Well, we have to do this line,
25:35but don't worry, it's moving forward.
25:37It's going very well.
25:39We're going to wait a little bit, but not so long.
25:43What a shame, what a shame.
25:45Don't worry.
25:47I'm doing this because deep down,
25:49I imagine that you want to get ahead.
25:51Yes, of course, of course.
25:53But right now, what do I have to do?
25:55What is my job?
25:57You're going to be a table assistant.
25:59You have to serve the drinks
26:01and I'm going to ask you to go to the kitchen as soon as you can
26:04so that the chef teaches you all the ingredients of the dishes.
26:08Ah, I see.
26:10But it's a job with more visibility,
26:12so I imagine that the salary corresponds to that.
26:14How much are you going to pay me for that?
26:16As an assistant, you're not going to have a salary.
26:18You're going to work for the tips.
26:20Does it work for you or not?
26:23Yes, of course it works for me.
26:25Yes, very good. Thank you very much.
26:27I'll get the uniform for you.
26:29Mr. Orlando.
26:31Guys, Mr. Orlando.
26:33It would be a shame for another waiter to come and take our tips, brother.
26:38At the first opportunity, we have to get that kid out of here, no matter what.
26:43That's right, brother.
26:49Excuse me, excuse me.
26:51Follow me.
26:56What city is that?
26:59Is it a test or are you seriously asking me?
27:03Excuse me?
27:05Okay. Harvard is a university in the United States where I studied economics.
27:11Then I did a postgraduate in international finance and I also have an MBA.
27:15An what?
27:17A master's degree in business administration.
27:20Do you speak English?
27:22Yes, perfectly.
27:24If I were a woman, I would hire you right away as a bilingual secretary.
27:28I'm sorry, but at the moment I have nothing for you.
27:38Well, tell me, please, how did it go?
27:42I imagine you were very dismayed with your experience,
27:45with that spectacular life plan, with all those studies you have.
27:48Are you sure?
27:50So dismayed that they have nothing for me.
27:53Apparently I am overqualified, I have too much experience, too many studies.
27:58Of course, of course, that is surely a problem.
28:02And if we erase several things from your life plan,
28:08like some of the experience, some studies,
28:11surely that will help you.
28:16What do you think of this apartment?
28:18Look at the view.
28:20No, this apartment is really cool, isn't it?
28:25That is spectacular.
28:28The one who doesn't like it is because he's crazy.
28:31Or blind, because this apartment has a tremendous view.
28:38This little face is the one I need Rosemary to make.
28:43If I get these little eyes, I screwed it up.
28:46Dad, how many rooms does this have?
28:50Well, no, but come on, let's see the kitchen, which is the most important thing.
28:53This is where the magic happens, it's over here, okay?
29:01This looks like a restaurant.
29:04Janel, this is spectacular.
29:07Don't say anything else.
29:11How am I going to buy it just like that?
29:13Of course, what else do you have to think about?
29:15It has absolutely everything.
29:17The four bedrooms with a bathroom, here fits your Mercedes, fits the fat Fidel,
29:20the rice cooker, we can even bring the flip-flop
29:23so that it is out there scrubbing.
29:25The only thing is that this floor scratches.
29:27What did they tell you now?
29:29Thank you, but no thanks.
29:33If we erase all your studies, your work experience, everything.
29:38They told me to go, prepare myself and come back when I know how to do something.
29:40This is useless, Rosemary.
29:42No, no, but don't be discouraged.
29:44In fact, right now, while I was waiting, I saw that we missed an important announcement that says,
29:48look, men who are not afraid to reach the top.
29:52You are one of those, right?
29:53The address says it's here, right?
29:55Yes, it's just that I see that there is no nomenclature here.
30:00Sir, excuse me, is this address here?
30:02Are you coming for the job?
30:04Yes sir, it's me.
30:06I'm not afraid to reach the top.
30:08What is it about?
30:10Cleaning windows.
30:14It's a joke.
30:17Well, but you are not afraid to reach the top.
30:20You are a man of height.
30:21Well, here, here is another option.
30:26It says, look for men with excellent personal presentation.
30:33Young people.
30:39Let's go.
30:41Let's go.
30:46We're not going.
30:48We're going now.
30:51What happened with the interview?
30:53Don't tell her.
30:55Why not?
30:57It was to be a stripper.
30:59A stripper.
31:03You're not interested?
31:05You can take it.
31:07Are you serious?
31:13Well, at least one of the two is having fun with this situation.
31:17I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I imagined it.
31:25I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
31:27Excuse me.
31:29Look, no, look, look.
31:31With those wings, it's like I'm flying.
31:35No, no, not anymore.
31:50Oh no.
31:52Your sister didn't come and my work was duplicated.
31:55Of course.
32:03And that?
32:05A little detail.
32:09Oh no, Fidel.
32:11It's like a temptation.
32:13Yes, life is like that.
32:16Yes, life is full of them.
32:19I think so.
32:27It's delicious.
32:29That's why they say that chocolate is better than sex.
32:36And what? You just came to bring me this gift?
32:39Yes, yes.
32:41No, no, I ...
32:42I came because I have to talk about something very serious with you.
32:55Are you really going to tell me who's crazy about you?
33:02Oh no.
33:06But now I can't answer you.
33:08Look, I'm very busy, I can't pay attention to you.
33:12And later.
33:14Tell me at eight, at the store of a baker in the neighborhood.
33:18We can talk and if you want, we can eat chicken, sausage and potatoes, whatever you want.
33:24At once? Of course, of course.
33:26At once? Of course, of course.
33:28Today, at eight.
33:36Hello, Presidency.
33:38Clara Esmar.
33:40Yes, I'll call you back.
33:48The more time passes, the more I realize how lucky I was when I was little.
33:54And I was born in that family with money, with education.
33:58Well, the truth is yes.
34:00But you can't give up.
34:02If it wasn't today, it will be tomorrow.
34:04If it's not tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.
34:06This is the life of the unemployed.
34:09And things are hard, but not impossible.
34:12Never think that.
34:14I like what you say, but it's difficult.
34:17To carry it out when, when, when time comes.
34:21When you have to pay this club, the world, and interests accumulate.
34:26I don't know what to do.
34:28I need an urgent job and I can't get anything.
34:32I feel like I can't even get it.
34:34No, that's not true.
34:36No, because we can go to Car Smart.
34:39And, well, accept the job.
34:41No, no, no.
34:43It can't be that the only option I have is to ask for a boyfriend's job.
34:47No, no, no.
34:53Your ex-boyfriend.
34:55I'm going to raise boxes.
34:57In the company that used to be my company.
34:59What do you mean?
35:01Is there a bigger omission?
35:03No. And what?
35:05No, you can't be proud, Andres.
35:06Because one of pride does not eat, does not pay debts.
35:09No, sir.
35:11Also, tell me, I was tempted many times, many times,
35:15to quit Car Smart when, once, another day ...
35:19With your former boss?
35:21No, with another.
35:23Say it fresh. I know I was the worst boss in the world.
35:25No, but it's worse, it's worse, your ex-cousin Mateo.
35:27I said it.
35:29Ah, that's it. Now I feel better.
35:31Oh, but no. But let's focus on this.
35:33Let's think about this.
35:34Because I could ...
35:38talk to Brian to offer him something better than ...
35:42to raise boxes.
35:44But, how do we finish?
35:46Miss, no.
35:48No, don't cry. Change the subject.
35:51Let's talk about something else.
35:53Don't cry.
35:58What are you going to do? Why do you cross the street?
36:00Brian, come on.
36:01Are you crazy?
36:03How are you going to buy such an apartment without asking for a discount?
36:05Mommy, what happens is that millionaires do not ask for a discount.
36:09We never bargain.
36:11But what? Did you like the apartment or what?
36:13It's divine.
36:15Such an apartment, all big, all illuminated, all modern.
36:18It's like a palace.
36:20Well, but pay attention there.
36:22I'm not going to say anything to your sister, nothing to Rosemary.
36:24Because I want to buy that apartment.
36:26And fix it.
36:28I just want to put furniture,
36:29bathrooms, paintings, sculptures.
36:32Does it help me or what?
36:34Well ...
36:35Right away.
36:37So tomorrow we start right away.
36:39Thank you very much, Ingrid.
36:41Oh, I can imagine.
36:43Fight and then reconciliation.
36:47If I, after a fight,
36:49at your mercy, give you all these things,
36:51would you forgive me?
36:53Of course.
36:55I know you're a very good person.
36:56The mind that takes all the bad decisions
36:59is because it is very impulsive.
37:01But you are a very good person.
37:03Come on.
37:05I love you.
37:07I love you too.
37:09Why are you so beautiful?
37:11Why do you say those things so special, huh?
37:13You say some very special things.
37:15You know what I mean?
37:17I was already feeling like a coward
37:19for everything that was happening with Rosemary.
37:22It's just that ...
37:23You acted like a little sister
37:25to do it right.
37:31Irene, we have no other option.
37:33You have to meet with Brian
37:35before he reconciles with that girl.
37:37But how are we going to do that?
37:39Let's see, he told me he had the intention
37:41of looking for her to reconcile with her.
37:43I think she lives in the pension
37:45where he used to live,
37:47so you have to go there.
37:49Yes, Mr. Mateo, tell me.
37:51Hugo, I'm here in the office
37:53and I can't find Brian
37:55or his secretary, Rosemary.
37:57They told me they went to the pension
37:59where the guy who raised him,
38:01Mr. Leonel, is.
38:03Mr. Leonidas.
38:07Do you know how to get there?
38:09I need your help.
38:11I don't know how to get there.
38:13I don't know how to get there.
38:15I don't know how to get there.
38:16Do you know how to get there?
38:18I urgently need to get some papers to Brian.
38:20Well, the pension is in the neighborhood of Bosquecitos
38:23and the pension is called La Caridad.
38:25Ready, Mr. Mateo.
38:27Okay, see you later.
38:29Brian went to the pension?
38:31Well, that's what his niece says.
38:33Let's go there because I want to know
38:35how he's going to solve the situation with Rosemary.
38:42We'll keep talking later, doll.
38:44I'm going to look for her again.
38:46Your new job adapted very quickly.
38:49ToƱita, so you can see.
38:51Your wishes are orders here in this club.
38:53They gave me a better job than the pool boy's.
38:55Well, I'm glad.
38:57I hope you enjoy it.
38:59Well, I came to say goodbye and we're going to the pension.
39:01Are you going to the pension?
39:03Can you get close to me?
39:05Is your work day over?
39:07Practically, yes.
39:09If you wait for me for a moment, I'll change.
39:11I'll meet you at the parking lot.
39:13Excuse me, we'll talk later.
39:27You didn't let me thank you.
39:31For all the help you gave me today.
39:33Thank you very much.
39:35Hi, how are you?
39:37Do you realize?
39:41You put up with me all day.
39:42The same person, yes.
39:44No, but your girlfriend.
39:46Well, I mean, ex-girlfriend, ex-girlfriend.
39:48No, I didn't spend more than two hours with her.
39:52Well, I hope it wasn't a torture to spend all day with me.
39:55What? A torture? No, nothing to do with it.
39:57I say it because it must not be easy to be next to a person
40:01who is crying and sighing all the time.
40:04For me it's easy to be with you.
40:06No more.
40:08Miss, good night.
40:10Good night.
40:12May you rest.
40:16May you have sweet dreams.
40:18You too.
40:20Thank you very much.
40:22You too.
40:24Thanks again for today's help.
40:26Likewise, thank you.
40:28You are a good person.
40:30Oh, sorry.
40:32You too, see you tomorrow.
40:47Why did I say goodbye?
40:53What do you think?
41:01If I ...
41:03No, I'm crazy, I'm crazy.
41:06What do you think?
41:10What do I do talking to a dog, for God's sake?
41:15I'm nervous.
41:17My hand is sweating, Chanda.
41:28Go on.
41:32I haven't seen you in a while.
41:35What do you mean we just saw each other?
41:39It's a joke.
41:41It seems that the sense of humor is not strong.
41:44No, it seems not.
41:48No, I came basically like ...
41:51I don't even know why.
41:53I don't know why, it was nothing urgent,
41:55so I apologize for the inconvenience.
42:12Well, the question is as follows.
42:15You are sad, for obvious reasons.
42:18Me too, because of unemployment,
42:21and it's hard for me to get a job.
42:23So, I had the idea
42:26that maybe we could distract ourselves
42:29to stop thinking.
42:31A little.
42:33So, I came up with a couple of options
42:36that we could go out together,
42:38somewhere, something free,
42:40or with little money, free or better.
42:42I came up with two options.
42:44Option one, go to a park,
42:46take a walk,
42:48or option two, go to a mall,
42:50but not to buy anything,
42:52just to see things.
43:04are you inviting me out?