00:18Well, that's us
00:30I can't say no more than you know, you know, it's a simple man respond in
00:38Muy bien a las voces de las personas que quieren
00:46Mijito linda, yo se que me estas escuchando mi amor
00:53Se que te vas a poner bien
00:56Porque eres un niño fuerte
01:00Solamente ahora tus ojos mi vida por favor y yo me voy a encargar de absolutamente todo
01:11Tu papito que está en el cielo quiere que te quedes conmigo porque yo no puedo estar sin ti
01:21Yo me vuelvo loca si tú no estás conmigo mi amor
01:30Yo no no no de nada de nada lo que pasa es que es la primera vez que veo un muertito y
01:37como yo soy nerviosita y eso pues sí con con las heridas la sangre todas esas cosas como que me dan náuseas me enferman
01:45ahora mismo siento como el estómago no sé como una playera y al revés por ejemplo de atrás para adelante no sé si me entiende
01:53Enfermera me dijo que se comunicó con el jefe de seguridad
01:56Señorita no puede estar aquí
01:58No si si lo entiendo lo entiendo pero usted es un familiar desmuerto porque yo no veo que haya sentimientos a flor de piel una lagrimita
02:04Un mas sentido pesado
02:06¿Puedo permitirme?
02:08Si si si tranquilo que yo conozco perfectamente la salida y se andar solita pero antes de irme quería venirle a decir una cosita
02:14Yo no se que business se trae con Gloria y aunque la conozco desde hace poco la quiero como una hermana
02:21Así que mucho cuidadito porque los que le hacen daño a las personas que quiero les va mal
02:33Que en paz descanse
02:40Abre tus ojitos
02:45Abre tus ojitos vida mía
02:47Por favor
02:50Por favor
03:02Doctor doctor esta abriendo los ojos
03:06Con permiso
03:07Con permiso
03:21Gracias por todo
03:23Nos vemos mañana
03:25No bueno pero que paso
03:27Porque estabas llorando
03:29No nada nada estoy bien enserio
03:33Esta noche nos vemos en tu casa porque les voy a preparar unas arepitas de chocolo con quesito delicioso para consentirlas
03:40Chao mañana
03:45Ve Olga
03:47¿Y porque vas a salir para allá y no por la puerta principal?
03:49Porque Maribel me va a dar un aventón
03:53¿Ah si?
03:55Si va
03:59Maribel me va a dar un aventón
04:01No no no mis amabilidades
04:03Bueno que hoy es el festival del chisme o que
04:05A trabajar
04:11Estética brillante es la casa del corte y peinado que te hace brillar
04:13A la orden
04:15A la orden
04:17Ramona soy yo Yadira
04:19Pásame rapidísimo a Susana que esto es debido a muerte
04:23Para ti todo es debido a muerte
04:31¿Qué onda mi Yadis que paso?
04:33El Ivancito está muerto
04:37¿Cómo se murió o qué?
04:39Ah si
04:41Lo vi aquí en el hospital
04:43A ver yo te lo estoy contando porque sé que era como cuate de tu novio
04:47Además no sé si el bolillo estará enterado pero por si acaso para que te entere esto
04:51Eh viene muy alegre no creo que tenga idea de lo que está pasando
04:57¿Cómo estás mi amor?
05:01Ay virgencita
05:03Libranos del mal
05:11¿Me has sentido pésame?
05:13¿Por qué o qué?
05:15Se murió tu amigo
05:17El Ivancito
05:23¿Y los calmantes mamá?
05:25Dijiste que ibas a ir a comprar algo y no traes nada
05:27Hija no quiero hablar ahorita si
05:29¿Qué está pasando mamá?
05:35Hay cosas que es mejor no saber
05:37A ver mamita
05:39Yo sé que estás enojada conmigo por todo lo que ha pasado
05:41Pero eso no quiere decir que no me preocupe por ti o por Gloria
05:45¿Estás así por ella?
05:51¿Estás así por ella?
05:59Que no le vas a decir nada a Jacinto ni a Luisa
06:01De lo que te voy a decir
06:05Te lo juro
06:07Acabo de hablar con Sebastián
06:09Y me vino a decir que Danielito está enfermo
06:11Porque está hospitalizado
06:13¿Qué tiene? ¿Dónde está?
06:15No sé es algo que no te puedo decir porque no me dijo
06:17Pero mañana lo voy a ver
06:23Disculpe que las moleste
06:25Necesito hablar con Jacinto es urgente
06:41Que mi amor
06:45Que no siente la boca
06:47Sus reflejos están fallando
06:49Debe estar sintiendo cosquilleo en sus extremidades
06:53Tranquila mi vida no te esfuerces mi amor
06:59Solo puedes estar unos minutos más
07:11Mi niño
07:13Vas a estar bien
07:15Porque eres un cruz
07:19Y los cruz
07:21No se quiebran ¿Te acuerdas?
07:23Te amo mi amor
07:29Mi niño
07:35Espérate, espérate
07:37¿Qué troce de?
07:43Ese güey entró y salió varias veces
07:45Y volvió a entrar
07:47¿Cuánto tiempo duró adentro?
07:49¿Se puede ver el tiempo? Por favor
07:51Tres minutos
07:53Lo mató en tres minutos
07:55¿Es él?
07:57¿Es el asesino?
07:59Con todo y la gorra se ve que es el sicario
08:03Este hijoncito sabía todo por eso lo mandaron a matar
08:07Llévate este video a la comandancia
08:09Que lo revisen los peritos que lo comparen con todas las fotos
08:11Con toda la base de datos que tenemos ahí
08:13Quiero que tapicen
08:15De la cara de este imbécil
08:17Dalo por hecho
08:23No, tengo que ver que pasa con esa mujer
08:25Con la que vino Zetica
08:27Esta aquí con su hijo
08:29Tengo que saber en que negocios anda
08:33Me confundió con un sicario del Duque
08:35Seguro que me trató como el narco
08:43Suerte con eso
08:49La señora fue la que me dijo
08:51Que mataron a Ivancito
08:53Me habló del hospital y
08:55Ella esta ahí
08:57Con una amiga suya y su hijo
08:59Y lo vio
09:01¿Vio que? ¿Que fue lo que te dijo?
09:03Pues eso
09:05Que Ivancito esta muerto
09:07Adios compa
09:09Puedo salir
09:11Puedo salir
09:21Oli yo lo siento mucho
09:23Osea yo se que ese mancito era tu parcedero
09:25¿Y se sabe como murió?
09:27¿Donde esta Maribel?
09:29Ahí en el cuartico de atrás
09:31Ah no mentira, se fue con la Olga y cierto
09:35Ay no pobre pelado
09:37Esta como frikiado ¿no?
09:39Es que esta muy grave todo lo que esta pasando
09:41¿Sabes yo que creo?
09:43Que como que tu novio
09:45Todavía no ha bajado de la nube
09:47Que como que se le murió a su amigo
09:49Pero me parece muy raro es que
09:51Que el no supiera nada
09:53O si no explícame entonces como Ivancito terminó ayer en el hospital
09:57Es que sabes que es lo que yo creo
09:59Nadie esta hablando contigo
10:01Hazme el favor
10:05Que me preocupe
10:13Ya quiero que dejes de chillar
10:15Esta sucio pero no pasa nada
10:17Tomale de este lado
10:19¿Que es eso?
10:21Es una pastilla para que te tranquilices
10:23¿Que quieres que te lleve al hospital?
10:27Mi familia no sabe que mi hermana se iba a operar
10:31Pero si algo le pasa
10:33Si algo sale mal me van a culpar a mi
10:35Nadie te va a culpar
10:37Además así es esto de la belleza
10:39Es sacrificio
10:41¿Tu no sabes como me he sacrificado yo?
10:43Mírame a mi
10:45¿Cuantos años me echas?
10:49¿En serio no le hiciste nada malo?
10:51¿Me lo prometes?
10:53Porque yo le dije que operar aquí no esta bien
10:55Yo le dije que no estaba bien
10:57Eso es todo
11:01Ya ya esta todo listo
11:03No oye nada hombre ya
11:05Que boba
11:11Ahí esta
11:23No Facundo no
11:25No Facundo no
11:27Es que como se te ocurre hacer algo así
11:29Si yo te vi
11:31Todo el mundo te vio
11:33Saliste en todos los noticiarios
11:35Pues esa es la idea mamá
11:37Que la gente se interese para que aparezcan
11:39Karen y los otros estudiantes
11:41Si nos quedamos callados es peor
11:43Si pero como se te ocurrió mencionar
11:45A esos narcos eh
11:47Que no ves que te estas arriesgando
11:49A que algo malo te pase
11:51¿Algo mas malo que Karen mamá?
11:53Hoy es ella mañana puedo ser yo
11:55Tenemos que frenar con esto
11:57Obligar a que las autoridades hagan algo
11:59Hay que presionarlos
12:01Ay mijo
12:03Yo no se porque te cree tan bueno
12:07Solo prometeme que te vas a cuidar
12:11Porque si te pasa algo malo yo
12:13Yo me muero
12:15Ay tranquila mamá
12:17Yo me se cuidar
12:19Además entre mas ruido haga y mas gente me vea
12:21Me vuelvo mas intocable
12:23Pues Dios te oiga
12:25Bueno ya dime
12:27Que mas piensas hacer
12:31Necesito de tu ayuda
12:37Agente Torres
12:39Le acabo de enviar la informacion que me pidio
12:47Daniel Cruz
12:49Es el hijo de un colega de la fiscalía
12:51¿El esta grave?
12:53Acaba de despertar del coma
12:55Eso esta bien ¿no?
12:57El niño tiene un tipo de diabetes infantil
13:01Melitus en estado 1
13:03Además ha pasado por mucho
13:05Estres psicologico
13:07¿Por que lo dice?
13:09Porque según lo que viene el informe medico
13:11Después de que el medico hablo con la mamá
13:13Supimos que ha vivido
13:17Muy fuertes
13:19Y eso por supuesto que impacta en el menor
13:23Mi niño ha pasado por muchas cosas
13:25Que un niño de su edad
13:27No debe de pasar
13:29Se le muere su papá
13:33Su abuelo
13:37Lo traje a esta ciudad que es enorme
13:41Y ahora tiene que lidiar con una enfermedad
13:43Que lo va a perseguir el resto de su vida
13:45Pero te tiene a ti amiga
13:47Y tu eres su madre
13:49Y no hay amor mas grande que ese
13:51Confia en que Danielito se va a poner bien
13:55Necesito conseguir trabajo
13:59Y una vez que consiga trabajo
14:01No voy a tener tiempo para estar con el
14:03Necesito dinero
14:05Necesito tener un colchon
14:09Pero yo te puedo ayudar en lo que sea
14:11Mientras tanto
14:13Te lo agradezco de verdad
14:17Pero necesito regresar a mi vida normal
14:21Trabajé tanto para que a mi hijo no le faltara nada
14:27Y ahora estoy enceros
14:31Loreto eres una mujer muy fuerte
14:33Y de eso no me cabe duda
14:35Pero hasta los aviones se le acaba la gasolina
14:39Necesitas descansar
14:41Cuando de alta Daniel
14:43Bueno mira
14:45Toma quédate con mi teléfono
14:49Y antes de que empieces
14:51Te da vergüenza y chanala
14:53Me da igual
14:55Te quedas con el teléfono y así estamos comunicadas
14:57Y me dices si hay alguna novedad
15:01Tata descansa en la cama
15:13Tengo una teoría wey
15:15La mujer de la estética
15:17La mamá del niño que casi atropello
15:19Esta ligada al narco
15:41Me tocó
15:45Tenerle el alma al diablo
15:47Por amor
15:49Perder la paz
15:51Romperme de dolor
15:53Y de tristeza
15:55Con el mundo de tu cabeza
15:57Todo ardió
16:01Soy la gloria en el infierno
16:03Contra el miedo voy corriendo
16:05Tengo el corazón de fierro
16:07No me doblo
16:09No me quiebro
16:11Soy la leona sin manada
16:13Con veneno en la mirada
16:17Soy la jefa en tres palabras
16:19La que manda
16:23La que puede
16:29La que manda
16:37Imposible Sonia
16:39No voy a firmar ninguna orden de cien mil pesos
16:41Ni aunque me lo pidas encuerada
16:45No te hagas
16:47Este dinero no es nada para ti
16:49Para accesar a la cuenta de emergencia
16:51Se necesita la firma conjunta del administrador
16:53A ver
16:55Se perfecto
16:57Que cuando se te pega la gana firmas cheque
16:59Sin consentimiento de nadie
17:01Al menos dime para que quieres ese dinero
17:03Todo esto fue tu culpa
17:05Me pediste que me divorciara de Sebastián
17:07Estas son las consecuencias
17:09Es el abogado del divorcio
17:11Te cobras cien mil pesos
17:13Cuando le pedí el divorcio a Sebastián
17:15Me amenazó de muerte
17:17Y me exigió esa lana
17:19Es para Sebastián
17:21Te volviste loca Sonia
17:23A ver Jacinto
17:25Esto es una trampa
17:27Solamente necesito el dinero para
17:31Y el no va a poder acceder a el
17:33Porque mañana
17:35Unos tipos lo van a matar
17:51Andale llévatela con su hermana porque yo no quiero saber
17:53Ni de esta ni de la otra ni de nadie
17:55Que vivan en el cielo como vivían aquí en la tierra
17:59Por así te lo hiciste hija
18:01Primero le hablas a un veterinario para que te salve a Carolina
18:03Y de paso te echas a la hermana
18:05Para que no abra el hocico
18:07Y tu también vas a ver las flores desde abajo
18:09Si sigues de hablador
18:11¿Qué le vamos a decir a las demás?
18:13Pues no sé, a ver que se me ocurre
18:15Que se fueron a su pueblo porque una de ellas salió embarazada
18:17A ver que invento
18:19Bueno, lo voy de volada porque la otra
18:21Apenas se le pudo echar tierra encima cuando me hablase
18:23Que viniera por la hermana
18:25No seas, ¿es en serio?
18:27No puede ser
18:29Se fueron al departamento y lo hacían
18:31No puede haber nada que diga que desaparecieron
18:33Sino que se fueron, se fueron
18:35No me alcanzas hijo amor
18:37Dios santo
18:39¿Y el imancito qué?
18:41Está bien frío
18:43¿Sin testigos?
18:45Sin bronca
18:47Nomás me preocupa que Yadira se entere en el hospital
18:49No sé ni como
18:51Pero ella le habló a Susana
18:53Es como son de chismosas
18:55Estas viejas
18:57Nomás saben que se murió
18:59Pero no saben como
19:03Todos sabemos como
19:05Andaba en malos pasos
19:07Entonces se lo llevó el tren
19:09Así es
19:11La bolsa
19:13¿Dónde quedó la bolsa de esta vieja?
19:15Llévatela, andale, la enterraste en la zanja
19:17Por favor, la zanja la quiero profunda
19:19Y la tapan bien
19:27¿Crees que el asesino de Liban sea de su gente?
19:29Y lo asesinaron para que no cante
19:31Ni siquiera alcanzamos a interrogarlo
19:33¿Cómo vinculaste todo con la mujer de la estética?
19:35Porque igual estamos viendo el árbol y no el bosque
19:37Esto es algo más que el robo de drogas cosméticas
19:39Y aquí es donde el caso del comandante Cruz
19:41Vuelve a salir a flote
19:43¿Pero te dijeron que le habéis dado carpetazo?
19:45Sí, pero la verdad dudo mucho que le hubiera hecho eso
19:47¿El comportamiento de su esposa?
19:55El comportamiento de su esposa
19:57Me hizo sospechar
19:59Esta mujer, la mujer de la estética
20:01Gloria, es su viuda
20:03Y el chamaquito es su hijo
20:05¿Y se vinieron a vivir a Ciudad de México?
20:09Si Cruz tenía tratos con el narco
20:11Igual su viuda viajó a México
20:13Porque sigue teniendo contactos con algún cártel local
20:15Así que hay que tenerla bien checadita
20:17Y visitar esa estética, ¿oíste?
20:19Entonces estamos abriendo una nueva línea de investigación
20:21Donde el asesino de Libancito
20:23La estética
20:25Y la viuda de Cruz pueden estar relacionadas
20:29Entre esta mujer y el lugar donde la conocí
20:31Está la respuesta, Marco
22:45I don't have to give you any explanations.
22:47Here's your money.
22:49I hope to see you only until the divorce is signed.
22:51Do me a favor, Sonia.
22:53Put the fair in this suitcase.
22:55Go on.
22:57Because I don't trust you.
22:58I'm sure that bitch could have a tracker.
23:04I'm in a good mood, baby.
23:05I'm finally going to do something good
23:07with the town fair.
23:08Come on, come on, come on, come on.
23:20Can I be sure that when I get in the car,
23:23I won't be shot by the duke's people?
23:26I don't know what you're talking about.
23:28You don't know what I'm talking about?
23:31I'm just saying that I'm going to do my best.
23:34I'm going to do my best.
23:35I'm going to do my best.
23:37You don't know what I'm talking about?
23:40We're going to do an experiment.
23:42I don't know why, but when I get in the car,
23:47I'm going to be shot at least 40 times.
23:50I think I'd better get going.
23:53Take care, Sonia.
24:08Wait, they just got in.
24:09Get in, they're going to get away.
24:34Get in the car, you traitorous woman.
24:35Sebastian, what happened in there?
24:37Get in the car, Sonia!
24:58You did the right thing by telling me the truth, Ernestina.
25:01We can't let Mom arrive with Gloria.
25:04We buried Dad.
25:05And I don't want to have to bury Mom.
25:07Let's go.
25:08Let's go.
25:09That's it.
25:10Calm down, please.
25:11Get in the car!
25:15The tower of glory, as always.
25:17Run, go get your cell phone.
25:19Let's go, let's go, come on.
25:21Get in, come here.
25:22Get in!
25:29Go that way.
25:30Go that way.
25:31Come on.
25:32You're going to drive me crazy.
25:34Calm down.
25:35I swear I don't know what you're talking about.
26:07Sebastian set us up.
26:10I had everything planned to escape with Sonia and the money.
26:15How did he escape?
26:17I trusted him.
26:19He was smarter than I thought.
26:21He went up to an elevator.
26:23We followed him down the stairs to the sixth floor.
26:26The doors opened, we shot, and...
26:29And he wasn't there.
26:31For your own good, Marlene.
26:34Get them.
26:36Either you bring me Sonia or you better disappear from Tijuana.
26:47Let's go.
26:49You're my life.
26:50You're my life.
26:51My heart.
26:53I love you.
26:54I love you.
26:55I love you.
26:56I love you.
26:57My heart.
27:00We still can't take him down for intensive care.
27:03He has to be under observation.
27:05We need to see if any organ was affected.
27:09Thank you very much, Doctor.
27:10You're welcome.
27:11Excuse me.
27:12Tickle, tickle.
27:15You're welcome.
27:17How do you feel?
27:19Thank God and your dad for taking care of you.
27:23My dad took care of me.
27:25Me too, Mom.
27:27He did too.
27:30He said he'd always take care of me.
27:33Like when we went on an excursion to see spiders.
27:37I remember that trip so well, honey.
27:41Do you like this place?
27:42I love it.
27:43It's beautiful.
27:45When we grow up, can we buy a dog around here?
27:49Why wait until we grow up?
27:53Who says we don't buy it first?
27:55I'll give you the surprise.
27:59I love you.
28:00I love you too.
28:02Your dad was very happy that day.
28:05And we talked about men to men.
28:07Oh, yeah?
28:09What did they say?
28:12Did you get all of those?
28:16Who says that when you grow up,
28:18you become a famous photographer?
28:21No, Dad. I want to be a police officer like you.
28:28No, my boy.
28:31You're going to be a big shot and become a man.
28:36Do you really want to be like me when you grow up?
28:43Come here.
28:45When you grow up, you're not going to be like me.
28:50You're going to be better than me.
28:52You have to look out for your future and your mother's
28:57and fulfill your dreams and hers.
28:59That's why you look at this place.
29:01Look at it.
29:04This is our future.
29:08Remember it as if it were a treasure map.
29:15Did he tell you that?
29:18That our future was there?
29:21Yes, Mom.
29:23A great treasure.
29:45It's the key ring.
29:51What are you doing?
29:53I'm accessing the memory to see the pictures you took that day.
30:04This is the place.
30:06This is it.
30:08With these pictures, I'll be able to get to this place
30:11and I'll be able to take you to a better hospital
30:13and you'll be fine.
30:16You'll be fine, honey.
30:23I don't know when I let myself be convinced of this.
30:26It's better to talk to the governor in person, Mom.
30:29Let's see if they do something.
30:30I hope your plan works because this could cost me my job.
30:41Good afternoon.
30:43Good afternoon.
30:44We're looking for the governor.
30:46Do you have an appointment?
30:48No, ma'am.
30:49We know him and we need to talk to him.
30:53It's urgent.
30:54The governor is on a trip.
30:56When is he coming back?
30:58I can't give you that information, just to be safe.
31:01But he could make an appointment for us, right?
31:07There's no free space until...
31:12Five months.
31:13No, ma'am.
31:14This is urgent.
31:15A person's life depends on this.
31:17I'm sorry.
31:18Now you're apologizing to me.
31:37I'm sure you're wondering how I got the money to be here.
31:40I got into that place with a backpack and left without it.
31:43Sebastian, I did my part. I brought you the 100,000 pesos.
31:46I swear I didn't know about this. I was just waiting...
31:49Shut up, you idiot! Shut up!
31:51Or I'll shoot you!
31:53Yesterday, when you told me we'd meet at that place,
31:56I knew it was a trap
31:58so that the Duque's people could kill me.
32:01I didn't know it was a trap.
32:03I hope to see you only until the divorce is signed.
32:06Do me a favor, Sonia. Put that money in this suitcase.
32:09Go on.
32:11Because I don't trust you.
32:12What you never imagined was that when I put the backpack
32:15in the trunk, it was just to change it for another identical one,
32:19full of newspapers.
32:21Maybe that's why you chose to keep walking, right?
32:25All I had to do in the end was tell you that I didn't trust you.
32:29I didn't trust you.
32:30Keep walking, right?
32:31All I had to do in the end was tell you
32:33that I was going to change my plan and keep walking.
32:36I only did that so that the people would fall for the trap.
32:40You're an idiot.
32:43Please, Sebastián, don't do anything stupid.
32:46Please, what are you going to do to me?
32:48You're going to...
32:49I have other plans for you, baby.
32:51But I can't tell you, honey. I have it well organized.
32:54I want you to enjoy them.
32:56I want you to live your own life, baby.
32:59What's going on?
33:20Sebastián, I need to talk to you.
33:25Are you okay?
33:29Gloria, I brought you this so you can eat something
33:32and a cup of coffee.
33:34Come on.
33:38What are you bringing?
33:40What's wrong?
33:41I thought you'd be calmer after Danielito's reaction.
33:44I'm fine.
33:47It's just that I don't want to take it anymore.
33:50Are you sure I can still use your cell phone?
33:53You don't need it at all?
33:56No, don't worry.
33:57I already told you I have another one.
34:00Besides, I think it's best if we keep in touch.
34:04It's just that...
34:07Do you remember how I was chasing this man
34:10who was following you yesterday?
34:13Well, I found him with a dead man.
34:27My men are going to interrogate the staff
34:30about the murder.
34:32But we'd also like your help as director of the hospital.
34:37We'd like to take and distribute the image of the suspect.
34:40I think if someone recognizes him, it would be of great help.
34:43Yes, of course. You have our full support.
34:46Thank you, Doc.
34:47Marco, please take this.
34:50Thank you, Doctor.
34:51We'll be in touch.
34:57Doctor, thank you very much.
34:58You're welcome.
34:59Could I talk to the doctor I want to interrogate?
35:02Yes, of course.
35:03In fact, I called him at this hour.
35:05Look, he's on his way here.
35:07Doctor, he's an FGR agent.
35:10He's interested in talking to you.
35:13I'll leave you to it.
35:14Thank you, Doc. Thank you very much.
35:16Doctor, nice to meet you.
35:17Nice to meet you.
35:18Thank you for your time.
35:19I'd like to ask you some questions
35:21about your patient, Daniel Cruz,
35:25and the child's mother, Gloria Guzman.
35:39If you're in a hurry to escape, you're screwed.
35:42Please stop, Sebastián. Please stop.
35:45If you want to live, you'll have to adapt to life.
35:48What can happen is that all your flesh will be spilled.
35:51Are you making a fool of yourself?
35:54I'm telling you to stop, you bitch!
35:59You're going to die, bitch!
36:04I'm going to have to banish the child.
36:06I told you to stop, you idiot!
36:08Gloria! Gloria! Gloria!
36:11Please stop!
36:12Stop, you bitch!
36:13Stop, I'm telling you to stop!
36:16You're going to die!
36:20Let go of me!
36:22Let go of me!
36:24Let go!
36:26We have to find my mom, Ernestina.
36:28If my mom came to the station, it's because Gloria is no longer in Tijuana.
36:31I don't care about Gloria. She was always my mom's favorite.
36:34That's why I do whatever I want with her.
36:36Let's see, Luisa. Do you want to find my mom to protect her, or what?
36:39So that Gloria is left alone and hurts more.
36:41I think you're still in love with Juan José and you're in love with him.
36:44Look, Ernestina.
36:46If I haven't slapped you, it's because there are a lot of people and I don't want them to talk about us.
36:50Luisa, wait for me!
37:05Hurry, hurry, hurry!
37:07Where are you going in such a hurry?
37:09If I had the tickle of forgiving you, Sonia, you would have done it yourself.
37:13Get out! Get out, come on!
37:15Let's go! Get out! Get out!
37:17Get out! Get out!
37:18I'm not going to leave you alone!
37:19Get out!
37:20I'm not going to...
37:22I'm not going to leave you alone!
37:24Get out!
37:26Calm down.
37:27Calm down, enough.
37:28Get in now!
37:31Sebastián, please.
37:32Sebastián, please.
37:33Shut up!
37:34Please, Sebastián!
37:35Shut up!
37:51And I met the boy they killed.
37:53They called him Ivancito.
37:54He was a friend of Susana, the one who works with me in aesthetics.
37:58But why do you think he killed him?
38:01Well, yesterday you saw this man with a gun in the hospital, right?
38:06And then you took it off to defend yourself.
38:08So, I don't know, if he's not a hitman, he's a cop, right?
38:13A cop.
38:16That's why he's following us.
38:18What? Do you have a problem with the cops?
38:24My husband was a commander of the AFG in Tijuana.
38:29And when he died, you don't know the things the feds did to us.
38:33They probably sent this guy to follow me.
38:38Yes, of course, that's why he was asking me a lot of questions about Juan Jose.
38:43Ay, ay, ay.
38:45Thank you for your information, doctor.
38:47That kid worries me a lot.
38:49He's very young and with diabetes.
38:51And yes, we are doing everything we can.
38:55But we still don't have information that concludes that everything is fine to be able to give it up.
39:00And on the other hand, his mother doesn't have the resources to cover the treatments that she does.
39:07I understand.
39:08Doctor, do me a favor.
39:09Don't tell Mrs. Guzman that I'm an AFGR agent.
39:13This is part of an investigation.
39:16Do I have your discretion?
39:20Yes, thank you for that.
39:22Excuse me.
39:23Thank you, doctor.
39:26She's lined up half-hospital with that photo.
39:29If we upload the video to the networks, maybe someone will recognize him.
39:33No, wait.
39:35We want to let that guy's boss know.
39:46The one who is in place of Cruz.
39:50How are you, Tamayo?
39:51Thank you for calling me back.
39:53No, on the contrary.
39:55Yes, look, I want to work in coordination with you.
39:59I would like to see the possibility that you send me the report of Gloria, Cruz's widow.
40:05I suspect that woman is involved in organized crime in this country.
40:24Come in, welcome.
40:34Get on the bus.
40:35Let's go.
40:39My mom just got on.
40:40She's sick and forgot her heart pills.
40:42Please let me turn her in.
40:46Thank you, sir.
40:48Mom, we know you're here.
41:01My mom.
41:02Excuse me.
41:03Is your mother a woman in a black dress?
41:06Yes, yes, yes.
41:07I saw that she just got off.
41:09Let's go, let's go, let's go.
41:16Surely my mother knew that we were following her.
41:19Oh, she scared us.
41:21Sebastian's bastard was the one who helped her.
41:23That's why he was looking for her the other day at your house.
41:26We're going to find out where Gloria is.
41:37Everything okay? Did you have any problems?
41:38Well, just as you suspected, I went to see Cristina.
41:40I followed her.
41:41I did everything you told me to do.
41:44Let's go.
41:45No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
41:46Don't take it away from me.
41:47You took the tools from me.
41:48Give it to me.
41:49How much do you weigh, Matisse?
41:50What is that?
41:51Let's go, let's go, let's go.
41:52I don't want you to get hurt for no reason.
41:53Put the belt on, please.
42:00If what I think is true, my love,
42:03I swear I'll get you out of here soon.
42:07I swear.
42:13What are you doing here?
42:15Don't come any closer.
42:20I only brought you this.
42:22Better yet, your son.
42:24What's that?
42:26Be careful, I'll call security.
42:29Don't worry.
42:31I'm not going to hurt you.
42:34Look, I know that in this hospital it takes you a long time
42:37to get the results of the socioeconomic studies.
42:42I thought this would help you.
42:44It's insulin for your son.
42:52I love you.
42:53I love you.
42:54I love you.
42:55I love you.
42:56I love you.
42:57I love you.
42:58I love you.
42:59I love you.
43:00I love you.
43:01I love you.
43:02I love you.
43:03I love you.
43:04I love you.
43:05I love you.
43:06I love you.
43:07I love you.
43:08I love you.
43:09I love you.
43:10I love you.
43:11I love you.
43:12I love you.
43:13I love you.
43:14I love you.
43:15I love you.
43:16I love you.
43:17I love you.
43:18I love you.
43:19I love you.
43:20I love you.