• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Negli ultimi dieci anni 40mila persone hanno dichiarato di aver vissuto esperienze di pre-morte e la scienza deve fare la sua parte per dare concretezza a questi fenomeni, capirli e conoscerli. È un obiettivo arduo, ma ci riusciremo”. Lo ha detto all’Adnkronos Francesco Sepioni, medico di emergenza-urgenza presso Asl Umbria 1 e autore del libro “Al Confine con l’Aldilà”, che ha moderato l’incontro dal titolo “Le esperienze di pre-morte (Nde). fenomenologia e cambiamenti”. L’appuntamento, che si è tenuto a Roma presso il Centro Studi Americani, ha voluto affrontare un tema complesso e affascinante come quello delle esperienze di pre-morte (Near-death experiences, Nde) e delle esperienze extracorporee (Out-of-Body experiences, Obe).


00:00There are three documented cases, scientifically proven, where people who were completely unconscious
00:11have seen and heard stories that were impossible to know.
00:15What does it mean?
00:16They are subjects like the case denounced by Lommel around 2011, where the unconscious subject
00:26was reanimated, defibrillated, intubated, in which a dental prosthesis was removed and
00:33placed inside a box.
00:35The subject was technically a clinical death, because he had no cardiac activity, no respiratory
00:43activity, and the subject really did not see and did not hear.
00:46Or rather, if you know, after five seconds there is a respiratory arrest.
00:54One second the blood does not reach the brain, the consciousness is inhibited, and after 20,
00:58more than 20 seconds, there is a nervous system, central or better, the center of the brain,
01:03all the reflexes are annulled.
01:05And this person, incredibly, saw and heard his own reanimation.
01:14And this is a subjective thing, but later, when he met, ten days later, because this
01:21person was intubated, he was then placed in reanimation, ten days later he went to cardiology
01:25and recognized the same nurse and said, excuse me, but where is the dental prosthesis?
01:30She put it under that box where there were all these bottles.
01:35And this was true.
01:37And he could not know.
01:38For what reason?
01:39Because the consciousness was annulled, because there was no cardiac activity, respiratory,
01:42because the subject was fundamentally an unconscious subject.
01:48For this we have an evidence, that is, the subject saw himself from above and tried
01:54in every way to continue the reanimation because he had also heard the doctors talking
01:58to each other and saying, but this is over, he must die.
02:02And instead, incredibly, the person heard and saw certain things in that clinical condition
02:09that he could not hear.
02:11And I also mentioned it, this person was really saved and the most extraordinary thing
02:16is that he declared in a row all the people who were present and he saw himself.
02:23And at this point the question is very simple.
02:27But is consciousness at the level of the cerebral cortex?
02:30Since it is annulled and then since there was no oxygen at the brain level or that minimum,
02:36how could he see, hear and see himself from above if he was normally unconscious?
02:42And this is science.
02:45You have to find answers, you have to go into science, you have to do science.
02:49And with more people, physicists, doctors and all the people who can help
02:56to contribute to these phenomena, to give credibility.
03:02Because there are, from the latest data, more than 10 years, 40,000 people
03:08who have declared these phenomena.
03:11And science must play its role, it must give concreteness to these phenomena
03:18and understand them, know them.
03:21We are trying in this multidisciplinary group to reach this goal.
03:27Hard, but we will succeed.
