• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “Quello delle esperienze pre-morte è un campo in cui probabilmente ancora c'è tantissimo da approfondire, in cui gli strumenti ancora probabilmente non sono adeguati per capire cosa succede in quei momenti e in quelle particolari circostanze. Giustamente la scienza procede per tentativi, sperimenta e ricerca”. Sono le dichiarazioni di Roberto Sgalla, direttore Centro Studi Americani, intervenuto all’incontro “Le esperienze di pre-morte (Nde). fenomenologia e cambiamenti” che si è svolto a Roma presso il Centro studi americani. Al centro del dibattito le esperienze di pre-morte (Near-death experiences, Nde) e le esperienze extracorporee (Out-of-Body experiences, Obe).


00:00The Center deals with many things, fundamentally American history and literature, geopolitics,
00:09international relations, environment, energy, economy, artificial intelligence, health and
00:14In this area, we have been offered the possibility of hosting, through our coordinator of the
00:21Bridge Health and Science, a meeting on the subject of pre-death.
00:27My training, which is a strongly rational, legal training, at first, I don't say
00:34hastily, but I wanted to make it clear, when I saw the speakers who participated in the
00:41meeting, university professors, anesthesia specialists, oncologists, reanimation specialists,
00:48physicists who worked at Sorbonne, well, I could not not only consent, but also
00:54to inquire more, because it is evident that it is a new field for science, a field in
01:01which there is probably still a lot to explore, whose tools are probably not yet adequate
01:07to understand what happens in those moments, in those particular circumstances, what is
01:13this phenomenon.
01:14And so I believe that, as science does, that is, it proceeds through attempts, experiments,
01:21research, then sometimes it stops, if it understands, perhaps, that it has taken a path that is not
01:27the right one, or it pursues that path when it starts to give results.
01:32I believe that, in this regard, we have gladly hosted, gladly I will also listen, in a
01:39curious way, not as a specialist, I take care of other things, as I said before, but
01:44precisely because I believe that man, the mind of man, does not yet, that is, we do not know
01:51the limits, we do not know the limits of the mind of man, of the potentiality of man, and
01:56therefore to experiment, to try to understand what is in certain circumstances of our
02:02life, I believe it is a right element and that honors science that tries to understand.
