• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “La Simedet è presente come partner scientifico di questo evento dedicato alle esperienze pre-morte e vuole proporre un approccio multidisciplinare al fenomeno. Riteniamo che debba essere elaborata una linea guida per prendersi cura e prendersi carico delle persone che si risvegliano dal coma o dalle manovre rianimatorie e riportano queste esperienze. Questo al fine di fare chiarezza, di dare un supporto psicologico”. Così Fernando Capuano, presidente nazionale Società di medicina diagnostica e terapeutica - Simedet, in occasione dell’incontro dal titolo “Le esperienze di pre-morte (Nde). fenomenologia e cambiamenti” che si è svolto a Roma presso il Centro studi americani. Al centro del dibattito le esperienze di pre-morte (Near-death experiences, Nde) e le esperienze extracorporee (Out-of-Body experiences, Obe).


00:00The Italian Association of Diagnostic and Therapeutic Medicine is a scientific body
00:08launched by the Ministry for the realization of guidelines.
00:13We are present today as a scientific partner at the American Census on the event of pre-death experiences
00:19to propose a multidisciplinary approach to the phenomenon.
00:25We believe that a guideline or a PDTA must be elaborated
00:32to take care of people and patients
00:38who wake up from a coma or from reanimation maneuvers
00:43and, let's say, report these experiences.
00:46This is in order to make it clear, to provide psychological support.
00:51Obviously, we have a scientific approach.
00:54What is parascientific or paranormal, we are not able to investigate.
00:59But, in my opinion, these are phenomena that must be studied, studied in depth and given support.
01:05Then, everyone will give a different and personal reading key.
01:09But, in my opinion, this phenomenon that has built associations,
01:15there is also a large publishing house,
01:18so it is very serene to make the scientific distinction
01:23and what is not yet known.
01:26But, above all, we must take care of the vulnerable, of those who have lived this experience
01:31and, many times, have a reality of post-traumatic stress,
01:36a reality of non-inclusion and discomfort.
