• 2 days ago
Saint-Pierre 2025 S01 E03


00:01Back off!
00:02You arrested him at our kid's school.
00:04I'm telling you, he's not Mr. Squeaky Clean.
00:09No one on the island stocks a seven-year-old aged mezcal.
00:12All right, let's get some glasses for everyone.
00:22Alphonse Nova, you're a beacon in the financial world.
00:26Your philanthropy reaches all across the globe.
00:29But what are you most proud of?
00:32My company, of course.
00:34I built it with my own blood, sweat, and many other people's tears.
00:38Interesting response.
00:40Let me guess. Most people say family.
00:42Oh, yes.
00:44Family's not an achievement. Anybody can take vows, procreate.
00:48If family's to be my answer,
00:51then maybe mine could really make something of themselves
00:55instead of always falling back on the Nova name.
00:59I don't know.
01:01Oh, my God.
01:27And you?
01:29You're new, Mr. Sleeve Tattoo.
01:35I called you, like, 30 times. Did you not get my text?
01:37Oh, you mean the string of random numbers?
01:39Yeah. I just thought you were sleep texting.
01:4210-42. It's code for homicide. What do you call it here?
01:46We say anomicide.
01:48I'm on my way.
01:57What I'm saying is
01:59you would have walked right into a moving car if I hadn't rescued you.
02:03What were you even doing up at that hour, anyways?
02:06Something disturbing your sleep?
02:08You don't know me well enough to know what disturbs me.
02:13Seeing Marcus in the bottle of Gallagher's fancy mezcal,
02:16you couldn't have gone down lying?
02:18Are you kidding me? You need to tell me who did this!
02:24Serge Corbin, the new curator.
02:26He got the job about six weeks ago.
02:28Power was cut to the building.
02:30Apparently, when the generator kicked in, the projector was triggered.
02:34OK, get his statement and find a way to get this turned off, please.
02:55He look familiar to you?
02:57Investment billionaire.
02:59Alphonse Nova.
03:01Oh, safe to say that his investment portfolio is about to lose some value.
03:18Judging by blood coagulation,
03:20I'd say it's been ten hours or so.
03:23You seeing any signs of a struggle?
03:25No, but who sticks their head in a guillotine willingly?
03:28He was threatened, forced, drunk.
03:32Maybe. That's what the talks...
03:34I mean, I get grief for just wearing a suit.
03:42No digits, no electronic swipe.
03:45Is that actual gold?
03:47A weird rich-person-status thing?
03:54Look, the safety latch is broken.
03:58Tempered with, maybe.
04:04With this?
04:11His head must have already been in the guillotine.
04:13Just waiting for the blade.
04:16To drop.
04:20I'm told you used to be the head of antiquities at the Met.
04:23It's quite a prestigious job.
04:25Why'd you leave?
04:26I wanted a change of pace.
04:28Alphonse, Mr. Nova is a Met patron
04:31and was kind enough to set me up at my position here.
04:33Why would he do that?
04:34Excuse me?
04:35I mean, did Alphonse expect anything in return for setting you up?
04:40What could I offer Alphonse that he would want?
04:43He is a...
04:45He was a friend.
04:48Don't you like to help your friends?
04:50When was the last time that you saw Alphonse Nova?
04:53A week ago.
04:55I stopped by after they filmed that TV special.
04:58Where were you last night?
05:00I was with friends discussing Baroque art.
05:04I can provide names.
05:12The Novas spend every summer here.
05:18No, I mean, what's the connection?
05:20It really is quite lovely here, it is.
05:22I like it a lot.
05:23Alphonse has an office here for tax reasons.
05:26One of his major hedge funds is based in France.
05:28Saint-Pierre is his workaround.
05:31Wife, Renata.
05:33Two children, Serafina and Lucius.
05:35Young Lucius was a bit of a drinker.
05:37He's had his run-ins with the SPMP over the years,
05:40but apparently he's sober now.
05:42And Serafina's a bleeding heart type.
05:44She runs Nova Matters.
05:45The family's charitable organization.
05:47Totally under Alphonse's thumb.
05:49Right, but everyone's got a dysfunctional family.
05:52Yeah, but we don't go all Henry VIII on them.
05:55The back door was breached,
05:57and we think that was the point of entry.
05:59What about the security system?
06:01It's old, it's hardwired to the main circuit board,
06:04so it fried when the power was cut.
06:06Okay, the power was cut at 9.03 p.m.,
06:09body was discovered 8 a.m.,
06:11the time in between, that's our window of opportunity.
06:14I need ideas on what events would warrant
06:16Alphonse wearing a tuxedo.
06:18I'd love to know more about this gold card.
06:20You can find your own seat, buddy.
06:22Sorry, sorry, sorry.
06:25We've all seen this interview, Patty.
06:27The entire world has.
06:29I called the producer to see if there was anything else
06:31from the interview we could use, and she sent me this.
06:34One of the crew members took some behind-the-scenes footage.
06:37Nothing the way I did, all right?
06:40Good luck, Lucius.
06:42Selfish dick, I'll kill you!
06:45Lucius started his own investment firm.
06:47The morning of this interview, Alphonse pulled his backing.
06:50You just watched Lucius the moment he found out
06:52he was bankrupt.
06:54In that case, Fitz and Arch, talk to the family.
06:57And Nubanuf, why don't you see if you can get some info
06:59from the staff who work there?
07:05My daughter, she wants to go to some concert in Montreal.
07:09No adults.
07:10And they said no?
07:12She's 16.
07:14Well, I got up to a lot worse at 16.
07:17Loosen up, maybe?
07:22Hi, I'm Jasper Washington,
07:24the noble family's personal counsel.
07:26This building doesn't...
07:28I don't know, doesn't feel very San Piero to me,
07:30inside and outside.
07:31Locals hate it.
07:32Oh, I know.
07:33I've filled in more than a few complaints,
07:35but Alphonse wanted what he wanted when he wanted it.
07:38It was his way.
07:39What I want to know is,
07:41what were you thinking hosting meetings
07:42behind your father's back?
07:44Few of all people should know how important it is to have...
07:46Excuse me, the police are here.
07:48Archidollences for your loss.
07:54We'll need to speak to your son, Lucius, as well.
07:58Jasper, fetch my brother from his office to come join us.
08:00Hey, Jasper, is this you?
08:04So, a soccer game in Argentina.
08:06This being the personal attorney around here has its perks.
08:17Soothing my nerves.
08:18Care to join?
08:19French 75, fun.
08:23No thanks.
08:24Can you confirm where you were
08:26between 9 last night and 8 this morning?
08:28I had dinner with the children at 8,
08:30and we were in bed by 10.
08:32Alphonse didn't join you?
08:33No. Father said he was preoccupied.
08:35Any idea where he was, or why he was wearing tails?
08:40Alphonse was wearing a tuxedo.
08:41He didn't like to be prodded about his comings and goings.
08:44Alphonse was a grade-A prick.
08:47But he was our prick, and we loved him.
08:50And right now,
08:52life without him seems next to impossible.
08:55Want to explain...
08:59You can start with nothing the way I did, all right?
09:02Good luck, Lucius.
09:05You selfish dick, I'll kill you!
09:11Alphonse and Lucius run hot.
09:13They made up as soon as the cameras were gone.
09:16He was just teaching our son a lesson.
09:19And that was?
09:20Trust no one.
09:21Not even your own father.
09:23Regarding the will,
09:24who stands to inherit Alphonse's estate?
09:27Honestly, it's a bit macabre
09:29talking about money at a time like this.
09:31If you'll excuse us,
09:33we have a funeral to plan.
09:34Back home.
09:35Until we have a clear idea of the circumstances
09:37surrounding your husband's death,
09:39we need you to stay here.
09:42From what I've heard,
09:43France's garde à vue
09:45is a maximum of 24 hours.
09:47Lucius texted to tell me
09:49apparently he took a sleeping pill and wants to rest.
09:52I'll escort him to your station later.
09:56Kind of busy.
09:57Lucius left in a hurry, so...
09:59I followed him. He's uptown.
10:01Don't ever say I don't have initiative.
10:04Yeah, we're gonna need to see that text
10:06you supposedly got.
10:19Lucius, uh...
10:21He looked like he was, uh, dérangé.
10:23In a... in a... a real state.
10:25Okay, go out back.
10:27Make sure he doesn't make a run for us.
10:50Do you smell that?
10:53I'm gonna ask you one last time.
10:55What the hell are you doing here?
10:57Drop it!
10:59Trespassing idiot is burning noble property!
11:01Put the gun down, Lucius!
11:07You were destroying evidence
11:09in a homicide investigation.
11:12I was keeping a promise to my friend.
11:14Alphonse confided that he was being extorted.
11:17Extorted by who?
11:19He never said.
11:20But one doesn't need to look too far in that family
11:22to see the possibilities.
11:24He made me give my word that if anything were to happen to him,
11:27I was to burn the box
11:29and ensure that his children didn't get the contents.
11:32What was inside the box?
11:34I have no idea.
11:36I value privacy second only to keeping my word.
11:39Well, I'll give you my word.
11:41We will continue this in an interview room.
11:51They say money doesn't buy taste.
11:53I don't think he sat for these.
11:58Look who the painter is.
12:08I'm not sure why I'm in trouble.
12:10I was defending myself.
12:12You have an undeclared weapon.
12:14And we're about to shoot an unarmed man
12:16posing no threat to you.
12:18Call Jasper.
12:19He knows the magic words to make this go away.
12:22I don't.
12:24Jasper, you know the magic words to make this go away?
12:27You were dodging us.
12:28I pretended to be asleep so I could sneak out.
12:30I was afraid you'd find the loft, see the painting.
12:33A lot of dead daddy stuff in the studio, Lucius.
12:36The art was my therapist's idea
12:38as a way for me to cope with my frustrations about father.
12:42The whole thing was stupid.
12:43And really not very good.
12:48You know,
12:50I don't know a lot of sons caught on tape
12:53threatening to kill their father
12:54just days before their father was actually murdered.
12:59It must have really hurt.
13:01Your father pulling out the backing
13:03of your new company like that.
13:05It was a dick move, yeah.
13:07But come on, you really think I'd kill my father
13:09over something like this?
13:10People kill for much less.
13:12Or maybe you were just planning to extort him.
13:15For revenge.
13:17Extort Alphonse Nova?
13:19You'd have to be an idiot to try that.
13:21Or my sister.
13:23She'd do it just to irritate the hell out of him.
13:28Despite everything, I don't think Lucius is our guy.
13:31Hmm, spidey senses kicking again?
13:33No, they're not spidey senses.
13:35What about the wife, Renata?
13:37And daughter, Serafina?
13:38Well, we did catch them in the middle of an argument.
13:40And Serafina was working her trading app
13:42like a teenager on TikTok.
13:44Possession of a firearm without a permit?
13:46It's not gonna fly with the, what do you call it?
13:48La garde à vue.
13:49He's right.
13:50We'll need something stronger to detain the Novas.
13:52Okay, been tracking Alphonse's movements.
13:54No dinner or hotel reservation in his name.
13:57No special events worthy of black tie.
14:00And I looked into Serafina's financials.
14:02She filed a motion to sell her share of stocks
14:05in Alphonse's company yesterday.
14:08Before Alphonse's death.
14:10Just before the stock crashed.
14:16Preliminary autopsy report's in.
14:19The blood panels came back.
14:21There are no stimulants in the victim's system
14:23at the time of death.
14:24Alphonse was sober and conscious when the guillotine...
14:28Seems so.
14:29That's bleak.
14:30No signs of excessive perspiration.
14:32He was cool as a cucumber when his head went on the block.
14:35So he felt safe with his killer.
14:38Still a weird thing to do
14:39to stick your head under a blade like that.
14:41So far I've identified two distinct sets of DNA
14:44at the crime scene.
14:45One is obviously our victims.
14:47The other I ran through the databases.
14:51Also found this interesting.
14:56An incision for a central line.
14:58Looks oldish.
14:59Maybe a year or two.
15:00Billionaires go under the knife all the time.
15:02What's so special about this?
15:03I checked with Alphonse's personal physician.
15:06No record of surgery in the last two years.
15:10Whatever Alphonse had done.
15:12Most in secret.
15:16You have an entire police department at your disposal.
15:19Why am I doing this?
15:20It needs to be off the books.
15:22What have you found?
15:24Tristan Colbert.
15:26Entrepreneur type.
15:28Guy's clean.
15:29He flew in on Gattaca's private plane.
15:31He's far from clean.
15:33Your boss just showed up.
15:37And they're all acting like old pals.
15:40Okay, stay with them.
15:42And I know this may sound weird,
15:45but if anyone is wearing a tux,
15:48I need to know.
15:50Okay, bye.
15:51The family just called for a reading of Alphonse's will.
15:56The gunman's there.
15:58Having a spot of bother with a shipment coming in.
16:01I was hoping your customs people
16:04might be able to help him out.
16:06I'll look into it.
16:09You know, if there's anything I can do to help,
16:11I'd like to learn more.
16:12Go on.
16:13Yeah, you know, if you fly on the wall.
16:15You know, you're clearly the mayor of St. Pierre,
16:17so I was figuring...
16:18Well, as it happens,
16:19there's a fisherman up the coast here.
16:22Got my eye on his property,
16:24and little shit won't be selling it to me.
16:27So you want me to go break his legs or what?
16:30Find a good, hardened crack to the jaw.
16:33Make a man eat his dinner through a straw
16:35for a couple of weeks.
16:37Focus his mind, you know?
16:41You should really stop messing with the kid.
16:46I had you there, didn't I?
16:50Go on, run along and tell me.
16:51Look after the lads, eh?
16:52Got some business to discuss here, okay?
16:57I think you scared him.
16:59A little fear builds character.
17:03Not to be too anticlimactic here,
17:05but this will take weeks to sort through.
17:08You're a family's counsel.
17:09Alphonse's estate is quite layered and extremely complex,
17:13with his personal assets, corporations.
17:15This will need your father's full armada of lawyers
17:17to come close to deciphering it.
17:19Hey, you just... you dropped something.
17:28It's a codicil.
17:30A modification of the will.
17:32Read it.
17:33I, Alphonse Nova,
17:34declare my last will and testament void,
17:36and the contents of this codicil its replacement.
17:38The trust funds in each of my children's names
17:41are their only inheritance,
17:42my properties to be split between my current and ex-wife.
17:45I leave the remainder of my estate to my foundation,
17:49Nova Matters.
17:51It's signed and dated last week.
17:55Why are you looking at me like that?
17:58It was you.
17:59You did this.
18:00Did what?
18:01These are father's wishes.
18:02This is Alphonse's writing.
18:04He states he made the amendment.
18:06The codicil's real.
18:07You expect us to believe that father left
18:09the entirety of his wealth to your foundation?
18:11He didn't give a crap about your stupid causes.
18:14I get a measly 25 milliplay money,
18:16and she gets control of his billions?
18:18Sweetheart, I know this is hard for you.
18:20Were you in on this, Mama?
18:22You're acting like a child.
18:25The child father loved the most.
18:27Oh, you mean the one he barely left anything to?
18:30Back up.
18:32Back up.
18:33Lucius, I'm warning you.
18:35Guys, enough.
19:02Between Lucius' gun possession and Serafina's assault charge,
19:06we've met Gardavy requirements.
19:08I assume Renata sprung them all on bail?
19:11Nothing but the best for her darlings.
19:13But at least they can't leave the island.
19:15Good news.
19:32Hey, look at this.
19:34Alphonse's signature on the codicil.
19:36You see that ink blotch?
19:39Now, two possible reasons
19:41why an ink blotch like that might occur.
19:44One, faulty pen.
19:46Alphonse had a fancy fountain pen on his desk.
19:49It looked expensive.
19:51Doubt it's faulty.
19:52Okay, so another reason?
19:57Your own signature would be basic muscle memory.
20:00Right, but if it's not your signature,
20:02you've never written it before,
20:04you could cause an ink blotch, which could mean...
20:07The codicil could be a forgery.
20:09And who stands to benefit the most?
20:15You think I forged my father's codicil?
20:17Handwriting experts are analyzing the signature.
20:20We'll know soon.
20:22And you saw it?
20:24It could be the signature.
20:26We'll know soon.
20:27You sold all of your holdings in your father's stock
20:30before he was murdered.
20:31As if he knew he was going to die
20:33and the stocks would crash.
20:35My father took a sadistic pleasure
20:37in torturing us with his money.
20:39He would freeze credit cards while we were on vacation.
20:42He would bounce boarding school checks just to embarrass us.
20:45I had enough.
20:46So I spoke to some trusted advisors
20:48who suggested I find autonomy.
20:50Yeah, I sold my shares,
20:53and given everything that's happened,
20:55the timing is suspect, but I assure you coincidental.
20:59Warrant, as you would call it.
21:02We are going to need to confiscate the typewriter.
21:05What are you doing that is antique?
21:07All your story did was increase your motive.
21:10You wanted the money, and now you have all of it.
21:18When did you manage to get a warrant?
21:21A heads-up would have been nice.
21:26Um, Arch?
21:29I called the judge, and she gave me verbal permission.
21:32I will get a written warrant in a few hours, okay?
21:35Relax. We do it all the time.
21:37You should have waited for the paper.
21:39If this was used to forge a new codicil,
21:41and we don't take it,
21:43Serafina can destroy it.
21:45If you stick to the red tape, Fitz,
21:47you lose in Saint-Pierre.
21:52This, this was your sixth attempt.
21:55The typeface on the V and the W don't match.
21:58In order to prove a forgery, you need two things.
22:01The typewriter that matches the type on this codicil,
22:04and of course, proof of the person who used it.
22:07And Patty has something to share.
22:09No CCTV outside the museum,
22:12but how about an eagle cam?
22:14Come again?
22:15Vivienne. She's TikTok famous.
22:17We're waiting to see the birth of her eaglets.
22:34Arfus got the power himself.
22:3615 minutes before he was murdered.
22:38Did the camera catch the driver?
22:40No. The lights went out in the alley.
22:42So did the live feed.
22:44But we know the kind of truck.
22:46Called the rental agencies on the island.
22:49Only one carries that model.
22:51Guess who rented it?
22:53Serafina Nova.
22:54Huh. Is there any footage of anyone else
22:57on the camera that night?
22:58Serge, the curator, but he works there, so...
23:03Just freeze it.
23:06Look at the coat, the cravat.
23:10We saw it on the bed in Lucia's loft.
23:12You know what else we saw at the loft?
23:15A typewriter.
23:16You could call your judge friend.
23:18Maybe you could get a real warrant this time.
23:21So the curator and Serafina conspired to kill Alphonse.
23:25Patsy, double-check that alibi from Serge.
23:28Put the screws to those friends he claimed to work with him.
23:31Maybe Serge was lying to us about why he was burning the box.
23:35It might not have had anything to do with Alphonse
23:38or extortion.
23:39Covering his and Serafina's forgery tracks.
23:42Well, let's see what they all have to say
23:45about that.
23:52Well, we gotta talk about our little tension.
23:56I-I just, I come from a place where we have to make sure
24:00that our work is bulletproof.
24:02I'm not here to judge you.
24:04You sure present very judgy.
24:06I'm just saying that if we don't follow the former process,
24:10it might come back to bite us in the ass
24:12when we're in court later.
24:13And I'm saying that, I know that.
24:16I wouldn't jeopardize the process.
24:21You have the perfect timing.
24:24Your guys are dressed to kill.
24:26Tuxes? Where?
24:29They're about to roll out,
24:30so I will follow them and location share with you.
24:34Okay, bye.
24:36Why don't we, um,
24:39go see what the hell this is for?
24:57She's a civilian.
24:59He's got a point, Arch.
25:01I made the call to use someone I trust to follow a lead.
25:05Are we gonna do this all night?
25:06Okay, so I smoked a joint with one of the staff
25:08while I was waiting for you guys.
25:10It's an auction.
25:11Three nights, very hush-hush.
25:13Gallagher inside?
25:14Mm-hmm, and the dead guy's daughter.
25:19Was she driving this?
25:32They're both here.
25:42These pieces range from the Scythian and Eurasian Empire,
25:45dating back over 2,000 years.
25:48Oh, just pull that out, did you?
25:50No, it's... it's written right there.
25:54Fitz, look.
26:10Get out of here.
26:14I see that you're letting just about anyone in tonight.
26:18I imagine that you think that these pieces
26:21should all be repatriated.
26:23That gold belongs where it came from,
26:26not in the mansion of some rich cretin.
26:29Solomon's law, though, isn't it?
26:31Looks after the baby best.
26:33Gets the baby.
26:37As I'm sure you're aware, I don't speak your language, Deputy.
26:40Oh, allow me to introduce my son, Tristan.
26:43Nice to meet you.
26:44Is this some kind of criminal bring-your-son-to-work event?
26:48There's nothing criminal going on here tonight, Deputy.
26:51Oh, and for what it's worth, I do believe that
26:54these rich idiots shouldn't be allowed to buy things
26:57that, frankly, shouldn't be for sale.
27:00But it's not illegal.
27:02Your man Serge here, he's got all the permissions
27:05from local governments that he needs,
27:07and I'm just renting him the space to do it all in.
27:11Now, if you'll excuse me.
27:15Seraphina Nova? Serge Corbin?
27:17We have some questions for you.
27:34There you go. Come on.
27:38You wanted to speak to the curator.
27:40You're welcome.
27:52Your alibi was merdique.
27:55You paid those people to lie for you.
27:57Alphonse wanted me here to help him secure particular items.
28:01You mean to help him acquire historical antiquities
28:04that he wouldn't be able to legally get elsewhere?
28:0713 million in Scythian treasures.
28:11Your father's body wasn't even cold yet.
28:13I had to buy them before anyone else could.
28:15Why did you have to buy them?
28:17All I've ever done is try to undo the damage
28:20of my father and his detestable friends.
28:22That is why I liquidated my stock shares.
28:24They needed the money for the auction.
28:26Alphonse wanted to actually steal the guillotine.
28:29I-I was a little shocked.
28:31He said if it looked like a robbery,
28:33insurance would cover the museum's losses.
28:35He was coming that night to collect it.
28:37He had a contact that was helping him
28:40transport it to a shipping container to send it home.
28:42Is that why you rented the big old pickup truck?
28:45I had to ensure I could move the items tonight.
28:47I bet.
28:49When we get this analyzed,
28:51we'll see the practice draft of the Forge Codicil.
28:55You were not keeping your promise.
28:57You were covering your tracks as your love nest.
29:00But with who?
29:04Your father was in that truck the night that he died.
29:07Not possible.
29:09My father would not be caught dead in an American vehicle.
29:13No, he was in the truck, and he wasn't alone.
29:19I was on a Zoom call with the government of Nigeria
29:22arranging the return of a ceremonial robe.
29:25I had to be secretive so that father wouldn't find out.
29:28Now I know that he couldn't have.
29:31Call them. Those are the numbers.
29:33Why did Serge forge the Codicil?
29:36Serge, I would not ask him for anything.
29:39Because he sold the guillotine to your father?
29:41Because he's the reason that my father was divorcing my mother.
29:44Serge and my mother have been having an affair for some time.
29:52Alphonse's prenup had an infidelity clause.
29:55If Renata got caught cheating, she got nothing.
29:58It's motive, yeah.
30:00But why give billions to Seraphina's charity?
30:03Yeah, what if Renata did that?
30:07She already controls the board,
30:09so how long before Renata can start
30:12siphoning off money for herself?
30:18Patty? What's fun is that?
30:21Evidence bag.
30:43Wait, was that my phone?
30:45Text from Renata.
30:47Where is it? I know you hid it.
30:49I know you still have it.
30:51Where is it? And she goes on and on and on.
30:54We know about the affair. You and Renata.
30:57You kept the original Codicil, didn't you?
31:00Where is it?
31:02I have nothing more to say to you without legal counsel.
31:05The texts are coming from Renata's phone.
31:08She's at the loft.
31:31Tenacious, the both of you.
31:35So, how do you want to do this? Your call?
31:38Oh. Oh, you mean, do we lead with, uh,
31:41you're facing a two-year prison stay
31:43and a 30,000-year fine for forging illegal documents?
31:49Or the...
31:51whole murder thing.
31:53I assume you know about Serge.
31:56Yes, he...
31:58forged the Codicil for me,
32:00but I did not kill my husband.
32:03Serge kept the original.
32:05I imagine that he did.
32:07But now I don't know where it is.
32:10You know, honestly, I think...
32:13I think you did love your husband.
32:15But he put you and your... your kids through hell.
32:19God only knows what he did behind closed doors.
32:21I mean...
32:23no one would blame you.
32:27I confronted Alphonse.
32:30After that TV interview,
32:32he showed me the amendment to his will,
32:35his entire fortune
32:38going to some outsider.
32:41If he wasn't leaving it to you or the children,
32:44then who?
32:45I have no idea. He refused to tell me.
32:48Like I said, grade-A prick.
32:51Had to protect my family.
32:53So you switched it.
32:55Well, Serge switched it.
32:57I didn't think it would come to play quite so soon, but...
33:02Then someone decided to kill my husband.
33:05And here we are.
33:09Whatever happens to me,
33:11my children will know that their mama fights for them.
33:14And after what their father put them through,
33:17they're not gonna lose to some...
33:21Where is the original, Kadisa?
34:19Serge kept the original, Kadisa.
34:21He wasn't as stupid as we thought.
34:23Well, the guy's seen a bit.
34:25He must have known he would need an insurance policy
34:27in case Renato tried to double-cross him.
34:30Who is S.A. Borre?
34:32No clue, but whoever it is,
34:34they just inherited the entirety of Alphonse's fortune.
34:37I did some more blood work.
34:39Although there were two sets of blood in Alphonse's DNA.
34:42It wasn't the killer's blood at the scene?
34:44Just the victim's?
34:46Wait, how is that even possible if there's two sets of DNA?
34:48If Alphonse's surgical scar was related to an
34:51off-the-books bone marrow transplant?
34:53Then Alphonse's blood carried two sets of DNA.
34:56His and his donor's.
34:58Can just anyone be a donor?
35:00Likely a familial match.
35:02Alphonse had no other blood relatives
35:04apart from his children.
35:05Right. So I called the novice doctor.
35:07Just to double-check.
35:09Apart from some cosmetic procedures.
35:11Neither Serafina nor Lucius had ever had surgery.
35:14Where would Alphonse and his donor get off-the-book surgery?
35:17With his money? Anywhere.
35:19Most people do it in South America.
35:23Airport traffic control called.
35:25The Novapartists are looking for clearance.
35:27No one takes off.
35:35Stop the plane! Stop it!
35:37Open the door!
35:45Slowly step out.
35:47Your hands above your head.
35:50Clearly, you didn't know that the cortisol was a forgery
35:53until you heard us talking about it in the hospital.
35:57S.A. Boré.
35:59It's you, isn't it?
36:01My name is Samuel.
36:03Alphonse Boré.
36:05What does it say?
36:11He left everything to you.
36:14You were Alphonse's donor.
36:16That's what the trip to Argentina was about, right?
36:19Bone marrow transplant?
36:21Needed a familial match?
36:24I learned the truth about him.
36:28When I turned 18.
36:30He rebuffed my desire to meet until...
36:33Until he needed your DNA?
36:35Lucky for him, I was a match.
36:37He didn't have to tell anyone he was sick.
36:40That's what he feared.
36:42His stock dropping.
36:52He was leaving it all to me.
36:56Not those brats.
36:58Not his wife.
37:06What did I do?
37:07Hey, Jasper, look at me.
37:09Look at me.
37:10That's the dagger that went missing at the museum.
37:13Just prove to us that you were at the museum
37:15the night of the murder.
37:16Stay back!
37:17Easy now. Easy.
37:19You don't want to do that.
37:21You know what?
37:23Let's take a beat.
37:25Talk it out.
37:28I didn't mean to do it.
37:30I believe you.
37:31I do.
37:33I mean, accidents happen.
37:35I know what it's like
37:37to live your life wishing you knew your dad.
37:40I know. I know how much it hurts.
37:43And even though I never knew mine,
37:46I missed him.
37:48I get it.
37:54He asked me to help him move the guillotine.
37:57He was excited.
38:00Told me it'd be the pinnacle of his collection
38:02and needed my help to make things look like a robbery.
38:07he wanted a photo.
38:09We were actually having fun.
38:11He put his head in the thing.
38:13He was laughing.
38:15We were father and son for just a moment.
38:18Then, uh...
38:20I told him.
38:22It was time to tell everyone the truth.
38:25He didn't take that well.
38:28He was ugly suddenly.
38:30Told me I ruined the moment by bringing that up.
38:33I ruined it.
38:35That he would never tell anyone.
38:37That he was ashamed of me.
38:39That he's never seen me as his real son.
38:45And before I knew what I had done...
38:51Then he was dead.
38:53We believe you.
38:55Now, let's put that down, okay?
38:58I'm sorry.
39:00It's too late now.
39:02Jasper, I need you to put the dagger down.
39:05Look away.
39:10Easy, easy.
39:32De rien.
39:34You ordered us French 75s.
39:47I won't do that again.
39:49The Warren thing.
39:51Without speaking to you first.
39:53At least.
39:57Well, I'll try...
39:59to not be such a condescending ass.
40:09That thing you said to Jasper...
40:12about your father, was it true?
40:18Okay, no, no, no, I'm sorry.
40:20I'm sorry, okay.
40:22Too personal.
40:23I get it.
40:24What do you say we split some...
40:27Que ze de gen...
40:29Genie, you know what I mean?
40:31Christ de grenouille.
40:33Is that what I said?
40:36My father was a brilliant carpenter,
40:39but he died in the line of duty before I was born.
40:43My mother...
40:46Her eyes, when she speaks about him,
40:48it's like she has all these memories of their love story.
40:52But to me, he's just...
40:56He's just a phantom.
41:12All right.
41:14I don't know what that is either, so...
41:16Have a good night.
41:17Oh, just give me a second.
41:19Hey, Marcus.
41:21No mescal tonight?
41:25What are you really asking?
41:32We'll talk about this later.
41:43So you hate me a little less now?
41:49Come on, Ash.
41:52Your mom told me that you're okay with her
41:55going with you to Montreal.
41:58Hey, Donny.
42:00Ash is charging her phone in my car.
42:02Her and Mare are just grabbing some fish and chips for dinner.
42:05I thought I'd say hey.
42:07You're answering my daughter's phone now?
42:09You know, I wanted to thank you
42:11for allowing Ashley to go to the concert.
42:13Mare and I are looking forward to it.
42:15Kieran's joining, too.
42:19You're a real prick, you know that?
42:24May you have yourself a good night, grandpa.
42:49I love you.
43:19I love you.