Gogglebox S24 E11
00:00Jenny I mean say love. Oh, yes, you can make it. What? Yeah, you can sit near me. Talk to me
00:06Come on making it. Yes, you can get up. Yeah, come and sit here Steve say blue-eyed boys back
00:11Yeah, come on, you could have told me all about it. Oh, I've missed you Jen
00:17I am here, you know, and uh, do you know threes a crowd? Yeah one sugar, please. No sugar for me. No
00:28No, here we go, they've got him Oh, what you doing? Oh, she's a chicken nugget
00:35Isn't it embarrassing Marilyn? Oh
00:38Kids forward this is roachy in it
00:44Who's in for the finger this week in it? Oh
00:47It's so bad. It's actually good. It's actually good. What just happened Siri call off-com
00:54In the week, we bid a fond farewell to former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott. We enjoyed lots of great telly
01:03It was make or break in the semi-final of Channel 4's cake contest
01:07I am putting butter into my dough, but to see your butts are soft enough that you can roll it
01:12I'm gonna just give this a quick look
01:14The future for our marriage is looking good Mary. Why do you keep up this habit of baking bread?
01:20I agree. So I will stay with you as long as you keep on producing the bread
01:24Well, maybe that's the way reason for me to stop Oh Mary
01:28That's an old thing to say if it's as simple as that's a very odd thing to say
01:34BBC one was showing off nature at its best as prey becomes bigger. So do the predators that hunted
01:45The Amur tiger
01:47Look a lot of most of my favorite animals come from Asia which animals is that like?
01:53Bengal Tigers and snakes
01:58I'm confident. I'm scared. I'm gonna get the wrong continent
02:05And it was all about the boys on BBC two you were
02:09100% a commodity and the product
02:14Anthony Costa's eyes lit up when he heard this was happening. Yeah. Oh, I'll make myself free
02:22Don't worry about giving me dates I will be there
02:34It's warming nearly what you don't see right or did you not bother today best friends Jenny and Lee?
02:40I had to dry it upside down extra my head upside down because it needs cutting
02:45I'm gonna go get cut this way seems to be very high like a bullfond
02:50Looks like to remind me of what a cobbler
02:53What's the other cobbler to what you buy like round?
02:58That's what it man's me off
03:00Why are you done the back? I don't nobody sees it
03:06On Sunday night 10 famous faces headed deep into the Aussie bush to face their fears on ITV 1
03:13He's back wait
03:16Come in get ready for the return of I'm a celebrity
03:26Daniel Jones, he's good in a I'm calling it now. He's the winner
03:33I'm a quickie. He looks quite fit. You know, how old do you think he is?
03:38I'd say was in his maybe 50s is a 63. You're joking
03:47There she is why get her yeah from the Wagga trials, yeah, she's made herself as famous as Margaret Thatcher
03:57Real good line up this year. Well, do you know I didn't think I knew half of them
04:01But I don't bet Rebecca Vardy's at home. Just calling in for clean to do all the trials. Yeah
04:08First up for a bush took a trial were boxer Barry and Danny from McFly. This is the
04:15mausoleum of misery that don't sound good one, does it?
04:21You will both be locked inside individual chambers. Oh, no, no not in a chamber. No, sorry
04:28Oh, you definitely have an attack of the anti-migrants in there
04:31In there 100% I would in each chamber of five stars numbered one to five
04:37They've been secured with padlocks. Oh, I can't do them. That's one thing I can't do. I had one on me suitcase
04:43I had to cut the bastard off if you get a code that unlocks your padlock
04:46It will be the same for your partner. So they need to share work together
04:52I will sure would know what was that?
04:56What what was that I can't
04:59And I can't see I've been no good. We won't get no stars
05:02We're gonna give our best shot with buzzer as long as I can read the numbers on the locks
05:07Oh, he's not good. He's readers on the poor sod. That's the idea Barry
05:12Which can't read the numbers you ain't getting no stars, right?
05:17You're off seconds out round one
05:20Two six five now. What was it two six five now?
05:25See what I mean? You're doing it already. I'm only fucking sat next to you
05:31No, yo, no, that's a big snake
05:39Tell the code to Barry tell him it tell him it
05:43Six one zero four six one zero. Come on Barry. I'm trying
05:50He can't see well, it's not in the dark is he is he I've got his glasses on or the silly twat
05:56Barry style number one is close to the head
05:59He's doing number five. I can't figure out which one's the first one. It's the one with number one over it Barry
06:06Love the one near your head was six one zero. Isn't that right? Yeah. Yes Barry. Yes
06:12Six ones there. He's doing it's one zero
06:15He's in the post office fucking kill
06:19In the dark
06:24Can you have the big lights? Oh, yeah, can we get a head soach in for Barry? I've got number three
06:30Yeah, it's three two five nine. You're wasting your breath mate. I'm still a number one down here for fuck's sake
06:39I've got a snake up my shot
06:49He's right next to his Willie oh he's gonna get there on the tallywackers
06:55He's never seen it that big
07:03Can't see no, yeah, oh daddy that with a
07:0717-foot snake in his crotch. They're not back to zero
07:11So I don't I don't know what I'm doing. I
07:13Don't know what I'm doing. Oh, it's like trying to do this with your bloody granddad. We're Barry McGuigan
07:19That's your time
07:21Barry didn't even get one star still. He'll have a contract with spec service when he comes out. Yes
07:27Can you get it out me shot?
07:30Come on, daddy. I'm gonna get Danny. How what's he gonna do with that in his trousers?
07:33I don't know. I'll have to lay there somebody. I'll have to come and get it one of the handlers
07:37Look at this
07:39Where is it?
07:42Where is it?
08:00That's made me feel weak it deserves to win just off that Wow, well done. Oh
08:07Oh, well done Danny, oh, where's Barry's not he's still in there is a great three of two or five nine
08:16In black pool a so
08:19Took the old three-wheel van out for a little spin the other day happy day. Just so I could listen to me new cassettes
08:24Yeah, Pete and his little sister Sophie. In fact that reminds me. I was in the shop around the corner. Yeah and
08:33One come was up to me and she said, oh is your paint got a three-wheel van I said, yeah
08:39Yeah, and she went is a knob in a
08:43cheeky cow I
08:47Hope you stuck up for me. I just said yeah
08:51On Tuesday night, there were more cakes being baked in the tent on Channel 4. Oh, it's gonna make me hungry
08:57Let's bake off. We're just gonna share five packet crisps. Yeah, but didn't touch the sides
09:05You should take a leaf out of this no, I'm no good at baking I can cook but I can't bake I
09:11Can't honestly, I'm useless who told you you can cook. Remember that Christmas cake. I've got
09:18Lovely that was the best. Oh
09:21Christmas cake I'd ever eaten. Oh, no, it's a shame
09:25I died the judges would love you to create an exquisite display of 12 fruit shaped entremet
09:36Entremet must be between courses on tram a literally means between servings well done Mary
09:43We don't go to these kind of restaurants. So, you know these restaurants they give you an entremet. Yeah
09:49Like Nando's has never given me an entremet each of your entremet should be
09:54Decorated to look like your chosen fruits
09:56So it's got to look like an orange and when you eat it, it tastes like an orange, but it's not an orange
10:01Mmm on your marks. Yes
10:05Sorry, sorry dogs got a bit carried away there
10:09Today's showstopper challenge is to make 12
10:13Entremet. Oh listen to prove
10:17People that do that rasp fuck me off the food, you know, we're doing a quick on
10:23Have this which is my avocado mousse. Oh nice
10:27And this is got a bit of pistachio in it and then inside that is gonna be a chocolate choubon
10:31Oh, I love a choubon. I had a choubon in bed last night
10:34There's a lot of stuff going on there inside an avocado
10:37Dylan's choubon centers will be coated in caramel his avocado entremet served in a nougatine palette box
10:44Or you can eat the box
10:46This is my kind of meal and his orange entremet made with an orange and white chocolate whipped ganache and Genoese sponge
10:52Soaked in orange liqueur. You love Genoese sponge. I love Genoese sponge
10:57I'm only good
10:58I'm I'm gonna be sick of hearing you say Genoese sponge because when you hear Genoese sponge you get addicted to saying
11:04I don't like if I have a daughter. I want to call her Genoese. I love the idea of the avocado
11:10That's gonna be fascinating to see what that actually tastes like. Grace has his basket. Look at his basket
11:15He's trying to make a stone of the other shoe the choubon
11:24The one that's playing it's safer, that's the problem when you're working with brittle and you drop it smashes
11:35Dylan stop dropping everything
11:38Paul can have that just gonna get him out
11:48It's too soon, it's yeah, it's soft, please. Please. Oh
11:55Look at that. Oh, it only looks like an avocado. Oh
12:01No, oh
12:04Silly man, you don't carry three like that. You carry one at a time. They're so precious
12:17What he's a walking friggin disaster Dylan
12:22I'm going out. How much time do you have left one minute to finish your entremets?
12:30Just get him in your basket he needs to plate up
12:42Grace the rolling all of it couldn't you've had a square footage on a banana your time is up
12:50Right pencils down it's judgment time for the semi-finalists entremets
12:58He's not happy. Come on. Let's see what the judges say Dylan. Can you remind us about your showstopper, please?
13:04I don't think it looks off bad personally. I think he's done a brilliant job that avocado looks amazing
13:10Doesn't it better than ones? I've seen in Sainsbury's
13:12I love the fact that the covering on the outside is glistening. So it looks like they're just been picked
13:17Oh sense positive, you know, I want to see this cut open and see what he's like
13:24There's the stone, oh, it's pretty good
13:30Never mind certainly Jimmy seems to have pulled it off. Oh
13:36It's so stressful again
13:38Hey, yeah, and when the stand then you stood there and they're eating away in the garden. Yeah, just tell him is it nice or not?
13:47He's nodding oh, I think it's good James. Oh, do I I think it works beautifully cuz I've never had anything quite like it
13:55You say he's got the taste right you might have had a few mishaps along the way
14:00I'd have even eaten the one that fell on the floor Ellie you ate a cucumber off the floor at a farm
14:06I think eating a very well-made bake off the floor of the bake-off tent is note to you
14:22Really enjoyed Magic Mike, but the one most disappointing thing for me is that I'm changing get a lap dance. Oh, no
14:29Sisters Ellie and Izzy. I could you say actually said though that if she'd have had a lap dance. She'd a weed herself
14:37Ten a lady on the in preparation. She said she couldn't breathe. She was scared and she thought she were gonna we herself
14:45But they were doing all ladies on end. Yeah, I'm Dean on them and auntie Jane was that they're like
14:53We were waiting you had your phone poised ready, I don't actually think she would have liked it we would have
15:00We'd like to if I'm a Jane got a lap dance if it were me I'd have died three times
15:05But I'm happy when it's somebody else getting picked on
15:11Sunday night we settled in for some more sofa time with sir. David on BBC one
15:16Do you know what animal I actually find the most attractive? You know the most?
15:21Well rounded animal a beaver because they're quite intellectual
15:26Intelligent they can build a dam. We've got a cracking set of teeth
15:30It's all about Asia dad your home turf
15:36Do you recognize it when you see it dad
15:42It's a massive continent and a big-ass continent or talking about content to see my earrings. Oh my gosh, you've got Asia
15:50Here in the north
15:52Forests mountains and even deserts freeze over deserts freeze over. I never knew that I'm laughing that oh, yeah
16:00I always thought it was warm in the desert. Well, it's nature in it Lake Baikal
16:06Like for a cow here beneath the snow and ice lives an animal that is found nowhere else
16:23Is it now it's a seal in it, oh, yeah, it's a seal. Oh, it's only a baby one
16:28You know that everybody in Essex love one of these in their own bags before
16:32This pup is alone
16:35Its mother is away hunting for food. Mommy's gone shopping. But as the days get longer and
16:42The Sun rises higher in the sky
16:46The ice starts to melt does it a little bit to say 30 billion tons of ice start to melt
16:5330 billion tons. That is about what you get through when you're making your gin and tonics of an evening. I was thinking that
17:04And look the little seals under there
17:11Go on turn the sound down why it's upsetting me he's crying
17:16Where is the pop? Where is the pop? Oh, where is it?
17:26Is that in there there is that it hey the pop
17:39It's not David is it the pup is stranded alone
17:45It's cause travel across the lake calling for its mommy. Oh
17:55My gosh, this is this is a heart-wrenching
17:59Recognize the cries of their young canary canary thing is when you're at a soft play and the kids are all shouting mom
18:06You know, which one's yours?
18:12She found him look she must help it to swim away from its birthplace
18:22To the edge of the ice sheet
18:25I don't know. So the mum's gonna steer the pop out of the ice
18:30Yeah, and that could be over a mile away
18:34How was it gonna swim is on a little adult seals can stay under the ice for half an hour
18:40How long will the babies hold it father?
18:43But pups can only hold their breath for a matter of minutes. Oh
18:48I don't think I'll recover if I say this pop down
18:52Much look wise invested in it now. There is no air hole in sight. Oh god
18:58Oh, I can't breathe don't want to watch this. He's gonna die
19:01No, no, come on positive thinking me too
19:07Come on now the two of him
19:10Push it along push it along. Go on mommy. Push him. No, the mother does something remarkable
19:17Oh, what's she doing? Why why?
19:20She stopped swimming
19:22Go on, right and appears to start blowing bubbles. She's making an apple. Oh
19:29It's a she gives it here. Yes blowing bubbles. She must be an Arsenal fan. Are they blowing bubbles?
19:37Who blows bubbles West? I'm you did
19:41Which merge to create an air pocket
19:49Just big enough to allow the pub to take a breath genius. Oh my god, that's phenomenal
20:01All the gangs here this astonishing behavior
20:05Only occurs here in by call. That's
20:10absolutely incredible
20:11wild Wow as
20:14Beyonce said who run the world girls shoes
20:17Remember when Sean was about six weeks old Tom and we couldn't work out where he was
20:22We got in the car you got shot. No, you got shot. Yeah. Oh, I remember that
20:26Yeah, I put you in the boot in the permit. I didn't realize I thought your mama took you out the pram
20:30She said you put the pram away and I put the pram in the boot fold
20:33It shut the boot with me your mama sat in the car. You were in your seat
20:38He was in there mate, he was alright though could we had to check this out, but he's followed up there in the pram
20:43So that's why I'm claustrophobic
20:49In Leeds, you want to see my new necklace? Yes helps us make decisions. So you ask it a question
20:54Okay, and then you flip it and it'll tell you hell yes or fuck no, okay best friends Danielle and Daniella
21:01Am I going to win the lottery this weekend? It's a basic question. Everybody asks that sure. Oh, it says hell. Yes
21:08You're not getting a penny. Oh, no, you have to split it cuz my necklace helped
21:12We're gonna play the lottery now and you wouldn't have done have I go to go with your necklace?
21:15How about that should Daniella split her winnings with Danielle?
21:27Saturday night we journeyed back to the golden age of the boy band on BBC to do you remember when boy bands?
21:34Started out and the girls wanted posters in their rooms and I was like, you're not ruining the wallpaper with that
21:40Oh killjoy. I was a killjoy. No, I weren't allowing any boy band posters on that wallpaper
21:47It was too expensive Steve
21:50This is the story of a faraway era in pop music history
21:55I can't believe the 90s is getting called a faraway
22:01This is gonna really take us back Daniela to our heyday a time when working-class boys were
22:07Celebrated for singing and dancing in tight formation. Oh my god. There's gonna be some right throwback footage on this your boy band material
22:15Yeah, I would have loved to have been in a boy band
22:25Yeah, there was three people behind and in the front but none of us could sing
22:36We were too old to be interested in boy bands, but my niece was very upset when take that broke up remember
22:43yes, and
22:45The girl that lives up on the top of the hill nut. He was a fan of muck fly. Oh, yeah
22:53In the program it was at a song contest where we met a fresh-faced 15 year old Gary Barlow
23:06That's him. Garbola shakes
23:0915 he's not 15. He's at least 30 there
23:19He's like a teenage Roy Cropper in a he is it's not oozing cool
23:24No, it's not giving me cool vibes at all. I mean, he's dressed like me for a start
23:28I was about to say that but I didn't wanna insult you
23:32Decided that it has be won by Morwood school with baby Jesus
23:38I'm not being funny. I'd stick that on my CV if I were them kids. Yeah beat Gary Barlow in a singing contest
23:49It looks devastating
23:51Right in the inside of his mouth to start all the seers. Yeah. Oh don't cry Gary
23:56I go works out in the end mate. It does really fucking rich really rich really famous with a gigantic son
24:07No, we're talking look at this who's this on take that Jane
24:21The parlance of the time I would have thought he was a bit up himself
24:29So you've got Gary who I didn't realize had such main character energy and then you put me in a band with Robbie who
24:34Also has main character energy God clash where I used to live
24:38I was a bit of a star really from when I was about 11
24:41Humble. Yeah, I mean, it's just a foregone conclusion in this in the village where I used to live that I was gonna be a star
24:50Okay, if he was a nothing now then fair enough criticizing what he is a star he is a star but nobody likes a big
25:01Take that first video is quite legendary. I've never seen this before
25:13It's not like a teenage Roy cropper there is easy. Yeah, she's a far cry from teenage Roy cropper there. Oh
25:22My god, what's she doing now? I don't know that strawberry jam she eating it off him. This is gold
25:29How have we never seen this before?
25:41There I can see ball
25:48It's disgusting think of the germ transfer it went along all the bottoms
25:53I mean, it's rather risky for all those years ago, isn't it?
25:57Yes, the United's for Monty till the rage it was completely joyous and a load of fun
26:03But it is freaking odd
26:05Mm-hmm really odd
26:07Shame Robbie
26:09I bet if he could see into the future and know that they were gonna secure the Morrisons gay to start with it
26:14It is stuck with it, you know three mins for five pounds
26:28Sorry, you know I've been on holiday see I had my five days in Barcelona
26:34Mm-hmm, and obviously Allah Allah, but then it started to get a bit tricky because I got over confident
26:41Simon and his sister Jane. I remember one point
26:44There was this guy ordering a peach in front of me taking forever
26:47And the guy who was serving looked at me and rolled his eyes and I thought oh, he thinks I'm a local so it
26:53Anyway, it took my order. I went mercy. No
26:57He looks at me
27:00I'm seven inches. I know I think I said at one point I made up a word and said gratia
27:05I don't even know that's a word. I think it's a magazine, isn't it?
27:11On Tuesday night it was back to basics on Channel 5. I've got a lot of time for Ben Fergal
27:18I know I like him. He's a handsome adventurer. It's like a younger version of you darling. I
27:28Suppose you could say that we're living in the wild not really nutty ten minutes from waitrose
27:33Who you kidding? The only thing I'd miss is Greg sausage rolls. Oh, you'd be buggered with doing that
27:38You know if they want a Greg say then I'm not gonna have them shipped in every now and again good new
27:43Oh, yeah, I'm shipped in canoe. You can get frozen ones now anyway in Iceland
27:49I've seen them
27:51Almost three years ago. My instructions were to drive to a small village on the outskirts of town. I
27:58Was told to prepare myself for a prehistoric
28:02Experience or prehistoric. Oh, I don't think I want to go back to the bloody stone age with you. Oh shit
28:09No, it's not really where I was expecting a caveman to live. Oh look
28:14That's cute. You do love a thatch cottage. Don't you love? Hello? Well Oh will Lord Mary
28:22If it is will Lord, I'll be really interested in this
28:27Hey, you're knocking but you can't come in
28:32Look at will yes go back in time
28:36Right, where does he live then I live up the garden it's not that wild then so I don't live in the house. Oh
28:44It lives in the bottom of the garden in what what's he living in?
28:47Will created his pop-up cave to teach classes bloody hell. He's gone for it though any getting into character
28:53So is this like a way of life or is this cosplay but I was surprised to find out he'd also been living in it
28:59Oh, so he built this to educate people decided he loved it that much
29:02You were gonna stay in it for ever and ever is this stuffed or is this an actual?
29:06This is a female roe deer. It's a real one
29:09We'll get the skin off and we'll rev up the fire and we'll be having a gorgeous piece of venison. They're gonna eat it
29:16They're not eating that. I
29:19Had venison for breakfast and I'm okay. So if you had to kill animals to eat meat, would you do it?
29:25Yes, really, would you this is the boy that could only be vegetarian for two hours?
29:31For lots of tasks he insisted on using Stone Age tools
29:35Making them out of a single block of flint. Hang on. I've got a book Mary
29:39Look the joy of flint top left up up top left. Keep going to the left down
29:47left left left
29:50There's no joy of flint
29:52There is a picture of his father Mary. No the joy of flint
29:59Is it going back now Benson visit will again yeah, this is looking a little bit different
30:05This is a whole camp this time. Oh, wow. Oh my god. He's made like a little village. This is so impressive
30:11I have no idea where I am. I don't know if this is
30:15The same location he's modernized in the
30:20Always upgraded he's got a gazebo now if I hadn't met will before I'd be very scared at this point
30:26Where is he? Where is will?
30:36This place is looking
30:38Well, I'm excited to show you inside. Oh, let's say
30:42Let's see how he's done his house now come on into my humble abode. Oh
30:47That's nice. I'll tell you what. It's a proper thing. I'd say pimp my tape. He's proper done the fly
30:53So what I don't know where to begin
30:56Don't take all day. This is a work of art. Thank you. He's gone for the open plan. Look at it
31:01Yeah, I'm not too keen about all the schools though. It was really impressive last time, but you've made a lot of changes
31:07There's a proper floor for a start wooden floor floors are useful, aren't they? Yeah for standing on there a game changer
31:14It's a game changer a floor. I've even built myself a bed. It's gone a tiny bit
31:20Dalesford now hasn't it?
31:24Bed what period did the scatter cushions become introduced?
31:30Well looking around you've got a few mod cons it's like there's some actual electric lighting and things
31:35Oh, he's got electric in there now. That's cheating
31:38Unbelievable, and what's that a microwave?
31:41Presumably this is because you're living here. I am most of the time. It's got a USB bloody ports a lot
31:54What's the nearest thing to camping you've done walking around town with an ad back over that's nice over there
32:04Inca Philly that pie was nice very nice nice big lumps of steak in it
32:10Yeah, but think on now right Dave and his wife Shirley you buy the pastry
32:16Yeah, you buys the steak and keep the steak
32:20In a tin on your lip. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, then but I've still made it whether I
32:28Contribution is pouring said tin into tree. Yeah
32:34The pastry cutting it roughly the shape of the tree and slapping it on top on Monday night
32:40There was more highbrow quizzing on BBC 2. Yes
32:44I'm actually excited about only connect another way brain food this for only connect and we shit on me today
32:51Well, it's a change. Thanks. I had six bananas before I did my GCSEs
32:56We'll get on up on that. Yeah sees across the board
33:03I've got a feeling about this week. Well, we're gonna get absolutely numb, right?
33:10No, Steve, come on think positive all right on my right
33:14Charlie cook an expedition coordinator who is a champion worm charmer?
33:19Womb charmer charmer you've charmed a few worms in your time. I know Benedict cook. Oh, they're all cooks. Oh
33:27Yeah, that's the name
33:30on my left
33:32Michael Hutchinson who only found out that zero was an even number. I mean, I'm not being funny padders
33:38Doppleganger, you never seen me. Mr. Hutchinson in the same room. Have you what is the connection between these clues?
33:44Here's the first right Simon, right, I'm getting ready
33:51Evil evil next, please
33:55Evil I've had an evil lie manager, you know next, please
34:02Pleasantly cold chilled chilled
34:08Jane you've gone very very quiet. I have no idea next, please
34:19They're all like slang for school words, aren't they pleasantly cold is cool
34:23It might be like how you describe somebody so vomit is sick
34:27Pleasantly cold, you know cool cool
34:34We think they're synonyms of slang words for good. That's exactly what they are
34:42These are picture clues, what do they have in common? I like a picture. I like a picture picture clues left
34:47We might get this with pictures
34:51Fish fish discus that I think next, please
34:57What's that ball bearing ball bearings got a gunshot that's that's bullets as gun powder shots gunshots
35:09Discus are they all Olympic things? Are they all Olympic? Yeah. Yeah
35:17Hammer throw throw. Yes, buddy
35:23What they can all be found in the body all be found in the body what really what and their name of
35:30Fuck is going on here
35:32That's not it, I'm afraid a blues regroup, you know, they're sporting things. I think they're all field events. They are field events
35:50Stay to me honestly that bananas paid off
36:02In Solly Hall nearly there Teresa you nearly finished it. Yeah, I've just got the last bit to do Wow
36:08That's only taking you about nine months
36:10Teresa and her wife Anita. What do you reckon?
36:15That's lovely actually
36:18Yeah, I did it a bit longer than the pattern did I do right? Yeah, you did could have done with a bit longer
36:29Know it's lovely. It really is. It really does suit you good. Yeah
36:34Keep you warm. Would you make one for me?
36:37If you start now, I'll be ready for next winter this week
36:41James May was having another fiddle in his shed on Discovery Plus
36:44I didn't realize there were so many dull men out there, but there is I find it scarily relatable
36:50You seem to like it boss. You like it as well. You get lost in it
36:58Think it should say boring bastards club not
37:02Don't mind, you know, it's easy to know. You're a dull man dad
37:06You've got three different types of hoovers for different situations
37:11I have yes
37:12some are better for going around the car and some you can take apart and get underneath the seats and that all the ones pick
37:17Up around that hall and the big floor and then we've got one that's good for the stairs, right?
37:22This bit comes with what I think is called a content advisory warning
37:25Well when I was around 14 or 15 years old, I collected
37:31All my finger and toenail clippings for about six months. Oh
37:36Oh, I like clipping needles mine. Yeah. No, they've seen you. I'm amazed in he's got the ball mine shoot off in different directions
37:45The idea was that I would try and make them into glue turn the new coupons any glue
37:50Why would you think that?
37:55And then my mother found them and threw them away. Thank God. I'm not fucking surprised. I would have done the same
38:01So I've asked everybody working on this production. They haven't all agreed to save their finger and toenail clippings
38:09Oh, no, no, no, no, so that I could make I need to make something like a teaspoon full of glue
38:15What we watch it here to mend something that needs repairing that is a good idea
38:21I admire him for that. Hmm. Has it piqued your interest George? Yeah
38:27You leave enough lying about I'll collect them all
38:30Now, I don't really know what I'm doing. But the first thing I have to do though is take the
38:35freshly washed fingernail clippings
38:39Good golly miss Molly they're washed Simon and grind them up into a dust
38:45That's a lot of nail. Oh
38:49You know, I think this is really quite charming charming. Yes
38:54Aha that is working. Oh, oh
38:59I don't know. It's a really tiny tiny amount
39:03Yes that enough to make the glue and what is he gonna use this glue on it's gonna need to be somewhat very small. Oh
39:13Shitty nail meant what's that cornflour now mixed with the powdered toenails and water. Oh
39:21Christman, isn't it amazing that that half a teaspoon full of fingernail can make that much stink
39:26This is why his wife has banished him to the shed
39:33Always gone for a bit of wood
39:34That sort of feels a bit the way it does when you put two pieces of wood together with PVA on they sort of slide
39:39About and then they seem to stay
39:41Really, so it's sticky. But do you know what? The only thing is like how strong is this glue? Yeah
39:47Super glue it is now time to find out if my teenage dream of making glue out of my own fingernails has actually worked
39:55This is it man moment of truth. I hope it has for his sake. This is incredibly exciting
40:00This is a tense moment, it's dried clear. That's good. I'm actually too nervous to do this. Shall I take it out of the vise?
40:06Yeah, come on
40:10Well, I think it's white clue
40:16It's actually solid as well I tell you what it's better than a command strip
40:20I have my pictures fell off the bleeding wall the other day
40:28Don't catch your nails you might need them. Should we start saving off? No, thank you, Mary
40:33Well, do you know what it won't actually that dull that worry? No, it won't actually to be fair. You're not doing it, right?
40:39You are not
40:42Collecting your fingernails and your toenails. I won't have it. All right. I'll leave them on the bathroom floor. You do anyway stay
40:52In Leeds so
40:54Sparkle, you know what? She's a lot bigger than I know
40:57I haven't had a good look at the chickens in a while, but she looks like she's grown
41:01Sister's Ellie and dizzy. I don't like over
41:05Ellie if she flaps over to me, I'm gonna shit a brick
41:09Why don't you put to put some car? I can't I can't I can't I'm too frightened. Really? Why are you scared? I don't know
41:16Oh, so she's the one who's been laying the eggs. Yes. Well, they are. She's my only one
41:23Really? I don't like it. Hey
41:26Ellie grab her shit on remote
41:31On Friday, it was time for our final visit of the week to Yorkshire on ITV one. It wasn't Emmerdale again
41:39Yeah, what's wrong with that? Don't tell me you watch it on holiday. I don't I don't
42:02Do you remember when I was an extra never there I was a nurse I was like Daniel has made it
42:08What what done the corridor with me clipboard? I use the alcohol gel as well
42:12No one's walked down that corridor like me since I'm telling you
42:18Think he's trying to get in a filing cabinet is I don't know what it is. I don't watch it
42:26What is it a bag left what in a suit
42:30There's all types of security breaches going on here, you know, I've got a set of them jaws at work all my shoes are in there
42:36Gotcha. Oh, it's J
42:43Wow, wow, what are you found wow, oh, he's not happy. He's read ever read something and spoke a load that's it
42:49We need a word. Yeah, it's not Caleb. I was looking for the paperwork for my offshore account. Not an offshore account
42:56Cayman Islands, I reckon yeah some boy
42:59Caleb's been playing funny games. We don't know what the funny games are
43:02Smell the beans J as a major investor in this business. I demand to know what you're playing at major investor
43:09What are we throwing his weight around now because he's a major investor major investor. You've got no financial stake in this business. Oh
43:16What he's been telling us that he's a co-owner of the company. Well, I'm telling you now that he's not
43:21Is it not what's he done with all J's money that we have a contract?
43:26Look at this put on the show labs what you've signed up for that's a shell company
43:30That's why it always pays to read the small print Theresa societal sauce for God's sake Caleb
43:36I have invested thousands of pounds thousands. I have 2,000 pounds in this
43:42I've got no record of you making any financial contribution to this fuck
43:49You can't do this J Oh
43:52Everybody will be necking now. Oh, I'd be bloody loving it. If I'm one of them villages right now. You just feel like this, won't you?
44:00Sorry about that ladies and gents J's been shafted any right? What's he gonna do?
44:07Caleb Milligan International Oh
44:11Sad words
44:13Why have they picked that angle
44:24J's on the loose with a forklift truck. Has he got his license?
44:28He's trashing the place who cares got J went from like noughts to forklift very quickly
44:33I feel like he could have gone a bit bigger than this. I know I just say I'm fire
44:38Do you know what I mean get out of my way or what? Oh, you're getting it with forklift truck. I'm gonna fuck you all
44:45Fair enough your choice
44:53He's not gonna under wheels it fork yes, please rice man
45:02Not so clever now, are you I can't breathe
45:07Dead desperate man desperate measures. He's got impressed up against pallets. Oi, let him go. Hey the frig's this
45:21Let him go. Oh, oh, she's filming pop it right there. I'll call you a video
45:26I'm gonna make a system's arrest. No till I get what I want. Oh
45:31That'll be a long wait he never gives anyone what they want
45:36Isn't that right dad
45:41I'm all three winning. I'd hear about time. I'm a
45:44back up now
45:47Don't back up run her over to Mary. Well, I hate them a reprieve a
45:59Straight into a load of rock
46:04That were an accident that I didn't mean to do that one actually come on
46:08They're throwing a lot at this story aren't they fraud?
46:12embezzlement bad acting
46:21More cake than you can take stream bake-off right now and get yourself ready for the big one
46:26It's the final Tuesday at 8 and if it's different vibes for you
46:31After the party is the drama of the week with Peter Mullen Robin
46:35Malcolm and a world of dark secrets all episodes to stream now. The last leg is next