• yesterday
The Hunting Party S01 E04


00:00The following program is rated 14+, and contains scenes of violence and mature subject matter. Viewer discretion advised.
00:30With things. Experiments.
00:32The blast that collapsed the pit was no accident. It was a jailbreak.
00:36Something tells me there's a lot more Odell is lying about.
00:39They're asking questions.
00:40Why don't you let me worry about that?
00:56That's life.
00:57That's life.
00:59That's what all the people say.
01:03You're riding high in April.
01:06Shot down in May.
01:09But I know I'm gonna change that tune.
01:13When I'm back on top, back on top in June.
01:19I said that's life.
01:21That's life.
01:23And as funny as it may seem.
01:27Some people get their kicks stomping on a dream.
01:34But I don't let it, let it get me down.
01:38Cause this fine old world, it keeps spinning around.
01:43I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king.
01:50I've been up and down and over and out.
01:54And I know one thing.
01:56Each time I find myself flat on my face.
02:03I pick myself up again.
02:08Ezekiel Malik.
02:09Doctor Ezekiel Malik.
02:12For the senseless murders of 24 innocent people.
02:15The great state of Illinois has sentenced you to die by lethal injection.
02:20What are your final words?
02:22I'll tell you what Oscar Wilde's final words were.
02:25He was in his deathbed, he looked at the wallpaper and said.
02:29Either you go or I go.
02:35Great men are always misunderstood.
02:52Time of death, 0-1-30.
03:15May God have mercy on your soul.
03:22May God have mercy on your soul.
03:52Let's begin.
04:06My name is Doctor Dulles.
04:08I have some questions for you.
04:09What is this?
04:10Where am I?
04:11If Susie's mother has no children.
04:14Who's Susie?
04:17What the hell does that mean?
04:19Why does frost form in the winter?
04:23And dew in the spring?
04:25What are you talking about?
04:27Where am I?
04:32Answer me.
04:33Where am I?
04:39What the hell's going on?
04:43Where am I?
04:45Where am I?
05:16What in life?
05:26Yeah, I just got it.
05:31Hey listen, I'm gonna have to call you back.
05:37A cupcake, really?
05:39It was either that or the lemon meringue pie from the cafeteria, which I know you hate.
05:45Look, Oliver, I appreciate the gesture, but I can't have you leaving cupcakes on my desk.
05:53Well, first of all, it's cupcake, singular.
05:56And it's not like I bought you flowers.
05:59Vex, it's your birthday.
06:02I thought some small acknowledgement fell within the bounds of professional courtesy.
06:08Professional courtesy, yeah?
06:12Well, on that note then, how many times have you left cupcakes on, um, that guy's desk?
06:20Oh, well, that guy's new, so...
06:28All right, fine.
06:30I hear you.
06:32Strictly professional.
06:35Hey, wait.
06:39Look, this whole thing, you and me, I recognize the situation that put you in here, and I didn't mean to...
06:48Hey guys, check this out.
06:49We got a location on Dr. Malik.
06:51Looks like Morales got a hit.
06:56Morales, what do we have?
06:57An ICP hit.
06:58Someone searched the Chicago Tribune website for articles on Malik's execution.
07:01He searched himself?
07:02He searched himself ten times.
07:04The IP address is a library in Chicago.
07:06He went home.
07:07We're in the wrong state.
07:08Let's move.
07:09Copy that.
07:15There you go.
07:17How much do you guys know about Malik?
07:19Uh, well, I know he likes to talk a lot.
07:21Apparently he was some kind of doctor before he was in the pit.
07:24He was a hospital psychiatrist until it was discovered that he was killing patients in the ICU.
07:28Dr. Darkness.
07:30Malik would inject his victims with a lethal dose of digoxin, a drug that causes cardiac arrest.
07:34He officially has 24 vics to his name, but it's probably a lot more.
07:37All of his victims were laid up in a hospital bed.
07:39This guy's a coward.
07:40Well, actually, he's a highly intelligent malignant narcissist with a complicated God complex, but...
07:44Sure, if you want to put a label on it.
07:47Malik was motivated by power and control, so in a very real sense, he decided which patients lived and which died.
07:54It's one hell of an ego trip.
07:56Well, now he's back in the city where he's from, so...
07:58He knows the lay of the land way better than we do.
08:00How long before he kills again?
08:01Best guess? He's already hunting.
08:04I'm sorry, Father. I need to check on our patient here.
08:34How's the book?
09:02Malik's sociopathy is all over every page. It's hard to believe he was able to avoid suspicion as long as he did.
09:07A person's true nature can be easy to miss.
09:12Hey, I saw you in Odell's office this morning.
09:17Happy birthday.
09:19Don't remind me.
09:20You don't like your birthday?
09:21Does anyone like their birthday?
09:22I love it.
09:23We went to Fuddruckers this year.
09:25It was great.
09:28I didn't tell Odell what you shared with me, if that's what you're wondering.
09:31I wasn't.
09:32Hey, if anybody asks this time, we're from Homeland Security.
09:37Do you just carry these around in your pocket wherever you go?
09:41Yeah. I like to be prepared.
09:44Oh, yes.
09:45Hey, guys. Morales has something.
09:48All right. Sending you the feed now.
09:52When was this?
09:53An hour ago. Zion Memorial Hospital downtown.
09:56Do we have an ID on who he's with?
09:57Father Rupert O'Brien. The hospital's chaplain.
09:59He abducted a chaplain?
10:01You're still 30 minutes out from O'Hare.
10:03That's too much time. I mean, it's not like he kidnapped him so he can make a confession.
10:06There's an airstrip nearby the CIA uses.
10:09I'll set it up.
10:10What do we know about O'Brien? Did he ever cross with Malik?
10:12Not that we know of, but we're sending black and whites to the chaplain's house just in case that's where they're headed.
10:16Copy that.
10:17All right. Thanks, Jen.
10:25Do you intend to kill me?
10:27I wonder, Father, how many people you've watched die,
10:30how many times you've been present for their last breath.
10:34It must be in the thousands.
10:37I have devoted my life to helping the sick find salvation in this life and the next.
10:43You believe their deaths marked a transition to a better place, a reprieve from suffering?
10:53Only by shedding their earthly vessels can they enter the kingdom of God.
11:04I used to believe much the same, but I had such a narrow understanding of life and death.
11:14And one day...
11:21mine eyes were opened.
11:34Excuse me. Homeland Security. Who's the officer in charge?
11:37Hey, can I talk to you for a second? Please go ahead.
11:43I need a list of every person who's been inside that house.
11:46What kind of animal would do that?
12:14Well, this doesn't look like what Malik did before.
12:16No, this is different.
12:18When Malik worked at the hospital, he had to hide his kills, watch from the sidelines.
12:24Here, he took his time.
12:26He savored this.
12:28So what exactly does that mean?
12:31It means he's evolving.
12:44Hey, Mom! Happy birthday! I love you. I just wanted to send you a little bit of...
12:49Hey, Bex.
12:50Hey, what's up?
12:52Um, come here.
13:00I thought you should know. Odell got another call from that mysterious burner last night.
13:04The same person who told him about the blast?
13:07Well, the phone is still hot, which means whoever made the call doesn't suspect anything.
13:11Whoever made the call doesn't suspect that we know about it.
13:14That's the good news.
13:17The bad news?
13:19The call came from somewhere inside the AG's office.
13:22You don't think Mallory...
13:25I don't know. The call lasted ten seconds and Odell left the base in a hell of a hurry.
13:29Okay, where did he go?
13:31That's the other bit of bad news.
13:33His phone has military-grade encryption, which means I can't hack it remotely or track it.
13:39Why do I get the sense you're about to ask me to do something sketchy?
13:45Plug this into his phone for five seconds.
13:47It'll scrape all the GPS data and we'll know exactly where he was last night.
13:51How exactly do you expect me to do that?
13:53We'll find a way.
13:54You want me to honeypot my ex-partner?
13:56Honeypot? What are you, a Russian spy in a B-movie?
14:00No, that's not what I'm saying at all.
14:02What I'm saying is, if there's even a slight chance that he had anything to do with that blast,
14:06we've got to figure out what it is he's hiding.
14:09Hey, agents.
14:14Y'all are gonna want to see this.
14:26All right. Chaplain Rupert O'Brien.
14:28Male, 76 years of age. Still awaiting full talk screen.
14:31Preliminary cause of death is sudden cardiac arrhythmia.
14:34What about the burns on his chest? Any idea what caused those?
14:36Not yet, but whatever it was, it's not what killed him.
14:39You're saying he was tortured?
14:41Correct. The burns are pre-mortem.
14:43Mr. O'Brien here was killed by extreme digoxin toxicity.
14:47He had enough in his system to kill an elephant. Twice.
14:51Poor bastard had even more than the last guy.
14:54Wait, what?
14:55Last guy. That's why you're here, isn't it?
14:59He's not the first.
15:05Two victims in a week of freedom.
15:07Both pumped full of digoxin. Now he's torturing them.
15:10Well, it's not uncommon for serials to eventually begin craving more from the experience.
15:16Like you said, he's evolving.
15:24Except what?
15:26Well, before, Malick killed people, but they didn't die.
15:30Well, before, Malick killed people, but they didn't suffer.
15:35It wasn't about their experiences about Malick being in control,
15:38but now it just feels like he's after something completely different.
15:41He's still killing them the same way, but he's making a bigger production out of it.
15:45Right, but how did we not know about this guy until just now?
15:47Welcome to Chicago.
15:49Our team's monitoring everything possible, but we can't work from information we don't have because of backlogs.
15:54Tell that to the chaplain.
16:00Come on.
16:14Sorry, I, uh...
16:16Your apple was trying to escape.
16:18Might want to wash this.
16:21Uh, need a hand?
16:22Uh, yeah, stupid key never works.
16:24I notice you're struggling here. Do you mind?
16:30This thing's kind of tricky.
16:39Didn't even say thank you.
16:41Only one of the victims was taken from a hospital, but neither fit his previous M.O.
16:45Yeah, what's the pattern?
16:47How are they connected besides them living alone in Chicago?
16:51That's it.
16:53Each of the victims lived alone. Malick knew he would have time with them to kill them the way he wanted.
16:58Like you said, he wanted more from the experience.
17:00Yeah, but he would have had to cross paths with them at least once to know that they lived alone.
17:05What about at the library?
17:09Where we first saw Malick.
17:12Both victims lived less than ten blocks away.
17:14He could be trolling for Vicks there.
17:16We never pulled CCTV from previous days, did we?
17:19Because we just assumed that was the first time Malick had been at that library.
17:22What if it wasn't?
17:24Nice work, Shane.
17:25Why don't you guys pull footage from the library going back a couple days?
17:28I have to take this call. I'll be right back.
17:39Just checking in. How's it going?
17:41Um, we both set up at a hotel downtown.
17:44Malick came home because he's comfortable here and he's not going to leave the city.
17:47We just need some way to get ahead of him.
17:49Yeah, no, I heard about the first victim.
17:52There's no way for us to know. Chicago PD still hasn't filed an official report.
17:56Yeah, I get that we can't work with information we don't have, but I can't protect people from killers I don't know about.
18:01Listen, the reality is, until we have excavated this entire prison, we won't know who's made it out and who's still buried down there.
18:08But I promise you, we are using every tool available to the NSA and CIA to search for every inmate not yet accounted for.
18:14Okay? And I know you.
18:17You're already doing everything you can.
18:19And hey, listen, um, I just want to say again I'm sorry about before.
18:23I mean, you made yourself pretty, pretty clear. It's just, we used to mean a lot to each other.
18:31Oliver, look, it was years ago, okay? We were partners. Things happened.
18:41We've moved on, though, so let's just move on.
18:45Understood. Well, keep us updated on your progress. We're standing by.
19:05We got him. Three days ago.
19:07What's he doing?
19:08They're planning to open public computers. Why use that when it risks getting caught?
19:11Maybe he's looking for something that can't be found on the public server.
19:18Morales, does that library have his book?
19:20Checking. One copy, yeah.
19:24You think he's looking at people that checked out his book?
19:27Ugh, this dude's the worst.
19:29I don't get it. Why target them?
19:30Because he thinks he's a savior.
19:31Who needs a savior more than someone checking out a book about grief?
19:35Yeah, he's the worst.
19:38Bex, you were right.
19:40All third victims checked out Malik's book.
19:41Nice work.
19:42Let's get a list of everyone who's borrowed that book.
19:45We'll take the south side addresses. Morales, send some black boys to do a wellness check on the others.
19:49You got it. Sending them now.
19:57Ms. Fulner?
19:58This is Chicago Police!
20:03Ms. Fulner?
20:10They're gone. Call an ambulance now!
20:14We were able to counteract the digoxin in her system and get her stabilized.
20:17But she's in an incredibly fragile state.
20:19She said anything?
20:20Nothing that makes any sense. But to be honest, it's a miracle she's even alive.
20:25She looks like she's seen a ghost. We're gonna need to talk to her.
20:29Look, I appreciate you all have a job to do.
20:32But that woman has been through hell, and right now she's my patient.
20:35She's in no state to talk to anyone.
20:37I don't mean to be insensitive, but the U.S. government is gonna insist that we get in there.
20:41Not us. Just me.
20:44Let me talk to her alone.
21:08Ms. Fulner?
21:13I'm Special Agent Rebecca Henderson.
21:16And I am gonna catch the man who hurt you, okay?
21:21But I'd like to ask you a couple questions.
21:24Is that all right?
21:31Can you tell me what happened?
21:35And again. He did it again, and again.
21:39What did he do, Ms. Fulner? What did he do again?
21:42He wanted to know what I saw.
21:46Each time.
21:50Each time what?
21:52Each time he killed me.
21:55Each time he killed you.
21:57Each time he killed me.
21:59Each time he killed me.
22:07Avalanche, you need space, please.
22:09I don't wanna die!
22:10Avalanche, Avalanche, it's okay.
22:12I don't wanna die!
22:23He's reviving the mouse.
22:25What? What are you talking about?
22:26The burn marks on her chest and O'Brien's, they're from a defibrillator.
22:29Alex stops their heart with a digoxin, just to give him this near-death experience,
22:32and revives him with the paddles, just to do it over and over again.
22:35Why the hell would he do that?
22:36Because the pit did it to him.
22:40I need to see Adelaide's apartment.
22:49Okay, listen to this.
22:50Once his initial confusion subsided, Prisoner D-37 dissuaded calm,
22:53almost euphoric quality to a state of mind.
22:55He believed he had experienced a moment of divine clarity when his heart stopped,
22:58followed by a miracle of resurrection.
23:00Well, if he didn't have a god complex before going to the pit,
23:03he sure as hell has one now.
23:05This is from his intake form from the pit, written by a Dr. Dulles.
23:09Does that name mean anything to you?
23:10Uh, not really.
23:12No, I mean, yeah, I'm pretty sure he was gone before my time.
23:15Like, retired or deceased?
23:16Because if we can track down Dulles...
23:17I'm pretty sure he's... he's dead.
23:19At least that's what I've heard.
23:22Okay, well, Malik knows that we're on timidly smart enough to break pattern for his next kill,
23:26so we need a new approach.
23:28The locals are standing down at the crime scene.
23:30It's clear, so we can go in and take a look.
23:35Well, they haven't finished processing the apartment,
23:37but the first officers on site said they saw her here, semi-conscious,
23:42and the back door was open.
23:44So, uh, Malik hears the police as he's trying to inject a lethal dose of digoxin,
23:48makes a run for it, escapes out the back. Any, uh, surveillance?
23:51No, no cameras at all in this area, no luck with the witnesses.
23:54Malik likes control. He'll bring his victims back to their homes so he can take his time.
23:58But this one, it goes wrong, he gets interrupted, he runs away.
24:02What's he thinking now?
24:03Hospital said Malik stole a box of digoxin, right?
24:08So I know exactly what he's thinking. He needs more.
24:11He's gonna keep killing. He needs to re-up.
24:12The only place to get digoxin is at a hospital.
24:14Problem is, there's over a hundred in Chicago, so how do we narrow it down?
24:16Well, he's desperate, so he's probably gonna go for the first one he sees.
24:19Closest hospital is West General, about five blocks away.
24:21Let's go.
24:36DHS, what's your security office?
24:38Lead the way.
24:39I got one up.
24:40Stay on comms.
24:43I'm with security now. We're gonna start checking cameras.
24:45I'll let you know once we get ahead.
24:47Check the ICU.
24:55Homeland Security, what happened?
24:56He was stabbed. Someone attacked him in the medication room.
24:59He's here. Cardiac unit, he's got the digoxin.
25:02Copy. Shane, swing around and sweep the second floor.
25:04In pursuit.
25:05Southwest stairwell.
25:06Faxon, wait for me.
25:08Sending security.
25:10Faxon, wait for me.
25:11Sending security to cover the ground floor exits.
25:13Faxon, I'm coming down.
25:15I think he went to the back.
25:27Faxon. Faxon, where are you?
25:29Faxon, I need a location.
25:49Standby for cover. Standby for cover.
26:00Standby for cover.
26:10Standby for cover.
26:23There you are.
26:26As I'm almost certain you already know, you're gonna die tonight.
26:31But what you don't yet understand is the gift you're about to receive.
26:39No, no, no, no.
26:49The one thing I ask of you is please do be honest about what you see in the light.
27:09No, no, no, no.
27:39He's got Bex.
27:45How did this happen? There's three of you.
27:47We split up to cover more ground at the hospital.
27:49It never should have happened.
27:50Damn right it shouldn't have happened.
27:51Who do you think you're talking to?
27:53You can blame me all you want, but all that matters right now is finding Bex.
27:55Okay, okay, guys.
27:56Guys, we all want the same thing.
27:59Now, Malik was smart enough to leave her phone, and this is a very big city.
28:02So even if we go to every single address ever associated with him, we are just two people, and we're not gonna be fast enough.
28:07Send Bex's photo to the Chicago PD. Call them in on this.
28:10Hold on. I agree with you, but the AG's never gonna go for that.
28:13I can handle the AG.
28:15This is Bex.
28:17We're gonna do whatever we have to.
28:37Come on.
29:03Welcome back.
29:07FBI agent, there's a team of people out there looking for me.
29:11I know who you are.
29:13Quite frankly, this is all very exciting.
29:23But you're right.
29:25We don't have much time.
29:29Much time for what?
29:31A breakthrough.
29:34In the moments following medical death, there's a burst of activity in the memory-recall center of our brains.
29:41More acutely, in the emotional memory-recall, right here.
29:51You want me to remember something?
29:53Do I want you to remember something? No, no, no, no.
29:55It's not about what I want. It's about what you need.
29:58You see, in life, we put up walls.
30:02We bury truths, even from ourselves.
30:05But in death, our minds can finally be honest.
30:10In those last moments, we're shown something.
30:15We're shown what's most important to us.
30:18What we most need.
30:21It's like a final gift from the subconscious.
30:26Your mind revealed something to you, didn't it?
30:32Yes. Yes, it did. There it is.
30:40Special Agent Henderson.
30:45What did you see when you died?
30:52He knows this city way better than we do. Now he knows we're coming.
30:55There's no way he takes Bex back to any place we can connect back to him.
30:58What did Bex say? He's a full thing, right? He wants to spend time with her.
31:02So wherever he takes her, it's gotta be somewhere private, somewhere he can control.
31:05I mean, all his previous victims, since escaping the pit, they've been taken back to their home.
31:08Right. Problem is, Bex doesn't have one.
31:10No, but she has a hotel room.
31:14Hey, Jane.
31:15Hi, Morales. Yeah, we need you to pull up everything that you can on our hotel.
31:19Yeah, security footage, traffic cams, whatever you got.
31:23We think Malik is taking Bex back to her room.
31:25You were right. Malik was smart enough to avoid CCTV, but Bex's room key was swiped 15 minutes ago.
31:30Snap on it, guys.
31:33I'm sending over police and EMTs to the hotel room now.
31:37Hopefully we won't need them.
31:40It's ironic, isn't it? Dying on your birthday.
31:43There's something wonderfully symmetrical about it.
31:46And I wonder if this is who you saw.
31:51Happy birthday. I love you. I just wanted to send you a little bit of birthday love.
31:55Turn it off, please.
31:56I know you don't like to celebrate it, but...
31:58Turn it off.
32:00She doesn't look like you.
32:01Turn it off!
32:05Maybe she's not who you saw.
32:07How interesting. There's as much truth in what we don't see as in what we do.
32:15You want the truth, Malik?
32:17Malik, near-death visualizations are nothing more than normal brain functions gone awry.
32:21So whatever gift you received in the pit, it was meaningless.
32:27It was an empty hallucination where you are...
32:34What I'm doing here will go down as the most groundbreaking understanding of human psychology since Sigmund Freud.
32:48This could be a very meaningful experience if you allow yourself to be honest.
32:53Let's try this again.
32:57What did you see?
33:01What did you see?
33:03I didn't see anything.
33:04No, no, you're lying. You're lying to me. I don't believe you.
33:08I don't care.
33:10Then it's time for round two.
33:18Round two
33:24Malik, no, no, no. Wait, wait, wait.
33:27You got me, alright? You got me.
33:29I'm not going anywhere.
33:31What did you see? What did you see?
33:33When they executed you, you got a gift.
33:36Nobody asked you, right?
33:38Not even Dulles. He didn't even ask you.
33:41So you might as well tell me.
33:42Dulles was a fool.
33:45Blind to the miracle he helped create.
33:52I saw my father.
33:54Why do you think that was?
33:56Look, you can be honest with me.
33:59He was a doctor, right?
34:01Yes, he was a giant.
34:03Yeah, living in the shadow of parents is hard. People forget that.
34:07Especially fathers.
34:09In life, he never said a kind word to me.
34:14But in that heavenly moment, he told me he was proud of me.
34:24He believed that I could still achieve the greatness that I was born to manifest.
34:31It was a moment of profound healing.
34:39Malik, I've read your file.
34:47Your dad wasn't proud of you.
34:49No, he called you a monster on TV in front of millions of people because your pathetic career had flamed out.
34:55No one believed in you. In fact, I think your dad, what did he say?
34:58He said, you're not even a real doctor.
35:00Shut up!
35:01I've built this whole profile on someone I thought was inspired by something.
35:05But all this time, it was daddy issues?
35:07I said shut up!
35:24It's over, Malik. You're not getting out of this.
35:30I was never planning to.
35:34Malik, we're coming in!
35:36He's in the bathroom!
35:43He's down!
35:44Where the hell is he?
35:47Move, move, move.
35:49Bex? Bex, what are you doing?
35:51He is not running away from this.
36:04Wake up, wake up. What did daddy say this time?
36:09I don't know.
36:24You know, I was shot once.
36:28Well, technically it was twice.
36:31Two bullets, one time.
36:34Anyway, it just missed my kidney by like a quarter inch.
36:40Medic said after that he was pretty sure I was, you know, gone-er.
36:46I took a 39 in the shoulder.
36:48No way.
36:49Yeah, in Belarus.
36:50Damn, dude, nice.
36:51You should see the exit.
36:52I bet. Check this out.
36:59Me too.
37:01Yeah, oh, here.
37:03Alright, well, I mean, mine's bigger, but, you know.
37:06Yeah, this is my head.
37:07Yeah, explains a lot.
37:17Shane, come on, go home, get some sleep.
37:21I can sleep later.
37:23Besides, I'm pretty sure I, uh, yep, missed my spin class.
37:32You know what? If I rush, I can probably make that class.
37:36Hey, Shane.
37:40Yeah, of course.
37:47Hey, how you feeling?
37:49Yeah, I've had better birthdays, for sure.
37:55You know, when they told me that Malik took you, I thought I was gonna...
38:03I thought we were gonna lose you.
38:09I'm glad you're okay.
38:13Anyway, I'm sure you need some rest, so I'll get out of your way.
38:18Oliver, wait, wait.
38:21When Malik had me tied up,
38:24you told me that in my final moments, my mind would reveal what was most important to me.
38:28Well, he was insane.
38:33But he wasn't wrong.
38:35He wasn't wrong.
38:37I died. Oliver, my heart stopped.
38:41And in that final moment, I saw Sam.
38:46And I saw you.
38:54I'm sorry for pretending that what we had wasn't important.
38:58It was.
39:01I'm really happy you're here.
39:05I could stay.
39:10It's okay.
39:13Honestly, I think I just need to sleep for, like, a week at this point.
39:19Actually, uh, could I use your phone? They took mine, and I really need to call Sam.
39:26Yeah, yeah.
39:28I'll be just outside if you need anything.
39:49Hello, this is Sam's cell phone. You know what to do.
39:53Hey, Sam. It's me, I'm just checking in.
40:00Shane, good to see you.
40:02Follow me.
40:03How's he doing?
40:05Good days and bad. The music helps.
40:09Dr. Dulles?
40:12Dr. Dulles, you have a visitor.
40:26Hi, Dad.
40:53The GPS data from Odell's phone shows that right after his mystery phone call, he drove 15 miles to this storage facility.
41:00I checked, and there's a unit rented in his name.
41:03I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take.
41:08When people run in circles, it's a very, very mad world.
41:19Mad world.
41:24Children waiting for the day they feel good.
41:29Happy birthday, happy birthday.
41:35Enlarging your world.
41:41Mad world.
41:49What the hell are we looking at?
41:51These are coordinates.
41:52How do you know?
41:53Because the one in blue are the satellite coordinates for the pit.
41:58And the other five?
42:28Mad world.
