• yesterday
The Hunting Party S01 E05


00:00Previously on The Hunting Party.
00:02It's called The Pit.
00:03It's home to the most dangerous and violent criminals in history,
00:06all of whom the world believes are dead.
00:08Or at least it was, until the blast hit.
00:10How many inmates got out?
00:11The exact number is unclear,
00:12but you're here, Agent Henderson, to help us catch them.
00:14How is Sam?
00:15Adopting her was the best thing I ever did.
00:17Dr. Dulles.
00:18Hi, Dad.
00:19Right after Odell received his mysterious phone call
00:21warning him about the blast,
00:23he drove to this storage facility.
00:25What the hell are we looking at?
00:26The one in blue with the satellite coordinates.
00:28The one in blue with the satellite coordinates for The Pit.
00:53Make it quick.
00:54Thanks for stopping.
00:58Something like me is going insane.
01:01Insane in the pit.
01:03Insane in the pit.
01:05Insane in the pit.
01:18Insane in the pit.
01:20Insane in the pit.
01:28Insane in the pit.
01:41Where is she?
01:58I'm gonna try it.
01:59I'm gonna try it.
02:00I'll touch your ass like a lunatic.
02:02In a riot, my back like a scuba.
02:04Slamming that ass, leaving your face in the grass.
02:07You know I don't take a doulo lightly.
02:09Won't just tell it cause it came out right.
02:11Me'll kick that style.
02:13Wicked, wild.
02:14I'll be safe.
02:15You'll never see me smile.
02:16Whip that man.
02:17Frame, I'll explain.
02:19Something like me is going insane.
02:28Insane in the pit.
02:30Insane in the pit.
02:45Come on.
02:58Come on.
03:07You're gonna die tonight.
03:26What's going on?
03:27Hey honey.
03:29Why can't you video?
03:30Uh, cause I got out of work.
03:33I still want to see your face.
03:35Why are you being so sketch?
03:36Did you get bangs?
03:37Do they look awful?
03:39I did not get bangs.
03:40It's just been a week, okay?
03:41Things at the casino have just been crazy.
03:44Can I call you back, actually?
03:47Later, Bex.
03:50Hey, what's up?
03:51Hey, I got an update.
03:53I sent a friend of mine the coordinates that we found in Odell's storage unit.
03:56What kind of friend?
03:57The kind that works in counterintelligence.
03:59Let's see what we find in the satellite images he comes back with.
04:02But until then, I need you to play nice with Odell.
04:06Just pretend everything is normal.
04:08You mean pretend that he hasn't been secretly in contact with my daughter behind my back?
04:11They're just birthday cards.
04:13From my daughter to the man who may or may not have blown up the pit.
04:16I understand.
04:17But if you confront Odell right now, he'll know that we're on to him and he'll start covering his tracks.
04:22If it was your daughter, would you wait?
04:26No, but you're going to have to because we just got a hit.
04:34Hey, we got a live one.
04:36Morales, put it up.
04:41Good morning.
04:42Facial recognition flagged an escapee in the background of an Instagram post.
04:47Roy Barber, outside of Eugene, Oregon.
04:50Your couple's killer.
04:51You might have studied him at Quantico?
04:53Might be the first time himself he's done some good in the world.
04:56Roy Barber, born to Lou and Lois Barber.
04:59He was raised on an isolated pecan farm near the Florida-Georgia line.
05:03Until at 14, his father killed his mother in a murder-suicide.
05:06After bouncing around various juvenile detention centers, Barber moved to Orlando in 1988,
05:11where he started making a living as a caricature artist outside of amusement parks.
05:16Starting in 93, Barber terrorized the roads of Florida and Georgia for nearly a decade.
05:21Hiding out at rest stops, waiting for his ideal prey, romantic partners.
05:25He murdered 16 people, one couple every 10 to 14 months,
05:29leaving no trace of his victims except for their blood-drenched vehicles.
05:32Finally, in 2001, a hunting dog caught a scent in the marshlands near Orlando.
05:36Local authorities were able to recover the skeletal remains of Harry Caldwell.
05:40He and his wife, Bridget, had disappeared six months earlier.
05:43It was this discovery that cracked the case and ultimately led to Roy's arrest.
05:47But it wound up being a massive PR disaster for the local cops.
05:51Because Barber graduated from being a caricature artist to a police sketch artist.
05:55He was working with all the cops who just happened to be investigating his case.
05:59He was working with the cops? That is cocky as hell.
06:02It's also a great education on how to escape detection.
06:05Get yourselves to Oregon.
06:08Growing up, it was just me and my mom and my dad on our farm.
06:13My mom and I, we would work the farm, you know, do the chores.
06:18Long hours. I wasn't too bad.
06:21My dad, he was a drinker.
06:24You know, not a pleasant man, a violent man.
06:27And one gear, well, he was a drunk.
06:31He was a drunk.
06:33Not a pleasant man, a violent man.
06:36And one gear, well, he lost his way.
06:40Human beings are solitary creatures.
06:44You know, we're meant to live alone, die alone.
06:47Not suffer the company of others.
06:50You'd be surprised the things people say when they know the end is near.
06:55It would be enlightening to test a relationship to its limits.
07:07I bet you just give us the bullet points, huh?
07:09Yeah, why not?
07:11The profiler who wrote the case study on Barber diagnosed him as a textbook schizoid with full-blown sociopathy.
07:16And for those of us without psychology degrees?
07:19Schizoid personality disorder refers to someone with little to no interest or ability to form relationships with others.
07:24So it is of no surprise here that our friend Barber lived alone, had no close friends or family, and his sole interest was his art.
07:33And killing. Can't forget the killing.
07:35So the guy doesn't like to socialize. Trust me, I get it.
07:38But wouldn't it be easier to just be a hermit?
07:40Why bother murdering couples?
07:41Because after being raised by some, you know, less than stellar parents, he became absolutely fascinated with love.
07:47He wasn't on my cell block, but the other guards had a nickname for him.
07:50They called him the Happy Camper.
07:52I mean, according to his file, he was the ideal prisoner. He was well-behaved, cooperative.
07:57So if isolation is his thing, the pit is basically the Ritz-Carlton.
08:01Question is, now that he's out, where does he go?
08:06I know I stand in line until you think you have the time to spend an evening with me.
08:16And if we go someplace to dance, I know that there's a chance you won't be leaving with me.
08:25Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two.
08:33And then I go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I love you.
08:46But you're...
08:48You're dead.
08:51Aren't you gonna invite me in?
08:55Anne, who is it?
09:03Crystal, go back inside.
09:06Buddy, you got a problem?
09:12I do now.
09:15John, run!
09:43What do they know so far?
09:44Not much. We intercepted the neighbor's 911. It describes Barber. Cops are grasping at straws.
09:50Got us 15 minutes. Then we have to hand it back over to the locals.
09:53Okay. What are we this time? Homeland Security? DEA?
09:56Secret Service. The governor lives a mile away.
10:03I'll be right down.
10:09John and Crystal Resnick. Married May 10, 2015. Eugene, Oregon.
10:13No kids. Both retired. No warrants or outstanding litigation.
10:17Are we gonna kill him twice with a beating like that?
10:19Well, he hasn't lost his flair for overdoing it.
10:21Where's the wife?
10:33This couple is older than Roy's usual victims.
10:35That's new.
10:36Sure. He's older too. Maybe he thought a younger couple would put up too much of a fight.
10:45Somebody's awful quiet.
10:48Roy always chose his victims at random.
10:51The method was planned, but the targets weren't. This feels like the opposite. He chose these victims.
10:58But then he improvised the kill.
11:00Improvised murder weapons implies impulsivity.
11:05I've been reading up.
11:07So, why did you choose this couple?
11:09You think he knew them? I mean, the guy had zero friends. Criminal associates?
11:14As far as we know, Roy was a lone wolf.
11:17Odell, it's Vicks.
11:21What do you got?
11:22So this wasn't random? Roy Barber chose these Vicks. Can we get a deep dive on John and Crystal Resnick?
11:28Hold on, hold on. We just got something.
11:30Neighbor's camera caught the car Roy was driving.
11:32Blue Ford Escape Idaho plates registered to a Wendy Hosmer out of Twin Falls.
11:36Not reported stolen yet.
11:38Sir, the car popped on the plate scanner 30 minutes ago.
11:42Standby. Tracking it now.
11:44The car's at the Portland train station.
11:46So he has a car, but he's taking the train?
11:48He just committed a double homicide. He's ditching the car.
11:50Get there.
11:51We're on our way. And keep looking for connections between John and Crystal and Roy.
11:55We need to know where he's going.
12:13How you doing? One way to San Francisco, please.
12:17Sorry. No Amex.
12:21Fine. Whatever.
12:24Driver's license or state ID?
12:26You want my birth certificate too?
12:28Government ID is required for all interstate rail travel.
12:50I can't talk right now.
12:51I don't care.
12:52Hassani is pulling keyhole satellite images of six silos. One of them is silo 12.
12:57How does he know about 12?
12:59I have no idea.
13:00We know something about the blast.
13:02Find out what.
13:04I gotta go.
13:08Sir, you gotta see this.
13:12How is this possible?
13:15Hey, we just landed. What's up?
13:16You were right. Something else going on.
13:19We pulled info on Crystal Resnick.
13:22And there is no Crystal Resnick.
13:24According to our records, she doesn't exist prior to 2001.
13:27What is she, some kind of con artist?
13:29It says government prints all over it. It looks like a witness protection.
13:32Maybe she was a witness to the prosecution of Roy's case and this is payback for testifying against her.
13:36Why would she need WITSEC? Roy confessed to the killings the day he was caught.
13:39Who was she before 01?
13:40Still digging.
13:41Dig faster. We're on our way.
13:50There it is.
13:55He's still in there.
14:04Roy Barber, this is the FBI. Step out of the car with your hands open and raised.
14:07This is your only warning. Get out of the car or we'll open fire.
14:19Can you cover me?
14:23Got you.
14:32It's not him. It's not him!
14:35We need a medic over here.
14:36Call an ambulance.
14:38We need EMS immediately. Portland train station.
14:42Roy's not here. He ditched the car and left the body. This one's still breathing.
14:45Oliver, are you listening?
14:46Yeah, I heard you.
14:47But there's something else.
14:48What happened?
14:50We tracked down Crystal Resnick's real name. It's Bridget Caldwell.
14:54Wait, isn't that...
14:55She's one of Roy's original victims.
14:57The file says he killed her two decades ago.
15:07Roy Barber killed Bridget Caldwell 24 years ago. How is this possible?
15:11We're trying to figure that out.
15:12Her husband's body was the only one they found. Hers was never recovered.
15:16What's the working theory? She escaped?
15:17Why not go to the authorities? She knew that he was arrested and convicted.
15:20Not to mention executed.
15:22No time for theories. We need to find Barber before he hurts anyone else.
15:25I'm on it.
15:34Pull up CCTV of the ticket booth for the last two hours.
15:41There he is. Plant.
15:43And there's Roy behind him.
15:45Well, why attack the guy?
15:46That meant they wouldn't have valid ID.
15:48He merely killed this guy for a train ticket.
15:51Wrong place, wrong time. Question is, where was the suit going?
16:17Hey, what you got?
16:18Roy Barber's on the 1 o'clock to San Francisco.
16:20Cameras on those trains?
16:22We need to stop that train.
16:23I know we do. Barber will know something is up and he'll bolt.
16:26Okay, what about US track security?
16:28I'm not getting some rent a cop killed.
16:30If you leave now, you can catch up to the train at the Reading station.
16:38Okay, ready?
16:49That's the letter, bud.
16:59Come on, buddy.
17:00Let's go find Mom before she thinks we're lost.
17:10Tickets, folks.
17:16I don't see how anyone walks away from something like that.
17:19Bridget Caldwell survives this nightmare,
17:22becomes Crystal Resnick and then lives some kind of normal life.
17:25Maybe she didn't want the attention. A lot of victims don't come forward.
17:28And they do if they've been through something like that.
17:33Roy Barber obsessed over his victims in the pit.
17:36He would draw them over and over and over again.
17:38I mean, this kind of fantastic indulgence is normal in hedonistic killers,
17:42but there's something more here.
17:46He's immortalizing them.
17:55Tickets, sir.
18:05It's dry skin, you know? It cracks sometimes.
18:20Hey, look at this.
18:22Roy drew all of his victims hundreds of times.
18:24Over the years, some of the subjects would age, others wouldn't.
18:28Is there some kind of pattern?
18:30None of the men age, but the women, they all do.
18:36Well, that's creepy as hell. Why would he do that?
18:39Because Roy knew the women weren't actually dead.
18:42So you're saying all these women are still alive?
18:44There's no way they all escaped.
18:46So Barber let them go in exchange for what? Their silence?
18:51What if the women were in on all of the murders?
19:02What do we do now?
19:05Roy gets rid of the husbands, frames it as a double homicide.
19:08Why don't you just hire a good old-fashioned hitman?
19:10Because these women know that if their husband randomly gets murdered,
19:13they are the number one suspect.
19:15But you don't need an alibi if everyone thinks you're dead.
19:17Right, and Roy's crime scenes left no room for survivors, and no one would have suspected a thing.
19:21But hang on, slow down. We have no evidence that any of the other women survived.
19:25And even if they did, even if they were in on it,
19:28how would they go about finding brand new identities for themselves?
19:31Roy, he worked at police stations for years.
19:33He knew the cracks in the system, he knew the blind spots, he knew how to cover his tracks.
19:43Come on.
20:14What do you want from me? Why don't you run from me?
20:19Hey, what's up?
20:20Roy Barber just got off the train.
20:23Mount Shasta.
20:24I'll tell the pilots.
20:25What the hell is in Mount Shasta?
20:26Not what.
20:29Come here.
20:31Say it, spit it out.
20:33What is it exactly?
20:34The pain is the amount cleaning you out.
20:37Am I satisfactory?
20:38Today I'm thinking about
20:41the things that are deadly.
20:42That doesn't make any sense.
20:43Why would any of these women ask a police sketch artist for help killing their husbands?
20:48What if Barber was the one that initiated contact?
20:50His pathology was shaped in the fact that his abusive father murdered his mother.
20:54So what if he saw these women as a surrogate for her?
20:56He can't save her life, so he decides to save theirs.
20:58There's no evidence that any of these women were in abusive relationships.
21:02Guys, in the year before Bridget Caldwell's death,
21:05her husband was arrested for drunken disorderly three times.
21:08She bailed him out each time.
21:10Roy worked at that police station for a decade.
21:12He would have crossed paths with Bridget Caldwell,
21:14and through the prism of a childhood, he would have seen her as someone that needed saving.
21:18Nice work, Morales.
21:19Here's another one.
21:20Six months before Kyle and Trisha Franklin's death,
21:23they were both brought into the Tampa police station for petty larceny,
21:26but released before charges were ever filed.
21:29Okay, so that's two women in messy marriages that would have jumped at the chance to start over,
21:32even if that means killing their own husbands.
21:35There's just no way that a schizoid personality with little to no social skills would approach these women.
21:42Unless the original profile is wrong.
21:44What if he's not a true schizoid?
21:47In those interviews, he talks about himself as if he was alone,
21:50but he was always working on the farm with his mother.
21:53She was the only person he actually cared about.
21:57So what if he thought that he was freeing these women from their lives, from their marriages?
22:08What do we do now?
22:10Well, we talked about this.
22:15I need to find blood from the both of you.
22:25And then you'll make me disappear?
22:35Morales, gather the last known images of Barbara's other female victims,
22:38put them through the Bureau's Predictive Aging Program,
22:40and then have our analysts run the age photos through a facial recognition database.
22:44Roger that.
22:45Roy always claimed the solitude of the pit was what made him so happy,
22:48but I'm starting to think that he was so content because he knew he had us all fooled.
22:54Land in five.
22:59Hi, honey.
23:02Wow, it smells great in here.
23:09Can you taste this for salt?
23:12Who the hell are you?
23:13An old friend of Linda's.
23:15Who the hell are you?
23:18I'm Linda's husband.
23:24Yeah, I'm so sorry to hear that.
23:32Just got those satellite images back from my friend.
23:36These are the six coordinates, including the rescue efforts at the pit.
23:40This is where silo 12 is located.
23:43You see that shadow?
23:45That photo's been doctored.
23:47Do you know the security clearance you need to doctor raw keel satellite images?
23:50And why doctor this and not the pit?
23:53What's more top secret than the pit?
23:56I don't know, but whatever's out there is important enough to erase from every database on the planet.
24:03Sir, we have a thousand possible matches, but only one in Mount Shasta.
24:06Linda Augusti.
24:09Also known as Tricia Franklin. Roy's second victim.
24:13That's where he's going.
24:15Nice work. Tell the team.
24:25Are you home?
24:29There you are.
24:31How was tennis?
24:33Linda, Linda, Linda.
24:36You just never learn, do you?
24:41Honey, how do you know this man?
24:48I don't know.
24:50I don't know.
24:52I don't know.
24:54I don't know.
24:56I don't know.
24:58I don't know.
25:00I don't know.
25:02Why are you here?
25:04To teach you a lesson.
25:15Picture this.
25:1722 year old Linda.
25:19Back then she was Tricia.
25:23Depressed, lost.
25:26But she meets a handsome charmer of a guy named Kyle.
25:29And she thinks he's the solution to all her problems.
25:33My mom was the same way when she met my dad.
25:37It's a tale as old as time.
25:40But Kyle's got problems too.
25:42Debt, unfaithfulness.
25:45Their marriage was troubled.
25:49One night, those two end up at the station.
25:54And I could see how trapped she was.
25:57What did you say to me?
25:59I want to be free.
26:04And I said I could help you.
26:08What are you saying?
26:10Linda, what did you do?
26:18Husband's name is Gerald.
26:20Retired exec. Worked at Avon.
26:22Let's hope Jerry can fight better than her first hubby.
26:30Your story, it can't be real.
26:33Well, it's as real as that scar on her arm.
26:37What did you tell him? How you got that Pilates injury?
26:43A surgical scar.
26:49I'm sorry.
26:52Did you...
26:55Did you...
26:56Did you...
26:59Kill her first husband? No!
27:03I did that for her.
27:06Yeah, Kyle was a cancer eating her alive.
27:11Saw that she needed help.
27:13Saw where that path would lead her.
27:17She needed to start over.
27:20She needed the second chance that nobody gave my mother.
27:24Poor Linda didn't learn her lesson, did she?
27:27Because then she went and fell for you.
27:31Gerald isn't Kyle.
27:35I'm happy now.
27:37I don't need your help.
27:40Yes, Tricia, you do.
27:44Why doesn't anybody ever learn?
27:46Look, there's ten grand in my safe.
27:49Take the watches and the jewelry.
27:51Watches and jewelry?
27:53Are you even listening to me?
27:56Please, don't hurt us.
27:59No, don't touch her.
28:03Well, I guess we have to try this again.
28:21Kitchen's clear!
28:26There's nothing upstairs.
28:28We're too late.
28:30What'd you find?
28:36Hey, Morales? Talk to me.
28:38Barber's on the move and he's taking them with him.
28:40I need a location on Linda's silver Mercedes.
28:42On it.
28:52Come on, where's Gerald?
28:54Let's go. Come on.
29:00Where's Gerald?
29:22Stand by.
29:24Walk straight, then left.
29:26You're almost there.
29:30You know, I'm not a bad person.
29:33I believe in second chances.
29:36And forgiveness.
29:45Oh, my God! Gerald!
29:51But forgiveness must be earned.
30:05The last time, I did it for you.
30:10But this time,
30:14you get to do it yourself.
30:21Come on.
30:27Trunk is empty.
30:29Where the hell are they?
30:40Set yourself free.
30:47Do it!
30:49Don't do this, baby.
30:51I'm sorry.
31:15You're breaking my heart here.
31:38Don't do this.
31:40Please, no!
31:44Put the gun down, Roy!
31:52Get down!
31:54Cover me!
32:03Barber! It's over!
32:06No one else needs to die!
32:08I'm not afraid to die!
32:11I've done it before!
32:14Toss the gun, Roy!
32:16Come on!
32:18Toss the gun, Roy!
32:20Come on!
32:21You love prison.
32:22Go to hell!
32:29Come on, Roy. You're not a bad guy.
32:32I know you were just trying to help people.
32:37Roy, you're just misunderstood.
32:43I'm not a bad guy!
32:48I'm a protector!
33:03Thank God.
33:05He was gonna kill me.
33:07Funny. I thought he killed you years ago.
33:18Where are we going?
33:20To talk about the six other women who had you kill their husbands.
33:35How's the arm?
33:43Oh, Roy.
33:44Yeah, as flattering as that is, that's not the list I asked for, is it?
33:48No, I wanted all six names.
33:51These women are guilty of first-degree murder.
33:54Second chances are so rare, I think.
33:58Why would I spoil that for them?
34:01You know, I went through your drawings at the pit.
34:04Yeah, all of them.
34:06They were very intimate and delicate.
34:09It was a hard contrast from the brutality of your crime scenes.
34:12It was impressive.
34:14Yeah, well, when you care about something, you put care into it.
34:18Right, right.
34:20Except that you put evidence of your crimes out there for anyone paying attention to see.
34:25So that's more pride. That's less care, you know?
34:29But I mean, why not be proud?
34:32You fooled everyone, didn't you?
34:34You made sure that nobody would go looking for those girls
34:37because you did such a convincing job of making sure they looked dead.
34:40Yeah, you waved your sketches under the noses of the doctors you were working with
34:44and they would just call it criminal robbery or victim attachment.
34:51Never seeing it for what it actually was.
34:54A confession.
34:58You've gone decades without talking about it, though,
35:01so why start now, right?
35:04Why not just let those girls go live the lives that you gave them?
35:08You gave them? I mean, I get it.
35:11Roy, I understand.
35:13If I were the one that freed them from their partners, I wouldn't drop a dime on them either.
35:17No, I mean, this is your life's work.
35:20This is the biggest item on your savior resume.
35:23It's the one thing that kept you going at the pit,
35:25and it's the one thing that'll keep you going when we send you back.
35:32It's just, it's tricky, though, because we literally have no leverage.
35:38What could we possibly do to you that hasn't already been done?
35:41We could arrest you. Check.
35:43We could kill you. Check.
35:45We could lock you up in total isolation for the rest of your life.
35:49Check. Exactly.
35:54It's just too bad that it's all a load of crap, isn't it?
36:01You're not a savior, are you?
36:03You didn't free any of those women.
36:05In fact, they used you to kill their husbands.
36:12And the one person that actually needed you to save her was your mother.
36:17But you couldn't do it, could you?
36:22Because you were too weak. You were too small.
36:25You just...
36:29I did free them, and some are still free.
36:34You went and visited them, didn't you?
36:37The other women.
36:39Crystal wasn't the first one you tracked down.
36:42Blue Ford Escape Idaho plate's registered to a Wendy Hosmer out of Twin Falls.
36:47Not reported stolen yet.
36:49The Ford.
36:51It wasn't reported stolen because you never stole it.
36:54No, Wendy Hosmer gave it to you because she was one of yours, wasn't she?
36:58She was.
36:59Thanks, Roy.
37:30Come on, come on, come on.
37:33He's about to get ejected.
37:35This isn't live?
37:37Why are we watching this, then?
37:39Pretend it's on.
37:42We got her.
37:44And you were right.
37:47Wendy Hosmer, formerly known as Amanda Lewis, is assumed to have been murdered by Roy Barber in 1995.
37:53He went to her home three days ago and she gave him her car.
37:57One down.
37:59All right, that's a good start.
38:01It's more than a start.
38:03I accessed her computer and surprise, surprise, our sketchy friend Roy searched all the names of the women he worked with in the past.
38:08We got them all.
38:14Hey, maybe they'll all make friends in prison.
38:16Great work, everybody.
38:18Hey, my tegs are starving. Can we pass some of this out?
38:21Let's get tegs.
38:23Take a piece.
38:27That's all right. Still good.
38:29Hey, Amanda.
38:31This is an old game.
38:33Why are you watching this?
38:35No, I don't know anymore.
38:40You know, I gotta say, watching you today, piecing this whole thing together,
38:45felt like old times.
38:49You haven't lost a step.
38:56I don't know. All this, the job.
38:59I still haven't told Sam what I'm doing.
39:02Are you going to?
39:04I don't know.
39:06How's she doing?
39:08She's good.
39:10She graduated high school. She's in college now.
39:13You already knew that, though.
39:16You said it when I first saw you at the hospital.
39:19Yeah, she still sends me a birthday card every year.
39:23It's my place in D.C.
39:25I don't get a lot of cards anymore.
39:30I assumed you knew. I wasn't trying to...
39:32It's okay.
39:35Everyone should get a card on their birthday.
39:38Or a cupcake.
39:44You know what?
39:46Listen, whenever you decide to tell Sam,
39:50this is what you're good at.
39:54You know?
39:57See you in a bit.
40:16There's your face. I missed that.
40:18I know. I missed yours, too.
40:20Wait, where are you?
40:23I'm in Wyoming.
40:25I took some time off from the casino
40:28because the FBI needed my help.
40:31Oh. Are you sure that's such a good idea?
40:37Yeah. No, this is where I should be.
40:40I know. I'm living proof.
40:52I hope you're calling to congratulate me on another job well done.
40:56I'm calling to ask you what the hell do you think you're doing?
40:59It's been a long day. Can we skip the guessing part?
41:02Do you have any idea how many alarm bells started ringing
41:05when you had your guy pull those satellite images?
41:07Your job is to ensure the recapture of any and all escaped inmates from the pit.
41:13What is out there?
41:15I'm going to phrase this as simply as I can, Agent Hassani.
41:18Some secrets are better left buried.
41:29It's done.
41:33In my experience, a political solution is always better than a military one.
41:40Let's clean up afterwards.
42:15Thanks for watching.
