00:00One it's cross spin, that's right
00:07You're better dancers than me
00:22What's your plan if Brennan decides to leave and we will be divorcing I'm not gonna be staying in this country
00:28I don't have anybody except Brennan here
00:30So we see a lazy person who doesn't incapable to build friends get a degree find job do something
00:40You're the one that's seen him behind my back you're the cheater if I've been cheating on you like
00:46You won't even know because you're an idiot
00:49You have one gringo to be a husband and another gringo
00:55American dream, baby
01:07May have heard something. Oh my god, you heard the same. I heard that Josh has an official girlfriend that lives in his house and
01:14The girl is a younger version of Natalie. It'd be nice to find out
01:19Wouldn't it?
01:25Write down things that you trust about your partner Florian what you put
01:30Everything to be honest, but if you could give us just one specific
01:33Suggest you something I trust her in Florian like to pretend like there was no problem
01:39He just kind of sugarcoats everything like everything's okay. Everything's fine. No, it's not that's why we're here
01:44Do you know what did you put I trust that?
01:50Loves me. I
01:51Am so shocked that we didn't stop and talk about this. I don't believe that he feels loved by Jasmine
01:57He's lying to himself if he believes that and I wanted to call bull on it
02:08Yeah, yeah
02:15This time from clips
02:18We're gonna have a games
02:34All right. We're gonna start with the night
02:36You were all out at the social hall and Gina you had just gotten into a fight with Jasmine
02:41This is the end of the night and the van rides back home
02:47Where's you know, I don't know. He said that I should
02:54She doesn't cheat she's perfect and innocent
03:07Do I think Jasmine already hook up with a guy
03:10Well, if he's already on a picture and she's considering him as there is a possibility she could already hook up with him
03:19She definitely sees us as an option
03:21Everything's being exposed while we're here. And you know what? It's for the better because
03:26We need to know the truth. I imagine in this time and he say cheer. I mean like cheer give you options give intimacy or
03:35Have an open marriage you doesn't choose any you doesn't want to be this person and doesn't want to this person be with anybody
03:42So is exactly he treating her in this moment like I like she are toy
03:47He can play with this and now not play and no not anybody when I play with my toy. I
03:53Mean doesn't fair enough
03:55It really hurt me. I was being vulnerable to him. He said you fail me you
04:01You fail me you
04:03But he's not even having sex with you. I
04:06Understand. Well, you're not having sex with Rob. Get out of here
04:09Yeah, right, but Jasmine you guys don't understand how she treats me at home one-on-one. She's the devil
04:16I don't understand. You know, I don't
04:19On camera. I hate to say it what the way you see Jasmine and way, you know her and she's a very fun
04:26Personality and she can make you feel good
04:28But you have guys have no idea what I go through behind closed doors on a daily basis with Jasmine
04:35It's completely the opposite after marriage manna went all downhill
04:39She had no interest in me whatsoever
04:42She didn't want to go do anything with me. She want to travel. She was not into me whatsoever
04:48So if you really feel that way like that Jasmine is, you know, really coming after you when these cameras are off
04:55Why are you?
04:57Trying to continue to fight for this marriage
05:00Well, the thing is is that I love Jasmine
05:04Okay, I love her and marriage is not you know, it's a long-term commitment
05:09I was really hoping this whole couple's therapy would get us back to a place of love like we you know that we would
05:16Have a chance together
05:19You sound like a hopeless romantic at right now, that's what you sound like
05:23Jasmine pulled me aside and she wanted to talk to me then she started pushing an open relationship and I
05:30Asked her do you have a person in mind that you want to have this open relationship with and she says
05:36Yes, she's got a guy in mind some dude
05:40from her gym
05:42I mean, I don't necessarily fault Jasmine for a lot of the things because I don't think Gina has been a good partner to her
05:48Even with the therapy. She's been a good partner to me
05:50She's been a good partner to her even with the therapy. He's not willing to admit fault
05:55So it's kind of like you have two people who are doing bad things in the relationship
06:01Essentially it boils down to I think that they're both wrong in this situation
06:05Well, I need that guy
06:07You want this guy you met the guy? Yes
06:11We call him in a online
06:13Jasmine made the right choice not including me on their FaceTime chat because I would have snitched immediately
06:18If something's like clearly cheating, I mean, it's like like it's a marriage if you I'm gonna snitch I'm sorry
06:23I just have why would I not tell anyone that and it's some great tea. Like, of course, I'm gonna tell people
06:30How do you love this guy?
06:32Look at Florian. I'll try and get the scoop. I hear like have a big looks like another man. That's what he looks like
06:38He looks like someone else. Honestly, I FaceTime with Matt soon. I was there and
06:43Yeah, he's a different
06:45Kind of look than Gino. I mean, he's definitely the more muscular
06:49Fitness type guy. Oh, wow. Yeah, but you know, I feel like I would never say that to Gino's face. Oh big muscle. Yes
06:57That's it. I like mine. No bigger. Oh, no bigger
07:08You know say he doesn't want to know so why are you guys torturing him with this?
07:13This girl come with the information I
07:16Think that she does it and she's not even aware of what she's doing
07:20Because I was like girl just look at Gino's face. He's so freaking pissed and she kept saying like oh, yeah big muscle
07:28I saw him big muscle not a look at my poor Gino. He has no muscles
07:34Of course, he's gonna feel threatened. I could get the muscular guy
07:38But this is what I'm attracted to because I have daddy issues
07:43And I like guys that looks like grandpas. I don't want to be with someone that
07:49Had somebody pre-selected already, you know, that's cheating on me
07:54That I don't want I can tell you that
08:00Okay, Reba we're gonna watch the never-before-seen footage
08:04This is Jasmine and Gino in their hotel after the social hall, oh no, they're
08:11Obviously very upset and mad at me
08:14Yeah, I'm pissed off for good reason. I
08:17told them that I was serious about the open marriage idea and that I even had a friend that
08:24Could potentially, you know be part of this
08:29Yeah, that's really weird Gino's response is perfectly logical when we consider the emotions that come up when our spouse says
08:38I have a new friend or I have someone that I'm getting close to especially when we want to be closer to them
08:43So I can understand like, you know, his anxiety his fear is is
08:48Going off right now. Like oh, oh someone is taking up the space that I vacated. That wasn't what I expected
08:54What's happening now, I don't like this. So so yeah, I can I can totally understand Gino's response
09:01I can understand the insecurity behind it, right?
09:05But much of it is his own making
09:08You're with this guy and you're introducing him to other people that we're doing therapy with okay to other people is my closest friend
09:16What a joke this is
09:19So ridiculous. Mm-hmm. This is the person that I'm going to be with
09:23Mm-hmm. This is the person you've chosen. You even told me at the bar that this is the guy it's not about Matt
09:29Forget about him. It has nothing to do with him
09:32It's about like how we're gonna solve the issue that we have in our marriage, you know
09:36You know knowing that Jasmine was talking to other people about Matt
09:41They made me realize that you know
09:44They had some kind of emotional connection and that
09:48Really gave me a lot of concern I feel like Jasmine's building a relationship
09:54Like an actual full-blown relationship. So that's why I'm saying like if you were in an open marriage and you decided
10:00Okay, let's do this. Like maybe we're swingers or maybe you know, it's okay to go
10:04You know have sex with somebody and we'll come back and because you're my partner we have that emotional connection
10:10Right if you open that door and it's Matt
10:13She's never come back. I'm like
10:16What is going on here, I mean, yeah, it's pretty disrespectful to be honest
10:21So you haven't already been you know, listen, it's not about this is not about Matt. This is about you and me
10:28Oh, look at Geno's face
10:31Yeah, you can sleep in there. I'm asleep. Okay, because I'm really not in the mood to talk right now
10:38Let's say that I was cheating. Okay, it was a perfect affair. My husband was not aware
10:44So why then if I was having the perfect affair and I was getting the sex that I've been craving all this time
10:52You know
10:54Why would I expose myself there and give you all the details about who this person is how did I meet him?
11:02When I seen him, you know why I wouldn't even be at the retreat. I wouldn't give it
11:08You know, I will be like no we're fine, you know
11:12I have one gringo
11:16To be a husband and another gringo
11:20American dream, baby
11:22You're the one that's seen him behind my back. You're the cheater
11:27If I've been cheating on you like you wouldn't even know because you're an idiot
11:42They were in bikinis, yeah, I'm such a pervert
11:49Do you feel like you could be yourself around him like, you know authentically you
11:54Miss Josh, I feel like I constantly wear mask. So I'm constantly thinking like do I look pretty?
12:01It makes me feel sad that Natalie has to pretend to be someone that she is not
12:08Just to please an idiot I feel for Natalie
12:11But I'm not really sure why she's trying to change herself to fit this guy because he's made it clear from the beginning
12:17He's not that interested in her. He's just not that into you. He never seen me without makeup
12:21I always try to change attitude style and I cut myself on assault that I'm
12:29Trying to entertain him. She feels like she has to put on an act in some ways
12:35Hmm she's presenting a different side. I think then what people get to see of her, but they just want to relax
12:42I want to be myself and I'm very introvert like Stacy to be honest
12:51I'm I'm like I started drinking alcohol. I started smoking. I never done it. I do it because I want to be long
13:00Let's be so for real like Stacy's actually a sweet like kind like homebody type person Natalie I'm like
13:08No, she's just straight lying in Darcy's face. I think she would do that with any guy
13:13But I get to see this side right now. Well, you're so open and Darcy. It's so easily
13:19Have to like change myself so much just to be accepted
13:24She doesn't need to do anything extra to impress me, you know
13:28Especially not drinking and smoking. Like I mean, I don't even drink that's an excuse for you know
13:36Something that maybe now she likes like it had nothing to do with me
13:39So that's all I mean, I'm just looking for support on my end is really all I want
13:44I feel like the mask was actually for Darcy
13:47Whatever he's fixing it's not even me there. It's some fake
13:51Image I created in order to be accepted and likable by him. He doesn't even know me real
13:57sometimes I think I'm like a child that never grows old and I was trying to fit in and change myself and
14:05Because I felt like if you love you have to sacrifice yourself. We have to adjust so
14:10Whenever says Michael was trying to adjust to
14:12When I was with Michael I was trying to adjust to
14:17Countryside life when Josh and I started dating I was like really in love because he was completely different from Mike and
14:24For me, it was like
14:26Something new I was so fascinated by his world
14:30I was trying to be flashy girl, and I was trying to live this flashy life
14:37Was trying so hard, but it wasn't me
14:40He still
14:42Doesn't seem to be satisfied with me and I'm like trying and trying and trying. I don't want to do it. I don't
14:50The work that we did allowed me to see her in a completely different light
14:57Really brought to surface
15:00What she was dealing with when it comes to childhood traumas
15:04There's some parallels here with Josh and maybe her father
15:08Some similarities with the lack of emotional connection or being available
15:13Whether she's defensive whether she's calling people names, you know, whether she feels isolated or lonely
15:21You know whether she doesn't know how to act around Josh or you know
15:25These ladies I could see it stemming from childhood stuff
15:28But it makes sense as to maybe the type of men that she's with the type of relationship
15:34She's in and this concept of being emotionally available for her. It was gonna be an uphill battle. No matter what
15:46Fill in the blue in the blanks, I like that game
15:49You are holding a card with a story on it. However, there are blanks there that you are gonna have
15:56Fill in and it will come up with a lovely last resort story
16:02Sounds good. Yeah, great
16:04So, you know, give me a type of therapy about sex there. Whoo. How do I know you're gonna say that?
16:11Tell me a place at the resort
16:14Jacuzzi. Oh
16:15We're starting a strong a person from last resort
16:19Let's go with Josh. Give me an
16:24Adjective. Yeah
16:27Yeah, put me in middle school vocabulary class all over again
16:31something describing something
16:35Beautiful blue eyes
16:38Give me another person from last resort. How about Sophie? Oh boy a bear
16:45ending in ing
16:47What yeah, baby desert animal
16:51Now we'll do armadillo a donkey
16:54Of course Josh now. I need a burp
16:58Masturbate. I love your burps. Yeah masturbate. Yeah, as you know, that's
17:05Barely, that's an action. Okay
17:07an emotion
17:09It's horny in emotion
17:11Another person but not exclusively from last resort, but from any 90-day show
17:18Darcy yeah
17:21It's a verb coming
17:28Give me an amount of time less than an hour 17 seconds
17:36Another bird
17:37Partying party party. Yeah, that's the answer farting. All right, everybody ready for let's hear it bedtime story last resort bedtime story
17:45Okay, baby. This is your
17:47magnificent story
17:49today at
17:52Hmm Josh revealed a boring secret
17:58Yesterday at the bathroom they saw Jasmine running at armadillo
18:03with Benny
18:05Running an armadillo. Yeah, okay Heidi asked. How did that make you feel and Josh said horny?
18:12Okay, okay. It's getting good
18:16James said great work everyone for homework tonight. I want you to work your partner for 17
18:26All the couples are hanging out at the jacuzzi
18:31Jasmine is with Ari
18:34Everyone is having a good time until Josh starts crying and admits that in China
18:42Masturbated with Darcy
18:44The whole group is crying, but then Benny takes off
18:49His lingerie and everyone starts farting
18:55Wow, all I can say is wow
19:00Yesterday at the hot tub
19:04They saw Sophie
19:09With Josh Oh God
19:12Reba asked, how did that make you feel?
19:16And Natalie said shocked Oh God
19:20James said great work everyone
19:24For homework tonight, I want you to
19:27Bang your partner for less
19:34That might be the worst story
19:37This is Julia waking up Robin. So be after the bar you go Julia
19:43Imposing ourself into some she's something
19:46Good morning, buddy. Sorry. Oh
19:50You know, I'm here mommy and baby. You're looking at like what?
19:55I'm really like why is this man's wife in my bed?
19:59Thank you guys for let me sleep here
20:02For sure. Have you spoken to Brandon? No since yesterday. I might see him that spoke with him at all yesterday
20:09He say he go home today
20:11If he divorces you because like he's angry that your parents are coming
20:15Then that shows you all you need to know that he's not a supportive person for you
20:20Hanging out with Brandon and Julia
20:21It does feel like Julie is the one in control because she's you know
20:24Really loud Brandon doesn't really speak and it seems like she probably runs the relationship
20:28but after seeing his reactions to things it feels like
20:32He actually behind closed doors is the one running everything and like it's Brandon's way of the highway
20:37Like he's gonna leave just because she wants some family support around her like even though like Rob had issues with my mom
20:42He never threatened to leave me over it
20:44It feels like as long as Brandon's getting what he wants. They're great. But as soon as Julia's like, oh, actually I need this he
20:52Has like a tantrum. I don't know like a man tantrum
20:55What's your plan if Brandon decides to leave and that is gonna be we broke up and we will be divorcing
21:02I'm not gonna be staying this country. I don't have anybody except Brandon here. Yeah, I
21:08Feel like Julia
21:09She she had all power and abilities to socialize these people to join some
21:16Community so we see a lazy person who doesn't even capable to build friends
21:22What we see so it's not about being married and being supported by the man
21:27It's about your own abilities and your own willingness to survive and not rely on other people
21:32Get a degree find job do something
21:39We're now gonna watch Gino and Jasmine the morning after the bar where they talk about Matt
21:45You know, there is a therapy session today. Are we going or
21:51Because according to what you said last night like we should be leaving us Ben and Ari did well
21:58I mean you like you really broke my heart yesterday. I
22:03Feel really bad for Gina. I mean when he's saying he's like you broke my heart
22:06he said it multiple times and she still was just like
22:10like that's really sad and he's trying to be vulnerable with her and she doesn't care like I wish you know would just see in this
22:16moment like
22:17She wants permission to be with someone else and still keep you around and she's gonna manipulate you
22:24And so you say yes, and then you're unhappy. Give me more information about who this person. Okay. His name is Matt
22:29Have you been to his house? No, I haven't. So where do you guys go like after the gym?
22:34Where have you been going with him? Oh
22:37To the cafe that is in front of the gym, it kind of looked like
22:42You know Jasmine was hiding a few things, you know, I don't feel like she's just being very honest
22:48I have I have different things to be honest for me. I have different view for me
22:52I think Gino should do sex with her and Jasmine in one second and Jasmine know like change
22:58Yeah divorce with her. I don't know. Sorry. Are you attracted to this guy? Am I attracted to him?
23:05But I see him as a friend. I'm not in love. Yeah, Jesus. I hope you're not in love. I
23:12Want us to be together I don't want to get divorced
23:15Do you know questioning at that moment was fair enough?
23:18You know asking if I had an emotional connection with Matt and I cannot lie
23:23He was driving me to the gym and driving me from the gym back home
23:28and he was asking like if I needed groceries many time he bought me some vegan food and
23:35he was emotionally and sometimes even financially supporting me in ways that
23:41Didn't want to so how wouldn't I grow a bond with the person that being nothing but supportive?
23:49Maybe please I haven't she's when it hurts me that you're accusing me. All I did was to be honest to you
23:55He's a friend
23:59It takes a lot of courage to come to your partner who's withholding sex from you and say hey
24:04I want to be in an open relationship
24:05I think it takes even more courage to say I want to be in an open relationship
24:09and I have somebody that I'm willing to entertain if you're willing and
24:14I can understand her hurt because she comes from a very vulnerable place in that moment
24:20And she's like look I want this I want this for me
24:24And I want this for us and he's like you're a cheater you cheated on me, and it's like hey I could have
24:30But I'm being vulnerable with you right now, and you're attacking me, and so I can understand how that hurt
24:38Because she's trying to do the right thing and he's not making it easy
24:44Bring back thick Josh
24:47He looked way better without the boy
24:50He got Botox
24:53We don't the whole retreat he had it cuz before he had a cute face
24:57It was a little bit chubby. Yeah, he's like a cheeky cheeky. He looked better before yes
25:06All right, we're now gonna watch some of the trust therapy. This was the icebreaker exercise, okay?
25:13We're gonna get into a trust-building icebreaker
25:16Heidi and I are gonna grab some notebooks pens
25:18And we're gonna talk about writing down things that you trust about your partner
25:24We may not have trust in the big huge things at this moment, but we have trust which is a foundation, right?
25:30So we have the couples come up with something that they trust about each other
25:34The point is is to remind them that it's not all negative
25:38That just because I may not trust you in this one area doesn't mean I don't trust you across the board in other areas
25:44I think when you trust is broken for some people
25:47It's easy to hate them in every components of their life
25:51And it's important to remember that they may be a great father. They might be a really good. You know
25:56worker or you know
25:58Person of support, but at the end of the day they need to see that their significant other likes them or trust them about something else
26:06Rob and Sophie Sophie, let's start with you
26:11Um, I put I trust my partner will look after our son
26:19After our son our dog, oh
26:22All she could think of is that she can trust that I'll take care of the dog. That was already mine
26:26I was offended I was offended because I'm like there's actually a little easy list of things
26:31You could have said one thing that on the baseline level that Sophie could have said is that yeah
26:36I would of course protect her and I will of course pay all the bills and I will of course make sure that she got
26:41Food in her stomach. I wish that she would have gave me credit for one real thing for once
26:47Florian what you put
26:51Everything to be honest if you could give us just one specific give us one detail
26:58There's no come to my mind right now, you know
27:00I think that Florian statement was bull to be honest with you
27:03like you trust every single thing about your person like I find that most couples have little areas in their
27:09Relationships where there are parts that they don't trust. I think that's just a safe answer
27:13And you know what Florian has always been able to get away with this
27:17Stacy's willing to take crumbs from Florian like he just gives a little bit of information and she takes it and builds it into something
27:24bigger than it is and
27:26That's what she's taught him that it's okay to give a little and now you hear her say things like she wants more
27:32But she's willing to take less
27:36One thing you can think of one thing
27:39With everything like we suggest you something I trust her, you know
27:47He's copping out I found it funny
27:51Florian like to pretend like there was no problem. I mean it goes to show and all the therapy sessions
27:57He just kind of sugarcoats everything like everything's okay. Everything's fine. No, it's not that's why we're here
28:03He says he trusts everything with me. Well, okay. Well, then why was he always blowing up my phone?
28:08When we were dating long-distance
28:11Didn't trust me with like dancing with Benny. He doesn't trust me with you know
28:16the credit card
28:18He's always how much you spend where'd you go? He doesn't trust me packing bags packing my suitcases
28:25So, I don't think he's thinking like
28:28up front with everything
28:31Brandon what did you write down? I trust that Julia will do what it takes to see our family prosper. Oh
28:38Look at me. I'm so pretty hair
28:40You trust that she wants the best for your family is best for our family. She's always gonna do that. That's a big one
28:45I see it every day. I love that. What did you write down Julia? I
28:49Don't know. It's probably not so big, but I really trust him driving car
28:54Because I can relax and I can go sleep and I can that's actually huge. There's a big one safety safety
29:01Yeah, I feel safe with him, but he doesn't feel safe with me when I drive
29:08Julia's failed her driving test multiple times. I'm almost killed instructor
29:16We don't have yield in Russia
29:18So and I didn't know what is healed mean? I'm like, okay cream go
29:24And I can't go and she like what?
29:27being in the car with her I
29:29can't relax and like look at some my phone or do anything because I'm like
29:33I'm looking around her to make sure she doesn't hit anything or
29:38It's scary. It really is
29:43Do you know what did you put
29:46I trust that
29:49Jasmine loves me. I
29:54Am so shocked that we didn't stop and talk about this because honestly I find this to be
30:01Ridiculous and I don't believe that he feels loved by Jasmine not with all the words that she says to him
30:07He claims time and time again
30:11The word she says to him is why he can't have sex with her
30:15So that would make this statement false
30:18And I think that he just blew smoke and everyone took it and we moved on
30:23So, you know
30:24I wish that I could go back because I would change that I think that we kind of glossed over it and it needed to
30:30Be addressed because honestly, he's lying to himself if he believes that and I wanted to call on it
30:41All right, lady
30:45Remember when you all did bandage therapy
30:48Yes, you have to create a bandage or a solution to communicate your problems and fix your relationship with your partner
30:54Well, we have a twist on it for a fun new game
30:57One of you will have to bandage the other one up with these toilet paper rolls and whoever does it fastest wins
31:02Like bondage from the top to toes
31:04Bandage from the top to toes as fast as you can
31:12Yeah, I want to win
31:14I'm smaller. So let's get me. All right flow throw those toilet papers over there. I've got you
31:21Take all every test for you generous. Thank you. No, that's why you choose me for open marriage
31:26On your mark get set
31:31Now go go go. Go you start spinning to your right? Oh, yeah, you left
31:50It was a single-ply
31:56Spinning hold on. Don't don't get too crazy now. It's just getting busy. You're my present
32:11Get a little dizzy
32:15Make sure it's nice. Yes. I know I'm gonna be resting like this for thousands of years. Yeah, you're my movie
32:22You're doing a good job. Oh
32:25Move oh, oh, sorry. You can't move though. Oh, you know can move that
32:47We're done
32:53Man I was almost done
33:17Yeah, but I bet ours is way better than whoever the hell won
33:19All right with the time of two minutes and 17 seconds you won
33:31All right
33:32Now we're gonna watch bandages which was the second part of group therapy where you tried to find solutions to communicate and move forward
33:42So what are bandages they cover up wounds they help us heal and that's what this is about
33:49It's a way to establish trust within your relationship and to understand each other more clearly
33:55So if your issue is trust, what's a bandage that we can do to work on trust?
34:01The point of bandages as a tool is really important in helping couples grow
34:06You can't solve every single problem overnight a bandage is just a kind of a quick fix to feel better
34:12So it keeps you coming back keeps you wanting to do counseling or whatever. You're into to heal your relationship
34:19So bandages are good, but they're not long-standing
34:22Josh and Natalie, what'd you write down?
34:29For me to build the trust and
34:32Respect to him just to see how he lives
34:36It's been three years
34:38And I have never ever seen where he lives so for me it's disrespect
34:45What's in his house at this point? Like what's so great that he can't just bring her over for one day
34:49It did kind of start to feel like Josh's house was the new Vinny's social media passwords
34:55Like it felt like that's all naturally wanted to accomplish is just to get to Josh's house
35:00Like that's all that really mattered. I don't think they really cared if they made progress
35:04She just wanted his house. What's keeping us from just saying
35:08Natalie come on over and see my place. Yeah. Well, we've only been getting along for two hours. I
35:18Wonder Josh if she's more respectful and you guys feel like you're respecting each other
35:24Better that that would open the door to access. Absolutely. Okay. Yeah, so one leads into the other for sure. Okay, I
35:32Was traveling to Arizona after we phone for the interview bar and I got to know certain people
35:39from Arizona I
35:41heard some rumors that
35:43Josh has an official girlfriend that live in his house and I saw a picture of the girl and
35:52the girl is a
35:54younger version of Natalie I
35:57May have heard something. Oh my gosh, you heard the same. What did you hear? I heard that Josh has an official girlfriend that lives in
36:03his house and
36:06That she is like
36:08Okay with him, you know having all their relationship
36:12But as far as she is the official one
36:16The only one having access to his family to his house to do his world
36:22and the other ones are
36:25Well, they're not Alice what if he made that part up what if she really just thinks that it's you know
36:30It's just his friend like Natalie's just his friend or something, you know, it'd be nice to find out wouldn't it?
36:45You can move on yeah, of course, you know, I can I want to learn okay, come on, let's go
36:51Are we gonna be able to slide right here? Yeah, come on here. Yeah be here one let's cross
36:59like spin face
37:01And then the lights boom
37:04And then it's light
37:06That's light one
37:14Better dancers than me
37:17Okay, Sophie we're gonna continue with the group therapy and this is Brandon revealing the bandage he needs from Julia
37:25Brandon and Julia, how about you guys?
37:27What did you come up with as your big issue and what's the bandage for you to help, you know, soothe that wound I
37:35Feel lied to and I feel like I need to see something
37:39Something that shows me that she's gonna do something to make me feel better. I
37:44Want Julia to get a second opinion on her fertility issue I
37:50Completely get why Julia has been putting this off
37:52It's it's like I know exactly how she's feeling like just the door of being it's the thought of being told
37:57No, like I remember when I told Rob that I had issues with my ovaries
38:02He wanted me to go and have you know an opinion to see if like I'm still fertile
38:07Everything is still good and I didn't do it
38:09I mean at that point we wasn't ready for kids, but I just the thought of like being told no
38:14I just didn't do it, but I just got checked last month and I'm good
38:20If you won't do this, I will be agreed to the second opinion
38:27Yeah, you're tearing up what's going through your brain
38:33You're so cute
38:34I think that they thought they were coming up with a bandage
38:37But really they came up with a solution. This was like a real
38:41opportunity for other people to see like
38:43Sometimes you just can find a solution and I was thrilled to see this happen
38:48Gino Jasmine, where are you guys with things? Well for me, it's like she's spending nights out and I don't know where she's at
38:56And so the band-aid would be I'd like to know Jasmine's location
39:03Mind was blown if you don't trust somebody enough that you have to get a GPS put on them
39:08Then yeah, I wouldn't trust him and there's no point of being a relationship where you just can't trust somebody to that level
39:13I think he already knows his wife is cheating on him
39:16That that is the stage of like, all right, I'm going to start gathering evidence from my divorce
39:21No, like yeah, I have to I have to get confirmation. I have to get evidence. He's not okay with it
39:26he's never going to be okay with two points if you're not gonna have sex with each other and
39:30You're gonna go hook up with other people just do that
39:32You don't have to be in each other's life unless you want to stay friends and stay
39:35Friends that doesn't mean if you really want to be roommates be roommates
39:38They don't marriage is I ship the marriage is over at that point if that's how it's gonna be. This was absolutely crazy. I
39:46Didn't agree to the open marriage yet. It's something I'm considering right now. Yeah good
39:52Gina is so unpredictable. We were just arguing a few hours ago
39:58You know about it and he was like
40:00They open marriage and shit on me with this guy. There is no way. I'm gonna set this and I was like, okay fine
40:06And now he's like reconsider. It was like wait, wait, wait what it just?
40:11Man at that moment to me like how much this man loved me. I was like
40:15He really loved me. He doesn't want to lose me
40:18Gino if she was to share
40:20Location services would it be more likely that you would be in this open relationship if she was to give you that?
40:29This is a game-changer just or no I
40:35Have to admit I was on the edge of my seat I
40:38Want to know what decision we're gonna make being pulled into this. I'm only human
40:42Where are we going with this the reality is that we're gonna be in this relationship
40:47The reality is
40:49It's bigger than yes or no people. It's bigger than whether you're gonna have an open relationship or not
40:54Clearly, there's so much more work that has to be done
40:57We need to make sure the foundation is solid before we're gonna even entertain any of these ideas
41:03Their foundation is still rocky at best
41:06We need to have more therapy and work before we can introduce the topic because Gino really does want Jasmine to be happy
41:13He wants to meet her needs
41:15It's it was definitely an option but a little crazy that we were trying to make a solid decision
41:21Considering there was still so much work to do
41:25Next time on between the sheets
41:35I think this is exactly the type of stuff Brandon needs to be choosing even if they know a shoe
41:39They like to suck that bill of like oh I can imagine. I don't know
41:44I am
41:47It's like he's not a Peter Pan the guys get to know how old is he?
41:5243 so it was like my dad's age. I know I thought it was 57 cuz like the face isn't giving
42:00Yeah, I did put some more thought into it you see that yes
42:04Don't be so excited. I'm not an expert on open relationships, but I don't think it starts from the two people not having sex
42:12Do I think it's gonna happen no Josh, where are you with things? I do love you, and I do care for you
42:18Oh, he said he loves me Natalie needs somebody a hundred percent all the time
42:23I'm like I hope now this is gonna be okay. How is she gonna act? What's gonna happen?
42:28Is she gonna yell at me? You know I didn't know I was in my head thinking the whole time is this the right decision?