00:00The pastrami truck moved.
00:03That is the danger of a restaurant on wheels.
00:08No, apparently someone complained to the Tenants' Association they're not allowed to park on
00:13our street anymore.
00:15Who would complain about something that everyone loves?
00:18Did you complain to the Tenants' Association about the food truck?
00:24They actually took you seriously?
00:28The Tenants' Association takes every complaint seriously.
00:30Oh, great.
00:31Because I'm about to send them an email complaining about you.
00:38Excuse me?
00:48Someone should have spell checked.
00:51What is going on here?
00:52You're the Tenants' Association?
00:54You should see the look on your face.
00:58You might want to tell your wife that there's no why in pastrami.
01:04So let me get this straight.
01:05You are the president of the Tenants' Association?
01:08President, only member, and harshest critic.
01:11I once gave myself an official reprimand for conducting a meeting in the shower.
01:18The steam warped my gavel.
01:20Okay, so when I got a fine for leaving my clothes in the dryer for too long, that was
01:24from you?
01:26The exact price of a new gavel.
01:31And the noise complaint we got for singing you happy birthday?
01:36As a friend, I was touched.
01:38As a representative of the building, I thought that you should pick a key and stick with
01:43Do you know he is the entire Tenants' Association?
01:47No, but I'm not surprised.
01:50He's also the pope of a planet he invented in hyperspace.
01:53Hey, why didn't you tell me?
01:55I wanted to make sure that you loved the man, not the office.
02:00You can't just declare yourself president.
02:03I didn't.
02:04I called a meeting, I was the only one to attend, I nominated myself, and after a pretty
02:08moving speech, I voted myself in.
02:10Well, if you can vote yourself in, then we can vote you out.
02:16Fine, make a motion at the next meeting.
02:17When is that?
02:19This is the first Saturday of every month.
02:20Unless there's an emergency meeting.
02:22Then we call an emergency meeting.
02:23Well, you really don't have to.
02:24This is the first Saturday of the month.
02:26Okay, fine, then we vote you out.
02:29Hold on, hold on.
02:31First, we have to read the minutes from last month's meeting.
02:35Amy, would you do the honors?
02:37Why not?
02:39Saturday, March 3rd, 7.05, meeting called to order.
02:437.06, president gets shampoo and I.
02:467.07, meeting adjourned.
02:47Okay, can we vote you out now?
02:48Ah, very well.
02:49New business.
02:50I move for a vote of no confidence in the president.
02:52Two to one, you lose.
02:53Not so fast.
02:54I believe we have one tenant here who has not made her voice heard.
02:56We're waiting, fiancé.
02:57Yeah, we're waiting.
02:58I'm just kidding.
02:59I'm kidding.
03:00I'm kidding.
03:01I'm kidding.
03:02I'm kidding.
03:03I'm kidding.
03:04I'm kidding.
03:05I'm kidding.
03:06I'm kidding.
03:07I'm kidding.
03:08I'm kidding.
03:09I'm kidding.
03:10I'm kidding.
03:11I'm kidding.
03:12I'm kidding.
03:13I'm kidding.
03:14I'm kidding.
03:15Yeah, we're waiting, best friend.
03:18Yeah, we're waiting, neighbor who needed a battery and totally got one for me, no strings
03:27I don't want to be in the middle of this.
03:29No matter which way I vote, I'm either a bad friend, a bad fiancé, or an ungrateful recipient
03:34of a battery.
03:37Next time I have a meeting in the shower, you're welcome to attend.
03:40Sheldon for president!
03:41I pick Sheldon!
03:42I pick Sheldon!