Unmasked 2025 S01 E02
01:01On this day I cook young take and
01:04Declaring an all-out war on misinformation. We'll be working with law enforcement to get to the bottom of this vile act of cyberterrorism
01:20What are you doing miss home you want it to take those no, what is this North Korea who's even watching this anyway
01:30Sunny said it's the anniversary of her mom's death. Has anyone seen her yet?
01:34Her mom is dead when that happens song. He's only in our early 20s, sweetie
01:38You type fast and you're great at what you do
01:40But your cheekbones do stick out a bit cuz the enemy tells me you like to pry maybe facial contouring would help
01:46Nope, but chopping off your tongue would oh and about the raunchy video from yesterday. I don't think that was a deep fake
01:50Miss Hong, do you think?
02:00You're a new guy, right? I'm so don't suck. Nice to meet you. Sorry. My hands are sweaty. My name is Hondo
02:09My name is Yun Byung-kun, I'm a producer. I'm your senior so I'd recommend shaking my hand
02:26Hey, what's with the funeral get up you really don't know
02:30They're rounding everyone up because of yesterday's incident president Koo's a natural when it comes to putting out fires like this
02:34If someone told me he majored in media firefighting, I'd believe it
02:43You think president do is dr. Trigger no way man, he might hold a deep grudge against us, but he's still a great leader
02:48I don't know. That would be a pretty shady move on brand though
02:53Maybe we should dig up some dirt on the president title. How many skeletons are in the president's closet?
03:01Messed with a story that will never see the light of day. I mean, let's just take him out and be done with it
03:06I know you're just joking around but that's crossing the line. Someone could hear you you think I'm joking
03:10We've been on trigger for a while. I think I know how to pull off the perfect crime
03:17So, where's miss oh we're supposed to get our story straight, but she's still not here
03:24Dedicate this mass
03:27To the angels whose lives were tragically cut short in a horrific accident 20 years ago today
03:33in loving memory of pop soon John Maria
03:36Kim Yeji Kimura
03:39Chae Yoon
03:40John Harim Shin Yeon-woo
03:43Let's take this time to say a prayer
03:46For these children's lost souls
04:00As always we'll be filming this
04:05Something important must have come up hence the camera, right?
04:09We've gotten to know each other pretty well
04:11So, what do you know
04:14We found her sir found it
04:18Mr. Chess on Oaks his ex-girlfriend
04:29Did you did you really find her we did sir
04:35And as it turns out she's been in the States for 20 years she even changed her name. Oh
04:42Did you get in touch with her yes, well indirectly but still
04:50I'm gonna meet with her
04:51You know tracking down that woman. I'm gonna meet with her
04:55I'm gonna talk to her. I'm gonna talk to her. I'm gonna talk to her
04:59I'm gonna talk to her
05:01I'm gonna talk to her
05:03You know tracking down that woman might be the break that we need if we are ever gonna solve your son's disappearance
05:15My precious
05:21Please ask her where he is and how he's doing
05:27Please ask her for me
05:36I'll do just that
05:39Why'd she bring flowers this place barely gets any light what's the matter?
05:43They're the ray of hope we need in this depressing hole of an office
05:46You would say that you'll eat up anything sodium gives you
05:56Is that nail polish chief come on why are you giving him such a hard time? What's wrong? Well, it's Jim's ears. I
06:06Mean Millennials, too. I guess you wouldn't get it. It's called having a sense of style, right? Hey, man. I wasn't judging
06:12I was just asking a question. I'm not allowed to ask Millennials questions
06:15Now you could have easily said well, that's unique and just played it cool
06:21Anyway here this is for you
06:23They say if you survive three months on trigger, you've basically reached the promised land
06:27But I've been here for three years and I'm still assistant producer. I have a killer story right here
06:31So why isn't anyone interested? No assistant producers the best job here. You don't have a clue
06:37And neither do I so there's this crazy dude who takes these stray cats and then he's
06:43You're not gonna open that
06:45Exciting stuff in there. It's your new ID badge here. Check it out. Oh, wait, you make this yourself
06:52No, right kind of maniac would do that you're in my personal space
07:10Yes, oh hello president, yes, I understand
07:14Did you watch the inauguration? Oh, yes, of course we did. Wow, you were so charismatic you were just
07:22We haven't met since the move
07:24Didn't want to come empty-handed. Oh a son the sunflower, huh? Wow. It's it's it's beautiful, huh?
07:31Miss Sorio instead of thinking of gifts, why don't you try some self-reflection parachuting into a cult's headquarters?
07:36And you dragged along a rookie at his first assignment
07:39If this is about me and my methods that I might have been the right move
07:42That story wouldn't have gotten so far before you raised the same question
07:45I'm not gonna give you the answer. I've already given you my answer. I'm not gonna go back on it
07:49I'm not gonna go back on it. I'm not gonna give you the answer. I'm not gonna give you the answer
07:53I'm not gonna give you the answer. I'm not gonna give you the answer. I'm not gonna give you the answer
07:57Might have been the right move that story wouldn't have gone anywhere if you hadn't done it that being said what were you thinking letting?
08:03A porno leak right before the inauguration it wasn't a porno
08:06It was illegal material, and I should note it might have been a deep fake president
08:10Koo while we're on the subject people from all across the country are flooding our home page now
08:14So if you could send some additional resources still don't get it. Do you your show's at risk of cancellation kiss?
08:21President Koo I mean I just think that canceling our show over one incident might be a bit a bit too harsh
08:27That travel show we canceled had double the ratings of your pitiful show and you scumbags refused to take ads the industry's under strain
08:34But what would you know about that?
08:35I don't care how iconic your show is if you take our reputation and don't bring in money. You're done
08:41You think the president can't do that much
08:44So you want to cancel our show over unverified fake news because we don't bring enough revenue and the public's upset I
08:51Got that right
08:54Uh let me explain sir miss Oh isn't quite seeing the big picture just yet
08:59Sorry on you think you're hot shit because you run a highly acclaimed show we've all been there
09:05Okay, triggers accomplishments are not you're doing you're just riding on the coattails of your senior success
09:11During harder times we managed to run a tight ship and avoid these controversies. I'd say we're doing just as well as our seniors did
09:20Then how would you like to duke it out with one of the big dogs
09:24What you and I will go head-to-head and we'll see who comes out on top if I can catch dr.
09:30Trigger first then that's a wrap on your show and in the unlikely event that it's you cancellation plans will be paused
09:35You'll get a grace period. What do you say?
09:37Please president ku the guys in her department are sleep deprived enough as it is if they have to do this now to hitting
09:43cold feet
09:45Why should we keep you around if you can't even find a petty criminal like this
09:50Challenge accepted
09:55There'll be no exchange of information between us so fair play
10:02What on earth were you thinking taking him up on that I'm gonna investigate the trust on the case while he's busy with dr. Trigger
10:09Chuck are you out of your damn mind? I told you a million times to stop
10:15Look if he manages to get our guy first, then we're totally screwed. Hey
10:19We're going to get him first. You just said you'd work on chasun. Look so then who is we?
10:26Thanks. I'm the chief. What do you think? I'm just farting around with nothing better to do, huh?
10:31No one ever said you'd do it alone
10:33Think about it
10:34The chasun good case is one of the top unsolved cases in Korea not a single shows dared to touch it for two decades
10:40Who stands to gain the most if we manage to hit a home run?
10:44Cancellation they'll beg us for an interview
10:47I'll ride down with you. Oh
10:50Of course, sir. All right
10:52Who took over for the producer who quit over PTSD?
10:58We were actually just talking about that, how about we let that rookie of yours try his hand
11:04Isn't this a new building, uh
11:07It's the rookie you're referring to. Mr. Han. I've talked to him. He's one smart fella great credentials
11:12Yeah, but still I'm not sure somebody so new should be the show's about to get canceled. So why not take a few risks?
11:18Why don't we start by addressing some outdated rules? We've got an experienced AP Kangi ho, but our company as we know
11:25Historically hasn't allowed contractors to leave. That's right
11:32Okay, why don't you send over the guys portfolio
11:44Do people ever say you remind them of a cat your energy is very feline
11:51Mr. Han
11:53Look people in the eye when they talk to you. I kind of prefer not to
12:00I'm gonna be straight with you. Do you think you're an apple hire?
12:07I'm not accusing you of anything
12:09Because we're in this together if you don't want to answer the question
12:13Then you can choose to remain silent. I don't know
12:17Not sure this counts
12:19Mr. Sonny one did have a hand in getting this signed here
12:25But wouldn't a nepo hire be given a higher position to me this feels like I
12:32Couldn't be any farther down
12:54Listen up
12:56This team doesn't bring in money like soap operas our pride and principles don't allow us to run ads and that for the past 10 years
13:04Has made us the viewers number one most trusted show of all the investigative shows on the air our ratings are the highest
13:12Where this company's household program?
13:17You got it
13:19I'm sure James song. Mr. Ivy League managed to pull some strings landing you a decent enough guy, but a terrible
13:27right here
13:29our new guy
13:31Our nepo hire
13:33Okay, now that's cleared up
13:36This is for you
13:38Okay, chief. It's home. I'm eating
13:43What was that who won that fight I'm confused it was P guy for sure
13:47He definitely just pissed his pants. No way someone peed in the office
13:54Are you shitting me? Why would you wait so long to tell me he's a peabody haven't fact-checked nor confirmed that
14:00But I heard it from our very own G every word-of-mouth story is a mixture of both fact and fiction Peter not
14:06He must have done something or we wouldn't be talking about this
14:08Oh, no, just imagine him getting upset at you. Then one day he comes in and he's peed all over your plants, huh?
14:14You think only mr. Sohn wants to mess with us or president coups. Well, whoever it was the sent this guy over
14:20It was a pretty lame attempt at sabotage. You know what happens when you trust a young soldier with a bomb
14:25They blow up the wrong thing and then hide the guy's quaking in his boots
14:29So don't let some P bomb scare you know how it is. People are crazy these days
14:33They'll gun you down over even the tiniest insult. You should keep your guard up miss home
14:38And I think you should be a little less paranoid chief. You're too much
14:44Huh, just thinking about her subtly obnoxious nipple higher
14:49It gets more interesting
14:51The more I watch him any updates here from the writer
14:58Is this like a new trend or something quitting over text so freaking it's not in it anymore in which case it's better
15:05They leave sooner rather than later. Oh, come on. It was 10 days. That's it. It was only 10 days for
15:10Have you watched our show?
15:17Corpses killings
15:19I'm honestly not a huge fan of gratuitous violence in the media gratuitous
15:25The stories that we cover aren't works of fiction. I'm not a huge fan of downplaying real-world pain and tragedy
15:31You might be a nebo hire
15:33But this is an actual job. Okay?
15:35Whatever the real reason you ended up on this team
15:39It's high time that you did some work. Come on
15:42Here's where we keep the files and footage used for every single episode of our show from the pilot onward
15:50The secret to investigative journalism you need to pick a good story
15:53Once you've gone through all this material the makings of a good scoop will be ingrained in your head
15:57So I want you to review everything down here and a good story. Is that right?
16:01That's a job for the grown-ups here. But with you
16:04We're building your instincts so that one day you pick out the good stories
16:08I want you to review and reclassify every single case down here separating the open from the closed ones
16:13Determine which cases are worth a follow-up write a report and give it to me by tomorrow
16:19So it's just this
16:22Just this it's a little more than just filing next
16:34Here is a safe where we store records from the best trigger episodes we've aired it's valuable evidence and often used in court
16:41Miss Hong is the only one of us here with the keys. So
16:46So you
16:48Want me to do this all?
16:51By tomorrow no photos no scanning and taking the materials off the premises is strictly forbidden
16:58You got this
17:37Anything else I should know almost uncanny. Oh, yep. I'm ready
17:42But can I ask what do you need my portfolio for? Oh, you know just reorganizing after this new hire
17:47Don't get ahead of yourself. Hey, no one's getting ahead of anyone
17:54Another thing Kange how chief mentioned you'd come across a pretty good story
17:59Why don't you write us a pitch? Well
18:02Wait a second. So are you for real? Hmm? I wouldn't read into it too much. Just write the pitch. Don't get ahead of yourself
18:08It's just sorry. Give me a sec. Oh
18:11Can you hear my heart beating?
18:17I'm on it. Ah, yeah. Well, at least he's excited
18:47Sorry, oh, it's not we're having an affair. Do we really need to meet in the secret place like this?
18:52I hope it's not cuz you're ashamed of me there. Why would you say that? Why would I say that?
18:57I'm madly in love with you. Come on
19:02Where's the ring you're not wearing
19:05You're not wearing your ring
19:06Still no answer not gonna lie. I'm a little heartbroken
19:12You know what just forget it I can tell what I'm being rejected so just just keep that thing
19:18It's not like I'll ever wear
19:23All right, I'm off put it on me
19:31You serious
20:38Have a nice day
21:10My you think you're cute come here you
21:17What are you doing here, huh
21:22You stay there
22:18I'm telling you you have the wrong guy here. I'm telling you. I caught this prick red-handed in the act of cat meowder
22:23Hey, stop calling me a prick. Okay, no one deserves it more than a prick like you pretty. Okay guys, let's all calm down
22:28So you're trying to tell me you weren't using this to hurt the cat?
22:32Okay, listen to me. There was twine wrapped around its neck and I was gonna use this to cut
22:38You heard him Wow, you really just gave yourself away, huh?
22:41I got you on camera following the cat all the way from the store. What now?
22:47Got this from doing something seriously lots of violent psychopaths have fingers just like that. Oh, I'm gonna just ignore this jackass
22:53Did you call me? I'll show you check
22:56Officer this is a dereliction of duty a total violation of my human rights. I mean, what about innocent until proven guilty?
23:01I'm telling you officer. I'm an innocent man. Are you employed? Obviously not look at him here happy now lunatic
23:16Technology something, huh
23:18Seems we've got an identity. That's where before just stop
23:21Dereliction of duty, huh? Don't underestimate the Korean police
23:25All right, then
23:26Call someone who can vouch for you. Yeah, call Jesus Christ. I did nothing wrong. Why do you have a problem with it?
23:31You can stay here overnight
23:39Sir you can't throw up in here. Okay. Okay. Oh
23:54You again really you're gonna cause an accident, you know
24:02My cat
24:06Asked you to find my cat Jesus that wasn't even your cat. It was just a stray cat. It didn't belong to you. It's my cat
24:17Hey, cut it out, come on, okay, this is my
24:22Hey, let go Jesus, come on, it's cold out just hurry up and get on home. Okay, it's freezing
24:51Hey, are you the host from trigger? That's me. No freaking way. I'm a huge fan of your like your biggest fan
24:57I watch every episode that's ever aired. This is incredible. Appreciate that
25:05Okay, um, yeah, so this brick I mean this TV producer
25:15You feel wrong
25:16To be fair judging by the footage
25:18They had every reason to suspect you if you're gonna feed stray cats do it out in the open be proud of it
25:24You don't seem to care what people think. Anyway, I just want to live a long quiet life. Okay, I'm not trying to do good deeds
25:30But anyway, thank you, I'll pay you back somehow no need for that
25:34I'll be there whether it's the tenth or the hundredth time
25:39That is in the job description after all
25:45I'm starting to like you. Mr. Han
25:55Think of sunflowers pretty right
26:12Exquisite flowers bloom from their center, but still they pretend to have thorns
26:16You're a little like that so prickly with everyone it's almost like you want to get hurt
26:21The point is I don't care if you peep on someone or we're an epo hire
26:26Let's be a team
26:30I'm not pretending. I've been screwed over so many times that I have trouble trusting people. I find out don't trust people actually
26:41So do me a favor and warn me before you get all soft like that because if you keep that up
26:45I might start trusting again
27:36That's cute
28:24Hakuna Matata
28:40My god this time it was a mother and a kitten and they sewed their eyes shut
28:45What's happening in this country? Why won't they do something about the mentally ill?
28:50Don't you think we should call the cops
29:18Anyone calling a cat related incident, are you just barging in here and asking questions that cat yesterday?
29:24It's been murdered they found its body next to its mother. We've gotten reports chopped-up cats have been turning up around the neighborhood
29:33Hear your cats been killed understood. What do you want us to do? What do you mean?
29:37People can't just do that to an animal. All right. You see what we're dealing with over here
29:42I understand that you're an animal lover, but unless it's a mass killing situation a few animal deaths don't matter
29:48I mean, it's not as though you saw the perpetrator
29:50You think the psycho who killed these animals doesn't have it in him to kill a human, huh?
30:20Jesus how long was that? You're back from the States. Wake up get it together. I didn't go to the States
30:26It's only been a day. Oh
30:28Really? Oh
30:29Man, you threw me off. Oh
30:36Well, I was researching I logged on to the dark web
30:39And it's scary out there like animal abuse forums one look and you'll lose faith in humanity
30:44People can be straight-up evil. This is it here. Yeah that one. That's not it
30:54This your way of getting back at them for yesterday, are you collaborating with Geho I
31:00Didn't ask you to write a pitch for this story
31:02What do you mean collaborating the cat from yesterday and its mother was killed?
31:07They were both viciously slaughtered and left out on the street
31:10Whoever did this they're not even hey, what do you mean?
31:13Are you talking about that cat story from the internet? The police don't care because they're just cats
31:18This psycho needs to be exposed and it's our responsibility to do it on the show
31:23Hey, wait
31:24Did you?
31:26read my pitch
31:28Today what look it's almost identical to mine. I'm not a mind reader. How would I possibly know what's in your pitch?
31:34Whatever man, just come out in a minute if you copied it, but I didn't copy you must have what's wrong with you
31:39You still have what are you talking about? Your proposal is exactly why do you keep putting your feet up all my chair?
31:45Completely insane calm it down. Okay, what a lively crew we've got and it's still only morning
31:53Conference room now
31:57All right, so about mr. Han story
32:03These cats are getting killed left and right
32:06But the perpetrator is hard to catch and it's unclear how he'd be charged
32:09So the cops aren't doing anything if we could unmask the killer live it'll get tons of attention
32:14And I'm guessing they'd stop for fear of getting doxxed
32:20Mr. Han may seem agitated. He was framed as a cat killer last night. I'm not agitated
32:24I'm outraged and not because I got framed as the killer
32:27This is my brains natural response after seeing the sick and terrible things done to those poor cats putting all of that aside
32:33This talk of unmasking the killer. That's absolutely not what we do here. I like it. I
32:39Gotta say it's more topical than a 20 year old missing persons case. Give it a go
32:44Come on now, sir
32:45Lower your voice
32:47I'm not one of your underlings
32:54Triggers internal policy is that we put aside hierarchy when it comes to debating what we cover
33:00Now once have we ever chosen a story just because a higher-up told us to I don't know how it was in the newsroom
33:06Though excuse me, sir
33:09This is a proposal I wrote please have a look honky-tonk. Oh, mr. Kong. Why are you handing me this? Uh, so the
33:19Yeah, the cat incident. I was actually on that story first if you look at my proposal together
33:25Use your AP chops to help. Mr. Han with his segment, sir. You're an assistant producer. No bold move listing these credentials
33:34We don't exactly require degree from the top schools, but we do have some standards and here you are listing a college
33:42I've never heard of
33:49Sir I assumed you of all people would give respect to my staff, but apparently I was wrong. I won't stand for this
33:58I've taped our conversation from yesterday. So if you keep this up, I'll go public about the cancellation
34:04About everything we discussed and let the police handle. Dr. Trigger. That seems like a much simpler solution
34:23Cancellation did I hear that which is
34:33Hi, sir, how are we doing? I suggest you keep your staff in line. I
34:46Truly had no idea. I don't even really care about this stuff. I just wanted to catch the killer. That's even worse
34:53My dream is to produce my own stories
34:57What you just said makes it even more humiliating and hurtful
35:01At least pretend you want this job
35:22Do you think I'm stupid to
35:25Never ever take my calls to you. I
35:27Just climbed nine flights of stairs. I
35:30Couldn't talk on the phone. Why did you just take the elevator?
35:50Are you done crying? I'm not even halfway done. Have you considered grad school? I
35:57I could probably help you with some of the tuition
36:03We're supposed to be in the AI brave new world by now and this place is stuck in the past
36:10All style and no substance. It's no wonder everybody's always trash-talking the media
36:17So are we gonna get canceled
36:26Guy Han first you reminded me of a cat, you know what I mean? Cuz he's petty and feline
36:30But turns out he's a cold-hearted snake and you seriously gave up your big America trip for that
36:36Are you crazy?
36:37Why would I give up on Cha Song Luke because of hot then why stay?
36:43My Cha Song Luke contact got in touch
36:52Got Hans call soon after that
36:55Hey, mr. Han
36:58Whoa, you mean Joey one the the woman who used to go out with Cha Song?
37:04That's crazy
37:06I'm gonna hit this out of the park
37:10No one's canceling trigger
37:13Don't sweat it. Okay, you're sparkling pretty little thing. Don't let the school stuff get you down
37:19Believe me. I don't want it to
37:22And it's a misunderstanding the Hondo thing he's not the kind of guy who'd steal someone's work whoa, hold on a minute
37:30How are you?
37:31Are you seriously siding with him now?
37:34And I feel like I'm totally alone in this. I mean how
37:37You've only known the guy for a few days. Are you kidding me?
37:40How can you be so fickle with your love my what that's dramatic?
37:44Well, you know what hang on stop stop, I want you to tell me here now do you choose me or that snake?
37:50Snake cat hurry up and choose already. Aren't you cold? I'm going in. Oh
37:54You'll catch a cold out here. Wait, hold on. Wait, come on, please. Wait, wait, please you can just choose me
38:05How's your arm doing let's find out
38:08Have you gotten any new footage since yesterday so you saw that thing this morning, huh, man, whoever did that's a real freak
38:15So since we parted ways, did you notice anyone suspicious hanging around if I had I would have reported it myself
38:22How are we gonna find this to go?
38:24I'm giving you my contact info if you catch anything on video or see something suspicious call and let us know
38:29Wait a minute. Does you giving me your contact info? I mean that triggers covering the story. Hell yeah. Oh, so do you let's freaking go
38:36All right
38:37Man with you on it the animal killers cooked aren't they? I mean, it's only a matter of time now, you know, dude
38:42It's not like triggers the actual police
38:45You're a horrible judge of character. Maybe work on that
38:52One dough that's his email more like one don't man that guy's a jerk
38:59The slipped-up dogs of war return I think we're more like freedom fighters
39:04Did he leave he's out working on that story that just got confirmed
39:08The snake went scurrying off like a rat and I'm asking you for God's sake call me when mr. Sohn comes in. Okay
39:14You and that temper of yours always end up escalating him in minor issues
39:19Excuse me, can I get hundo's number? He's been here long enough. Why doesn't he have a business card?
39:24The company's really slacking off. All right. Why do you want Hans number? I'm trying to do some work here. You know, mr
39:31Sohn told me to help him on this project. Remember where this energy you could be chief one day. Yeah
39:37Yeah, we need to talk
39:40So I just got word they've got their own dr. Trigger task force president who's overseeing it according to my source
39:47He's already got some security camera footage the edit Bay in our building didn't have CCTV though
39:52But they're saying it's from a camera in the hallway
39:55It's got a month's storage on it. Every team member walked down that hall that won't narrow it down. Well think again
40:01They spotted an outsider someone who wasn't supposed to be there was caught on tape
40:05Anyway, they're thinking there's a high probability that this outsider's dr. Trigger
40:10Things are getting pretty dicey for us
40:13With this close to being taken off the air
40:23Hey, I
40:27Wasn't trying to eavesdrop or anything
40:31But there's actually this one old guy in the area
40:34They they call him crazy garbage man, anyway a friend of mine said
40:41That they saw the old guy burning some dead cats dead cats, yeah
40:48I've got it on video
41:01Do you know where this guy lives
41:03The area is condemned. So everyone else left and his house is the only one standing
41:33Yo, it's me conky. Oh, what were you thinking rushing off by yourself? I
41:39Had to I got a tip from the convenience store. What you you what? I'm actually at the suspects house right now
41:46In a sec, I'm gonna send my sources contacts so you can set up an interview what help
42:53We've got the staff writer candidate here
42:55Cancellation or not. We've got tons of work. We do need to hire. So if you're busy, I'll handle it. No, I'll come miss Hong
43:03About the cancellation. I'm sorry. I couldn't tell I don't need to know don't worry about it
43:12Man that's so weird
43:14So weird, what's so weird?
43:17That was hundo on the phone. He said he met a source for the cat thing and asked me to set up an interview a source
43:22He's already found a source. Where was this at the convenience store? I think what else?
43:27Well the number that mr. Hondo gave me isn't in service anymore
43:32Sure, you didn't write it down. Are you coming or not coming try checking it again? Okay
43:38So weird
44:31Chief can I steal it? What is it? I'm sorry. This is urgent miss Oh
44:37Hundo's missing he went off the grid calls were going through earlier before you got here
44:41But now it goes straight to voicemail. Do you think something happened to him?
44:44Did you double-check the number call him again? It still says it's out of service
44:53What if the person he found really was the cat killer head and he wound up inside the killer's house?
44:58Yeah, I'm gonna call the police and check things out on the scene you call hundo's family, okay
45:05Breaking into a stranger's home
45:07And then relieving himself. Those are some bad manners. I heard the cats meowing and
45:14the door was open, so
45:35What are you doing
45:43Hey, don't paint my finger. Oh, seriously don't
45:47What do you I need to stay clean and well can as a member of society? That's how people who respect you
45:58If that's the case, why do you live like this? Well, I'm a lost cause
46:03Because of the way I look
46:05Even the police won't listen to me. Well, there you go. If you really want to help the cats take care of
46:11If you keep this up, no one will want anything to do with you
46:14I'm not just talking about the police you came to me didn't you that's good enough for me. I
46:21Said by looking on as those poor things were murdered one after the other I
46:27Couldn't stand it any longer. So I decided to bring these fellows on home with me. I
46:34Leashed them with a bit of plastic twine. Some of them got away though
46:41Heaven help the monster behind this. How could they do something so heinous to these little angels? I
46:50Could say the same about what you did
46:53Why'd you burn them Jesus I was told the law says
46:58Dead animals are disposed of in simple garbage bags. I couldn't how could I do that to their poor suffering souls?
47:06I knew I had to cremate them so they could move on to a better place
47:13Hang on how do you know about that?
47:17Apparently a student saw you do it
47:19And they say that it terrified her to death
47:22That kid was making up stories
48:09Hey grandpa, how'd you like to die with your little friend you'd like that
48:42Saw the cat murder. I know who it is. I should have dealt with him then and there
49:05How did you how do you think by scouring all CCTV footage leading here starting with the convenience store
49:36I'm sorry. I don't think I've ever been this embarrassed in my entire life. I
49:45You know what never mind
49:47I'm sorry about all this. Oh, we gotta catch that kid who lied to me. Who's we who'll do the catching after hearing this guy's story
49:54I'm thinking that kid fed me wrong info. And what if he's a perp? Are you gonna defecate on his house?
50:00Your response is really something that's so
50:03That's a low blow mocking me for right stop
50:11No way
50:13You went in there without a camera
50:16You recorded nothing
50:25Amateur mistake these kids are lying to you cuz they know they'll get away with it
50:31Hey, hey man, are you okay? Are you you're not injured are you? Oh, man, I was like
50:38So worried your body would turn up tomorrow all chopped up
50:41What's with the pants man?
50:43Huh, I don't care what son said
50:46You're not leadership material yet. We'll pick someone once we see how this turns out
50:51effective immediately
50:53The two of you will work together in the same role
50:56Listen to me, hon. Our team has to operate as a unit
50:59So don't go try and be a hero and from now on kongi hose your new best friend
51:04His life is yours and your life is his
51:06If you don't like it
51:08Go back to where you came from
51:19Yeah, don't sounds like he agreed to it, right
51:25I'll go have a talk with the old guy
51:28Take care of him taking care of people's what I do best
51:31We're gonna have our meeting back at the office. Hey, let's go
52:00Live in apartment 106. Can you help me out? My back is a little heavy
52:27Come on we had a one-night stand. Well, you think we're a couple now what?
52:33Recorded it. Are you freaking insane?
53:14I went to that store and they said that you already took the footage. Yeah, we got the guy's face on tape
53:35Whoa don't press that don't