(Adnkronos) - In Italia le malattie cardiovascolari sono veri e propri killer silenziosi: 224 mila decessi all’anno, circa 600 al giorno. Attraverso la diffusione della conoscenza dei rischi, un’adeguata prevenzione e con il prezioso contributo della ricerca scientifica, molte vite possono essere salvate. Se ne è parlato all’evento dedicato ai cardiologi ‘Voices for Silencing’, organizzato da Novartis a Milano, il 7-8 marzo.
00:00224,000 deaths per year, about 600 per day. In Italy, cardiovascular diseases are real
00:11and their own silent killers. Through the dissemination of knowledge of risks and adequate
00:15prevention, many lives could be saved. This and much more was discussed at the event
00:21dedicated to cardiologists, Voices for Silencing, organized by Novartis San Milano on March 7 and 8.
00:28Education, education, education, at all levels, starting from schools, that is, even children
00:36from the beginning must be educated to this concept of being responsible for their own health.
00:44The Italian Foundation for the Heart has as its mission to educate civil society,
00:54precisely to try, as far as possible, that people become patients as late as possible.
01:02Cardiovascular diseases are the first cause of death, hospitalization and disability,
01:08with a huge social impact on the national health system.
01:12Two years ago, at the beginning of the legislature, we opened the Intergroup, with the intention
01:17to emphasize more and more the needs of patients.
01:22The main goal of the Intergroup is to ask and emphasize the request to the Ministry of Health
01:27of a practical table in which we talk about cardiovascular diseases on a national level.
01:32The contribution of scientific research is essential to identify the risk factors
01:37that contribute to cardiovascular pathologies.
01:40In the cardiovascular area, our contribution in the research of those cardiovascular risk factors
01:48contributes to the pathologies that today represent one of the main causes of death and morbidity.
01:56And also thanks to new discoveries, such as the high levels of lipoprotein A,
02:03the identification of new risk factors that somehow contribute to the genesis of these cardiovascular pathologies.