• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Oltre un milione di pazienti in Italia sono ad alto rischio cardiovascolare e in 8 casi su 10, non raggiungono gli obiettivi di sicurezza in base alle linee guida internazionali. Per gli esperti è necessario attenzionare soprattutto i pazienti ad alto rischio non ancora colpiti da evento cardiovascolare acuto e facilitare l’accesso a terapie innovative per contenere il rischio lipidico. Della gestione del paziente cardiovascolare e di molto altro hanno parlato i cardiologi protagonisti dell'evento ‘Voices for Silencing’, organizzato da Novartis a Milano, il 7-8 marzo.


00:00There are more than a million patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease in Italy.
00:098 out of 10 do not meet safety goals based on international guidelines.
00:14Cardiologists who participated in the Voices for Silencing event,
00:19organized by Novartis San Milano, spoke about the management of the cardiovascular patient.
00:26There is a very large population that is at very high risk and has never suffered an acute cardiovascular event.
00:34The challenge for tomorrow's and today's prevention is to intervene on this pool of subjects.
00:42And we must and we can treat these patients at the best possible rate for the containment of the lipid risk and not only.
00:52And obviously this is for our activity as cardiologists,
00:58the topic that today has become central, I would say, for the future cardiovascular prevention strategy.
01:06It is necessary to spread to 360 degrees the culture of prevention of cardiovascular diseases,
01:12responsible every year in Italy of more than 224,000 deaths.
01:17As for the tools that we can use, obviously there are classic tools,
01:26which are those of meetings, ECMs, in which to discuss what are the indications of the guidelines
01:32and above all to give operational flowcharts on how to implement these guidelines.
01:38But there are also a whole series of other possible tools.
01:42The audits, which have given us great satisfaction, such as AMCO, observational research.
01:48And then, certainly, there are new technologies, for example, apps that can give alerts
01:56both to cardiologists, to doctors, to patients on the non-reaching of the target
02:02and on the measures that can be taken to instead try to reach them.
02:07There is still a gap between the recommendations of the guidelines and the real management of patients.
02:12What needs to be updated is the possibility for doctors to reach the goals.
02:16And this can be done in two ways, essentially.
02:19One with an important education, which is often missing, especially in colleagues of general medicine,
02:25but also in specialties, this must be recognized, but also the regulatory framework.
02:31Many of the limits of our ability to reach these therapeutic goals are linked to the prescribability of drugs,
02:38especially innovative drugs.
02:40There are reasons for this, of course, but these reasons must not exceed the interest of the patient.
02:46So it is very important that there is a continuous dialogue with authorities
02:50to try to make it possible to access these innovative drugs to reach the therapeutic goals
02:56and this will facilitate the achievement of the therapeutic goals.
02:59In cardiovascular diseases, prevention remains an essential starting point.
03:04Today we have available diagnostic tests that can certainly help to prevent and recognize the risk of cardiovascular disease.
03:17The dialogue between doctor and patient is essential.
03:22It is a huge value to help the patient to be adherent to therapy,
03:29to follow and recognize the symptoms, to recognize even when there are acute phases,
03:34so you have to go to the emergency room.
