I tried McDonald's limited edition Shamrock Shake available in the UK for the 1st time ever
00:00hi guys my name is Jack Marshall I'm a digital food and drink reporter and I'm
00:05just out to try something very new today McDonald's announced yesterday the very
00:10exciting news that their shamrock shake will finally be available in UK stores
00:14now so far this thing's only been available in the US they kind of release
00:18it around st. Patrick's Day so they've obviously decided to do the same thing
00:21in the UK this time I'm gonna go down to my local Mackey's grab a grab a shake
00:25for the first time try it out see what I reckon of it so let's go down to the
00:29local Mackey's and grab one hi guys so joining you from the very glamorous
00:33location of my car in the car park outside my local Mackey's I've got
00:39myself a shamrock shake as you can see very luminescent mint green in color
00:46yeah it's the first time this is available in the UK it's quite famous in
00:50America they kind of take over every time they're there people go crazy for
00:54them people just love them it's kind of like one of the signs of the impending
00:59arrival of st. Paddy's Day obviously st. Patrick's Day coming on Monday the 17th
01:03so they're now here in the UK as well we're following America's footsteps so
01:07yeah I'm gonna have a bash see what it's like right so my first kind of reactions
01:13smell wise is it does smell quite minty I don't really know what the vibe of
01:16this is gonna be like because in my mind like a mint milkshake it could be one of
01:21two things it could go the flavor of like mint chocolate chip ice cream which
01:25I quite like or it could taste like an ice cream made of Colgate which doesn't
01:30sound as appealing so yeah keen to see which kind of side of the fence this
01:33lands on knowing McDonald's and the sugar content in their kind of food I'm
01:36leaning more towards a mint chocolate chip ice cream so let's give it a chance
01:43surprisingly that's more Colgate than I thought it would be yeah that's very
01:51minty I think with something like this you want it to be more actually it's
01:57quite after 80 it's coming through it's not as powerful as you want it as you
02:00thought it would be at the start it kind of hits a palate hard it's quite a
02:03sharp mint taste yeah the mint the mint doesn't really linger very much it's a
02:15bit like an after eight but without the balance of like the after eight dark
02:18chocolate so yeah I'm not sure about that yeah I had a similar reaction with
02:26the grimace shake which is like berries flavor it was alright it's just it's
02:31very artificial this one's the same I mean anything which has that kind of
02:35color is never gonna taste like something natural and from the forest is
02:40it so yeah it's a strong mint taste but I think on the grand scale of mintiness
02:45it's leaning more towards Colgate rather than you know natural peppermint
02:51kind of thing so yeah you'll have to grab yourself a shamrock shake see what
02:55you make of it yourself I'm not convinced by that I'm a little
02:58underwhelmed as well shamrock shake gets so much hype that I thought it was gonna
03:01be a bit more hard-hitting in terms of being like wow that's actually something
03:06really different it just tastes a lot like toothpaste so yeah maybe it's me
03:11let us know if you've had a shamrock shake let us know if you love shamrock
03:14shakes let us know if you'd rather eat a tube of toothpaste instead
03:19but yeah thanks for watching guys cheers