00:00What was your takeaway from Celtics Lakers on the floor not just the the ratings which were massive and not just again
00:06You know the Celtics mostly at full strength getting back holiday not having poor Zingas
00:10What was your takeaway about the matchup Tatum and Brown looks so much more comfortable in these big games and
00:16Even Friday night against the Cavs when they lost they combined for 83 points
00:20It certainly wasn't their fault that it happened and then against the Lakers
00:23I mean they I forget I wrote it in my article. I forget the number off the top my head
00:27I think it was 34 of the 40 makes the Celtics adverse scored or assisted by Jason Tatum or Jalen Brown
00:33They had a they had a hand in almost every bucket. It was it was striking watching Luca, too
00:38I heard our can't talking about this last night
00:39It was pretty funny where I mean Luca not only had the heating pack on his back where he was like constantly
00:47Looking like he's 50 years old, but it was like only on defense which made him look extra pathetic
00:52He would like
00:52hobble around on defense and not be able to move and then he get the basketball and he'd like click in and be like
00:56Fine, I think that's striking when you watch Tatum and Brown versus LeBron out of the game
01:01And then Luca hobbling around and you go, okay. I mean, this is a team in their prime. So it was 34 or 40
01:08That's 85% which is just insane and another thing about that too. Like you said the defense
01:14Both Jason Tatum and Jalen Brown play
01:16Extraordinary individual defense like what he did to Jalen on Luca exactly. Oh, yeah credible
01:21I mean
01:21He just bothers him so much and it wears Lucas so much out so much on the he wears himself out so much on the
01:27Offensive side it hurts their defense, which we saw the entire NBA Finals run
01:31So I think games like that, especially with their defense
01:34It really highlights how good they are as two-way players because when they're putting up, you know, these big scoring nights
01:40It's easy to overlook their defense but night in and night out
01:43they bring it defensively and Joe Missoula gives them a ton of credit for that because
01:47The Celtics want to pride themselves on the defensive end and when your two best players are doing that it's kind of easy to follow