Short filmTranscript
05:09Just the man I want to see.
05:12Dick, I want you to meet Mr. Vance
05:14of the Consolidated Steamship Alliance.
05:16Mr. Tracy, Mr. Vance.
05:18How do you do?
05:19How do you do, sir?
05:20I'm Captain Bullock of the Steamship Atlantis.
05:22Hello, Tracy.
05:23Captain, what's the trouble, Clive?
05:25A million dollars in gold has disappeared from the Atlantis.
05:30That's what we'd like to know.
05:31The gold was in a special compartment
05:33that was locked and sealed
05:35from the time the Atlantis left the other side
05:37until she docked here.
05:38When we went to open the compartment,
05:40the seal was just as we left it, but the gold was gone.
05:43You searched the ship?
05:44From stem to stern.
05:45And all luggage before it was allowed ashore.
05:47Is the Atlantis still in port?
05:49We had a slight accident at sea.
05:50A fishing smack rammed us.
05:52It's a matter of routine.
05:53We're having the plates examined
05:55in case any need repairing.
05:56Well, I'd like to go aboard and look the vessel over.
05:59I'll notify the yard superintendent
06:01to be at your service.
06:03Captain, did anything unusual occur during the trip?
06:07A seaman was lost overboard.
06:09At first, we thought it was an accident.
06:11But later, we found this in his locker.
06:16Remember, others will be watching
06:18to make sure that you obey instructions.
06:20This is no packer's job, Clive.
06:23In fact, it's big enough and clever enough
06:25to make me think...
06:27A spider ring?
06:29What are you going to do?
06:30Make sure of the handwriting on this note first.
06:34Well, good day, gentlemen.
06:37What'd you find out about the note?
06:40Well, the handwriting does check with other notes.
06:44Then it is from the spider ring.
07:07It's handwriting, Gwen.
07:09Gordon could have written that note.
07:11How is that possible?
07:12Gordon couldn't be the spider.
07:15Why, the spider ring was operating
07:17before Gordon disappeared.
07:19That's right.
07:20For the moment, I...
07:21Hello, folks.
07:22I just heard about the missing gold shipment.
07:24Dick had hurried right over.
07:25What's the note?
07:26Well, I'm going down to the dock
07:27to look over the ship.
07:28You'd better stick around here.
07:30Well, thank you.
07:31I'll see you later.
07:36Say, Chief, you'd better take me with you.
07:38I'm a human bloodhound
07:39when it comes to getting gold.
07:41All right, Mike.
07:43Oh, Gwen, you'd better file this away with the rest of them.
07:46You'd better go get your hat on.
07:48Hurry up, now.
07:49Come on.
08:05Moloch, let Gordon in.
08:07We've been waiting for you.
08:22Everything is ready?
08:23Here's the working diagram of the Atlantis.
08:27This is where our ship rammed her.
08:30That accident was a very brilliant inspiration.
08:37Here, near the bow, where we can get to it when we are ready.
09:00Where can I find the superintendent?
09:02I'm the superintendent.
09:03Oh, Mr. Stevens.
09:04My name is Dick Tracy.
09:05Oh, yes.
09:06Mr. Vance told me you'd be here.
09:08What can I do for you?
09:09Well, I'd like to have a little look around, if you don't mind.
09:11Why, sure.
09:12Come along.
09:16Junior, you know, in some localities, I'm known as Not Time McGirt.
09:21Really, I'm one of the finest rope tires that you've ever seen.
09:25Have you found any damage?
09:27One plate seems to have been sprung a bit.
09:29I'll show you.
09:31Could it have been done deliberately?
09:35But I don't see what good that would have done anybody.
09:38Where was she hit?
09:39Just aft of a midship's.
09:42Here's the plate that was sprung.
09:48There I go, spilling ink all over again.
09:52I guess I'll have to get a new pen.
09:54Here, take mine.
09:55Oh, thank you.
09:58Now, here's where she got rammed.
10:03And there's where the gold compartment is.
10:06Quite a distance apart, you see.
10:09Have you fixed the plate yet?
10:11No, the riveting crew will take charge of that when they get here.
10:14Want me to show you the ship before I go?
10:17Before you go?
10:18Yes, my foreman Clancy bosses the riveters.
10:21Come along.
10:32It is solid.
10:33There's nothing wrong with it.
10:34I've tried it in Indochina.
10:35What's the gag, Mike?
10:36Oh, I was just showing Junior a little rope trick I had here.
10:39High class.
10:41Now, you take the two ends, see, and you put one on each wrist like this.
10:44Now, pull them tight.
10:45That's it.
10:46Pull them good and tight.
10:52Dick Treacher, the G-man, just came aboard.
10:54He's making a complete inspection of the ship.
10:56Better notify the lanewords.
11:05Calling to location seven.
11:06Calling to location seven.
11:08Calling to location seven.
11:11Location seven answering.
11:12Stand by.
11:20I'll take it.
11:33Go ahead.
11:34Dick Treacher just came aboard.
11:36He's making a complete inspection of the boat.
11:38I'm leaving at once for the dry dock.
11:47Want me to cut it?
11:49Oh, you don't think I can get out of it, huh?
11:51Give me what's sailed the eleven seas.
11:54I'll fix the system.
12:08Well, there isn't much I can tell you, Mr. Treacher, except that this is the vault where
12:30the gold was stored.
12:31Well, I'd like to take a look inside.
12:33Oh, as far as you like.
12:35Fancy to cooperate with you.
12:36Glad to have met you.
12:38Thank you very much.
12:53Fancy, there's a G-man aboard.
12:58I don't know what he wants, but do all you can to help him out, will you?
13:27Gee, I didn't know anybody was in there.
13:29You might have been smothered to death.
13:31Yes, I might have.
13:32You know where I can find this fellow Clancy?
13:35Yeah, that's me.
13:36Oh, I see.
13:38You have the blueprint.
13:39Are you going to fix that damaged plate?
13:41Yes, yes.
13:42I was just starting to do it.
13:43Well, do you mind if I tag along?
13:46Suit yourself.
14:00Burleigh, I've already marked the plane.
14:03Cut it according to this blueprint.
14:05All right, boss.
14:12So that's where the damaged plate is.
14:15Where'd you think it was?
14:16I was just wondering.
14:19You're welcome.
14:29What's the matter with you, much?
14:30Afraid of burning that rivet?
14:38Can I see that blueprint for a minute?
14:40I suppose you're going to try to tell me my business.
14:43No, I'm just a curious sort of guy.
15:02Remember, be ready when they remove that plate.
15:06That's all you can do from in here.
15:07Take the equipment outside.
15:08Start cutting from there.
15:13What's that?
15:14Blueprint showing where the damaged plate is.
15:17I thought it was more of midships.
15:19How do they make those?
15:20White ink?
15:22There was an ink spot on Stephen's copy.
15:24I loaned him my pen.
15:33This isn't the right blueprint, Junior.
15:34You wait here for me.
15:46Couldn't mind your own business, could you, copper?
16:03Oh, Junior?
16:06Are you sure?
16:07I saw it.
16:08The man hit him.
16:09We'll be right down, Junior.
16:11What's the matter?
16:12Dixon's over at the shipyards.
16:13Call headquarters and ask them to send help.
16:17Main, 4100.
16:46All right, fire away.
17:45Hey, Clancy, look out!
18:14Clancy, look out!