• 6 hours ago
Let's try building a cute bed & breakfast in Nordhaven!

Watch me test out running a hotel! https://youtu.be/oAiTsQ75p9I

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This video is family friendly, but The Sims 4 is rated T for Teen and this video is intended for an audience aged 13 and up.

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00:00I am kind of obsessed with the idea of hotels in The Sims. This is like my number one pack request
00:05for The Sims 4. I've been making fake hotels for years, I've been begging and pleading the Sims
00:10team to make this for us forever, and with businesses and hobbies you can kind of run
00:15any business. So this is not the equivalent of actually having a hotel pack, but we can kind of
00:22pretend a little bit now, and we can make a business where Sims will come and sleep, we can
00:27have them bathing and showering, I can make them breakfast and try to serve dinner, and then we can
00:32sort of pretend that we're running a hotel, but I'm not really thinking about building a resort
00:37right now. I don't know if building a resort would really work all that well with this, but we can
00:42kind of pretend that we're running more of a bed and breakfast, and that's what I want to do today.
00:46I want to try to test it out and see if we can build sort of a small family-owned hotel vibe.
00:51This lot is where the starter home usually is, I just bulldozed it so we can build our own thing,
00:55and kind of what I'm thinking is that it could be, oh, that's a little bit taller than I wanted.
00:59So it might be shaped something like this, and we could potentially have a couple of bedrooms
01:03on each floor. They might have to share a bathroom. And then we can have a really small
01:08section on the top floor that belongs to us, but most of it will be public. I'm also not gonna make
01:13this a starter home, so I'm just gonna cheat for some money straight away. Okay, let's start by
01:18just trying to get together a little bit of a shell. I guess there could be a cute little patio
01:22space next to it over here. Oh, that has a lot of potential actually, I'm excited about that.
01:26Maybe the patio should be more of a yard, is that better? So we can have some grass. I also don't
01:31really know what style of window and door I want to do. The sim that I made wears a lot of red and
01:37yellow, so maybe we could have sort of a red and yellow thing going on with the outside. Oh my,
01:43this might be a little bit much, we'll see. I think I'll also paint the downstairs with this color,
01:47I like the variety there. Okay, I'm not really sure if this is cute or not, but it's fine.
01:52We'll figure it out. Should I make the first floor taller? I guess it would be a lot nicer to
01:56have it bigger down here, right? Oh yeah, and then I can do this. That's like, way better. Okay,
02:01it looks a little bit silly without a roof, but we'll get there, it's gonna be fine. Is this the
02:05lightest color of the freeze? Mm, I think I'm gonna use this color anyway. It's not exactly
02:10the same color as the windows, but ooh, we could use a fancier window downstairs. What about that,
02:16and we make it big all the way across the bottom floor? I am not sure how this is gonna work out,
02:21I'm a little scared of the floor plan. Okay, this is kind of what I was thinking though.
02:25Oh no no no no, stop. Freezes are so annoying. I'm going through and just trying to like,
02:29custom place this right now, I'm probably gonna have to do it again. I think I'm gonna paint this
02:33whole thing with one color. I feel like that looks a little bit better. Okay, let's talk floor plan
02:37for a second. So, we're gonna need to have a staircase. I'm thinking it should be like this,
02:42or maybe I want it to be even smaller. Oh dear. We kind of want the bedrooms to be like,
02:47as small as possible, because the goal with this is to fit as many as we can in the space.
02:52To actually make good money doing this in The Sims 4, I think you'd want to have bunk beds,
02:56because you just want to fit as many beds as possible in as small of a space as possible.
03:00Okay, there's a lot of hallway happening in here, and there's no bathroom for any of these
03:05bedrooms. I am not certain that that's a good thing, but maybe they have to go upstairs to
03:10get to the bathroom. Okay, so kind of what I'm thinking right now is that this upstairs area
03:15belongs to the owner of the bed and breakfast, so they'll have like, a private small living area,
03:20their own bathroom, and their own bedroom. They'll get into it through this little door
03:24over here. I'm wondering about this, I just feel like we can't split that up like I want to.
03:29Yeah, I had a thought just then that like, maybe this could be a bathroom, and then this one could
03:33be a bathroom. Oh, maybe we could get more than one. This is like, way tighter than I want it to
03:39be. That little corner is a little bit small, but I think that realistically that would make
03:45a lot more sense for us in-game to have more bathrooms. It's better to split it up. And then
03:50we can put another one downstairs somehow, because downstairs we need to have a kitchen,
03:55and you kind of want to close the kitchen off, like the kitchen might be set to be employees
03:59only or something, so that people won't go in there. This room can have the front desk in it,
04:04maybe this becomes a dining room for our guests to sit and eat, and then we can have an extra
04:08little bathroom. It can be small, there could just be a little bathroom in there. This is the living
04:12room, so we could have the TV on this wall somehow, maybe like, a piano. Just we can try and
04:17put some skill building activities, things for them to do in there. Maybe this does become an
04:21extra bedroom. What if we leave the bathrooms downstairs? There can be two bathrooms here,
04:26and then we can have like a, you know what? I think we need to have an extra bathroom up here.
04:30Alright, I think we're getting somewhere with this. I feel like I can visualize it a little
04:34bit better now. I did just delete all the windows from the side, which is bad, but I guess I can put
04:38those back once we start furnishing. I think I'll use this flooring everywhere outside. Now I'm gonna
04:44start trying to mix in some landscaping. This'll be cute because there's a few sections for us to
04:49put plants. There's enough space right here, maybe we could have some bike racks right there on
04:53display. We can do some trees over this way. I feel like I didn't leave enough space for the mailbox,
04:57there's no wall space next to this door. Okay, you know what? This is a good time for us to change
05:02out the color because these columns are supposed to be lighter. That literally looks 10 times
05:06better, I don't know why I had left it the bad swatch before. And once again, I am redoing the
05:11freeze on the top. When you're working with freezes in this game, you literally end up doing it like
05:1515 times. It's just over and over and over and over again. Okay, let's talk about this roof for
05:20a second because we're gonna try and do some slightly sneaky things, like scooting this just
05:25a tiny bit forward. Then I'll fit the roof in there, and then I want to curve it. If you hit
05:30shift C, it gives you some more curving options. So we can kind of like, round it at the top and
05:36then curve it in. This way we can make it follow the lines a little bit more. Do you see how it's
05:41like, doing a more swoopy shape? We can put it like that. I'll use the exact same shape on this one.
05:47I've also hit F5 so I can place things on quarter tiles, and then I'm scooting these forward a
05:52little bit more. It looks better when you have it like this and they're sitting on top of the
05:55freeze, that way you don't have any weird clipping. And then I'll just use the roof from the pack,
05:59and I'll just copy the same thing onto this one. I'll make it a little bit smaller. I forgot to put
06:05this freeze back. I can scoot this. Oh, oh dear. Scoot this forward a tiny bit. I think I'm just
06:12gonna use a white trim. There is a trim from the pack, but I feel like the white one matches a
06:17little better. And the one from the pack, oh maybe I will use the white one from the pack. I was gonna
06:20say it clips, but it actually isn't clipping, so I just lied. I lied and it's fine. I am gonna get
06:25these little dormers, and we're gonna try and really carefully place them in a nice location.
06:30Oh, that's so cute. Okay, we'll put those. I don't know if I want any on this part, it's kind of small
06:36right there, so I'm thinking no. I'll put the windows sort of in line with those because that
06:41looks okay from- oh, never mind. Dang it. Okay, I gotta scoot them in a little bit more. That works
06:45fine. Alright, is it okay like that? It makes for such a like, horrible long and skinny bathroom,
06:51which I don't really like. I guess we just commit to it. Once it's furnished, it won't be as bad
06:55anyway. Okay, I am gonna put a door into the kitchen because we don't want the guests going
07:00in here. I like that tile color with it, I feel like that works. I don't really want to raise
07:04those up. I'm not sure how to fit the counters in this room. Oh, it's not that bad. I was worried
07:09that it was gonna be really clipping with the windows, but it's just a tiny bit in the corner
07:13right there, so I think that's fine. Alright, I'm gonna let myself use some kind of expensive
07:17appliances, I think. We should also definitely get a dishwasher, like that's gonna make life
07:21so much easier for your sims. If I put this here, well that's bad, you don't want it to be in front
07:25of the window. Oh, well it's not that much in front of the window, I think I'm overthinking it. Sorry
07:30everybody, I'm like, I do have a tendency for dramatics. Okay, I think this is kind of bad
07:34because it's like, right next to this. You can't really open the cabinet, but I'm just gonna leave
07:38it anyway. I feel like it's fine. What would happen if we only had the two windows centered down
07:43there? It's not as nice, but I do feel like maybe that looks better from inside the kitchen. In
07:48businesses and hobbies, they have this table. This one kind of looks like a prep table almost to me,
07:55at the very least it kind of looks like a workspace, so I think I'd like to use it.
07:58We definitely need a coffee maker in here, and I'm trying not to use like, so many packs, but
08:03I've already used a couple. I won't do anything extreme though, I promise. Why the family recipe
08:08thing? I don't understand why it's not in the kitchen clutter category. Is it under like, the
08:13stove category or something? Where is it? At least you can search recipe and it'll come up. This is
08:18Grammy's family recipes, so we'll put that in here. That's really cute for a bed and breakfast.
08:23I really like the idea of them serving a bunch of family recipes in this place. Okay, that's the
08:27kitchen. This will be the dining room. I'm not sure if this chandelier is gonna be too much.
08:32Oh no, it's fine. Oh my god, that's so pretty inside of the dining room! Okay, perfect, perfect,
08:37perfect. We can put a few things like this in here. I think maybe some curtains would be nice.
08:42Not sure what colors these will come in. They do come in a red color, and we have a lot of
08:47red, so that might work. I'm kind of wanting to have a buffet table, I'm just not sure if there's
08:53enough space. I think my sim can still get through here. Oh, she went around the other way. Can you
08:58stand here? Oh, wait. I don't think she can. I really would like to have this though, because
09:03I'm thinking that it would be nice to have a place to put the food that they're cooking.
09:07Can you go here? Oh, okay. It's scooted enough into the wall that it works now. Yeah, and then
09:11imagine they would set like, the eggs and the toast right here on this table for your sims to
09:16eat. Oh, maybe I'll put nothing on this table so there's more space for food. I feel like that's
09:20better. Putting extra chairs is a bad idea, right? Because you can't get around there. Oh, they
09:24actually can. Okay, I know it's really tight, but I think that's what I'm going for. Like, I want it
09:30to feel really tight, we want it to feel kind of old. Okay, the pattern situation on this, really
09:35dramatic, but that's what I want. I am going for dramatics right now. Maybe I'll just paint all the
09:40walls real quick with like, a default color. We'll change this, but there's something about looking
09:45at the blank walls that's throwing me off, so we can paint them all. Maybe we pick a bigger
09:49archway. Yeah, that's nice for this part. I will do that. We do need the ticket kiosk, and then
09:55somehow I want to make a fake front desk. I don't know if I want to have an actual desk or if I want
10:01to do counters. I feel like an actual desk is kind of the vibes. We put like, the desk and then maybe
10:07the kiosk right next to it. I must say, I don't love the kiosk. I think the kiosk is kind of ugly,
10:13but I want to use it because it's functional for us. You know what else I don't love is this rug.
10:17This is one of my least favorite rugs in the entire game, and that is precisely why I am
10:21inspired to use it. We have some of these cute little filing cabinets from Get to Work. Life
10:26and deaths are probably cuter though. These are just a little bit older looking, so it's probably
10:31better for us. Oh my god, the quilt. Stop, we need that. That's perfect for this. I love the idea of
10:37granny making the quilt. Maybe the ticket kiosk could be over here. I'm just trying to think about
10:41alternate ways to do this. Oh, we should definitely use the businesses and hobbies bed. Wait, I wanted
10:45to put an ottoman. This way our guests will have a place to sit. Ooh, no. Those swatches,
10:53they don't fit. Oh, oh come on. This one. That is absolutely the way. I guess we can just put the
10:58ticket kiosk on that side of it because then it's right by the front door. Easy access for the sims
11:03who are coming in to pay. I have to cheat for money again. We're already out, that's terrible.
11:08Trying to get myself a small collection of art pieces here. I just want to build out that gallery
11:13wall a tiny bit more, and then with the curtains, do we want to hang those up on this wall? Can't
11:19really tell. Okay, so they'll come in, they can sit down and wait, they can check in the front desk.
11:25This part is pretend, they'll actually check in there. Oh, I should put flowers on the desk, that's
11:29cute. I love the idea of these sims having paper files for the most part too, because it's like a
11:33little bit older in here. So they've got like, all the files out, they have their filing cabinet.
11:38Alright, let's think now about what kind of things the guests will do while they're here, aside from
11:43just sleeping. I think we definitely need a piano. I would also like to have a fireplace. Oh, this
11:49one's cute. Maybe we scoot this piano over more. How far into the wall can that go without clipping?
11:54Right there? Okay. I think the growing together leather sofa is kind of the energy that I'm going
11:59for in this place. Oh, even this growing together table. No, never mind. Sorry, I think I'm gonna use
12:06the businesses and hobbies one. It's not very traditional looking, but I think that's okay.
12:09In my mind, growing together just came out and it's like, one of the most recent packs.
12:14In reality, there's been five packs since then. That is horrible. It's like, kind of a scary
12:18thought. Okay, we'll get a little wall tv up here. The tv looks bad. I really do feel like we kind of
12:24need one though. It might be this fireplace that is the problem. There are other ones. Oh, you know
12:31what? I love this fireplace, don't get me wrong, but this one kind of has like, an old energy to it,
12:37and I do actually really enjoy that. Um, if I raise this up, is that gonna float? Yeah, okay, cool.
12:43How about this one? This one looks a little bit better because you can kind of pretend that it's
12:46mounted and you just see a little bit of the stand or something. Maybe that's like, a cord cover.
12:50I want to put the little games table. I think that's so cute. We could probably even fit the
12:55three chairs. I'm trying to think about like, what other sort of activities would be fun for us to
13:00have. I think maybe a second card table makes sense. I don't know if it looks that good, but when you
13:05think about places like this in real life and like, hotel lobbies, there's just places to sit, like
13:10little nooks of places to sit. So that's what I'm trying to channel. I also would love to use this
13:14thing. Do you think hanging up pictures of Bella Goth is weird? I kind of love it and I kind of want
13:19to do it. Maybe I'll put the grandfather clock. We need some sort of art up here, too. Oh, maybe
13:24this thing. That's fun because we can pretend that it's like, a historical picture because this is
13:29like, an old bed and breakfast. Maybe it's like, the oldest house in town and they've turned it
13:33into a bed and breakfast. Oh, here, how about this? We'll also use Bella Goth's tea set because I've
13:38already used her pack, so we might as well. Okay, I think that's the majority of the downstairs done.
13:43Let me get rid of this fireplace that's just outside, and then we can real quick think about
13:47the bathrooms. I might make the lighting even more yellow-toned. Do you remember when I said I
13:51wasn't going to use that many packs? Because I do, and all of a sudden I'm putting werewolves in here.
13:56Like, times have changed. Okay, that's a nice little bathroom though. I don't think I like the shower
14:00when it touches the window like that, right? Like, that's weird. I'm trying to do something a little
14:04bit more interesting in these bathrooms than I maybe normally would. They're not really that
14:08interesting still, but I'm just trying to add a little bit of extra spice. I personally think
14:13these blinds are kind of ugly, but we do need them because this bathroom is right in the front
14:17of the build. It's right on the front of the street. There is a new tub that comes in the pack
14:22that I haven't used yet. I don't really know if I like the colors of it. It's nice, but it maybe
14:28feels a little bit too modern. I think maybe the cottage living one is better. Oh, I can already
14:33tell that your sims are gonna be insufferable in this bathroom because they're probably gonna walk
14:36in on each other a lot. There'll be like, somebody in the shower and then somebody's gonna walk in
14:40and try and use the bathtub. Oh, should I have a brick accent wall? You know what, I kind of love
14:45it. Just as like, a fun little detail. Okay, I'm real quick putting together this upstairs hallway
14:50and I'm thinking about just getting a couple of bonus skill building things, like maybe a computer
14:55that could be accessible by all the guests. I just think that would be nice to have, and it's also
14:59kind of tucked away. I'm gonna put the thermostat inside of the apartment section because we don't
15:05want everyone else to be able to access it, right? I'm gonna come back to the apartment section later
15:10on. I'm thinking this will be a bedroom, this is that mini living room, and then they have a private
15:14bathroom, but now I want to do the bedrooms. I'm really excited about decorating these bedrooms.
15:18I think I'm gonna do a mix of some single and some double beds. I also want to have some really fun
15:26wallpaper stuff going on in this place. I really like the idea of each of the rooms being like,
15:31almost aggressively themed, so if you stayed here you could be like, oh, I want to be in the green
15:36room or whatever. Are any of these curtains remotely okay? I don't know, I don't really know
15:41if I like those. It'll be fine. I love that picture behind the bed. I can kind of see there just being
15:46a chair in the corner, even if that chair is not the cutest. I feel like that's a reasonable thing
15:51to add in. Maybe we get a simple full-length mirror on this wall. It's also not the cutest,
15:56but it's just nice to have. I'm thinking that I should have added music somewhere. This thing,
16:01that's a radio, so we'll put that up there. Okay, oh, this wallpaper with the red actually works
16:07super well. It's because it matches the windows, that's so nice. Maybe I do a cats and dogs bed
16:12there. Yeah, in the red, okay. I'm actually kind of obsessed with the horrible curtains and I love
16:17the pattern mixing and matching. I think in this room, I want to put a vanity table. It's obviously
16:23not necessary to have one of those, but it's one of those amenities that I think would be cool for
16:27your sims to have access to. Especially since in-game, it doesn't actually matter what room
16:31you go in. Like, no one's gonna get assigned a room, sims are just gonna randomly sleep in these,
16:36so it really does not matter. Like, we can do anything. I think this one, I'm gonna do kind
16:41of a blue and yellow thing. Oh, that even has a blue and yellow by default, okay. Maybe this room
16:46could have a fireplace. Oh, I never used that chair. Okay, this is kind of the wrong color.
16:51We could do more of a green thing. I got a picture above the bed, a couple of lamps,
16:56I might use the same rug again. Yeah, those all work together nicely. And then in here,
17:00I was planning on putting two more single beds because when you think about it right now,
17:05we can only sleep four sims. We will also have that one extra room upstairs, but I want to have
17:10as many as we can. Does this come in red? Do I dare paint the whole thing red? Yeah,
17:14I'm gonna commit. I honestly do not like this room. I think this is kind of ugly. Okay,
17:18I'm gonna leave this desk empty because I like the idea of pretending that sims can come here and like,
17:23write their letters on it, so I'll leave them space to do that. But that's all of the downstairs
17:28bedrooms. Should I do single beds again up here? It is really easy to replace the beds with double
17:34beds if you want a different one, and I really do think that functionally it's gonna be nicer
17:37to have the singles. Okay, all of the guest bedrooms are complete now, so there's five
17:42guest bedrooms total, but we have eight beds. I think the double beds are not good for this
17:46because I really don't think that sims are gonna sleep together in them. This is more good if you
17:51wanted to come here as a guest. It's like, nice for you as a guest to have a double bed access,
17:55but as an owner of this building, I don't think you want double beds, so I didn't put as many of
17:59those. I think I'm gonna do the apartment last and I'm gonna switch gears real quick and do the
18:04outside area because then we'll have all of the guest stuff done. I kind of like these little
18:08bushes outside, I just don't know if the colors are too much because I'm really not trying to
18:13have like, McDonald's vibes with the outside, but I do like that it's kind of bright. I think I'll
18:17stick the mailbox for the apartment in the back, it's like, tucked away in the corner. And now I'm
18:21gonna get out all the debug stuff. I'm putting some pipes outside. Okay, so we have this little
18:26tiny bike rack in the back. Okay, I'm getting some trees in these little tree cages. I don't know how
18:31this one's gonna go because this one's pretty close to the house. Oh, but this tree is pretty
18:35skinny. Oh good, okay. I guess we can use the bigger ones, not sized down on the sides. I had kind of
18:41been planning on putting a big tree in this little part. I essentially want to cover up the side a
18:46little bit. Okay, I've done the landscaping kind of like this, just a few little plants dotted around.
18:50I'm gonna put terrain paint in there. Before I forget, I'm gonna put some trash cans. Oh look,
18:55and the piano is clipping. I'm glad I noticed that. I'm gonna make one green and one blue and
18:59make it pretend that it's for recycling. That's not actually how it works, but we can pretend.
19:03Oh, this awning is kind of cute, we could do that. Okay, then I was gonna put this terrain paint down.
19:08We'll layer it with some dirt terrain paint around all of the edges and underneath the plants. I feel
19:14like our guests might want to use a telescope, so I could give them one of those, but my main priority
19:20out here is just to have a dining table. Just some little place to sit right there. We could
19:24potentially even get some extra ones if we wanted to have them go out in the front a little bit more.
19:30That's kind of nice. Okay, last thing is a welcome mat outside. I think that's covering the entire
19:35outside though, that's all the stuff that I wanted to add. I am really liking this. I'm gonna go
19:39upstairs and really quickly put together the apartment section. Okay, so here's kind of the
19:43color scheme that I was thinking for the primary bedroom up here. They've got a fireplace, I have a
19:48little chair by it, I'll give them a big dresser over there too. I feel like I don't want to put
19:54a kitchen up here. Like, my goal with this is not to have a second full living space because I want
20:00them to be using the downstairs. I just wanted the sims who live here to have a little bit of a
20:04private area. I feel like this is nice functionally too because no matter how you're playing with this,
20:10you might have a sim who's like, trying to be a painter and they just also happen to be running
20:14a bed and breakfast, and this way you have a place to actually do all of that painting. Or maybe it's
20:19pottery or you know, whatever it might be. Maybe I'll give them an easel. Maybe we'll make it
20:23painting for this sim, they can have an easel in the corner somehow. Oh, you know what I was thinking
20:27about adding and then forgot to do? I was planning on putting a chess table. We could probably just
20:32shove that off to the corner. Classic. Okay, we'll do that. Are there any other skill items that I feel
20:38like would be nice? Oh, you know what? This is kind of a random addition and like, not necessary.
20:43But maybe they have a little crystal making hobby, the sim who runs the business. Oh, I think that's
20:48good. Okay, so this is our ginormous bed and breakfast lot. You can come in, you'll check in
20:53in here, you can eat. We've got places for our guests to hang out and like, do skill building.
20:58They can sleep upstairs and I managed to fit in a couple of bathrooms. Two of them have showers and
21:03then there's two that are just toilets. It's a shame they have to share the bathrooms and we
21:06don't have en-suites, but it just didn't work out with the shape of this lot. And then upstairs we
21:10have an extra bedroom, an extra bathroom, and then this here, the blue outline, is the space that
21:15belongs to the sim who lives here. So let me finish setting up the activities. Maybe I'll
21:20have them play table games because then they'll use the chess tables and those game tables,
21:24and maybe they have to be friendly. They come here because they want to hang out and like,
21:27be chatty with the people who are staying. They should definitely pay hourly, and I think it
21:32should be kind of expensive. And there, that is our bed and breakfast. But thank you for watching,
21:36have a wonderful rest of your day, and I'm gonna catch you all tomorrow. Okay, bye everybody.
21:42Oh, I just had so much fun doing this. I hope that you liked it because I love doing this.
