• 4 days ago
FTS 8.30
*Russian Defense Forces liberate key town in Kursk
*U.N. warns of Zionist starvation campaign in Gaza Strip
00:00The mobilizations in rejection of police repression and the neoliberal policies implemented by
00:16Argentine President Javier Milley continued.
00:21On Thursday, Russian defense forces liberated Sutra, a key town for Ukrainian forces in
00:26the Kyrgyz province.
00:30On Wednesday, the United Nations Special Rapporteur Michel Faki warned that the Zionist regime
00:36of Israel is carrying out an unprecedented famine campaign in the Gaza Strip.
00:46Hello and welcome to From the South, I'm Alejandra Garcia from Tel Aviv Studios in
00:50Havana, Cuba.
00:51We begin with the news.
01:05The mobilizations in rejection of the repression and neoliberal policies implemented by Argentine
01:10President Javier Milley continued.
01:13Citizens' spontaneous manifestations took place in the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires
01:17to reject the adjustment policies of the Argentine President after a day of criminal repression
01:24against the citizens.
01:25In the last hours, Judge Karina Andrade ordered the release of the 114 people detained during
01:32the repressive operation where citizens were attacked by federal forces with pepper gas,
01:37tear gas bombs and water trucks.
01:45In Argentina, at least 20 people were injured during this repression on Wednesday afternoon,
01:51including a photographer.
01:53Photojournalist Pablo Grillo was wounded in the head by a tear gas canister fired by the
01:59security forces.
02:00Grillo works as a freelancer and was recorded images of the march of the retired together
02:06with soccer club supporters to the National Congress headquarters.
02:10According to declarations of the journalist's father from Ramos Mejia Hospital, after undergoing
02:16emergency surgery, the situation is critical and his prognosis is reserved.
02:26In Argentina, the Madres de Plaza de Mayo Association denounced the brutal police attacks
02:31against the retirees' demonstration and demanded the release of all detainees.
02:36Throughout Comunique, they reiterated that Madres de Plaza de Mayo repudiate the criminal
02:41unjustified and illegal repression carried out by the national government with the active
02:47participation of the police of the city of Buenos Aires.
02:50They concluded by stating that with demand from the government and the judiciary, the
02:54immediate release of the hundreds of detainees, the clarification of the serious crimes committed
03:00in the repression, planting weapons, executing a militant and press worker, beating without
03:06limits, arresting without cause, and that the exercise of the sacred right to protest
03:11be warranted.
03:20Argentine Workers' Central and Argentine Workers' Central Autonomous repudiate police
03:25repression in front of the National Congress and calls press conference.
03:30In a statement published on the social network X, they declared
03:34The violence unleashed against the demonstrators, who decided to massively support the just
03:38demands of the pensioners and the organizations accompanying them, is the absolute responsibility
03:44of the national government in general and of Patricia Bullrich in particular.
03:54In Argentina, the Association of Photojournalists as ARGRA demands the resignation of the Minister
03:59of Security of the nation, Patricia Bullrich, after the intense repression that the country
04:04is experiencing.
04:05Through a statement issued through the social network X, they reported that today, a former
04:11student at the Association of Photojournalists, Pablo Grillo, has been violently and seriously
04:18injured by security forces.
04:20It was not because we did not warn about how dangerous Patricia Bullrich was, and how he
04:26was wounded and his life is in danger, because there was not a single political, institutional
04:32or judicial spring to put a stop to her murderous and demagogic impertinence.
04:38The reporters demand Bullrich's resignation in an indeclinable manner.
04:42Association of Photojournalists demand that the President of the Republic immediately
04:47remove her and her subordinates from office and place her and her subordinates at the
04:52disposal of the justice system.
04:55If this is not done, we make him morally, politically and criminally complicit in the
05:00crimes committed by his minister.
05:07The President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, stated that he would place his government
05:12in the hands of the people by calling a popular consultation.
05:15The Colombian head of state informed that the future of the labor and health reforms
05:20is in the hands of citizens through the holding of a referendum.
05:24Petro noted that the people have the power through mobilization and consultation, and
05:28pointed out that if the people cannot express themselves, then there is a tyranny.
05:34President Petro made the announcement in the framework of an institutional clash because
05:38the refusal of Congress to pass the labor and health reforms promoted by the government
05:43with support from the Colombian society.
05:50Regarding the Colombian Senate's verdict, several social organizations mobilized to
05:55the National Congress Headquarters in defense of the labor reform, in addition to condemning
06:00the initiatives that could threaten labor rights.
06:03Some spokespersons demanded the recovery of the rights of the working class, such as the
06:08labor nature of the apprenticeship contract.
06:12They claimed that Colombian Congress seeks to favor the employers only, through the exemption
06:18of the corporate monetization.
06:26Today we are going to march in a peaceful and civilized manner in defense of this labor
06:31reform that is so important, not only for Colombians but for all apprentices from the
06:36National Training Service, because it contains two articles where we are seeking the laborization
06:41of the apprenticeship contract, that is, we are seeking once again that apprentices from
06:46the National Training Service be subjects of law and be considered workers with a minimum
06:50wage, with social benefits and social security.
06:54But also in one of the articles, we are seeking that the monetization quota be increased to
06:591.5, which was approved in the Congress of the Republic and in the House of Representatives
07:05and today we were looking for this to pass to the Senate and be approved.
07:12Since yesterday we have been marching for the labor reform so that it is not removed,
07:17because even when our parents, our grandparents remained silent, today we are going to raise
07:21our voices so that we have the right to a labor contract, so that we have the right
07:25to service benefits, so that we have the right to have vacations, layoffs, pensions and so
07:30Exactly, we are not only speaking only as the National Training Service, but we are
07:34also here representing workers like my mother, like my family, like workers who have been
07:39working their tails off for years to earn at least a minimum wage in this country.
07:46And now we have a short break coming up, but first remember you can join us on TikTok at
07:50Telecidio English where you'll find news in different formats, news updates and more.
07:54We'll be right back, estay with us.
08:09Welcome back.
08:18In Barbados, Prime Minister Mia Amor-Modli addressed the issue of the United States threats
08:23on countries that receive Cuban medical brigades in their territories, while highlighting the
08:28labor of Cuban medical personnel.
08:31Matter with the Cubans and the nurses should tell us everything that we need to know.
08:40Barbados does not currently have Cuban medical staff or Cuban nurses, but I will be the first
08:45to go to the line and to tell you that we could not get through the pandemic without
08:50the Cuban nurses and the Cuban doctors.
08:57I will also be the first to tell you that we paid them the same thing that we pay Bajans
09:04and that the notion as was peddled, not just by this government in the US, but the previous
09:09government that we were involved in human trafficking by engaging with the Cuban nurses
09:14was fully repudiated and rejected by us.
09:17Now, I don't believe that we have to shout across the seas, but I am prepared like others
09:23in this region that if we cannot reach a sensible agreement on this matter, then if the cost
09:29of it is the loss of my visa to the US, then so be it.
09:34But what matters to us is principles, and I have said over and over that principles
09:43only mean something when it is inconvenient to stand by it.
09:48Now we don't have to shout, but we can be resolute, and I therefore look forward to
09:54standing with my CARICOM brothers, I wish I could say brothers and sisters, but brothers,
10:03to be able to ensure that we explain that what the Cubans have been able to do for us,
10:11far from approximating itself to human trafficking, has been to save lives and limbs and sight
10:18for many a Caribbean person.
10:25In Cuba, the fourth edition of the International Patriot Colloquium will be held from March
10:3117th to 19th at the University of Havana.
10:34This edition, under the slogan We are People's Waving Networks, will bring together in the
10:40Cuban capital experts, activists and managers of the sphere from more than 60 countries
10:45to reflect, share experiences and coordinate actions in favour of counter-hegemonic communication.
10:52The event, which will be dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the multistate channel
10:56Telesur, has among its objectives the reclaim the memory of political communication in the
11:02South, analyse the influence of digital platforms on political participation and the configuration
11:08of power, identify challenges and generate proposals for an ethical and liberating use
11:14of technology.
11:19The President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, announced ten temporary measures to address the fuel
11:24supply problem, including the implementation of continuous working hours in the public
11:29and private sector.
11:30The head of state emphasised that all these measures are aimed at improving the organisation
11:36of Bolivian society, supporting production and taking care of the national economy.
11:41He also pointed out that as a national government, they did not and will not take measures against
11:47the people and their patrimony, since these do not solve the problems the country is facing.
11:52In this sense, President Arce instructed to reduce the use of the automobile fleet
11:57in the public sector to 50%, in addition to increase from 50% to 80% the distribution
12:05of fuel in the service stations.
12:12In Ecuador, the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities held a plurinational popular
12:17assembly to define a plan of action for the run-off election and the defence of the Sasha
12:23The convention aimed at establishing a consensus position with a view to the two candidates
12:28for the next ballot in April, such as a unanimous position was not achieved during the first
12:34round due to divergences with the Amazonian groups.
12:39Several organisations of the Central Highlands supported the candidacy of President Daniel
12:44Novoa, while the National Federation of Farmers, Indigenous and Black Organisations is leaning
12:49towards the campaign of Luisa González.
12:53In this regard, CUNAE President Leonidas Itza reaffirmed his commitment to the democratic
12:58respect of all the positions within the movement.
13:17In Ecuador, according to the latest official damage assessment, the number of people affected
13:22by the rainy season exceeded 96,000, including more than 100,000 victims, 19 deaths and 100
13:31So far, 88 of the country's 24 provinces are still in a state of emergency, including
13:38the six that make up the Guayas coast, Los Rios, ManavĂ­, El Oro, Esmeralda, Santa Elena
13:43and the Andean provinces of Loja and Azuay, located in the southern part of the country.
13:49The province of ManavĂ­ has been the most affected by the rainy season with 62,000 people.
13:55Between March 13 and 17, the National Secretary of Rescue and Meteorological Prevention warns
14:02that high-intensity rainfall will continue in part of the country, especially in the
14:06coast and the south in the afternoon and early morning.
14:13And we have a second show of rain coming up, but before we invite you to visit our Facebook
14:18page at Telesur English, there you'll be able to watch our top stories, special live
14:22coverage and much more.
14:24Follow our page and activate the notification button to stay up to date on the world's most
14:28recent events.
14:30Fana show break.
14:59Welcome back to From the South.
15:04On Thursday, Russian defence forces liberated Tsutsu, a key town for Ukrainian forces in
15:09the Kursk province in Russia.
15:11According to the Russian Defence Ministry, Tsutsu was the largest locality that the Ukrainian
15:16armed forces managed to occupy during an offensive in August 2024.
15:21Since then, the town was used as the main logistics centre through which CAIF supplied
15:25its units in the neighbouring settlements.
15:28In addition to Tsutsu, groupings of severed troops in the north have liberated the localities
15:34of Melovoy and Podol.
15:37At the same time, Ukrainian formations of several mechanised assault and territorial
15:41defence brigades were annihilated in Kursk.
15:49The defence ministers of France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Poland considered a
15:54proposal to establish a 30-day ceasefire in Ukraine with the possibility of being permanent.
15:59After a meeting in Paris, German Defence Minister Boris Pistorius informed that together with
16:05his counterparts they would hold a ceasefire for one month but would work on making it
16:12possible to extend it permanently.
16:14On such an event, Russian President Vladimir Putin stressed that it should not be a brief
16:19truce nor a pause to regroup forces and rearm but a peace based on respect.
16:26The meeting took place a day after Ukraine accepted a plan proposed by the United States
16:30during talks in Saudi Arabia to establish a 30-day ceasefire.
16:49On Wednesday, the United Nations Special Rapporteur Michael Faki warned that the Zionist regime
17:00of Israel is carrying out an unprecedented famine campaign in the Gaza Strip.
17:05During a press conference in the city of Geneva, Switzerland, the rapporteur explained that
17:10by restricting access to humanitarian aid in the Palestinian enclave, Benjamin Netanyahu's
17:15government has carried out the fastest campaign in modern history.
17:26After the international rejection of his ethnic cleansing plan, the President of the United
17:30States Donald Trump affirmed that no Palestinian will be expelled from the Gaza Strip.
17:36During a meeting with the Irish Prime Minister at the White House, Trump contradictorily
17:41declared that no one is expelling any Palestinian from Gaza.
17:45This in response to a journalist's question about his plans to relocate to several neighbouring
17:50countries some two million Palestinians who have suffered the aggressions of the Israeli
17:56In what appears to be a reversal in Trump's position on the delocation of Palestinians,
18:02Hamas spokesman Hassem Qasem stressed that this withdrawal reflects a change in the US
18:07policy towards Gaza.
18:13In Pakistan, more than 400 people were taken hostage on the Jaffar Express train by a group
18:19called the Balochistan Liberation Army, using explosives and suicide terrorists.
18:25The attack took place in a remote area of Balochistan, where at least 17 people were
18:31The Pakistani army managed to neutralise the 33 attackers and rescue the rest of the passengers,
18:37including women and children, who were used as human shields.
18:41Interior Minister Mohsin Narvi reported that the attackers used explosives on the railroad
18:47track to gain control of the train.
18:54Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte was handed over to the International Criminal
18:59Court on Wednesday after his arrival in the Netherlands.
19:02He is accused of crimes against humanity during his 2011 and 2019 anti-drug campaign in the
19:09More than 250 people gathered outside the detention centre in support of the former
19:15The ex-president entered the detention centre with an arrest warrant for alleged crimes
19:20against humanity in the Philippines.
19:23The former leader landed in the country after a stopover in Dubai, where he underwent a
19:28medical examination and all passengers on the plane were issued with essential documents.
19:37And with this information we have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find
19:41this and many other stories on our website at www.telesurenglish.net and join us on social
19:47We are on Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and TikTok as well.
19:51For TELESUR ENGLISH, I'm Alejandra GarcĂ­a, thank you for watching.
