Fazail e Ramzan - Episode 12
Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
#FazaileRamzan #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv
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Naimat e Iftar | Shan e Ramzan | ARY Qtv
#FazaileRamzan #ShaneRamzan #aryqtv
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00:00Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen, wassalatu wassalamu ala sayyidil anbiya wal mursaleen, amma baad
00:23faqad qala Allah tabarak wa ta'ala fil quranil kareem, a'uzu billahi minash shaytanil rajim,
00:29bismillahir rahmanir raheem, wa aqeemus sala, wa aatuzzaqa, sadaqallahul azeem, wa sadaqa
00:37rasooluhun nabiyul kareem.
00:40Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh.
00:43Ladies and gentlemen, you are watching the program on AYQ TV, Fazail-e-Ramadan, which
00:50is a daily conversation between me and you.
00:54Ladies and gentlemen, in this program, daily, in this month of Ramadan, in this month of
01:00Siyam, in this month of Allah, which Huzoor has called the month of Allah.
01:05In this special month of Allah, we seek those things, we try to speak to you on those things,
01:13which in this month can be a means of Allah's special closeness.
01:17Ladies and gentlemen, after the belief of Tauheed and Risalah, after Namaz, the most
01:22important pillar of Islam is Zakat.
01:25I want to speak to you today on this and related important issues.
01:30Ladies and gentlemen, when Huzoor, Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, mentioned the five pillars
01:35of Islam, mentioned the five pillars of Islam, then Huzoor, Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
01:41after the belief of Tauheed and Risalah, after Namaz, mentioned the most important
01:46pillar, mentioned the most important pillar.
01:49After the belief of Tauheed and Risalah and after Namaz, Huzoor, Sallallahu alaihi wa
01:54sallam, mentioned the Zakat.
01:56Ladies and gentlemen, Zakat is the act which Huzoor, Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam,
02:01was the first to come to the Prophets.
02:03Huzoor, Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam, is the Seal of the Prophets, the Last of the
02:07The Zakat was obligatory in the Shariah of all the Prophets and Messengers.
02:12Allah had made it obligatory on all the Ummahs that they should help some portion of their wealth to the poor.
02:18And the religion of Islam has made it clear, in the Shariah of Prophet Muhammad PBUH, it is clear that when a person helps the poor,
02:25gives Zakat, it is obligatory on him.
02:27He is not doing a favour on a poor person.
02:29In fact, Allah has made it obligatory on him that he should make a portion of his wealth to the wealthy and the poor.
02:36In the same way, while giving Zakat, when people try to give Zakat in Ramadan,
02:41then whenever they give Zakat in the whole year, Zakat will be paid.
02:44But in Ramadan, as Prophet Muhammad PBUH said,
02:47that the equality of Nafl is equal to Fard, and the reward of Fard is increased by 70 times.
02:53The reward of Nafl is equal to Fard, and the reward of Fard is increased by 70 times.
02:57That is why Muslims try to give Zakat in Ramadan Mubarak,
03:01so that the reward of Zakat is increased by 70 times.
03:06So, remember that when you give Zakat to the poor,
03:09do not give it with the intention of doing a favour,
03:11that you are doing a favour on someone.
03:12In fact, consider it as a favour of that poor person,
03:14that the same wealth which could have been given to him due to disobedience of Allah,
03:17the same wealth which could have been given to him for the enjoyment of a few moments,
03:20that poor person took that wealth of yours,
03:22and that wealth became a means of Allah's pleasure for you.
03:26So, consider it as a favour of him that you are giving him Zakat.
03:30And the second thing is that you have to do a favour on someone.
03:32If there is a servant of yours, you can give Zakat to him,
03:36but if it is Ramadan, or there is a wedding in my house,
03:39or there is some work,
03:40you have to give Zakat anyway.
03:41So, if I give Zakat to him, it will be a favour of mine,
03:44and he will do my work.
03:45Do not give Zakat with this intention.
03:46Remember that Allah is aware of the state of the hearts,
03:48and Allah is seeing the intention.
03:49Or if you give Zakat to a person,
03:51you will give Zakat to him and it will be a favour of yours,
03:53and you will do a favour on him.
03:55In no case, do not give Zakat with this intention.
03:57Zakat is purely obligatory on you,
03:59you have to give it for the sake of Allah's pleasure.
04:00You are not doing a favour on anyone by giving Zakat.
04:03Allah says in the Holy Qur'an,
04:05that those who ask for their wealth,
04:09and those who deserve it,
04:11those who are deprived,
04:12they have the right.
04:13Allah is saying that it is on your wealth,
04:15that is, Zakat is being mentioned.
04:16Those who ask for it, and those who deserve it,
04:19have the right to make you the owner of their share of wealth,
04:22which the religion has imposed on you.
04:24Ladies and gentlemen,
04:25the importance of Zakat is only this much.
04:27This is a Hadith from Bukhari,
04:29when Hazrat Ma'az bin Jabal, may Allah be pleased with him,
04:32was sent to Yemen,
04:33the Prophet said,
04:34when you go there,
04:35now look here,
04:36the preferences of religion are being mentioned.
04:38One is this,
04:39and this is also a lesson from this Hadith,
04:41that if we bring someone closer to Islam,
04:43then obviously,
04:44it will be difficult for him to do everything on the first day,
04:46to accept everything on the first day.
04:48So how to teach him from the stages?
04:50The Prophet said,
04:52that when they accept Islam,
04:54when they accept the religion,
04:55first of all,
04:56tell them about Aqeedat-e-Tauheed and Prophethood.
04:58Tell them about the Oneness of Allah.
05:00Tell them about Aqeedat-e-Tauheed.
05:02Tell them about the Prophethood and Prophethood of the Prophet.
05:05The Prophet said,
05:06when they understand this,
05:07then tell them that Allah has imposed Salat on them.
05:10And when they establish Salat,
05:12then tell them that Allah has imposed Zakat on them,
05:15Zakat has been imposed on their wealth,
05:17which will be given to their poor people,
05:19from their own rich people.
05:22So here,
05:23you can see how much importance Zakat is being given,
05:26and how much Zakat is being mentioned in the religion.
05:29Dear viewers,
05:30Zakat has a lot of importance in Islam.
05:32It is a constant worship.
05:34And in about 82 places,
05:37Allah has mentioned the importance of Zakat with Salat in the Holy Qur'an.
05:42The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
05:44as I told you,
05:45according to the Hadith of Bukhari,
05:47has mentioned it as the third pillar.
05:49And the importance of Zakat can be estimated from here as well.
05:52Hazrat Abdul Bashar, after the Prophets,
05:55in the era of Sayyidina Abu Bakr Siddiq,
05:58when the deniers of Zakat raised their heads,
06:00and when the Prophet decided to take action against them,
06:03his companions and companions advised him,
06:06that there are very big challenges,
06:08and to deal with those challenges.
06:10The issue of the deniers of Zakat will be dealt with later.
06:14But Sayyidina Siddiq Akbar said,
06:16that this is the third pillar of Islam.
06:18Allah and His Messenger have given it so much importance.
06:21There will be no weakness for the deniers of Zakat.
06:25There will be no ease for them.
06:27There will be no soft spot for them.
06:29Sayyidina Siddiq Akbar said,
06:31that in the era of Prophethood,
06:33who used to give Zakat as much as a rope,
06:35if he does not give Zakat,
06:37then Abu Bakr will declare war against him.
06:39Ladies and gentlemen,
06:40the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
06:42has said,
06:43this Hadith is found in Targheeb and Tarheeb.
06:45The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
06:47has said,
06:49Zakat is a means of fulfilling your faith.
06:51It is a means of fulfilling your faith.
06:53This is a blessed act,
06:55which is obligatory on every Muslim.
06:57Muslims should not be lazy in this regard.
07:00Ladies and gentlemen,
07:01in today's program,
07:02I will explain to you some important issues
07:04related to Zakat,
07:06which are necessary for us to know.
07:08And because it is obligatory,
07:10to know about Zakat is one of the obligatory knowledge.
07:13Ladies and gentlemen,
07:14we are asked,
07:15our viewers ask us,
07:16can Zakat be given from Haram wealth?
07:18Because some people think,
07:20that if we have earned Haram wealth,
07:22and we earn Haram wealth,
07:23then it is okay,
07:24we will earn it.
07:25If we give Zakat from wealth,
07:26then the wealth will be purified.
07:27So the question is,
07:28if someone pays Zakat from Haram wealth,
07:31earns Haram wealth,
07:32and pays Zakat,
07:33then is the Zakat paid from Haram wealth,
07:35acceptable in the sight of Allah?
07:37This Hadith is found in Targheeb and Tarheeb.
07:40The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
07:41has said,
07:42if someone gives Zakat or charity from Haram wealth,
07:45then Allah will not give him any reward.
07:48There is no reward for him.
07:51it will be a sin of Haram wealth.
07:53So if someone gives Zakat from Haram wealth,
07:56then his Zakat will not be acceptable in the sight of Allah.
08:00it will be a sin of Haram wealth.
08:02Ladies and gentlemen,
08:05Hanfi Shami,
08:06Sahib-e-Fatawa Shami,
08:09the literal meaning of Zakat is,
08:13to be pure of something or to increase in something.
08:16This is called Zakat.
08:17And the literal meaning of Zakat is,
08:20to make a deserving person the owner of that share of wealth,
08:24which the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
08:26has decreed.
08:27In Shariah,
08:28the literal meaning of Zakat is,
08:30and if we look at the meaning of purification,
08:32and the meaning of increasing,
08:34then Zakat purifies a person.
08:36It makes a person closer to Allah.
08:38And the meaning of increasing is,
08:40that when a person gives Zakat,
08:42he is not a beggar,
08:43but Allah gives him blessings.
08:46What are the conditions for Zakat?
08:48First of all,
08:49being a Muslim is a condition.
08:51Zakat will not be obligatory on a non-believer.
08:54being a wise person is a condition.
08:55If a person is mad,
08:56if he is blind,
08:57if his mind does not work,
08:58if he is really mad,
08:59then Zakat will not be obligatory on him.
09:02being an adult is necessary.
09:03Zakat is not obligatory on an immature child.
09:05Being free is necessary.
09:06Zakat is not obligatory on a slave.
09:09being a rich person is necessary.
09:10That is,
09:117.5 tons of gold,
09:12or 52 tons of silver,
09:14or equal to that,
09:15or equal to silver,
09:16the person who has money or business,
09:18he will be a rich person.
09:20If equal to 52 tons of silver,
09:23someone has business,
09:25or money,
09:26then he will be a rich person.
09:29Zakat is obligatory on him.
09:32being a rich person is necessary.
09:34If I have someone's property,
09:36then I will not give Zakat on that.
09:38Being the owner of the property is necessary.
09:40Or if I have shares,
09:41then according to the account of the whole company,
09:43I will not give Zakat.
09:45I will give Zakat on the property of which I am the owner.
09:497.5 tons of gold,
09:50or equal to that,
09:517.5 tons of gold,
09:52that is,
09:53the person who has an account,
09:54he should spend the whole year.
09:56He should have an account,
09:57that is,
09:58he should spend the whole year on an account,
09:59on a property.
10:00And the 8th condition,
10:01which the jurists have stated,
10:02that is,
10:03the property should be free of debt.
10:05These are the conditions
10:06by which Zakat will be obligatory on a person.
10:08Now, what is Hulana-e-Hawl?
10:09By which Zakat is obligatory on a person.
10:11To be obligatory,
10:12one of the conditions,
10:13one of the most important conditions is Hulana-e-Hawl.
10:15What is this?
10:16This means that
10:17the person should spend the whole year
10:19on an account.
10:20The property on a person,
10:21the person should spend the whole year
10:22on an account.
10:24what does this mean?
10:25For example,
10:27for example,
10:28today is 10th Ramadan,
10:29if last year,
10:3010th Ramadan,
10:31a person had an account,
10:32that is,
10:33he had 7.5 tons of gold,
10:347.5 tons of silver,
10:35or the equivalent of silver,
10:36the amount of trade,
10:37or the amount came,
10:38he had an account,
10:39his needs were above the real ones,
10:40he had an account.
10:42in this,
10:43Ramadan is not necessary,
10:44you can put Shawwal,
10:45you can put Dhul-Qad,
10:46you can put Dhul-Hajj,
10:47any month of the year,
10:48in the Islamic month,
10:49in the date of the year,
10:50whichever day,
10:51he will have an account.
10:53next year,
10:54on the same day,
10:55for example,
10:56last year,
10:57on 10th Ramadan,
10:58he had an account.
11:00when 10th Ramadan came,
11:01and he still has an account,
11:02then Zakat is obligatory on him.
11:03It is not that he says,
11:04last year,
11:05on 10th Ramadan,
11:06I had an account.
11:08when the month of Rajab came,
11:09or when the month of Shaban came,
11:10or when the month of Safar came,
11:11then the business was a bit like this,
11:12that time,
11:13I remember,
11:14I did not have an account.
11:15I went below the account.
11:16That is,
11:17at that time,
11:18I did not have enough money
11:19to call myself an account holder.
11:21after a few days,
11:22it came.
11:24I will give Zakat
11:25when it came again.
11:26It is not like that.
11:27Last year,
11:28on 10th Ramadan,
11:29you had an account.
11:31on 10th Ramadan,
11:32you are an account holder.
11:33Most of the year,
11:34you had an account.
11:35In the middle,
11:36if you go below that line,
11:37then still,
11:38Zakat will be obligatory on you.
11:39You are an account holder.
11:40Zakat will be obligatory on you.
11:43if it happens that
11:44in some part of the year,
11:45your entire wealth
11:46is finished,
11:47your entire wealth is ruined,
11:48completely bankrupt,
11:49then the condition of
11:51will end.
11:53when you will be an account holder again,
11:54from then on,
11:55that counting will start
11:56for the next year.
11:57And second,
11:58keep in mind that
11:59spending the entire year
12:00on every part of the wealth
12:01is not a condition.
12:02For example,
12:04on 10th Ramadan,
12:05I have 300,000 Rupees.
12:06And next year,
12:07on 10th Ramadan,
12:08if I have 300,000 Rupees,
12:09if something happens,
12:10if something happens,
12:11that I have 300,000 Rupees,
12:12then I say,
12:13I was an account holder
12:14last year,
12:15on 10th Ramadan,
12:16but then,
12:17I had 300,000 Rupees.
12:19I have 300,000 Rupees.
12:21in terms of 300,000,
12:22according to that,
12:23I will give Zakat.
12:24If I get 300,000,
12:25then I have one month.
12:26I will not give it
12:27according to that.
12:29it is not like that.
12:31if you have
12:32all 52 tolas of silver,
12:33or the same amount,
12:34or the same amount of trade,
12:35which is more than
12:36what you need,
12:37then you become
12:38an account holder.
12:40the amount you had
12:41at that time
12:42will not be counted.
12:43After completing
12:44one year,
12:45the amount you have,
12:46according to that,
12:47you will be given
12:49You will take out
12:50the amount of that
12:51and you will pay
12:53And here,
12:55for example,
12:56in the lunar year,
12:57that is,
12:58the year of 355 days,
12:59will not be counted.
13:01the question is,
13:02our audience
13:04is it necessary
13:05to arrange
13:06a specific time
13:07to pay Zakat?
13:08Is it necessary
13:09to arrange
13:10a specific time,
13:11or a specific month,
13:12or a specific day?
13:14to pay Zakat,
13:15there is no
13:16specific time.
13:17As I just said,
13:18the Islamic month
13:19in which you
13:20became an account holder,
13:21as soon as
13:22one year passes,
13:23the same date will come.
13:25Zakat will be
13:26obligatory on you.
13:27You will delay it.
13:28If you do not pay Zakat,
13:29you will be a sinner.
13:31but if someone
13:32does not remember
13:34if someone says,
13:35I do not remember
13:37on which day
13:38I became
13:39an account holder,
13:40then he can
13:41choose the date
13:42for his convenience.
13:44what is the amount
13:45of Zakat?
13:46If someone
13:47has 87.48 grams
13:48of gold,
13:49which is equal
13:50to 7.5 tons,
13:51or someone
13:52has 612.36 grams
13:53of silver,
13:54which is equal
13:55to 52.5 tons,
13:56or the equivalent
13:57of 7.5 tons,
13:58then Zakat
13:59will be
14:01on him.
14:03Zakat is
14:05on the person
14:06who has
14:07more than
14:08his actual
14:11some people
14:12ask us
14:13that there is
14:14a big difference
14:15between the
14:16amount of
14:17silver and
14:18the amount
14:19of gold.
14:21if 7.5 tons
14:22of gold
14:23is equivalent
14:24to millions
14:25of rupees,
14:26then Zakat
14:27will be
14:29on the person
14:30who has
14:31more than
14:32his actual
14:35some people
14:36ask us
14:37that there is
14:38a big difference
14:39between the
14:40amount of
14:41silver and
14:42the amount
14:43of gold.
14:45some people
14:46ask us
14:47that there is
14:48a big difference
14:49between the
14:50amount of
14:51silver and
14:52the amount
14:53of gold.
14:55some people
14:56ask us
14:57that there is
14:58a big difference
14:59between the
15:01of silver
15:02and the
15:04of gold.
15:06some people
15:07ask us
15:08that there
15:09is a big
15:11between the
15:13of gold
15:14and the
15:20the people
15:21who know
15:54then zakat will not be obligatory on it.
15:56If it exceeds the basic necessities,
15:58now what are the basic necessities?
15:59A person's clothes are basic necessities,
16:01household utensils are basic necessities,
16:03food and drink are basic necessities,
16:06a house, a person's vehicle,
16:08the equipment used in the hospital,
16:12the books used by the scholar,
16:14or the medical equipment,
16:16i.e. someone's machinery is installed in the hospital,
16:18or someone's shop has some machinery installed,
16:20or someone is making something for their income,
16:22their machinery is the basic necessities of a person.
16:26If someone has an account,
16:28then zakat is obligatory on the 40th part of his total wealth,
16:32i.e. 2.5% of his total wealth.
16:34Allah has made it obligatory on him
16:36that the person who has an account will give zakat.
16:38i.e. if he has Rs. 100,000,
16:40then he will give Rs. 2,500 as zakat.
16:42If he has Rs. 100,000,
16:44then he will give Rs. 250,000 as zakat.
16:46So the 40th part of the wealth,
16:48i.e. 2.5% of his total wealth,
16:50is obligatory on him to give zakat.
16:52Only if someone has a separate account,
16:54we have a habit,
16:56especially women,
16:58and men,
17:00that we have a separate account
17:02to give zakat.
17:04And then we become comfortable
17:06that we have a separate account,
17:08so our zakat has been paid.
17:10Zakat will not be paid
17:12only by having a separate account for zakat.
17:14Until you don't make someone
17:16the owner of that wealth,
17:18your zakat will not be paid.
17:20If you have a separate account
17:22and that account is stolen,
17:24will your zakat be paid?
17:26If you have a separate account
17:28and that account is lost,
17:30will your zakat be paid?
17:32It is not like that at all.
17:34So first of all it is important
17:36that when you separate that account,
17:38you make someone the owner of that account.
17:40Then that zakat will be paid.
17:42Now the question is,
17:44when will zakat be paid?
17:46Only then will zakat be paid.
17:48A person can pay zakat in the middle of the year.
17:50For example,
17:52today on the 10th of Ramadan,
17:54someone was supposed to pay zakat.
17:56The year was coming to an end.
17:58Now until the next year,
18:00until the whole year,
18:02until the year does not pass again,
18:04religion and Shariah
18:06do not require zakat.
18:08When the whole year is completed
18:10and zakat is given to that person,
18:12now can I only pay zakat
18:14on the 10th of Ramadan
18:16or can I also pay zakat in the middle of the year?
18:18If I give zakat on the 10th of Ramadan,
18:20will it be counted?
18:22It is absolutely possible.
18:24If you give zakat on the 10th of Ramadan,
18:26now before the next 10th Ramadan,
18:28before the next Ramadan,
18:30you help the poor and the poor
18:32throughout the year
18:34and keep counting it
18:36if you are giving it with the intention of zakat.
18:38Then when the next 10th Ramadan comes
18:40you will count it.
18:42Whatever you own,
18:44when you will count it,
18:46when you will count it,
18:48then the amount of zakat that is obligatory on you,
18:50the amount of zakat that you are giving,
18:52minus that amount
18:54which you have already paid.
18:56Then it will definitely be included in your zakat
18:58and your zakat will be paid.
19:00I believe that it is better
19:02if you do this because sometimes
19:04people are giving nafli sadaqah throughout the year.
19:06The importance of nafli sadaqah is very high
19:08and there are hadiths of the Prophet
19:10about the importance of nafli sadaqah
19:12and about the importance of nafli sadaqah
19:14and about the importance of nafli sadaqah
19:16and about the importance of nafli sadaqah
19:18but zakat is obligatory
19:20and it is a big sin to be lazy.
19:22It is not permissible to be lazy in any way.
19:24So I think if you do this
19:26and give in between,
19:28it will be a good thing
19:30because zakat will be paid off.
19:32You help people,
19:34you help the poor and the poor
19:36and when zakat is paid off,
19:38you give nafli sadaqah.
19:40The more sadaqah you give,
19:42the closer you will be to Allah.
19:44The more sadaqah you give,
19:46the better it will be for you
19:48and the closer you will be to Allah.
19:50So it is very important to learn these issues
19:52and to act on them.
19:54There are a lot of questions about zakat.
19:56InshaAllah, we will meet again tomorrow
19:58on this channel
20:00and we will continue this topic
20:02of zakat.
20:06JazakAllah khair.
20:08JazakAllah khair.
20:36JazakAllah khair.