Today BachaBlox is busting 20 of the craziest Fisch myths which were sent in by the viewers!
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#Roblox #Fisch #FischRoblox #Idjots #BachaBlox
Today BachaBlox is busting 20 of the craziest Fisch myths which were sent in by the viewers!
What is your favourite Roblox Game? BachaBlox plays Fisch, Sol's RNG, Rivals, Blox Fruits and more
#Roblox #Fisch #FischRoblox #Idjots #BachaBlox
00:00Asked you guys to send me the craziest myths. You'd like me to bust on fish
00:04So today we're going to be trying all of them ranging from the easiest ones all the way to the most
00:10Insane myths you'll ever see but just before we do that the match Roblox giveaway is now up to
00:1692,000 robux and for every one new subscriber
00:19I'll add an extra two robux to the giveaway pot. This giveaway is already absolutely massive
00:25So make sure that you guys are subscribed and comment your roblox usernames to be entered and we're in
00:31Today guys
00:32We're gonna be checking out all of the top myths in fish and trying to bust them or try to see whether they're actually
00:38True now starting off with a mini myth
00:40This is one that I actually know is 100% true straight away because well because I've just fixed it as you guys can see at
00:48the top I currently have
00:50136 FPS but if you guys have been watching my recent videos
00:53I've been guessing around 30 FPS and how did I fix this?
00:57What I had to do was remove everything from my inventory that was causing me to lag
01:02So basically I've gotten rid of most of my epic fish now, don't panic. They're not fully gone
01:07I created a banker account and I basically traded it all over as you can see in this clip right here
01:13So that's right. All of my epic Megalodon spectral serpents. All that good stuff is still safe
01:19So now moving on to the real myths
01:21I asked you guys on YouTube to send me some of your craziest myths on fish and this is what I got back
01:26Starting with the first myth
01:28We've got somebody saying you can use the Glimmerfin suit in Norfolk expedition and not freeze. Is that true?
01:34I mean it would kind of make sense because you're supposed to be able to use the Glimmerfin suit down in Mariana Vale in the
01:39Freezing area and not freeze right? Either way, there's only one way to find out whether this true or not
01:44Let's make our way over towards Norfolk expedition and either bust this myth or prove that it's actually true. All right, here we go
01:51Norfolk expedition!
01:52Bro, the crazy thing is nobody ever comes to Norfolk expedition anymore. They should really do something with this
01:59It's kind of sad that it's just here, but nobody's ever coming here. All right, so in order to test this
02:04How should we do this? Oh, I've been in an accident
02:06All right
02:06What I'm gonna do is climb the mountain as normal until we actually get the thing popping up saying that I'm dying from freezing
02:12Now in order to make it a little bit quick, actually, I'm not gonna go the normal route
02:16I'm gonna take a little shortcut
02:18So we're gonna do is go up this ladder right here and then I should be able to scale this wall
02:22Come on, please. Does it not work anymore? Nah. Well, let me go around this side. Come on, bro
02:27Surely one of these walls will let me go up. No
02:30What surely this one? Okay, this one still works. We're chillin. We're chillin. We're chillin
02:35All right
02:35So as you guys can now see we've got this freezing temperature coming down so I should be dying from the freezing, right?
02:42Oh, wait. No, that's my oxygen. Hang on. Okay. My oxygen is fine. This is the freezing temperature
02:47So I'm slowly dying from the cold if we go ahead and put on the Glimmerfin suit level three. No way. No way
02:54All right, that's so sick
02:56I mean it does
02:57100% make sense because like said in the Mariana Vale there is a freezing area and once you get this suit it stops the freezing
03:03So there you go guys
03:05If for some reason you managed to get the Glimmerfin suit before you get the winter cloak
03:09You can use it over at Northern Expedition and not die from the cold. Wow, that's actually really sick to know. Cool
03:15All right, moving on to myth number two
03:16Apparently you can emote whilst walking you have to use emote E point and fast use emote E wait
03:23And then you should be able to move. Okay, I'm gonna go down to the bottom of the mountain to try this
03:28Let's do it. So you can emote whilst walking. Oh, I've got to buy the emote pack
03:35All right. Let me do it. Let me do it. I'm gonna do it just for you guys
03:38It's the experiment. We've got to get this right
03:40Okay, so if I start with slash E and then we do point like they said in the comment, okay, there's the point
03:45Oh, wait, wait. All right, so we've got to do that again E point and then quickly. Oh, how are you meant to do this?
03:50Quick, dude. Oh, oh, wait. I'm doing it. Yeah
03:54There I go
03:58No way
03:59Yo, that is a sick trick. What?
04:02Nah, that is so cool. So I can just keep walking around like this
04:08Yo, thank you for the tip. So that is officially myth. Number two is correct as well
04:14Oh, by the way myth number one it gets the correct stamp. Also, bro. That is epic
04:18Wait, what happens if I pull the rod out? Oh, oh
04:23Bro, I'm just wiggling the rod. Nah. All right. That is so cool. Dude. Oh wait, can I fish?
04:34What you can fish whilst emoting what happens if you actually fish, okay, wait, let me try to pull the fish out
04:41Nah, did am I just stuck emoting forever now all my days. I am you can emote and fish as well
04:47I do I have to do it again slashy. Wait, bro. How do I stop emoting? Just someone help. Let's try conception conch
04:53I don't know how to stop emoting bro. Oh, no, I'm still going. What if I glide?
04:59Bro, I can't stop emoting
05:01Someone help do I have to restart dude? I'm gonna restart my server. I can't stop. All right, we're back
05:07I finally stopped emoting. Please. Let me know in the comments
05:10How do I actually stop emoting once I start emoting like that? That's a crazy trick though. I actually love that
05:15Okay myth number three says if you can and quickly use a fish before the bar shows up you can move while fishing
05:23So I think what they mean is if you start fishing and before you actually get the bar down here
05:27You can pull out another fish and then move whilst you're fishing. Okay, wait, I think I've actually done this before by accident
05:34So in order to do this, we need a rod that's got instant lure. So let me just do like a theory or prism rod
05:39It's got 95% if we just put some I guess seaweed will do do I have seaweed? I don't that's crazy
05:45All right, let's put insect on it has five less speed which is enough to bring us to 100% making it instant lure
05:50Let me just quickly test it. Yeah, okay
05:52So apparently now if I actually pull out a fish whilst fishing or like before the bar comes up
05:58I should be able to move whilst fishing. All right in order to try this. I'm gonna pull out my firework orca
06:03Let's see if this works. So in oh, okay. Wait, I actually canceled my fishing completely. Let's try again. What's it canceled my fishing again?
06:12I'm doing it!
06:14Yo I'm fishing with my firework orca
06:16What? No
06:18Wait no
06:20That is so crazy. Let me try find a small fish I can do this with. Oh, what about jolly glass fish?
06:26Oh, yeah, look at this. Okay. Okay. Okay. Let's try it with the jolly glass fish. So it's all about timing if I fish
06:32Ah, see I didn't get the timing right there. Let's try this again. Oh, I'm doing it. I'm doing it guys. I'm doing it
06:38Look at this! I'm fishing without a fishing rod. Wait, what?
06:43How do you guys know all of these myths? How? That's crazy. Look I'm using the little glass fish
06:48Okay, let's pull the fish out. What happens if I pull it out over here? What? Did I not get it?
06:53All right. I have no idea what just happened, but that is another myth proven correct
06:57That definitely gets my stamp of approval. That is so sick. All right, moving on to myth number four
07:02We've got if you go into a whirlpool that spawns in the ocean and not the depths whirlpool
07:07Just the normal one then you can use a conception conch and you will fly into the sky
07:12Okay, this one sounds interesting anything to do with flying around the map or bugging out of the map
07:18I really really like and that's a little foreshadow for what's gonna be coming later in the video guys. So stay tuned
07:23All right, first things first. We've got to actually find these strange whirlpools. So let me see
07:27Is there gonna be one around here? Normally they're either around Rosalette Bay, Terrapin Island or behind Statue of Sovereignty
07:33So let's go towards the Terrapin Island spawn see if they're here. Oh wait, I don't need a strange whirlpool
07:38I need a normal whirlpool. What am I talking about? Okay, we're just gonna find the normal whirlpool anywhere on the map
07:43So the most amount of times I see normal whirlpools is around Moosewood actually. Oh, okay. I was correct around Moosewood
07:50All right here. We've got normal whirlpool guys. So what I need to do is get a conception conch ready
07:54So let's pull one of those out and if I hold it out jump into the whirlpool and use it
07:59Is that gonna work or am I just gonna die?
08:00In fact just to be on the safe side, let me put diving gear on just that I don't drown
08:04All right, let's get going. Hopefully I don't just die here. You are too close to a whirlpool
08:09Okay, it looks like I cannot use the conception conch and I also can't get out. Oh no. Oh, no
08:16I fully can't get out bro. I never knew that the whirlpool actually completely traps you. Oh, that's crazy
08:22I think I just got trolled. I'm 100% stuck. There's only one solution to this guys today. We drown. Goodbye world
08:29There I go
08:30Okay, so myth number four is 100% busted that does not work for myth number five
08:37We've got if you have a glider in your hotbar and triple jump, it will automatically equip
08:42Well, since we're at Rosalind Bay
08:44I guess there's only one good place to actually test this myth and that's gonna be at the top of the volcano
08:49We either fly or we break our legs. All right, let's get to the top and test this out for ourselves
08:54All right. Here we go guys. We've made it to the very top of Rosalind volcano here
08:57So I've got advanced glider equipped on my number four, but I'm not gonna press for I'm just gonna jump press spacebar
09:03On my computer three times and let's see if this works. All right, here we go. Three, two, one one, two, three
09:09Oh, it works. Oh
09:11Wait, I didn't know that so you can actually just use spacebar one, two, three, one, two, three. Yeah
09:18That is so sick. You can actually glide. Okay, what happens if I take it off though? Will I still do it?
09:24Okay, we don't have a glider on the hotbar. Will it still work? One, two, three. Oh, it doesn't work. Oh
09:29Okay, we almost died. So let me just test this as well. Does it work with the normal glider?
09:33One, two, three. Oh, it does. It does
09:36What how did I not know this? Okay, it's the last test
09:40Let me grab the advanced glider one more time and let me put this in the hotbar as well as the normal glider
09:45So does it just pick the first glider on the hotbar or does it go to the best glider? Let's find out
09:50Oh, it goes to the first one
09:53So if I swap them if I put the advanced glider on number four and normal glider number six, yeah
09:59Okay, so that definitely does work myth number five was correct
10:04You can pull out the glider if you've got in the hotbar and you press spacebar three times, bro, that is sick
10:10I'm gonna use that trick more often
10:11That's so cool
10:11Myth number six is if you want to enchant a rod with abyssal you have to equip a blue rod a switch back and within
10:19Three tries it will have the abyssal enchant already on this. I've got a cold cap, but we've got a busted
10:25Let's have a look if this myth is true dude. I swear if this is true. I don't even know at that point
10:30I don't even know fish
10:31So what we've got to do is spawn in my batch of mobile once again
10:35And of course and make our way to Statue of Sovereignty to see whether this enchanting trick actually works
10:40Hey called the scammer man. Take my money. Please. Sire. I'm not even a chanting for myself this time, buddy
10:45I'm out here busting myths. So currently it is nighttime already
10:48So I don't have to use a sundial totem and I did actually sell off a bunch of my enchant relics yesterday because I just had
10:54Wait a minute. It was like in my game. So let me grab this stack. I've got
10:59316 here that should be enough now. I'm gonna change rods. I'm not gonna try and do a theory of prison rod
11:03Oh wait, the thing was to use a blue rod, right?
11:06So the first blue rod I can think of is the Kings rod and this actually already has abyssal on it
11:11So is that gonna work double as well? Let's find out
11:13So apparently you've got to equip a blue rod, which I've already done
11:16I've equipped a blue rod and the blue rod with abyssal on it and then you can swap back to any of the rods
11:21So what rod should I enchant with this? You know what?
11:24Let's do the abyssal specter rod because it's got abyssal in the name
11:27Maybe we've got more luck of getting the abyssal enchant as well
11:30Okay, so I've swapped back and now apparently within three tries I should be able to get the abyssal enchant, bro
11:35If this actually works, I'm so done with this game. All right, let's have a look three two one
11:39Okay, we've got storming as the first one. We've got two tries left. Okay and chat number two. Let's see what we get. Oh
11:45We got hasty wait, wait, wait, you know, what's interesting guys, that's two yellow enchants in a row don't blue
11:52Does this work with yellow? Oh wait, wait
11:55Wait, the rod that we tried first was blue. The rod we've got on now is green blue and green
12:00What color does it make yellow? How did that happen?
12:04Coincidence. I don't know dude. I actually don't know
12:07All right, let's go into enchant number three if this isn't abyssal then myth busted. Here we go. It's ghastly
12:13Okay myth officially busted that does not work as I suspected
12:17So next up we've got if you go to northern expedition and get hit by an avalanche
12:21You can get flung all the way to the exit
12:24All right, so I guess we're off back to the northern expedition once again
12:27And this time we've got a spawn in an avalanche just to get hit by it. All right, here we go
12:31We're back at the northern expedition
12:33So I've got to go ahead and buy myself an avalanche totem in order to be able to spawn the avalanche in
12:37So let's go ahead and grab this one right here. Oh wait, actually before I do that
12:41Let's go glimmer fin suit to keep out the cold. And of course advanced oxygen tank just to keep me alive
12:46All right, so I've got the avalanche totem here
12:48Let's go ahead and just get like five of these because I'm rich and now what should I do?
12:53Let me go to the highest point of northern expedition just to give myself the best chance of getting flung like crazy with the avalanche
12:59So I think what I've got to do is basically just aim to get hit by it
13:03Directly head on and then we'll see if we go flying. All right, here we go
13:06We're basically at the summits of the mountains
13:09What I'm gonna do is spawn in the avalanche using the avalanche totem and let's see
13:13Does it come from the top or from the middle of the mountain? I guess we're gonna find out
13:17Okay, I don't see any avalanche yet. Is there any gun? Oh
13:20Okay, it's going on down there. So I think there's one spawning from over there now because the exit of the mountain is actually on
13:27This side. Let me see if I can get hit by an avalanche over on this side
13:31And then we could maybe fly all the way to the exit. Okay. Yeah, I'm way too high up the mountain, dude
13:36So the first avalanche spawn in and I can see is right here
13:39So if I stand just here, I should be able to get hit. Come on
13:45Okay, wait, I pulled out the glider now I'm spinning like crazy ah, but it stopped
13:50All right. This myth is a little bit inconclusive
13:53I think if you got super unlucky in the game kind of bugged out
13:56You probably can't get launched all the way to the exit
13:58But doing it consistently would be super tough and for that reason I'm gonna say this myth has been
14:05Busted and to be honest, it's very very unlikely that this would happen to you. Okay moving on to myth number eight
14:11We've got if you use two sundial totems and die five times in the ocean
14:16It's 100% chance of getting a megalodon. All right at this point
14:20I've got a feeling you guys just want me to die, but let's try it
14:22Anyway, so two sundial totems and die in the ocean five times. All right, here we go. We've got the sundial totems
14:28Let me use one. Okay, and second one done. So now that we've done that I've got to die five times, bro
14:33Are you kidding me? All right, let's do it. Come on water crush me to my sleep. All right, there it is
14:38Death number one. All right, let's make our way out of the calm zone. And here we go death number two
14:43There it is number three number four and the last one and number five, dude
14:48I swear if this works that this is insane. There's no way this works
14:52Death number five done. All right, so now that I've died five times if I check the chat, wait, what why does it say?
14:59Megalodon got away. Was that already there? Okay, I'm gonna assume that was already there. There's there's no way right? There's no way
15:05All right, let me try this. Let me use one sundial totem. See if we can now spawn a Megan. Okay, we didn't what what is going on?
15:12Did that actually work? Megalodon got away when I didn't see that. All right guys
15:16I'm gonna have to try it one more time cuz I'm a little bit sussed out
15:19So I've used one sundial totem
15:20Let me use another and die five times once again
15:23Cuz I have no idea why it says that in the chat because it doesn't even say Meg spawned
15:26Did it just spawn in as soon as I joined the server? I'm super confused. Okay. Well, I've used two sundial totems once again
15:32Let me die another five times, bro. All right, here we go
15:34Death number five and then let's have luck with a Megalodon spawning. Why am I doing this dude?
15:39I've now died it ten times just to try and bust this myth. This is crazy. So I died five times
15:45Let me open up the chat. It's the exact same. Why did I do that?
15:48I've just died ten times for no reason I guess as the last measure
15:51Let me pull out a sundial totem. Once again pop it. Will I get a Megalodon when it turns night?
15:55If not myth officially busted. Okay, it's night time. And yep. No Meg dude. Why did I do that?
16:02That is officially ten deaths and zero Megalodons. Yep. Thanks for that comment, dude
16:08So that myth has been officially busted moving on to myth number nine
16:12We have if an orcas slash whale migration ends right after you catch an orca or whale
16:18You can take it to any island you want. So I guess in order to do this
16:22I've got a spawn in a whale migration and to do that. We've got to do tempest totems and
16:28Smokescreen totems get this super weird for some weird reason
16:31I actually can't even get a whale migration spawn in press my server bugged or did they stop that?
16:36Can you no longer spawn in a whale migration? That is crazy. I've used like 30 totems. Hello
16:41Okay, I'm gonna restart my server and try this again and my server might be bugged. Okay, I've reached out my server
16:45Let's try this again tempest totem smokescreen totem. Let's go. Oh, there we go. Okay whale migration has begun. So it does still work
16:52So once again, we've got to get my jet ski
16:54Where is it?
16:55There it is the batch of mobile and let me find this whale migration now most of the time they spawn in over towards ancient
17:00Islay, let's have a look. All right, here it is. So it should be over this way
17:05So I guess what I'm gonna do now is just wait until this whale
17:09Migration is almost near the end and then try to catch a blue whale or the Moby if there is a Moby even there
17:15Which no way no way we actually spawned the Moby in. Okay, I guess I'm gonna get fishing and let's see if I can get it
17:22Hooked. There's no way this just happened. There's only a 5% chance that we get Moby and actually got Moby now
17:27I'm pretty sure for the blue whales. They like shrimp if I'm not wrong. Do I have any shrimp or do okay?
17:33I've got 30 shrimp. All right, this crazy guys
17:35We're almost up to ancient Isle and I can't even hook a normal blue whale. Never mind the Moby
17:40So I'm gonna do I'm gonna cheat this a little bit just to make sure that I can get it
17:43Let me go ahead and pawn the 8x luck
17:45But like always guys if you want to get the robux for yourself
17:48Just make sure that you subscribe and you comment your roblox usernames to be entered into the March robux giveaway
17:54All right, there it is. We've got a text look on now. Hopefully I should be able to get at least a blue whale here
17:59Oh, there we go. Okay. I got myself the blue whale
18:03All right
18:03So what I'm gonna do now is basically hold on to the blue whale until the line of runs out
18:08So what I do do do I just hold it then let it go for a bit?
18:11Okay, let me try balance this this is gonna be so hard bro
18:13So I guess I've legit just gotta keep the blue whale on the hook and then every now and then let it go get it
18:19Back on the hook. Let it go get it back. All right, where's the finish line, bro?
18:23Should I just drive to the finish line just to see how far it is? Oh, it's still kind of far
18:27Oh, it's so far. Oh dear. All right
18:31Well, I'm gonna wait at the finish line with my blue whale once the other whales get here
18:35Then we'll continue with this myth. No
18:39I lost it, bro. I lost it as the whales are here. No, give me another give me another there's no way
18:44There's no way I don't get it. No, I literally lost it as the whales are coming
18:49Oh, bro, can't be both to do this again, please
18:54Did I just waste 15 minutes of my life, oh no way no, I'm gonna do this whole challenge again
19:02All right. Here we go guys time to spawn in another whale migration. I can't believe I lost it
19:07All right. I'll see you guys once this whale migration gets all the way to the end once again
19:11And I've got blue whale hooked on. All right, here we go. The next blue whale migration has already passed ancient isle
19:17So I'm gonna try to catch it now and then hopefully I can get one before the end of the migration if I don't get
19:22One before the end. I don't know dude. I give up bro. This is unbelievable guys
19:26I cannot seem to be able to get the blue whale and the end is right there. No, don't do this to me game
19:32Don't do this to me. I don't want to have to spot in another. Oh, bro. I hate this myth
19:37Whoever wrote this why the thing is I know that it works anyway, cuz I've actually done this myself in the past before
19:43But I want to prove to you guys that it does work. I don't want to just move on to the next one
19:47All right, come on. I've got like two more chances
19:49Please I've got one more chance at this
19:54Well, there goes another whale migration without me being able to test this myth, that's crazy, dude
20:00Guess there's nothing else left to do over and spawn another whale migration in and do this again
20:06Dude, this is crazy, dude. I can't believe this guys
20:09I literally have 64 X look on and I haven't managed to hook the blue whale once like what how is this happening?
20:16I'm just trying to bust the myth and I'm losing my sanity. There's no way there's no way
20:22I actually don't get the blue whale 64 X look. All right, let's go. Let's go. Let's go. Come on last one
20:29Well, there goes the blue whale once again, bro, how did that just happen well on the positive side
20:35We do have an orca migration that started so I guess instead of the blue whales. Let's do this with the orca migration
20:41It might be a little bit easier. Actually. All right, here we go. This is the orca migrations the same thing
20:45Once again, I'm gonna let it get near the end before I hook it because I don't want to have to keep it on hook
20:50The whole time now should be easy of the orcas because they're exotics and for some reason the blue whales
20:55Well, they're just super hard to catch. I have no idea why they made the whales so hard to catch in this game, dude
21:00All right. I'll see you guys once we get near the end with the orcas
21:02All right. Here we go. Guys. The orca migration is almost ended. So let me go ahead and try to catch one, dude
21:07I swear if I don't catch an orca now, I actually give up. Oh, have I got it? Have I got the orca?
21:12Why is it not showing it? Have I got it or not got it? Oh, I got it. I got it. I got it
21:16I got it. Okay. It looks like I've got some sort of like a glossy orca maybe. All right
21:20So let me keep this orca hooked. The finish line is just there
21:23So I'm not allowed to catch it and I'm not allowed to lose it. All right, here we go
21:27This should now end so let's go ahead and just keep it alive a little bit longer
21:32All right, there we go. The orca migration has ended
21:35So, let me just make sure not to lose it. But if you guys have a look I am dragging the orca. Whoa
21:39Wow, it's going crazy
21:44There it is. We got ourself a prism eyes orca
21:48So I knew that that actually worked the whole time
21:50But all my days did that take a long time to finish just that one myth
21:55Alright, so clearly that myth has been proven to be correct and we can finally move on to myth number 10 myth
22:02Number 10 is you can glitch out of any map going
22:05250 miles per hour over a whirlpool. What?
22:09Surely this one isn't possible. Is it?
22:11All right
22:11The only downside is with the batch mobile it only has a max speed of 230
22:18Now the epic thing is I haven't actually recorded this
22:20But if we go to Moosewood super quickly
22:23One of the things that we can do is come to this egg
22:25Salesman and he should be able to sell us eggs that allow us to get an epic boat
22:29So if I just take one egg just to show you guys now to be honest
22:32I don't actually recommend doing this for yourself guys. It's a little bit waste of robux. There's no point going to the egg salesman
22:38I'm just doing it just to show you in this video that it can be done
22:41So if we open up the Faberge egg
22:43There's a 1.5% chance to get this thing right here
22:46And that is actually a brand new jet ski, which I have managed to get myself a different time when I wasn't recording
22:51So if I scroll down, okay, here it is King of the Kraken and this one goes up to
22:57260 top speed so if I spawned this bad boy in all right, here we go
23:03I'm not gonna lie. Like I said, I don't think you guys should waste your robux on those eggs, but this looks epic
23:08That looks so sick. Okay, so apparently if I drive over a whirlpool now, I should get flung out of the map
23:15So I'm gonna test this with a normal whirlpool and a strange whirlpool if I can find any. Oh, okay
23:20I found a normal whirlpool right there next to Rosalie Bay. So if I do a quick 180, all right
23:25Let's see. Will it fling me out of the map? Where's it gone? What's that? All right, here we go straight over the whirlpool
23:30No, it did it and I was going
23:33260 so in that comment it did say just over a normal whirlpool
23:37But let me see if I can find a strange whirlpool as well to try this over. Okay, I can't find one right now
23:41I'll just see you guys when one actually spawns in on my map. All right, here we go
23:44I finally got another strange whirlpool spawn in so I'm gonna do is go max speed and let's run ourself into the strange whirlpool
23:52Okay, here it is. We're max speed. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, that does nothing
23:58Dude, that is officially another myth busted. Myth 11 is if you catch one Scylla at level 500
24:06You can get 40 levels. Alright, this one is kind of tricky to prove because obviously I'm already level 1000
24:12But that won't get in the way of me trying to prove it
24:15What I'm gonna do is hop onto my second batch of blocks account, which is around level 500
24:20Maybe just a bit more get down to the Scylla room and let's see if we can catch a Scylla and get 40 levels
24:25So I'll see you guys once I managed to get a Scylla to spawn in and here we go
24:29Okay, so I'm currently on my batch yet account. This one has
24:33531 levels and yep, we did get the Scylla to spawn in currently
24:37We've still got the 64x server lock
24:39So this shouldn't be too bad and I will be using the no life rod in order to try and catch this Scylla
24:43All right. Let's see guys. Will I go up 40 levels now to be fair in the comment?
24:48They did say they've got to be level 500. I'm level
24:51531 so maybe I'm not gonna go up 40
24:54But maybe I gain like let's say 20 or 30 levels if I don't gain anywhere near that then yeah, this doesn't work
25:00I guess anything that's not the Scylla should probably be skipping right? Oh
25:05Here we go, okay, we're getting the Scylla at minus 95% progress. Let's get it
25:10Okay, so apparently the no life fraud does still use its piece or ability on Scylla. I actually didn't know that
25:16Wait, what? Wait, what? It's going crazy
25:19Wait, why does nobody ever talk about how good the no life fraud is for catching a Scylla?
25:23Oh wait, it did that trick where it halved my bar. Okay, that's fine. We're chillin. We're still doing good
25:28We're still holding on bro. Nah, this is insane guys
25:31Is the no life fraud one of the best frauds for catching the Scylla? Look how fast it is
25:36Cuz it keeps doing constant slashes. No, I just discovered something crazy today
25:43This is nuts bro, imagine no life fraud with the blessed enchant
25:47Oh wait, actually blessed enchant doesn't work for the Scylla, but still it's going crazy
25:51Wow, and there it is. No life fraud is sick. All right, if you guys have no life fraud use that for a Scylla
25:58We're just discovering something new today. I swear that's the best rod to catch the Scylla. That is crazy good
26:03And if I check my levels, ooh, wait, what I actually did go up a lot
26:08I went up ten levels from that we were five hundred and thirty one now
26:12I'm five hundred and forty one. So if I was level 500, I guess well, I wouldn't have gone up 40 levels
26:19There's no way because we just went up ten, but you probably could go up like 20 levels. So that myth is busted
26:25However, you do still gain a lot and I mean a lot of XP from the Scylla and on top of that
26:31The no life rod is goated. I can't believe I've just discovered how good this rod is in order to catch the Scylla
26:35Wow, that was sick. Let's just have a look. Did I get a cool-looking Scylla? Oh, no, I didn't
26:40It's just a normal Scylla weighing
26:43480,000 kilograms. Alright, let me get back onto my more batch of blocks accounts and let's continue this myth-busting challenge
26:49Alright myth number 12, but you can get a frozen Leviathan every time by using the rod of forgotten Fang
26:56So in order to test this one, I've of course come to the area where you get the frozen Leviathan
27:00And we do have the 64 XLUK still on which is good. So let's pull out the rod of forgotten Fang. Here it is
27:06So a lot of people still think that this works personally. I don't think this is gonna work
27:11Let me go ahead and put some different bait on quickly
27:12And the reason I'm saying it probably won't work is because guys this was patched so long ago
27:18I'm pretty sure. Now every now and then a secret does sneak through where you're still able to catch it with the Meg
27:23But I'm not sure if this one's gonna be it. Anyway, we did get mythical straight away
27:27We've got minus 50% progress down here. So let's see if this is gonna work. Oh wait
27:32Dude, I forgot. Okay, we're gonna do three perfect catches to get the Meg. Alright, that's two
27:37now the interesting thing about this one though is I did hear people saying at the start of the Mariana Veil that this was
27:42The only one where you can actually get it with the Meg
27:45But all of the other secrets have been patched so that this trick doesn't work anymore on the secrets. Anyway, that's the second perfect catch
27:52I believe unless I've lost count. Let's do one more and then we should be able to wait for the mythical
27:57Okay, there we go. Three perfect catches and we're going anomalous sick
28:00So now all I've got to do is wait for a mythical ding. Let me go really close to my head
28:04So I can make sure it's the pink one. Okay, that's a common. Let's go ahead and skip this one
28:08Oh, okay. This is the mythical minus 50% progress and let's see
28:12So apparently if I catch this one, the Megalodon should get the frozen Leviathan
28:17I'm gonna zoom way out for this just so that we can see the Meg. Okay, there we go
28:20I caught mine and nope, it didn't work the Meg. Look it literally just got the exact same one
28:27So when Mariana Veil first came out
28:29I think that trick actually did work because a lot of people in my discord was saying that that trick works
28:33Join my discord by the way guys. It's really epic
28:36I'll put the link to my discord in the description and top of the comments
28:39But I'm pretty sure since then the devs have patched this once again
28:43So no guys, you cannot catch secrets with the rod of forgotten Fang. That just doesn't work anymore
28:48So that is officially myth number 12 busted moving on to myth number 13
28:52We have if you go to these coordinates, you can find the hole in the map and from there
28:57You can reach a secret place with an elevator. Okay, this one sounds super
29:01Interesting. So let me go ahead and conch out of here quickly
29:05So I feel like this one is gonna be outside and in order to find it
29:08First of all, I'm gonna need my boat. You know what? Let's actually use the kraken boat cuz why not?
29:13Yeah, I'll do this boat with the rod of forgotten Fang skin. Whoa, that looks sick
29:17All right, next up we need the GPS on okay, let's try find these coordinates
29:22So it was minus five seven two two on the x-axis, which is somewhere this way. Okay. Oh, wait, what?
29:29So five seven two two is here. It's around here
29:33Then it was a minus one two seven on the y-axis
29:37obviously the y-axis it should be underneath us, but the z-axis needs to be
29:442690 what how do I what how's that even possible?
29:48Can I even find those coordinates so in order to get the z-axis to two six ninety?
29:52I need to go this way, but in the x-axis is wrong. Wait, no, no, no, no, no
29:57Okay, I'm on two six and ninety here. Okay, it's not possible
30:01It's not possible. So in order to get to the x-axis
30:04I need to keep going that way and the Zed is already in the right position
30:08So it would have to be somewhere out there, which is already out of the map
30:11I mean, I guess I could try swim under the water. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong here
30:16Let's try swim under the water. I guess. Yeah. No, it's not possible guys. It's not possible
30:20I mean you can try this for yourself. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I'm like
30:2599.99% sure this is not possible those coordinates
30:27You're just not able to get to them because look at this
30:30I'm on the z-axis and the x-axis wants me to be over there in order to get there, but just can't get there
30:35I mean I could try get the x-axis going this way would this work? Nope. Nope. Nope. It doesn't work
30:41Yeah, see when I try travel towards the x-axis, like I said in that comment, I end up losing the Zed
30:46Yeah, the place he wants me to go to is literally out the map
30:49Look, I'm trying to keep the X the same and I physically can't it forces me back into the map
30:54Which makes me lose the x-axis whilst the z-axis goes up. So it's not possible guys, unfortunately
31:00I mean you can try for yourself, but I guarantee it won't work. In fact, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait
31:04Let's try this with the submarine. Let's just see if there's a random hole around here. I don't see any random holes around here
31:11Unfortunately, let's try go to the z-axis. Alright, I'm on the z-axis and yeah, just look at this guys. What is going on?
31:17He said minus a hundred and twenty seven. Why the why only goes down to?
31:2228 so this was just a troll
31:27Why did I even fall for that that's crazy
31:30Yeah, the only way to get to the X would be to go out of the map
31:33Anyway, alright onto the next one that is officially number 13
31:39Busted it can't be done. This is sick though traveling around like this is so fun
31:44Why do I never use the submarine like this more often? This is cool. It's really cool moving on to myth number 14
31:49We have is it possible to go to level 2 or 3 of Mariana Vale if someone who's unlocked it is driving?
31:56So this one is asking can we go down Mariana Vale or with somebody in the submarine?
31:59That's not actually unlocked Mariana Vale, but it's actually a really interesting question
32:03So in order to find this one out, let me get back into my submarine right here
32:07And let me get one of my old accounts to log on
32:10So I'm just gonna get badger blocks a serpent in here and let's see if we can take him down Mariana Vale
32:15And here is badger block serpent 3 is chilling inside my submarine
32:19So if I now go and sit here and by the way guys, he definitely doesn't have it unlocked
32:24That's the account that I used in order to get the Aurora spectral serpent like two months ago
32:28I haven't played on it since but if we take it down to Ross the bay
32:31Will he be able to go through Mariana Vale? So he's not even unlocked at this part. Never mind level 2 or 3
32:37All right. Let's have a look if I start going down. Does he just pop out or does he come down with me?
32:42Wait, what?
32:44He's actually doing it
32:46Is he still in here?
32:49So you're telling me you could just have one person that's unlocked Mariana Vale and then you can take everyone else down with you
32:55Well, that's kind of crazy. That's really crazy. Is he still in there? Yeah, dude. He is
32:59He's just chilling and I am looking at my other monitor
33:02I've not lagged out but your block serpent 3 is really just chilling in there Wow
33:08All right. Well, I guess to prove this theory
33:10Let's go all the way to the level 2 area and see if he'll still be sat inside my submarine
33:14Okay, let's take a look
33:15So I've made it down to the level 2 area the frozen area and yep. He's just still sat there chilling
33:21So if I get outside, can he get outside with me? All right, I've made outside
33:25Let's see if he's gonna be able to scramble his way out the submarine as well
33:30All right, well there you go guys if you have any friends that have not completed Mariana Vale
33:35Apparently you can literally just let them through that's that's so insane. That is so insane. Why is that in the game?
33:41All right. Well, we can say goodbye to batch of blocks number three. You've done a great service for us. Thank you friend
33:47So that's officially myth number 14 proved to be
33:51Incredibly correct actually can't believe that works. But there we go. All right moving on to myth number 15
33:55We have if you have a Megalodon and then you go to ancient Isle fish with a rod
33:59You need to shake with do two shakes and then hold your Megalodon and then leave and rejoin
34:05You will have a big Megalodon. Okay, this sounds super complex. Let's just go through the steps
34:11So first of all, let me use a conception conch to get off here
34:13And then the next step is gonna be obviously let's get our jet ski back and we need to spawn in a Megalodon
34:19So for this I'm gonna be popping sundial totems. All right, here we go
34:22We managed to get the Megalodon to spawn in all I've got to do now is find where it is
34:26Oh, okay. Here it is. All right, so let me reread over that comment because I'm not gonna lie
34:31It was kind of confusing
34:32So let's bring it up once again
34:33If you have a Megalodon and then you get so first of all, we need to catch the Megalodon
34:37Then you get to ancient Isles fish with a rod you need to shake with do two shakes
34:43Then hold your Megalodon then leave and rejoin they'll be big. Okay. So first things first, we've got to catch the Meg
34:49So in order to do this, I guess I let's use a theory or prism rod. Just make it nice and easy
34:54All right. This is kind of sus. I've caught about 15 fish and none of them are Megalodon. I literally have
35:0064 X look guys. I swear the luck does nothing in this game. It's kind of insane
35:05I'm literally getting a normal tuner right now and I've got 64 X luck. I've used an ethereal prism rod like hello
35:11Oh, okay. There we go. We're getting the Megalodon. Here we go
35:15Okay, so I need to catch the Megalodon and then I need to go to ancient Isle. So let's get the Meg here comes
35:20Okay, it's a normal Megalodon. It's not ancient which is fine
35:22It doesn't really matter either way. Actually the main thing is we need to check the weights of the Megalodon
35:27So let's have a look. What did I catch here if I scroll down? Oh, I got a prism eyes. Okay
35:3353,000 kilogram prism eyes Megalodon
35:35So the next step was to go to ancient Isle fish with a rod that you need to shake with do two shakes and then
35:42Hold your Megalodon and leave
35:45This can't be real. This is gonna be cap. There's no way this is real
35:48Okay, let me pull out a rod that I've got to do shakes with I guess let's do antler rod and let me grab that
35:54Megalodon, let's put it right here. Okay, so if we throw it in the water do one two shakes pull out the Megalodon
36:01Huh? I can't pull it out. What wait what some reason I can't select any of the fish that I want
36:07What is going on is my game bugged? Okay, let me sell my inventory. I think my game might have bugged
36:12Okay, it doesn't matter either way. I can select it. I'm just not holding out. I guess let's try by selecting it
36:17So let's do one two shakes select my Megalodon leave. Okay, we've rejoined and let me have a look
36:23So if I type in Megalodon, nope, it's still
36:2753,199 kilograms. Yeah, there's no way that works dude. That is absolute cap
36:33So that is myth number 15 completely busted that does not work
36:37I know I couldn't pull it out, but there's no way that works, dude. I just don't believe that
36:41All right, moving on to myth number 16
36:43We have you cannot pay coal when you go to the Statue of Sovereignty go to the elevator shift lock then stand beside the hole
36:50Then you fall it will teleport you to keepers altar. What there's no way this whole time
36:56I've been given coal money the scammer man the whole time. We could just go down. I don't believe this. Is this true?
37:02All right, let's go to the batch of my bill or go to Statue of Sovereignty and have a look if this is true
37:06I swear guys. Okay, here we go Statue of Sovereignty
37:10Apparently we just shift lock go next to the hole and fall down now
37:14I'll be honest with you guys
37:15I've actually fallen down here before cuz I've wanted the same thing in the past, but I died
37:20So I feel like this is gonna be cap. I'm probably gonna die again, but let's have luck
37:24Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that is all real thing. That is not a real thing. You guys just made me die, bro
37:33Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I might have died. But why is my whole game gone blue?
37:38But do you guys see that everything's gonna super blue? Let me die again
37:41Actually, let me try it out one more time just to double-check that that doesn't work
37:45I'm gonna try it on the other side of coal this time. Okay, we're back at the Statue of Sovereignty
37:49So this time let me fall down this hole right here
37:52Yeah, that yeah. Yeah guys, you just make me die. Why did I believe that? There's no way. Well, that's officially myth number 16
38:01Busted myth number 17 is it's impossible to leave a non strange whirlpool. Wait, we can actually take that one
38:07I'm sure wait, that is correct earlier in the video
38:10We got stuck inside of a strange whirlpool and I couldn't get out
38:12Alright, so myth number 18, let's move on to that myth is why does the merchant of forsaken give less money than other merchants?
38:19Wait, that can't be true. Can it is that real? Okay, let's test this
38:23So first of all, I'm gonna go to the merchant at Rosalit Bay and what should we give him?
38:27Let's give him the anonymous Scylla. So how much would he be willing to offer for this? Oh, actually does he not price it?
38:33Oh, he doesn't price it. Okay in that case
38:35Let me catch two of the same kind fish first and then we'll try to sell it to him
38:39All right. There we go. I managed to get myself two common crates. Okay, there we go
38:43We've got two common crates. They're both the exact same weight. They're both eight kilograms
38:47So how much can I sell one of these four? So I'd like to sell this. Okay, I got 80 cash for one of them
38:53So apparently if we go to Moosewood, it should sell for less than that
38:56There's no way if this is real that is a crazy scam from the Moosewood merchant
39:02But it would also kind of make sense because Moosewood is your starting spot
39:06So it makes sense if he's trying to offer the lowest value until you explore other places
39:11This could be really clever from the fish tabs. Alright, let's do the same thing common crate eight kilograms and sell it to this guy
39:17So if it's 80 cash, it's exactly the same. Okay, I'd like to sell this. Yeah, it's 80 cash
39:22Okay, I think that means that it doesn't sell for less
39:25I guess what I could try to do is maybe sell an enchant relic
39:28Alright, let's grab one of these big abyssal enchant relic. That's all for one five nine two five now
39:35Let's go to the other merchants once again. In fact this time instead of Rosley. Let's go to a different one once again
39:40So let's go to forsaken shores and see if that merchant will sell at a different price. Okay, here's the merchant at forsaken shores
39:46So we're looking for one five and nine two five. I believe it was. Yep
39:50One five nine two five that is a myth busted all of the merchants sell for the same price
39:57Okay, that's actually good to know
39:58But it also would have made sense if the Moosewood merchants sold for less because it's like the starting point
40:03You know, you kind of want to get off of Moosewood myth. Number 19 is Kings blessing has visuals now
40:08All right. I know this one is definitely true. Let's see. Do I have any Kings blessing that one won't work that won't work
40:14The floppy doesn't work. So here's the thing not all of the fish do work
40:19So what's supposed to happen?
40:20Is there supposed to be a crown above the head right here, but not all of them have it for some reason
40:25So, let's see if I can find one that does have it. Are you kidding me? I don't have any
40:28I'm pretty sure my Meg has it but I can't show it. Ah, why can't I show it?
40:32All right. Well, I'm gonna have to do I'm gonna have to catch a Kings blessing
40:35This is nuts, but let's do it for the experiment. So let me pull out the Poseidon rod and let's get fishing
40:40Okay, here we go Kings blessing now, is it gonna work on the shipwreck barracuda, maybe not actually
40:47Maybe I should just go to Moosewood for this. Okay, big Kings blessing cursed eel. It's a cursed eel. Okay
40:52All right. It doesn't work on the cursed eel either. What? All right. Wait, I've got much simpler solution
40:57Let me get batching number two on and let me see if it's got the crown on my Megalodon because it should work on the
41:03Meg. All right, here he is batching number two the guy that helped us catch the Scylla
41:06So, let me give him my
41:08Giant Megalodon my jumbo Meg. Okay, he's gonna hold it out
41:12And what I'm gonna do is take my jet ski back up and see if we can see the crown
41:17It should work on the Megalodon. Oh, there it is. Yeah
41:20There it is. Alright, so there you go guys
41:22The Kings blessing does actually show up for some reason it just doesn't show up on every fish
41:27But the Megalodon it works and look at my huge jumbo Meg, bro. The crown is so big
41:34No, that's ridiculous this Meg is so ridiculous, it's literally bigger than moose would alright
41:38So clearly that one does work and now batching up to give me back my Meg, dude
41:42Thank you before we move on to the last myth. We'll have a little bonus myth. And what's this one?
41:47Subscribing to batch of blocks gives you 10x luck
41:50Well, there's only one way to test that one guys and it's not gonna be down to me
41:53Hit that subscribe button to see what happens and let me know in the comments and for a very last myth comes a little one
41:59From myself the myth is what happens if you can actually get outside of the fish map and what happens if you fish?
42:07Into the abyss now somebody has actually left comments before saying that there are secret fish out in the abyss. Is this true?
42:14I have no idea. Let's go ahead and bust this myth now in order to do this
42:18If you guys don't know the Kings blessing mutation is quite bugged right now
42:22So if I go ahead and grab my biggest Megalodon the two hundred and five thousand kilogram Megalodon
42:27This thing is huge. But if I run into a wall watch what happens guys if I'm wrong jump
42:33Yo, all right. Here we go. It's begun now
42:36The only problem is sometimes try to do this trick you drown and it looks like this is gonna be one of those times
42:45All right, let's try this again, so let me use the Megalodon to run into what wait before I do that
42:49Let me put scuba gear on so I need some diving gear just so that I don't drown
42:53Let's get the super flippers on. All right. There we go. Now. We're ready Megalodon is out. Let's go for it
42:58Come on, launch me. Yo
43:01Okay, I'm back into the ocean. This is not where I really want to be. Come on launch me. Oh
43:07Wait, wait guys. Look at this. Oh
43:10Wait, okay. I think I'm out. I'm out. I'm out. I made it. My game is fully broke. I
43:16I'm flying to nowhere. Where am I going bro? The map is all the way back over there
43:22I guess this is my life now. What happens if I fall don't just die out here. Now. This is crazy, bro
43:27Where am I? All right, let me try something. Let me actually try to spawn a boat
43:31Maybe I can't spawn a boat and I also okay. I died. All right, let's try this again Kings blessing Meg
43:38Oh and off I go. Okay, what happened? Can I just glide from here outside the map? Let's try this
43:43Okay, this could take a while
43:45What am I doing, dude?
43:47Okay, the outside of the map is actually pretty far away. If you guys can see that I can see the horizontal line there
43:53That's the outside of the map. Am I even gonna make it all the way there? I have no idea
43:57Let's just glide and see what happens. Okay, I'm finally making my way over there as you guys can see
44:01Here's the horizontal line that we've got across. Come on. It's just a little bit further now. Will I hit the invisible wall?
44:07I have no idea, but I guess there's only one way to find out. All right, here we go
44:11Looks like I'm about to cross it any second now. Have I crossed it? Oh, I've crossed it
44:15Guys, I've crossed it. I'm outside the map. All right, let me go ahead and drop down. Oh, I actually did it
44:20I actually did it. I'm outside the map
44:22This is the edge of the map and for some reason now, I can't get back in. Oh, no. Did I make a mistake?
44:27Let me in. Oh, wait. Okay underneath me is actually sand. Let me try spawn a boat. Oh
44:37All right. I have no idea what's going on here guys, but I am outside of the map
44:40So what happens if I spawn a boat here now, does this work? It's spawned in the battery mobile. It's up there. Oh
44:48All right. Well, that is the official map right there. What happens if we fish right here? Let's test this out first
44:53So let me go to the best rod in the game right now in theory or prism rod. No way this works
44:57No way this works. Let's go sardine. Oh and I can move
45:01Yo, I can move I can move outside the map
45:05What is this
45:08This is so cursed. Alright, so clearly fishing outside of the map does work now. I'll be honest. Is there a secret fish out here?
45:15I don't know probably not
45:16I mean I could try to get one but I don't have high hopes but just before I do that
45:20Actually, let me find the actual edge of the map. Okay, here it is. This is the actual edge of the map
45:26So what happens if we fish nothing?
45:28It does look very cool though. This is so epic. Okay, and there's one last test. Let's drop down here
45:34All right. There you go guys that right there is underneath the fish map as you can see. These are all the intricacies
45:40This has been an epic video. Hope you guys enjoyed if you'd like see more videos like this
45:45Let me know about some other myths I can bust and of course subscribe to never miss a video again
45:49I'll see you in the next one