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00:00All right boys and girls it is that time of the week again it is saturday which means that we've
00:03got ourselves a brand new update specifically today it's going to be the saint patrick's event
00:09we've been talking about this literally all week long we obviously had the hunt on thursday and now
00:14as you can see from behind me we've got ourselves the lucky quest event where we basically have to
00:19go ahead and find all the brothers let's go ahead and uh talk to him and see what he says also
00:23before i forget just like how we always do here first we're gonna go over all of the free stuff
00:28and then we'll go over all of the shop stuff at the very end of the video either way here at moose
00:32wood we've got ourselves clover mcrich and if we talk to him he says oi there travel me brothers
00:38have been cursed and turned into fish each one on a different color of the rainbow when rainbows
00:44start popping up around the world that's where you'll find them toss them in the pot and they'll
00:49turn back into leprechauns do this and i'll make sure you don't go home empty-handed we just go
00:54ahead and say right and the quest officially begins so this is kind of very traditional to
01:00something like fish fright if you remember for the entire halloween event we basically had to go
01:04around find ingredients bring them back and drop them inside of the cauldron so i'm not gonna lie
01:08man this is a nice little touch right here i like this definitely a good little uh throwback but
01:13basically how this is gonna work is rather simple occasionally in the chat you're gonna go ahead and
01:17see a thing that says lucky event this is gonna spawn pretty much in completely random areas there
01:23is multiple different areas and it looks like specifically the one that just spawned is the
01:28blue one so we just basically go ahead and fish inside of the rainbow and hopefully get lucky and
01:32get ourselves one of the brothers now right there you'll notice that we just got ourselves blarney
01:38mcbreeze which is again one of the brothers and as you can see right here he's technically
01:42considered an exotic pretty cool looking fish to be honest obviously we've seen sort of like
01:47teasers of this over on the x page except that we saw the green one now here's the unfortunate part
01:51about these rainbow pools technically only one person is able to get the fish from there but this
01:56is pretty common with a lot of the events so now basically we just make our way back to moosewood
02:00and then we're gonna go ahead and drop blarney inside of the pot of gold that's right next to
02:05uh what's his name again clover mcrich so here's blarney let's go ahead and drop him inside and
02:11technically it should light up the blue one let's see if that ends up happening here there it is
02:17right there now he starts uh doing a sort of little leprechaun dance here and now we officially
02:23only need four more to go now for saving the first brother you do end up getting a little bit of
02:27reward it isn't really anything too crazy the coolest thing is probably going to be the lucky
02:31bait which is preferred luck 200 universal luck 150 resilience 15 and it looks like the lure speed
02:38is 20 so fairly decent nothing really too crazy now if you notice right over here this that's in
02:43the water is actually a boat uh i believe you actually get this boat from one of the lucky
02:49chests i don't exactly know what the odds are to getting it but we all kind of already know how
02:53those lucky chests sort of spawn and stuff like that so take that as you will once i'm able to
02:57get more information i'll update it at the very top of the comment section all right so another
03:01lucky event just started up right now so let's go figure out where this is all right so for that one
03:05we've got ourselves oh mango gold grin which is the orange colored one let's go see what the reward
03:11is for this one dropping this into the cauldron now we've got ourselves two out of five and we've
03:16got ourselves a matching dancing leprechaun right over there let's see what the reward is for this
03:21one so for that one it looks like we got ourselves a clover bobber so that's what it looks like right
03:25there clover bobber pretty cool looking nothing really too crazy let's move on to the third one
03:31all right next one up here is going to be sunny oh coin which is the yellow one let's go ahead
03:36and turn him in here what is going to be the reward let's wait until he sort of spawns in on
03:41the lineup in the back there he goes right there reward for him is x 20 lucky bait which now puts
03:47us at a total of 30 of the lucky bait so pretty decent after him we've got ourselves rowdy muck
03:54charm he is the red one let's place him inside of the pot and let's see what the reward is going to
04:00be for him this one definitely has to be like a good one maybe a boat or something we got a title
04:05lucky savior all right looks like we got ourselves one more to go and a sunken treasure just spawned
04:10so let's go and see if we can get ourselves that pot of gold boat all right so we actually got it
04:13right there the lucky pot so we actually got it there second try not really too bad to be honest
04:18taking a look at the stats over here we got a hundred speed and it says huh i'm a lucky guy
04:23lucky pot and uh there it is right there you just literally sit inside of a pot of gold it's actually
04:28kind of like a funny boat so for the most part it looks like this one is going to be a fairly easy
04:32one to get from sunken treasure chests so make sure that you guys go and claim that while you
04:36can also while we're waiting for the purple one to spawn i do want to go ahead and point out that
04:40there is a luck event going on right now this will be going on for the entire weekend it is a 100%
04:46lucky boost this will be a great opportunity for a lot of people to rack up on a lot of money
04:50in preparation for obviously march 29th being the next major update also just as a little added
04:55bonus here when using the brand new lucky bait there is a chance that you can go ahead and get
05:00the blarney mutation which is one of the new limited ones selling this will sell for a 4.5x
05:06so definitely something that you want to keep in mind all right so here we go the final one being
05:10the purple plumberick oh luck we're going to place him inside of the cauldron and let's check and see
05:15what our final reward is going to be here cam rock rod wait a minute so it looks like overall
05:21nothing really too crazy i mean it does have 150% luck which is fairly decent 25% lure speed 0.15
05:28control 10% resilience 5000 max kg description says surely the pot of gold at the end of the
05:35rainbow is real right and this is basically what the rod looks like it's actually really cool
05:40looking it's got a nice little pot of gold at the bottom and i'd imagine that this probably ends up
05:45giving some type of mutation i don't know but i will let you guys know at the very top of the
05:49comments as soon as i find out now of course to sort of end things off here we have the brand
05:54new shop so we have the irish jig the pot o lantern as well as 64x luck for the brand new
06:00lucky bundle and then we also have the lucky racer and for the new rod skins we finally have a
06:06seraphic rod skin this one is called the seraphic rainbow it also has a cast effect animation very
06:12similar to the banana one from last week another reinforced rod skin called lucky tinker and
06:18another heaven's rod skin called rainbow's blessing now you guys probably saw the seraphic
06:23rod skin at the very start of the video but it is a pretty cool looking one it does end up keeping
06:28the entire sort of like core look of the seraphic rod as for the animation it basically just like
06:34throws down this sort of like little droplet into the water that turns the entire water rainbow for
06:40a split second actually pretty cool looking i sort of wish that they would have turned the entire
06:44beam kind of like a rainbow color instead of it still being yellow but it is what it is heavens
06:48rod on the other hand also looks fairly decent but it's going to be really hard to sort of like
06:53uh beat the banana skin no cool animation here just basically a skin yeah man overall that is
06:59pretty much everything for the update the only other things that we're missing is just to sort
07:03of show you here the brand new boats we have the irish jig which is 228 speed and the lucky racer
07:08at 235 speed these things are kind of insane i'm not gonna lie looks wise they look really really
07:14cool the actual particle effect that comes out of the back when you're driving is not really too
07:19crazy here's what the lucky racer looks like very very similar to uh i think it's called the loot
07:24writer except that arguably it kind of looks cooler in my opinion same exact sort of like
07:28particle or animation effect on the side as the jig boat but yeah that now technically does it
07:34for the entire update hopefully this helps you out if you have any other questions let me know
07:38in the comment section there might be a couple of other things sort of like sprinkled around that
07:42are hidden as i go ahead and discover them i will update the very top of the comment section
07:48but just keep refreshing every now and then come back to the video i will give a full detailed
07:52look and if there's anything that's super crazy then i'll just do a follow-up video
07:57but with that being said i will see you guys in the next one take care