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00:00Alright so as you guys know yesterday we pretty much streamed for like a solid 3 hours trying
00:04to pretty much discover everything that had to do with the brand new hunt event that was
00:08released and well we pretty much came to the conclusion that we got the entire hunt done
00:12in give or take about 7 minutes but within that time frame something did sort of pop
00:17up that obviously caught a lot of our attention and that is the 3 brand new badges that were
00:22added into fish just in case if you have no idea what I'm talking about here we are in
00:26the front page of fish and if you notice right up here we have the weight of truth
00:30which is the hunt badge this is the primary one that you need to go ahead and complete
00:34in order to get your mega token over at the hub so that way you can progress through the
00:38entire hunt but underneath that there was 3 other badges that were added which were
00:43really interesting to us because one of them is called abyssal echoes the other one is
00:47a silent lullaby and the final one is the keepers light the thing that sort of set all
00:53of us off is the fact that this one shows rosalit this one shows birch k which obviously
00:58has the extremely questionable bunker that we've all been trying to pretty much unlock
01:03that padded door and then finally we have abyssal echoes which gives us a quick little
01:09preview on something that was teased and sort of mentioned would be available in yesterday's
01:14update in case you're unaware I'm talking about this trailer right here that we pretty
01:18much got and it was confirmed that this was in somehow related to the March 13th update
01:24unfortunately we all know now that at no point throughout that entire hunt event was this
01:29ever shown I don't think any of us have seen this at all in the entire game now again this
01:35is straight off of the fish Twitter page or sorry correction the fish X page and if you
01:40notice right up here it says March 13th catch you then of course although we finished the
01:45entire hunt within the first 7 minutes we sort of focused the rest of the stream again
01:50totaling 3 hours to figuring out how to unlock those other badges and now I sort of have
01:56to you know break the bad news to you guys because it has been plenty of hours later
02:01it is now currently 4 o'clock in the morning for me I've been searching for quite the long
02:06amount of hours as well as sort of asking around and this is what I've pretty much got
02:11as I mentioned before specifically here on the fish front page there is the hunt title
02:15which is right here or sorry the hunt badge and then underneath that there's three other
02:20badges which again if I refresh here not a single person has discovered any of these
02:25three now let's switch on over to another game that it's also in the hunt that being
02:29it girl I know it's probably not the best choice but it was the only thing that I can
02:33think of off the top of my head but if you notice here they also have a hunt badge which
02:38has been already obtained close to 80,000 times and then underneath that they also have
02:43three random badges that no one has been able to obtain let's grab ourselves a third example
02:50the hunt badge right up here 41,000 claimed three badges in total that were added which
02:55have not been obtained that now leads me into the unfortunate truth here from the information
03:01that I've gathered because obviously I'm not really taking too much part in the entire
03:05hunt every single game that was within this event was pretty much required to go ahead
03:09and add three extra badges to sort of use as kind of like a decoy for example so that
03:15that way people weren't able to instantly discover which game had the secret badges
03:20to be able to get the mega tokens but this now leaves us in a really weird state on what
03:25exactly is it that we're looking at here and why exactly was it connected to March 13th
03:32is this actually an obtainable place do we have to be looking for this is this connected
03:37to the entire Mila quest that pretty much we've been searching for forever now well
03:41the reality is is that that actually kind of is what's going on here these are sort
03:46of just like additional hints that people like you and me would obviously know what
03:51it meant because we've been searching for this for quite some time for example let's
03:55take a look over here at the keepers like picture Rosalie Bay in the description it
03:59says it beacons through the fog a guiding hand or a warning unseen some things are best
04:06left in the dark in my opinion I feel like this is sort of a teaser or a hint it could
04:11be potentially to the Mila quest but it also could just be kind of like a nod or I guess
04:16kind of like a homage to the entire brick rod quest but again I could be very much wrong
04:21here and this could be related to the Mila quest because if we move on now to a silent
04:25lullaby this one says beneath rusted steel and a flickering light a cat once curled up
04:32and dreamed who sings her to sleep now to a normal person that doesn't play fish and
04:37it's just trying to get on fish to get it done with the entire hunt they're not going
04:41to fully understand that and it's going to confuse them sending them on this wild goose
04:45chase until they finally find this bunker right here which we are all more than familiar
04:50with and yeah that's pretty much it there's nothing else more to this than just this again
04:55just like before beneath the rusted steel and flickering light here we are inside of
05:01literally a bunker which is steel flickering light there actually isn't any that are flickering
05:06at least I don't think that there's any flickering but anyways we're underneath light next one
05:10is a cat once curled up and dreamed there's Mila's bed right over there but who sings
05:16her to sleep now this part is kind of tricky because we don't actually have the answer
05:20to that either way I'm sure you guys get the idea all of these are just leading us back
05:24to pretty much hints that we've already known about for pretty much the last couple of weeks
05:29but again to a normal player that does not play fish or potentially one that maybe doesn't
05:33watch YouTube and stuff like that these would be really compelling and it would be just
05:37kind of like super confusing on if these are actual secret things that are within the game
05:42of fish now the only one here that's kind of unaccounted for is abyssal echoes the image
05:47for this is something that we've never seen anywhere I'm very much fully familiar with
05:52the entire world of fish and besides that I also went around and explored everywhere
05:58for the last couple of hours I have not been able to find this exact location anywhere
06:04I've searched literally old content extremely old content all the way up to the most recent
06:10stuff and this area is nowhere to be found aside from that we were also given a couple
06:16of new tools this one I have a feeling is more of just a kind of like a relic thing
06:21like wow you took place in the entire hunt congratulations here's a flex tool the Sunstone
06:26present on the other hand is kind of interesting and there's a couple of different reasons
06:30for this starting with obviously the super obvious image of Cthulhu being right at the
06:35very top of the present Cthulhu is obviously a repeating theme here and something that
06:40at this point we know 100% is going to be available on March 29th for the next major
06:45update the thing is is that this doesn't exactly look like very much of a flex thing
06:51again the trophy really really cool I could see a lot of people pulling this out and being
06:56like hey look man I took part in the hunt in 2025 check me out but something about a
07:00block of stone just doesn't seem very cool aside from that it also sort of has kind of
07:07a purpose whenever you're holding the stone and you jump into water it instantly sinks
07:12you all the way to the bottom this might be important for whatever it is that the stone
07:16is going to be used for for example let's imagine this scenario where I don't know there's
07:21a hole in the ground that has a really strong current we can't use Tidebreaker we can't
07:25use the super flippers instead we have to use this stone to be able to bypass it that's
07:30the kind of scenario that I have in my mind the question is though is this something that
07:34we need right now can we use this in somewhere in the game and if that isn't the case why
07:40would we need this on March 29th for any reason whatsoever if the hunt is a limited
07:46time event it just doesn't make sense for them to go ahead and introduce a piece that
07:50we need for March 29th for something that realistically a lot of players are not even
07:54gonna have or should I remind you guys about our trusty little relic rod over here that
07:59everybody thought was gonna end up being the new forgotten fang I will go ahead and also
08:03include this into the video just because I know that some of you are gonna mention in
08:06the comment section but once you've gone ahead and completed the entire hunt and you come
08:09back to the hippie over here you will go ahead and tell you cosmic Explorer you totally
08:12just like activated the shrine man the universe is vibing with gratitude so at this point
08:18we know that somewhere around the world we've activated a shrine so this shrine is available
08:25somewhere and for some reason I feel like that shrine has to do with us finding this
08:32room right here if we go ahead and come around the corner right over here they have also
08:36moved the hippies right here which is sort of an odd place for them to be on top of that
08:43they're facing in this direction I tried driving over there and seeing if it leads me to anything
08:48but I haven't been able to find anything the obvious indication here is that they've now
08:52turned into a cult before they kind of were a cult they were sort of like this hippie
08:56cult but now they seem to be Cthulhu cult they're wearing full-on Cthulhu outfits all
09:02are moving in the same exact way every single one of them are smiling and being kind of weird
09:07and of course when we talk to them it says the great dreamer is coming which is nothing different
09:12than what they were previously saying when they were located over in the Roslin lighthouse also
09:18just to sort of show you guys I figured that the best way to do this would be to get in the
09:21submarine and sort of drive straight in the direction that they were looking but eventually
09:26you do hit this kind of like invisible wall so you can only go so far and there's just nothing
09:31over here whatsoever nor above water or underwater there's no cave system nothing which now speaking
09:38of cave system this is where things get a little worrisome and that is because technically speaking
09:44right there could be a cave somewhere underwater that we just haven't found I mean realistically
09:50think about it this way right for a normal player that's never played this before finding desolate
09:55deep must be the craziest thing in the world you have this random hole in the water that you could
10:00potentially go down with a submarine if you have one but if you don't now you're just running the
10:05risk of potentially dying because realistically these new players are not gonna have the money
10:09to buy some of these diving gears so who's to say that there isn't a random place somewhere
10:14underwater in this absolutely ginormous map that has a cave I don't know man let me know in the
10:20comment section remember tomorrow morning we will be live 7 a.m. for the st. Patrick's Day
10:25update it's very possible man that we might not be able to see anything whatsoever until the 29th
10:30I will let you guys have your moment in the comment section I'll be checking it out and
10:34replying back to some of you if you enjoyed the video make sure to drop a like subscribe to the
10:38channel I don't think I will ever be getting those three hours back from yesterday but it is what it
10:42is man you know it's for the culture I'll see you guys in the next one take care