Aalim Aur Aalam | Shan e Sehr | Shan e Ramazan 2025 | Special Transmission | Waseem Badami | ARY Digital
An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.
Guest: Allama Kumail Mehdavi ,Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
An informative segment with a Q&A session that features religious scholars from different sects who will share their knowledge with the audience.
Guest: Allama Kumail Mehdavi ,Mufti Muhammad Amir , Mufti Muhammad Sohail Raza Amjadi ,Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi
#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #ShaneSehr
00:00The mercy of the mind has spread again, how can I face you, I am falling, just hold me.
00:17Welcome to you once again in Shariah.
00:20We have this session with the Ulema.
00:22Ulema are present, Mufti Sohail Sahib, Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi Sahib, Mufti Aamir Sahib,
00:25Maulana Kumail Mahbubi Sahib.
00:27Without any delay, let's go to the questions.
00:30First question.
00:32Assalamu Alaikum.
00:34Assalamu Alaikum.
00:35Waseem Bhai, Muhammad Farooq from Hyderabad.
00:38Waseem Bhai, I have a question from Ulema Iqram.
00:40Lies have become so common these days.
00:43A fruit whose name is Aam is also not so common.
00:48But lies have become so common that you will find it on every tongue.
00:55And it has become difficult to identify who is lying and who is speaking the truth.
00:59So I have a request to Ulema Iqram to show mercy.
01:03I don't know how Ulema Iqram will tell if the other person is lying or not.
01:08But if you want to say something on this.
01:10Son, one second, I am talking and you are stopping.
01:13Or maybe one aspect of it is that when there is so much lies in the society,
01:17how to avoid lies, maybe this is one aspect of it.
01:21In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
01:23Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his companions.
01:26See, number one thing is that we are not responsible for the lies of others.
01:31We are responsible for ourselves.
01:33In the Holy Qur'an it is said,
01:34That Allah's curse is on the liars.
01:37That Allah's curse is on the liars.
01:40Do you know what Allah's curse means?
01:43That Allah's mercy has been removed.
01:46That is, it is forbidden to curse a Muslim in the Holy Qur'an.
01:51How can you say that Allah's mercy has been removed?
01:54So you tell me, how big a mistake is lying?
01:57That Allah is saying that Allah's curse is on the liars.
02:02And Huzoor Nabi Kareem Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam says,
02:05That a person speaks a lie,
02:09To the extent that it is written on his forehead that he is a liar.
02:14So, in society, we need to protect ourselves from lying.
02:18We should not see that a certain person is lying.
02:20So what difference will it make if I lie?
02:23We should not think like that.
02:24And we should think, what should I do?
02:26Because I have to answer my questions in my grave.
02:29What have I done? What have I not done?
02:31We should protect ourselves from lying.
02:33This is enough.
02:34And our families, wherever we go,
02:37We should try to protect our children and families from lying.
02:40The second thing is that Aam does not come from Ayn.
02:43It is Alif, Mat, Aam.
02:45Yes, and this is Aam.
02:46Anyway, it is enough for us to protect ourselves.
02:50Let's go to the next question.
02:52Assalamu Alaikum, I am Minahil Tariq from Lahore.
02:55And my question to the scholars is related to the veil and the mirror.
03:00Today, the children of 10-12 years old,
03:04They have started using it very frequently.
03:09We know that in our religion, cigarette and alcohol use is prohibited.
03:14But the new methods of smoking have been invented.
03:18Whether it is a veil, a mirror or nicotine pouches.
03:21So what is the opinion of the scholars about this?
03:25One thing they have said is that cigarette and alcohol use is prohibited.
03:28Alcohol is prohibited, cigarette is not a favorite thing.
03:30But legally, we are not encouraging it.
03:32But it is not prohibited.
03:34In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.
03:35Peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Beloved, Muhammad and his family and companions.
03:38There are different opinions about cigarettes.
03:40Some scholars say it is prohibited.
03:43Some say it is prohibited.
03:44Some say it is prohibited.
03:46Some say it is prohibited.
03:48Anyway, we say it is not a favorite thing.
03:50Anyway, it is not a favorite thing.
03:53Now, what she is saying is that veil, mirror, yes.
03:56We prohibit all these things.
03:58We prohibit children and adults.
04:00These are not good things.
04:02Anyway, it is harmful to health.
04:04Anything that is harmful to health is also prohibited.
04:06We prohibit it.
04:08We do not allow these things.
04:10It is not a favorite thing.
04:12It is strictly not a favorite thing.
04:14And it is especially for children.
04:16If they get used to using such things at this age,
04:20if they become addicted,
04:22then it will have very dangerous consequences in the future.
04:24And then the way it is used,
04:26it becomes a gathering.
04:28And then they get into more problems.
04:30Then they do not stay in this small problem.
04:32It goes ahead.
04:34It opens the way to big problems.
04:36That is why we do not shake its courage.
04:38Absolutely right.
04:40I have heard this argument myself.
04:42That is why I am asking a question.
04:44Maybe some people will find it funny.
04:46That there are some new ways of intoxication.
04:50There is ice.
04:52They say it is not prohibited.
04:54Because it is about alcohol.
04:56What is written here?
04:58Liquor is prohibited.
05:00It is not a favorite thing.
05:02But it is not prohibited.
05:04Every intoxication is prohibited.
05:06They say that people get intoxicated by tea.
05:08That is not prohibited.
05:10I have heard this.
05:14The intoxication of tea does not harm your body
05:16as much as the intoxication of ice.
05:18The one who drinks tea does not waste his mind.
05:22The intoxication by which a person's mind is wasted.
05:26A person reaches a point where he does not even realize
05:28where he is.
05:32He does not even know what he is wearing.
05:34And what he is doing.
05:36There are so many people in the western world
05:38who are gentlemen from Monday to Friday.
05:409 to 5.
05:42But when you see them on the weekend
05:44outside a club, you will wonder what kind of person they are.
05:46That is because they are so intoxicated
05:48that they do not realize
05:50what a professional job they are doing.
05:52There you can see practically
05:54why Allah has prohibited alcohol.
05:58Because a person does not
06:00have any manners.
06:02It is also said for Yazid and Maloon
06:04that women do not have any manners.
06:06What was the reason for this?
06:08The reason was that the intoxication of alcohol
06:10was so strong that alcohol is
06:12both inauspicious and prohibited.
06:14The rest of the alcohol is not inauspicious.
06:16If you touch it, it will not be inauspicious.
06:18But it is prohibited because it is intoxicating.
06:20The intoxication that ruins a person's mind
06:22is not permissible.
06:24Is this the only thing in this?
06:26The rest of the alcohol is not inauspicious.
06:28It is true.
06:30Again, I have heard this argument
06:32and I am presenting it.
06:34It is true that it has an effect.
06:36But it is not only
06:38prohibited on this basis.
06:40For example, people say,
06:42I know how decent I will be.
06:44I have never taken
06:46so much intake that I will lose my mind.
06:48So this is fine.
06:50I will not lose my mind.
06:52So this will not be permissible.
06:54In the name of Allah,
06:56you are absolutely right.
06:58In this,
07:00if you look at it,
07:02our society's tendency
07:04and the way
07:06the personality is being built,
07:08it is happening in a different way.
07:10We have a lot of things.
07:12We do not do all the permissible things.
07:14Even if we understand the permissible,
07:16however, what has just been said,
07:18Everything that is permissible is forbidden.
07:20In the same way,
07:22you said that the quantity of
07:24which is forbidden,
07:26is also forbidden.
07:28When there is badness in that thing,
07:30if you use it in a small amount,
07:32it will not be permissible.
07:34It is not that you reduced the quantity
07:36and did not reach the limit of intoxication,
07:38so now keep doing it.
07:40I have not been intoxicated yet.
07:42Ordinary people do not even affect
07:44a small amount.
07:46The formula for them
07:48will not be changed.
07:50You are the highest of creatures.
07:52Allah has made man
07:54the master of his creation.
07:56Allah has made man
07:58the most intelligent.
08:00So that thing
08:02which is the standard of man's excellence,
08:04you are destroying it.
08:06You are degrading your dignity.
08:08You are damaging your health.
08:10You are damaging your morals
08:12and your personality.
08:14See how far man had to go
08:16and what he had to do.
08:18If you see today,
08:20someone's age is 60, 70, 50 years.
08:22Allah has made man.
08:24At least
08:26his organs
08:28have a validity of 100 years.
08:30But someone's kidneys are bad,
08:32someone's lungs are bad.
08:34So when you do these things by making it permissible,
08:36after a certain age,
08:38this body will be destroyed.
08:41One thing is that
08:43haraam is not only haraam,
08:45but its precedent is also haraam.
08:47Allah has said in the Quran,
08:49do not commit zina.
08:51Because there is a situation
08:53where you cannot control yourself.
08:55For example,
08:57being in a room where no one is watching.
08:59The third person is a devil.
09:01Why? Because he has confidence that he will not do anything.
09:03No, it is haraam because
09:05there is a chance in 90% cases.
09:07Let me give you a very simple example.
09:09Smoking is not allowed in a petrol pump.
09:11If smoking is not allowed,
09:13then nothing will happen to me.
09:15If you smoke four times, nothing will happen to you.
09:17If you smoke once,
09:19you will lose everything.
09:21If you smoke once,
09:23you will lose everything.
09:25Mufti sahib,
09:27the next problem is
09:29that people become cancerous.
09:31I have seen a person
09:33whose mouth is cancerous
09:35due to smoking.
09:37He is in extreme pain.
09:39But he is so used to it
09:41that even when he was telling his father about it,
09:43his mouth was cancerous.
09:45If it goes to such an extent
09:47that the doctor has told you
09:49that it is taking your life,
09:51then maybe this halal thing
09:53is also haraam in that case.
09:55It is exactly the same
09:57that if the doctor says
09:59that if you eat it or take it,
10:01your life is in danger,
10:03then it will be haraam.
10:05There are a few doctors
10:07who are saying that
10:09if you don't smoke,
10:11then it will be haraam for them.
10:13And anyway,
10:15even if they drink less
10:17or eat less,
10:19then it is not good.
10:21I tell you one thing,
10:23if an educated person is sitting
10:25and a person comes
10:27whose mouth is full of cancer,
10:29what will he think?
10:31In the same way,
10:33alcohol is consumed,
10:35smoking is allowed,
10:37but there are also
10:39different restrictions being imposed
10:41that you cannot drink alcohol
10:43while driving,
10:45there is regular checking.
10:51if you go to any place,
10:53the area of smoking is completely different.
10:55If someone is smoking with you,
10:57you get annoyed.
10:59This means that this is
11:01not a good practice.
11:03Absolutely right.
11:05We have talked a lot about smoking.
11:07Let's move on to the next question.
11:09Is it permissible to
11:11ask for mannat?
11:13If we ask for mannat,
11:15if Allah the Almighty
11:17does this for us,
11:19will we give charity
11:21in the way of Allah?
11:23Will we give charity
11:25or give Nawafil?
11:27If we don't give Nawafil,
11:29will we be punished
11:31or not?
11:33First of all,
11:35is it permissible to ask for mannat?
11:37It is permissible to ask for mannat,
11:39but it is not
11:41highly recommended
11:43to ask for mannat
11:45especially our sisters
11:47are very involved in this.
11:49They ask for mannat
11:51for small things
11:53and then it becomes difficult
11:55to complete it.
11:57But he is our brother,
11:59not our sister.
12:01He is also saying that
12:03what if he can't complete it
12:05by asking for mannat?
12:07If he has asked for mannat,
12:09then it is necessary to complete it.
12:11If you don't complete it,
12:13you will be a severe sinner.
12:15One more thing,
12:17Allah has not made it compulsory
12:19on you,
12:21it is better if you don't
12:23make it compulsory on yourself.
12:25When you ask for mannat,
12:27it is obvious that
12:29what you are asking for
12:31is a good deed.
12:33When a person does a good deed,
12:35then it is a blessing
12:37and a blessing of worship.
12:39But it is not highly recommended
12:41to ask for mannat later.
12:43If you have asked for mannat,
12:45then it is necessary to complete it.
12:47But in mannat,
12:49the intention of the heart
12:51will not work.
12:53If you ask for mannat,
12:55then it will work.
12:57You can ask for mannat
12:59but you have to say it in words.
13:01The second thing is that
13:03whatever you are asking for,
13:05it has to be something
13:07that is obligatory or obligatory.
13:09For example,
13:11if you ask for mannat of Nawafil,
13:13then you have to complete
13:15the mannat of Nawafil.
13:17If you ask for mannat of 100 Nawafil
13:19or 50 Nawafil,
13:21then you have to complete it.
13:23It is not easy to complete 100 Nawafil.
13:25It is called reading.
13:27If you have come to spend it like this,
13:29then it will be a storm.
13:31There are a lot of Nawafil.
13:33So if you have asked for it,
13:35then you have to read it.
13:37But if the intention is in the heart,
13:39then it is not technically a mannat.
13:41Technically it is not a mannat.
13:43It is good to complete it,
13:45but it is not obligatory.
13:47What is there in this,
13:49because swearing is not permissible
13:51according to Fiqh-e-Jafari.
13:53If you swear in Ihram,
13:55then does it become Batil in Fiqh-e-Jafari?
13:57It is wrong in Ihram.
13:59There are some restrictions in Ihram.
14:01You cannot swear in it.
14:03It is forbidden.
14:05Now someone says,
14:07I swear by God, I will not swear.
14:09There is so much habit of swearing
14:11that you are swearing not to swear.
14:13So swearing is not so much
14:15liked for this work.
14:17And the mannat of the work
14:19is such that it is a favoured work.
14:21I will fast, I will give charity.
14:23Like this.
14:25Mustaib is saying,
14:27I have not fasted for 3 years.
14:29If I swear, this work will be done.
14:31So I will fast for this Ramadan.
14:33Even if you don't have work,
14:35you have to fast.
14:39If you have to swear,
14:41then don't swear too much.
14:43I will read 500 Nawafil,
14:45I will fast for a month.
14:47People come to us.
14:49There is no other way.
14:53Next question.
14:55Assalamu Alaikum.
14:57My mother has dementia.
14:59Because of dementia,
15:01she is not able to fast.
15:03What should I do for her?
15:05She has dementia.
15:07I think it is a disease of forgetting.
15:09She is not able to fast.
15:11If she is not able to fast,
15:13then what is the solution?
15:15If she is not able to fast,
15:17then she has to give charity.
15:19She will not be able to fast.
15:21She will have to give charity.
15:23Instead of this,
15:25she will give charity.
15:27There is no need to pay for fasting.
15:29Is there anyone who has done
15:31something that he has to give
15:33charity for fasting?
15:35And he is not financially capable.
15:37He is from a different class.
15:39What should he do?
15:41Either he should do Qaza.
15:43He cannot do Qaza.
15:45He is sick.
15:47He is not financially capable.
15:49If he gives charity,
15:51Allah will forgive him.
15:53You know that
15:55a person came to
15:57Prophet Muhammad.
15:59He said that he intentionally
16:01broke his fast.
16:03There are 60 fasts
16:05to break intentionally.
16:07He had to break 60 fasts.
16:09He had to break 60 fasts.
16:11He had to break 60 fasts.
16:13He had to break 60 fasts.
16:15He could not break 60 fasts.
16:17Then he said that
16:19he has to feed 60 poor people.
16:21He said that he is not
16:23financially capable.
16:25Prophet Muhammad sat him down.
16:27A person came and
16:29gave charity.
16:31Prophet Muhammad gave it to him
16:33and asked him to give it to a poor person.
16:35He said that who is
16:37poorer than me?
16:39Prophet Muhammad said that
16:41you should keep it.
16:43You can see
16:45Prophet Muhammad's mercy
16:47and kindness.
16:49You should give people
16:53The law of Islam
16:55does not allow people to be trapped.
16:59The law allows
17:01people to do it and
17:03if they cannot do it,
17:05Islam allows it.
17:07Wherever there is a problem,
17:09Islam is there to help.
17:11If you intentionally
17:13do not break your fast,
17:15do you have to break 60 fasts?
17:17If you cannot
17:19break 60 fasts,
17:21feed 60 poor people.
17:23This is an option.
17:25Either this or this.
17:27Either feed 60 poor people
17:29or give them at least
17:31a bowl of flour or rice.
17:33But if a person is not
17:35keeping the fast,
17:37and he says that he will feed
17:3980 people,
17:41he will still be a sinner.
17:43He is breaking the fast without
17:45giving charity.
17:47His fine is to feed 60 people.
17:49He will be a sinner.
17:51His example is that
17:53I will break the signal and then
17:55increase the chalan.
17:57He will be a sinner.
17:59This is not an option.
18:01If he intentionally
18:03breaks the fast,
18:05he will have to keep 60 fasts.
18:0760 fasts is the first
18:09and there is no choice.
18:11There is no choice here.
18:13If he cannot keep 60 fasts
18:15and is sick,
18:17then there is a choice for him.
18:19Otherwise, one person is 60.
18:21If the reward of one fast is
18:23multiplied, then there is a
18:25penalty for not keeping it.
18:27If he sins on the hope
18:29that he will repent later,
18:31then he is making fun of Allah.
18:33He is making fun of Allah.
18:35He thinks that he will pay the fine.
18:37He is very daring.
18:39We have some tobacco brothers.
18:41They go out every day
18:43and give charity.
18:45There are people like this in the market.
18:47If he goes out of tobacco,
18:49the tobacco business is over.
18:51There was a gentleman
18:53who said that
18:55I am facing a lot of loss.
18:57I am facing a lot of difficulties.
18:59He went to his friend
19:01and asked him to eat betel leaf.
19:03He said, what is this?
19:05He said, whenever you open your mouth,
19:07you eat betel leaf.
19:09If you eat betel leaf,
19:11at least your mouth will be closed.
19:13But other people think
19:15that betel leaf is not a healthy option.
19:17There is no benefit of giving charity.
19:19There is no benefit of giving charity.
19:21We will come again after a break.
19:25We will come again after a break.