El Presidente | One Bite
00:00all right so as people who know I do my reviews I'm the cheese guy the owner was
00:26trying to pitch me on spinach mushroom smidge mushroom white cheese not a lot
00:34guys the only one who stood up he's like I'll try that and give it a shot
00:56pretty adamant so there you go that's their specialty
01:07bonus review from nonchalant guy
01:11I like the thin crust the mushrooms I wasn't I didn't think I was gonna like
01:23the mushrooms they're surprisingly good the cheese the white cheese is like yeah
01:31give it like a 7-4 7-4 on the bonus slice we'll see how it compares to his
01:38cheese now and credit to you you know it stood up yeah well I didn't try to
01:43so Chubb's been trying to Chubb perm has been trying to use like oh that's a
01:59weird cat he's an interesting cat yeah I was I was trying to get that term cat
02:05I think I'm I'm filling it up I'm throwing up the courage to say how you
02:17gonna say oh like look at that cat walking Crescent Street or something
02:21like that you know is that a good one yeah that's an interesting yeah student
02:25over here oh look at this guy that's where you say cat
02:37over here no no the whole time we've been here
02:44oh yeah I didn't feel right I'm gonna force it out is that something you've
02:48been wanting to like using your vocab for a while like maybe two years two
02:52years yeah and it always moves for so I never use it I don't know that you get
02:58credit because everyone's like I don't I don't I don't get myself
03:07I'm going to get yelled at but I don't care
03:17all right you can go ahead pizza review time
03:22Nuevo York that's like a almost a tongue twister
03:27Nuvo Nuvo York Nuvo York pizza there we go yeah Nuvo York oh this looks
03:35better than it did actually yeah this looks better than it did in the window
03:40so take a slice watch out it's super hot
03:50it's not as easy as it always looks look how hot it is don't burn your faces oh
03:56all right here we go whoa yeah blowing and we're in no rush we can just pull
04:01bluster talk this is what the pros do because you have to burn yourself if you
04:05eat it right away all right if you even need to put it back in the box if your
04:08hands are burning I don't want any good all your parents here I don't want to burn any trouble
04:14yeah whatever you're ready to eat eat but just be careful you got that chubby
04:19good foil on there also I didn't realize this he said you said I was what did you
04:26say I mean talk about kind of the ego going here we were both I was watching
04:36firm be like oh I gotta get these guys and he want to do the pizza review said
04:40he saved pizza for me so here we go one bite ooh I lost a little cheese too and
04:45he was telling the story interesting story you guys hear what he was saying
04:48there he's like he moved here 15 years ago he's a chemical engineer not anything
04:54to do with pizza got a job in a pizza place for 10 years in East Village pizza
04:58started his own he was talking a lot about chemicals and stuff you guys are
05:02doing good eating it from East Village pizza
05:07maybe he's a mastermind maybe that would be a criminal criminal
05:12endeavor there I don't think so it's pretty good all right what do you got you
05:15start with you right to left one bite every knows the rules
05:20that's a good pizza just a regular basic pizza football pizza yeah yeah that's a
05:26perfect type of pizza I'd give it like a 7.8 just perfect good regular pizza
05:34nothing out of the nothing too crazy yeah 7.8 from Perm I agree with Perm I
05:41like I like the sauce was really good too so I'll go like 7.7 did you like so
05:48do you like it more or less than I barely gave it that way way more than
05:52the mustard yeah they try to force this yeah all right I get like a 7.6 it was
05:58pretty good really crispy flavor just like a normal cheese pizza
06:02I thought it was really good I thought it's getting all over me but it's got a
06:07good crisp what have you hammered that I give you all of my full slice you like
06:12it 8.1 8.1 I thought it was really good hey I thought mine was good
06:16I thought it was just as good as the Sullivan's one really yeah that's it
06:22that's a knock on your pizza credibility from my point of view I think it's good
06:26it's a football pizza 8.1 is crazy that's a crazy town I'm gonna go 7.5
06:32very like these guys knew it look the construction oh yeah that was good that
06:39what you is that what you had yeah it's good it's average like a good football
06:44pizza so there we go what 7 8 7 5 7 7 7 6 and 8 1 from McLovin which is crazy
06:56all right
07:04I didn't see too much