"Saksikan tayangan kami Official Youtube IDX Channel di Program Market Buzz, Jumat (14/03/2025) dengan tema Analisis Saham BBCA, ICBP, EXCL, AMRT".
00:00Thank you so much for joining us at MarketBuzz, and here is the recommendation of the stocks that you can see on the screen.
00:11Here are the stocks that have been recommended by Mr. Wawan Henrayana, Vice President of Infovesta,
00:18including BCA, ICBP, EXCL, and AMRT.
00:21All of them have been recommended by one of the banks, Consumer, Retail, Infrastructure, and EXCL.
00:32Let's talk about BCA first, Mr. Wawan.
00:34What's so interesting about this stock compared to the other three major banks, such as Apple to Apple, BCA?
00:41BCA is always the favorite stock of Indonesian investors.
00:46This is proven by the largest market cap and also the most defensive.
00:50When other major banks' market cap dropped by more than 30%,
00:56BCA's market cap also dropped, but still around 10%.
01:01So, it's still very defensive.
01:03And the correction today, which is around 8,800, can be an interesting entry point.
01:10Moreover, we know that BCA will share a dividend of 250 rupiah.
01:15So, if we get around 8,800 rupiah, the dividend yield will be around 3%.
01:21So, this is quite interesting.
01:22Quite interesting for BCA at the moment.
01:248,875 rupiah with 1% discount on the opening this morning.
01:29It's quite interesting for those who haven't entered yet, to buy again in that position.
01:34Yes, it can be considered to try to enter first at 8,800 rupiah.
01:40But actually, below 9,000 rupiah is relatively cheap for BCA.
01:46Relatively cheap for BCA at the moment.
01:48We know that Gregory Hendra Lembong is now the President-Director.
01:53Is there a certain highlight from Mr. Wawan about the results of the RUPS yesterday?
02:02I would like to congratulate Mr. Gregory Lembong on becoming the President-Director of BCA,
02:07which Mr. Yaya Setia Panja has proven to be able to lead BCA very well.
02:13We also hope that Mr. Gregory can continue or even increase the performance of BCA in the future.
02:20I am sure that BCA, as one of the largest banks in Indonesia, has a clear roadmap.
02:27So, in terms of performance, there should be no decrease or anything with the replacement of this Director-General.
02:34Okay, stay optimistic.
02:37Okay, let's move on to ICBP.
02:40Is it because of the Ramadan holiday?
02:43Yes, that's right.
02:45With the Ramadan holiday and the potential that the war in Russia-Ukraine can be pacified,
02:54food inflation will be very controlled if it happens.
02:58And ICBP, one of the major consumers in Indonesia, will be greatly benefited.
03:04So, in general, some consumer goods are defensive and will be benefited by the existence of government programs
03:11that will continue to promote the existence of consumption in society.
03:15Therefore, ICBP, now below IDR 11,000, can be considered.
03:21Below IDR 11,000 can be considered.
03:23And this is not just a short-term perspective, looking at the prospect of the global wheat price.
03:29That's right.
03:30For ICBP itself, we understand that it is the largest wheat producer in the world at the moment.
03:37And with a very strong brand, the valuation is not as cheap as other companies.
03:42But consumer goods, on average, the valuation is always more expensive because the cash flow is stronger.
03:48If we compare it with Unilever, because Unilever yesterday finally left the lowest level in a long time.
03:54It's a bit far away.
03:56At 9.85 today, it's already at 1.280, with a strength of around 9% yesterday.
04:02Maybe in the morning it will go up another 1.59%.
04:05Let's compare a little, even though Unilever did not enter your stock recommendation list.
04:12Yes, Unilever is always a concern for investors at that time is its ability to grow.
04:19Because in terms of the market, some of its products are still selling, but in terms of the market, it is shrinking.
04:27So from this point of view, it is a concern.
04:30Because if we talk about stocks, we have to look at the fundamental prospects of the business, which is also liquidity.
04:36Unilever's prospects at that time were a little questioned.
04:39But fundamentally at this time, especially when the price was below 1,000, it was very cheap for Unilever's level.
04:46But investors still have to understand that the development of this fundamental must be seen from the perspective of the business prospects.
04:56So even though it has now experienced a rebound, investors still have to be careful.
05:02You have to be careful, that's why you are more interested in ICBP compared to Unilever at the moment, right?
05:09Let's continue a little similar, you also included AMRT.
05:13Yes, if ICBP is a producer rather than a consumer good, AMRT is the marketer.
05:22And if we look at the financial performance, it is relatively good for AMRT and has also rebounded.
05:29It used to weaken below 2,000, but even today it may weaken a little, but the trend is still strong.
05:36So we can still see AMRT at the level of 2,300, it's time to buy.
05:41Because AMRT will also be benefited with the advent of Ramadan and also the increase in the consumption of the community in the future.
05:49Okay, so it tends to be a bit short-term for AMRT, with the current target at 2,410, with a rise of 0.42%.
05:57Yes, for AMRT itself, the target until the end of the year is expected to return to the level of 2,700 to 2,800.
06:04Okay, that's the opportunity, 2,700 to 2,800, one of the highest levels in the last month.
06:10It means it's a bit volatile for AMRT, the range is quite wide, right?
06:15Okay, lastly, what are your recommendations for AXCL?
06:18Yes, in general, when Ramadan happens like this, the consumption of public data will increase, so telecommunications companies will benefit.
06:25Then second, specifically for AXCL itself, it will do a merger with Smartfriend and there will be a buyback action at the price of 2,350.
06:38So as long as the price is still below that, AMRT is interesting.
06:43Because if an investor needs cash in the short term, there will definitely be a buyback at 2,350.
06:50Okay, if we look at it from February to March, there are actually a lot of positions where AMRT is stagnant.
06:57What's so interesting about 2,250, AXCL? And this morning it's stagnant again.
07:03Yes, because investors already know that there will be a buyback at 2,350, so for the short term it's a bit difficult to be above 2,350.
07:14But to be below that, pay attention, it's quite interesting.
07:18Especially if it can go down to 2,100, for example, there are investors who may need cash fast to sell at that price, it's interesting.
07:25Because we know the cap is at 2,350.
07:28But beyond that, when the merger has been launched, AXCL is actually one of the players with a stronger position than its competitors.
07:41So even in the long term, there is still a tendency.
07:44Okay, what is the closest target for AXCL from Infovester at what level?
07:492,350, then next?
07:53For the longer term, we can look at 2,500 to 2,700.
07:58Okay, 2,350 first, the highest level in the last three months.
08:01That's it for AXCL.
08:02Okay, AXCL, let's go to the stock market.
08:04We have information that IHSG continues to have a 1.22% weakness or 77 points at 6,572 compared to the closing of the trade yesterday at 6,647.
08:18So IHSG is now back below the level of 6,600.
08:23With the exchange rate of the US dollar, we will also try to review it for you this morning.
08:29Thank you, Sam Sam.
08:31The rupiah against the dollar is also weakening at 0.14% at 16,409.
08:40Next, Sam Sam, the shareholder who is a top gainer and also a top loser.
08:46There is BRMS there that is 1.58% stronger at 386 units.
08:51Unilever rises another 1.59%.
08:531,280 is further away from the lowest level in the long term.
08:56MDK rises 1.49%.
08:58TIN is 7.22%.
09:00ANTAM is 2.28%.
09:05Then MINE is down.
09:07AMMN is also a top loser based on value.
09:10MINA, ADRO, ADMR, and some others.
09:13As for the movement, the sector of PEMIRSA, BASIC INDUSTRY, seems to lead a slight increase of 0.11%.
09:20And two other sectors such as industry and energy.
09:24The top losers from the PEMIRSA sector are the health sector.
09:30Oh, PEMIRSA technology, which fell 12.21%.
09:33Finally, technology has weakened significantly this morning.
09:36Mr. Wawan, a little bit, Sam, related to EMAS.
09:39Compact gainers.
09:40Is it because the commodity price is currently above US$3,000 per troy ounce?
09:47Yes, when there is uncertainty from the economic side, for example, EMAS will be the choice.
09:51Especially with President Trump's policy.
09:53If we look at the first administration of President Trump, in his first year, EMAS rose 11%.
09:58In the second year, it rose another 15%.
10:01So, especially with his policy, which is still uncertain.
10:05I'm sure EMAS will exceed US$3,000 per troy ounce.
10:09And this is a positive sentiment for the emittance that is moving in the gold sector.
10:15Although this morning it has entered the top gainers' range, so the increase is quite significant.
10:21Mr. Wawan?
10:23Yes, it can be a diversification choice.
10:25Because, will EMAS stop at US$3,000 per troy ounce?
10:29Probably not.
10:31Maybe it can rise even more because some have also projected EMAS to reach US$3,100 or even US$3,200 this year.
10:38Okay, there is a chance of US$3,100 to US$3,200.
10:41And right now, it has broken the highest record in the near term.
10:44An important milestone, US$3,000 per ounce on Thursday.
10:48With the momentum being pushed by uncertainty.
10:50The rate is increasing and there is speculation on the violation of the policy monitored by the Federal Reserve.
10:54I'm sorry for our limited time.
10:56Mr. Wawan, thank you for sharing your information this morning.
10:59Good health and good luck to you. See you again.
11:02Good health and good luck.