00:00Come on, Leonard's doing Bachelor stuff.
00:02You sure we can't take you to a strip club?
00:04Uh, if I want to see a naked, dancing man,
00:06I just flush the toilet while Leonard's in the shower.
00:14Hey. I know we're not making a fuss,
00:16but in the spirit of Bachelorette parties,
00:19I made cookies in the shape of male genitals.
00:24You really didn't have to... Whoa!
00:27Yeah, that is anatomic.
00:31Thank you. The veins are gummy worms.
00:38Oh, look. Jewish enchantile.
00:43I had extra dough.
00:47Oh, that's Leonard. He said they're about to cross the border.
00:50I hope the boys don't get too crazy in Mexico.
00:52Oh, yeah, right. Lock up your daughters,
00:54or Sheldon might lecture them
00:55about the North American Free Trade Agreement.
00:59Boy, that was a long night for me.
01:03Oh, I feel just like Mother Teresa.
01:06Except for the virgin part. That ship sailed a long time ago.
01:11I think Mother Teresa would have washed the clothes first.
01:15Yeah, well, I bet her laundry room wasn't down five flights of stairs.
01:20You know, giving really is better than receiving.
01:22Oh, I used to think it was such a cliche, but it seems to be the...
01:26Oh, look at these cute jeans someone just threw away.
01:35Yes, to a poor waitress who loves a boot cut.
01:40Penny, come on. They would be so cute on me.
01:42And they go great with this sweater.
01:45I don't think Mother Teresa... Oh, that is adorable.
01:49I don't feel good about this.
01:50Then sit in the car and keep it running.
01:54You were right. A whole new load.
01:59Come on, yoga top. Mama needs a new yoga top.
02:02Check it out, Bernadette. Suede boots. Your size.
02:06God, they're cute. Oh, why did they have to be cute?
02:10Wait, wait, wait, wait. Guys, just hang on.
02:12What is it? The fuzz?
02:14Look at us. What are we doing?
02:17I was gleefully following you to a life of crime,
02:19looking forward to the day we might be cellmates.
02:27I know about Bernadette.
02:31No, this is wrong. Let's put everything back.
02:39Oh, my God.
02:52It's okay. I serve soup to poor people.
02:55So, anyway, to make a long story short,
02:58turns out I have an unusually firm cervix.
03:03You know, Amy, when we say girl talk,
03:06it doesn't just have to be about our lady parts.
03:11Shame, because I have a real zinger about my tilted uterus.
03:21Amy, your nails look great.
03:23Oh, thanks. I found this place in Alhambra.
03:26It's in a woman's basement.
03:27I think it's a front for human trafficking,
03:29but they do a really good job.
03:33A colleague of mine did her graduate thesis on the fungus
03:35that grows on improperly sterilized manicure implements.
03:39Well, don't tell me that's not girl talk.
03:43So, where should we go tonight? A bar? A club? A movie?
03:47Or we could just stay here.
03:48Yes, and continue to bond.
03:50I have a feeling that after tonight,
03:52one of you will become my best friend forever.
03:54Or BFF, if you prefer.
03:57Which I don't.
04:00All right, time to open bachelor number two.
04:03Gee, I don't know if I should drink more.
04:05I have to drive home, and I've got enough trouble
04:07sitting over the dashboard as it is.
04:11That's okay. You can just sleep here.
04:14Oh, good. A slumber party.
04:16We'll do makeovers, initiate phony phone calls,
04:18and have spirited pillow fights in our frilly nighties.
04:22Oh, gosh, Amy, I don't know if I would call this
04:24an actual slumber party.
04:25Well, that's disappointing.
04:27I've always wanted to be invited to a slumber party.
04:28You never were? Not even when you were a kid?
04:32Well, there was the time I had my tonsils out
04:34and I shared a room with a little Vietnamese girl.
04:38She didn't make it through the night,
04:39but up till then, it was kind of fun.
04:44Okay, well, I guess we're having a slumber party.
04:51Pillow fight!
04:57I must say, Penny, this is great fun.
05:00Glad you're enjoying yourself.
05:02Until I met you and Bernadette,
05:03my trips to the bathroom had been entirely focused
05:05on elimination.
05:07Now they have a delightful social aspect.
05:10Amy, you must have been in the bathroom
05:12with other women before.
05:16Of course I have.
05:17But they were strangers and seemed off-put
05:19when I engaged in friendly stall-to-stall chit-chats.
05:23Some women don't like to get chummy
05:24when their panties are down.
05:28You okay in there, bestie?
05:30I'm fine.
05:31The reason I ask is that many people experience
05:33bladder shyness, the inability to pass you the...
05:35Yeah, I said I'm fine. Stop talking to me.
05:38Is she always this crabby when she urinates?
05:41We're really not that close.
05:44Screw it, I'll go later.
05:46And I'll be right by your side.
05:49So, where does Leonard think you are?
05:50Oh, I told him I was at yoga.
05:52Well, you are stretching the truth.
05:55Oh, yeah? Where does Sheldon think you are?
05:57Oh, Sheldon's kind of like a dog.
05:59He doesn't really think about me when I'm gone,
06:01but he's so happy when I show up.
06:05Oh, I see the big quesadilla.
06:07Oh, me.
06:09Oh, hot.
06:11Thanks for letting me come over and hang.
06:13So, Leonard still hasn't made a decision yet?
06:15No, and I've really been laying on the guilt.
06:17Did you break out the sad eyes?
06:19You mean these bad boys?
06:24What do we do?
06:25We're just gonna have to wait till they go back inside.
06:27Okay, okay.
06:28Can we very quietly open that second bottle of wine?
06:34Hey, don't freak out,
06:36but I think there's someone in your playhouse.
06:39Oh, yeah, that's just Bernadette.
06:44She's been hiding out in there all week.
06:46Really? Why?
06:48Oh, I don't know.
06:50She's been a little overwhelmed at work,
06:52and, frankly, me and the kids are a lot.
06:55She just needs some down time.
06:57And you just pretend like you don't know?
07:01That's how marriage works.
07:03Three years ago, I told her I got life insurance,
07:07and I totally didn't.
07:10Someday, she's gonna find out.
07:12I'm gonna say, ha, ha, ha,
07:13I know you've been hiding in the playhouse.
07:16Why don't you just get the life insurance?
07:20Whose side are you on?
07:24Can you hear what they're saying?
07:25Shh, I'm trying.
07:28Oh, sounds like Penny's in there, too.
07:32So, what is the craziest request anyone's ever made?
07:35Oh, you know, I can't really say.
07:37Concierge guest confidentiality.
07:39Really, that's a thing?
07:43This one time, I had to go to Walmart at 3 a.m.
07:45because Britney Spears needed to blow bubbles.
07:48Oh, that is so cool.
07:51By the way, do not tell Raj that you met Britney Spears
07:54because he will literally die.
07:57You've been talking so much about me.
08:00Tell me about Raj.
08:02Okay, are you trying to get us drunk so we'll dish on our friend?
08:05Because it's totally gonna work. What do you want to know?
08:08What kind of guy is he?
08:10He is great.
08:11So great.
08:13How come he's still single?
08:16He is great.
08:16So great.
08:18Come on.
08:19There's really nothing to tell.
08:21I mean, Raj is so much fun to hang out with.
08:22He's like one of our girlfriends, and I mean that in a good way.
08:25But also a bad way.
08:28Anything else?
08:32I mean, he takes baths with his dog, but not in a weird way.
08:37Or a normal way. They both wear swimsuits.
08:40He also cries every time Hugh Jackman sings.
08:44But not cute sniffles. Full-on snot sobs.
08:48But he is great.
08:50So great.
09:01Are you having fun?
09:05Yeah. I just finished sewing this top to bottom.
09:10Now I'm gonna sew it side to side.
09:13Pace yourself.
09:16Some more tea?
09:16Oh, lovely.
09:26Seriously, what the hell?
09:31This is my bachelorette party.
09:33Tea and quilts.
09:34What? You said you didn't want anything crazy.
09:37Yes, but I said it like, I don't want anything crazy.
09:40Which clearly means I wanted something crazy.
09:43I mean, is this how boring you think I am?
09:46Hey, she asked you a question.
09:50Of course not.
09:52So you thought that I would like quilting?
09:53Well, don't you?
09:55Of course I like quilting. It's the slowest way to make a blanket.
09:57But this is my bachelorette party.
09:59It's supposed to be fun and wild and full of bad decisions.
10:03Hey, we can make bad decisions.
10:04Yeah, she had two kids back to back and I thought you'd like this.
10:08So we're off to a good start.
10:11Come on, let's go somewhere we can do body shots off shirtless bartenders.
10:15Well, I don't know. That might be too much.
10:17All right, you know what? Why don't we stay home, have a little wine?
10:19What are you not getting about this?
10:23This is so exciting. Can we do a body shot?
10:26I've always wanted to do a body shot. Also, what's a body shot?
10:30It's when you take a drink out of a stranger's belly button.
10:32Oh, no thanks.
10:34What if they have an Audi? Does it just spill everywhere?
10:38Okay, look, we've got all night. Let's just take it easy.
10:41I'm getting married!
10:45There you go. First round's on the house.
10:47Hey there. Do you do body shots?
10:49Oh, she said she didn't want to.
10:51Mind your business.
11:04Should we get her home?
11:05Why? She's sound asleep and we have sliders coming.
11:08Home around!
11:13Oh, oh, oh!
11:16Oh, look who's back.
11:18There she is.
11:19What happened? How did we get here?
11:22You don't remember anything?
11:24I remember taking some shots and then...
11:27That's it.
11:29Oh, my gosh. Did I pass out?
11:31You kind of did.
11:33At my own bachelorette party? I'm so lame.
11:37Well, you didn't pass out before you did all kinds of fun stuff.
11:41What did I do?
11:42What did you do?
11:45What did you do?
11:49Well, you don't remember river dancing on top of the bar?
11:58I did that?
11:59Yeah, you did.
12:02But I don't know how to river dance.
12:05Didn't stop you from teaching all those shirtless firemen.
12:10I saw shirtless firemen?
12:13Saw, smelled, slid down like a pole.
12:17Did I flash anybody?
12:19How about everybody?
12:23I can't believe it. I'm so embarrassed.
12:26You didn't take any pictures, did you?
12:28Oh, no, we would never do that.
12:29Yeah, but if there were pictures, they would be crazy.
12:35You guys are good friends.
12:47Hey, so I saw a movie trailer the other day.
12:49How could Batman possibly fight Superman?
12:51I mean, isn't that dumb?
12:53Maybe he's his kryptonite.
12:54Batman's got a lot of money.
12:56Maybe he builds a suit that can do everything Superman can do.
12:59No, no, no, no, no. I've seen that movie. It's called Iron Man.
13:10What is happening?
13:12I don't know.
13:14But it's beautiful.
13:17Yeah, and now Ben Affleck is Batman.
13:19Oh, he was great in Shakespeare in Love.
13:21We should watch that next girls' night.
13:22We could do a double feature with the Leonardo DiCaprio,
13:25Romeo and Juliet.
13:26Oh, I love me some Leo.
13:27And it's gone.
13:36Still nothing.
13:39Remind me to try again in an hour.
13:42Will do.
13:44Will do.
13:49Girl talk?
13:52Um, sure. What do you got in mind?
13:54Do you subscribe to the Freudian theory of penis envy?
14:00Um, I've never really thought about it. Why?
14:03Sometimes I think it might be nice to have one.
14:07Not for sex. For convenience.
14:10You can't deny that by comparison,
14:12our internal plumbing is extremely high maintenance.
14:16Again, I've never given it much thought.
14:20We have time now. Think about it.
14:24This is fun.
14:26I'm gonna feel like such a vixen wearing jewelry
14:27that doesn't have a list of medications I'm allergic to.
14:31Benny, how's it going over there?
14:33Good. I'm just having a little trouble with the glue.
14:37How do you not know how to use glue?
14:39Did you ditch preschool?
14:41Yeah, but only because I was dating a second grader.
14:47Hello, everyone.
14:49Okay, let me have it.
14:51Let's hear all the Raj is a girl jokes.
14:54No, Bernadette told me it isn't nice and I'm not allowed.
14:58So I won't be making fun of you or the things you like
15:01or the fact that you just want to have fun.
15:07Howie, stop. Come on. Look at what I'm making.
15:10Hmm. It's actually pretty nice.
15:13I'm making a bracelet.
15:14Yeah, I'm just making a mess.
15:18You know, instead of beads and glue,
15:21you guys can use my soldering iron.
15:22You'd be able to make much cooler stuff.
15:24Well, I think we're doing just fine. Thank you.
15:28Actually, I'd kind of like to try that.
15:29Me too.
15:30I'll be right back.
15:33When did I have pistachios?
15:37Guess who?
15:39What are you doing back?
15:40That's an excellent question. Amy?
15:43Uh, well...
15:46When we were going through security,
15:48I got pulled out of line for a pat-down.
15:50The, uh, TSA agent got a little handsy.
15:55I may have broken her nose with my elbow.
15:59Long story short, she's on the no-fly list
16:01and we might have been followed here by a drone.
16:05I'm sorry. I feel like such an idiot.
16:07Oh, it's not so bad.
16:08You lost money, you're filled with shame
16:10and you got groped by a stranger.
16:12I mean, that's Vegas. You nailed it.
16:15You guys enjoy your evening.
16:16I'm gonna go before I ruin anybody else's weekend.
16:19Ah, it's my girl.
16:23Oh, no, no, no, Amy, wait.
16:24I know it's not the night you had in mind,
16:26but why don't you guys stay and play with us?
16:28It'll be fun.
16:29It will... Fun?
16:31Yeah, okay, three weeks ago, you bought crunchy peanut butter.
16:33But now you want the girls to play D&D?
16:35Do you have a drug problem?
16:38What's the big deal?
16:39Raj bailed so we could use some extra players.
16:41Well, I've never played Dungeons & Dragons with girls before.
16:44Oh, don't worry, sweetie, no one has.
16:50So, what do you say?
16:54I'll leave it up to the Dungeon Master.
16:57A satanic fungus that looks suspiciously like Al Pacino
17:03rises from the forest floor and says,
17:07you're playing D&D.
17:09You're playing D&D.
17:11This whole apartment...
17:16is playing D&D.
17:21What are you doing in our dungeon?
17:25You shall die.
17:30Okay, literal goosebumps, look.
17:34What do you do?
17:34I draw my broadsword.
17:36I ready my quarterstaff.
17:38I drink my potion.
17:42I say we attack the big one.
17:44You know what, give me the dice, I want to roll.
17:45The Dungeon Master is supposed to roll.
17:48Yeah, well, I'm supposed to be in Vegas
17:49throwing up on a shrimp buffet, no, give it.
17:54All right, what do I need?
17:55Uh, 15 or higher.
17:5715's the point, the point is 15.
17:59Give the little lady some room, here it is, coming out.
18:06Um, please tell me we're playing for money.
18:09Oh, even better than money, you gained experience points.
18:15More potion, please.
18:28Why are they staring?
18:31Who cares, just soak it in.
18:36Hello, boys.
18:39Oh, hey.
18:43Can you please stop staring?
18:45They're just girls, it's nothing you haven't seen
18:47in movies or in drawings.
18:51Hey, Stuart.
18:52What brings you guys here?
18:53We're looking for a recommendation about comic books.
18:56Oh, well, I recommend you don't open a store and sell them.
19:00No, we were just wondering why the guys like this stuff so much,
19:02so we thought we'd give it a try.
19:03Oh, okay, what do you think you might be into?
19:06Superhero, fantasy, graphic novels, manga?
19:08I swear I will turn a hose on you.
19:16What kind of comics do the guys like?
19:18Um, a little bit of everything.
19:20Mostly superhero stuff.
19:22All right, well, who's the best superhero?
19:25I can't ask a question like that in here.
19:27Are you trying to start a rumble?
19:29Well, what do you recommend?
19:31Well, uh, let's see, you've got your basic clean-cut good guys.
19:35Superman, Spider-Man, Captain America.
19:37Then you have your darker anti-heroes.
19:39You Batman, you Wolverine, Punisher.
19:42Ooh, I do love a bad boy.
19:46As evidenced by your boyfriend and his fear of hamsters.
19:52How are you? I'd go for fables, number one.
19:54The artwork is sophisticated, it's intelligently written,
19:56and it doesn't objectify or stereotype women.
19:58Ooh, Thor, he's hot.
20:02Yeah, he kind of is.
20:14Hmm, okay, I'm done.
20:16How'd you guys finish so fast?
20:18I don't know, there were a lot of pictures,
20:20and one page only had the word Brec-a-doom.
20:27Yeah, well, I have street smarts.
20:30So, what'd you guys think?
20:32Well, there was a lot of action,
20:34and the story moved along at a brisk pace.
20:37It was overall, what's the word I'm looking for?
20:41Stupid? So stupid.
20:44I don't know how Leonard can get so caught up in this.
20:46It's crazy, they spend hours arguing about things that don't even exist.
20:49What a waste of time.
20:50I know, a hammer so heavy that no one else can pick it up.
20:54I don't think it's heavy,
20:55I think it's some sort of magic so only Thor can lift it.
20:58That makes even less sense, I mean...
21:01No, no, no, it doesn't.
21:05Thor is a god, the hammer is his, only he can use it.
21:09It's like Sheldon and his toothbrush.
21:13Or his thin, beckoning lips.
21:16Wait, hang on, what if Thor's hand is on the hammer?
21:19I mean, if he's touching it with his god magic,
21:21then does that mean I could lift it?
21:27Well, which is it?
21:29Maybe we missed something.
21:31Let's read it again.
21:40Want some tea?
21:41Good idea, I'll help you.
21:44Wait, I thought we were reading.
21:45We are.
21:47We're just, uh, giving you a head start.
21:56Arthur passing away was harder on Sheldon than he's ready to admit.
22:00Really hoping this will cheer him up.
22:02Me too.
22:03Although it might have been thoughtless of us to bake a Death Star cake.
22:08No, it combines two of Sheldon's favorite things.
22:11Chocolate chips and the ability to destroy a planet at the push of a button.
22:16Well, anyway, it'll be a nice surprise for the boys.
22:18And Howie doesn't think I take his interest seriously,
22:20so hopefully this will keep him fooled for a while.
22:24Okay, let's get the fondant and start decorating.
22:27This is pretty cool.
22:29You don't see too many spherical cakes.
22:35I wonder why that is.
22:41Did you ever watch Professor Proton when you were a kid?
22:43No, my dad controlled the TV,
22:45so unless someone was a Texas Ranger, Jake or the Fat Man, we didn't see it.
22:51I never watched him either, but he seems to be the reason
22:53that Sheldon got interested in science.
22:55Not me. I got into science because I was always the smallest kid in school,
22:59so I thought if I became a scientist,
23:01I could invent a formula that made me taller.
23:04That's cute.
23:05I thought I was working for a while,
23:07but then I found out my brother was just lowering the pencil marks on the doorframe.
23:13How about you?
23:15Oh, I guess it must have been back when I was in the Girl Sprouts.
23:18Girl Sprouts?
23:19My mom made it up as an alternative to the Girl Scouts.
23:23She didn't want me selling cookies on some street corner like a whore.
23:31How did that get you into science?
23:33Oh, I went to the library and took out a book on biology to see what whores did.
23:42Hey, guys.
23:43Happy Star Wars Day!
23:48A Death Star cake!
23:50We were hoping it might cheer you up.
23:52And even though it meant we had to miss the movies, we could still be part of the fun.
23:55No, you didn't miss anything. We just started over.
23:58Son of a bitch.
24:01I can't believe I ditched work for Disneyland.
24:03What did you tell your boss?
24:05Oh, I was very clever. I did it in stages.
24:07At seven last night, I called about a problem at the lab
24:10and casually mentioned I was going out for seafood.
24:13At nine-thirty, I called and told him that one of my scallops tasted weird.
24:17At eleven-thirty, I called and said I was throwing up like a fire hose.
24:22At twelve-forty-five, I called and made nothing but dry heaving sounds.
24:27And now I'm going to Disneyland!
24:31Penny, what did you say?
24:32That I work at the Cheesecake Factory. I said, bye.
24:38So, what are we gonna do first?
24:39I don't know about you guys,
24:40but I'm going to make a beeline for the place that gives you a princess makeover.
24:44Oh, that sounds like fun.
24:45You're kidding, right? We're not just gonna get drunk and go on rides?
24:50Come on, do it with us.
24:53All right, whatever. How does it work?
24:55Okay, so you pick your princess.
24:56Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Cinderella.
24:59They give you hair, make up the works.
25:02Guess it would be fun to be Cinderella.
25:04Oh, I want to be Cinderella, too.
25:07We can't all be Cinderella.
25:11Then how do we decide?
25:13Well, it's simple. This was my idea.
25:15I'm driving. I'm Cinderella.
25:17You bitches got a problem with that, we could stop the car right now.
25:24Ernie, I'm home.
25:28Did you have fun today?
25:30Yes, and I have a surprise for you.
25:33Please be Cinderella. Please be Cinderella.
25:37Well, hello, Prince Charming.
25:57Hey, how was your… What?
26:01I can explain. I played hooky with the girls
26:03then we all went to Disneyland and…
26:06What are you doing?
26:07Disneyland. Go on, I'm listening.
26:10Sheldon, all Snow White needs is one little kiss to wake up.
26:20Heard you the first time.
26:21I was asked to be a part of a magazine article about the 50 sexiest female scientists in
26:28Isn't that cool?
26:29I think it's awful.
26:31Why would you say that?
26:32Bernadette is a successful microbiologist.
26:35She should be celebrated for her achievements, not her looks.
26:38I mean, what kind of message does that send?
26:40I think the message is, check out the rack on that scientist.
26:45Why can't someone be thought of as both smart and pretty?
26:49I just don't think a professional woman should have to flaunt her sexuality in order to get
26:54Okay, what's the big deal?
26:55Look, if it helps you make a sale with a physician, I don't think it hurts to flirt a little.
26:59Laugh at their joke, touch their arm, maybe crank up the A.C. in the car beforehand, you
27:03know, to wake up the girls.
27:08Maybe it's different in the world of sales, but it's already hard enough for women to
27:11be taken seriously in science.
27:13I was kind of excited about the article, but now you're making me feel bad.
27:17I think you should do whatever you want.
27:19You know, maybe if fashion magazines had female scientists in them, I would have become a
27:23theoretical physicist.
27:24Stop smirking at each other!
27:30So, how was work today?
27:34It was fine, but you'll be happy to know they pulled the sexy scientist article.
27:39What happened?
27:40I don't know.
27:41They just cancelled the photo shoot and said they're rethinking it.
27:45I'm really sorry, but I think it's for the best.
27:49You want people focusing on your achievements, not staring at your breasts in some magazine.
27:53I guess.
27:54It's really not that important.
27:55Hey, up here.
27:56Sorry, we were just talking about them.
27:58So, look, I wasn't going to say anything, but since you seem to be okay with the article
28:10being cancelled, I have a little confession.
28:13I'm the reason it was pulled.
28:16I sent the editors of the magazine a pretty scathing email.
28:20Mimi, what did you say?
28:22I simply pointed out that they would never consider doing an article ranking male scientists
28:27on their sexuality, let alone showing them in various stages of undress.
28:30Because no one wants to see Neil deGrasse Tyson in a wet t-shirt bent over the hood
28:34of a Porsche.
28:35It doesn't make a difference, because they agreed it was in bad taste, and now you agree,
28:44so maybe saves the day.
28:47No, what happened was you got jealous, so you took away a chance for me to get some
28:52But it was bad publicity.
28:53That's for me to decide, not you.
28:54I disagree.
28:55As a female scientist, I think what you do affects all of us.
28:56And I think you don't like people expressing their sexuality because no one wants you to
28:57express yours.
28:58Oh, Amy, I'm so sorry.
28:59That was over the line.
29:00You have a nice night.
29:01Please don't go.
29:02Up until my vicious attack, you were the one in the room.
29:03I'm sorry.
29:04I'm sorry.
29:05I'm sorry.
29:06I'm sorry.
29:07I'm sorry.
29:08I'm sorry.
29:09I'm sorry.
29:10I'm sorry.
29:11I'm sorry.
29:12I'm sorry.
29:13I'm sorry.
29:14I'm sorry.
29:15I'm sorry.
29:16I'm sorry.
29:17I'm sorry.
29:18I'm sorry.
29:19I'm sorry.
29:21I'm sorry.
29:22I'm sorry.
29:23I'm sorry.
29:24I'm sorry.
29:25I'm sorry.
29:26I'm sorry.
29:27I'm sorry.
29:28I'm sorry.
29:29I'm sorry.
29:30I'm sorry.
29:31I'm sorry.
29:32I'm sorry.
29:33I'm sorry.
29:34I'm sorry.
29:35I'm sorry.
29:36I'm sorry.
29:37I'm sorry.
29:38I'm sorry.
29:39I'm sorry.
29:40I'm sorry.
29:41I'm sorry.
29:42I'm sorry.
29:43I'm sorry.
29:44I'm sorry.
29:45I'm sorry.
29:46I'm sorry.
29:47I'm sorry.
29:48I'm sorry.
29:49I'm sorry.