Welcome to Operation Prep Phase! In this video you'll find the best tips and tricks to use to rank up in R6
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♦Turtle Beach: https://turtlebeach.gg/Brah
Thanks Turtle Beach for sponsoring!
@RoyalPenguinxx (shoutout to Ryan for letting me use his footage since I didn't have a chance to and I wanted to upload this early in the season for you all!)
@SwagMeal (Editor)
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♦Gorilla Mind (use code 'BRAH'): https://gorillamind.com/Brah
♦Turtle Beach (use code 'BRAH'): https://turtlebeach.gg/Brah
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All music is provided by Epidemic Sound → https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/5v3lht/
♦ BUSINESS INQUIRIES → thecoconutbrah@gmail.com
1.76M subs
Checkout Turtle Beach for the best gaming gear!
♦Turtle Beach: https://turtlebeach.gg/Brah
Thanks Turtle Beach for sponsoring!
@RoyalPenguinxx (shoutout to Ryan for letting me use his footage since I didn't have a chance to and I wanted to upload this early in the season for you all!)
@SwagMeal (Editor)
♦ Socials
Discord → https://discord.gg/coconutbrah
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♦Ubisoft Store Creator Code (use code 'BRAH')
♦Gorilla Mind (use code 'BRAH'): https://gorillamind.com/Brah
♦Turtle Beach (use code 'BRAH'): https://turtlebeach.gg/Brah
♦ Music
All music is provided by Epidemic Sound → https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/5v3lht/
♦ BUSINESS INQUIRIES → thecoconutbrah@gmail.com
1.76M subs
00:00What is up, brahs? So in this video, I'm hitting you with everything from disgusting spawn peaks,
00:04parkour rat spots, across the map wallbangs, free nade kills, new season, new operator,
00:09new Raura tech that's gonna blow the minds of your enemies, and the craziest tricks that you all
00:14submitted in my Discord. If you want to submit one, head over there. We have no time to waste.
00:18We got ranked games to play. It's new season launch day, so sit back and enjoy.
00:23Raura plus Thermite allows you to open up reinforced and electrified walls and hatches
00:28from the other side of them, and it's one of the best combos that we've ever had added to
00:33the game in years. For example, if you want to get the Admin hatch on Bank, you can place a
00:38Dom panel on this doorway, and then the Thermite will crouch and then place this Thermite charge
00:43on the far right. This will blast the hatch open, even if there's a Kate on it. This was
00:49originally found by Fett, and then RoyalPenguin helped me go on every single map to find the best
00:55places to do this, and that's what you're gonna see here. This will work on literally every single
01:00map, and these are the best ones so far. Now, this next tip is from the sponsor of
01:04this video, Turtle Beach, and their new headset, the Stealth 700 Gen 3. I've now been testing out
01:09the Stealth 700 Gen 3 for two weeks, and as soon as I opened it up, I could tell that the build
01:14quality and comfort was insane. I even tested this out on a custom game while looking for
01:17hiding spots that lasted for four hours, and the memory foam cushions they use on here were
01:22comfortable the entire time without getting cauliflower ears like you're a pro wrestler,
01:26or like how other headsets do. On top of that, the sound clarity matches the comfort quality
01:31with the patented 60mm Eclipse dual drivers that deliver precision and deep bass. This is
01:37also literally the largest driver in its class. This headset truly has it all with an exceptional
01:42microphone. It has an 80-hour battery life and even cross-play with a dual USB, so that means
01:55that with a simple touch of a button, you can switch between your favorite console or PC without
01:59having to move transmitters or connect cables. This headset is insane. I know you'll like it
02:03too since everyone that plays Siege knows how important sounds are, so if you wanna check it
02:07out, I have it linked down below. It really helps support the channel, and don't forget,
02:10Code Bra is gonna save you 10% on everything Turtle Beach. Another combo you can do with
02:15Raora is using them with drones or having a friend drone up for you when you are ready to shoot,
02:21because when you drive a drone next to a dom panel, it's going to lift the bottom up slightly,
02:27so we're gonna take that a step further and do this in places where the operator can be lower
02:32than the dom panel so that you can see really, really far in. The defender is not gonna be able
02:38to see you from the angle because they are gonna be higher than you. Flank watching from the bar
02:42on clubhouse is one idea, attacking the garage on bank is another because you can hold a crazy
02:48long line of sight all while it's a one-way angle since you're lower than them, and so even if the
02:53defender's prone, they're not gonna be able to see you. Or it's gonna at least be much, much harder
02:58for them to see you versus you seeing them. This cafe one is also a pretty cool idea, and it's
03:03gonna allow you to see pixel either from white stairs or from the rappel, and yeah, you get the
03:09idea behind it, it's gonna work on literally, again, every single map, and it's a fun one to
03:13experiment with while it's all fresh. If you're on defense, you can take this same idea, and while
03:18you won't be able to customize where the dom panels are, it can be really unexpected to the
03:23attackers to have their own gadgets lift up and betray them in a way, so don't forget, you can do
03:28this with either hacked Mozzie drones, and even Echo's Yokai drones, so Echo is kind of in a way
03:34a direct counter to Raura, or at least an op that can blend really well with her, even if she's on
03:40the opposite team. There's this insane Ying Candela flash that you can throw that combos with pushing
03:45the cocktail balk window below you really, really well. If you rappel up the terrace wall and push
03:51your operator to the top right, you can line up your crosshairs between these two clouds. You
03:56literally just put the center of your crosshair on that blue sky gap that is between the two clouds,
04:01and when you throw the Candela, it's basically like a pool trick shot. It's gonna bounce off
04:05of the stacked up ace units and roll all the way to the cocktail lounge. This has the ability to
04:10blind anybody that's playing by the bomb, that's crouching by the counters, or even sometimes
04:15people like to play a Mira here on the wall looking underneath the skylight. It's gonna flash
04:19anybody that's playing in this general area, and it looks wild, but it's really, really easy to do,
04:25so shout out to Pendant for this scientific perfected lineup for this one. One thing you do
04:30need to keep in mind with Raora is if you're in a situation on a map where there are multiple
04:35doorways in a row, if you ADS with Raora's gadget out, the Dom Launcher, that is what is going to
04:41make you able to shoot the further door away from you. It can get kind of confusing because if you're
04:46trying to shoot a further door, you have to peek like really close on the front door, but if you
04:51are just holding your ADS button, you can actually swing the doorway and shoot the further doorway a
04:57lot quicker, so make sure you're doing that. Don't get caught with your pants down standing in the
05:01middle of a doorway trying to lock onto a specific door. A simple spawn peek that's underrated is
05:06simply vaulting out of the classroom about five seconds after the round starts and shooting
05:10towards the gate. Most times attackers are gonna be either by the gate checking the door for spawn
05:15peeks, or they're gonna have pushed up further where they're probably pre-firing the default
05:19cam from the white van or even starting to drone. Obviously, be on the lookout for drones before
05:24going for this, but if you can get away with prepping the window correctly so that it doesn't
05:28make too much noise when you jump out, you're gonna get a lot of kills with it. In the Faze
05:31versus Furia game, we saw the attackers do something I didn't even know was possible,
05:35and it's rolling Ying Candela's up staircases. For some reason, Candela's can roll upstairs with
05:41no problem and not get stuck on anything. You can use this in a lot of situations, but the clubhouse
05:46catwalk is one of the main situations that I can think of because there's always gonna be a person
05:51that's holding rafters. The range on Ying Candela's is also insanely large, and even if somebody is
05:56holding rafters from like halfway down, they're still gonna get flashed. In the pro league game,
06:00we saw the pro team pull this off and take control perfectly, so figured it would be cool to include
06:04here so you can use it in your next game as well. There's this free kill nade spot on border if you
06:11rappel up the south wall and push yourself all the way to the top right. You simply just need
06:15to put your crosshairs on this piece of barbed wire that goes up to the metal bar, and since this
06:20nade has a pretty far distance to fly, it's gonna cook while it's in the air, and then it's gonna
06:26detonate just about a second after landing. This nade is literally gonna fly through the barbed
06:31wire, through the fountain skylight, and then over the archives wall that's reinforced, and it's
06:36going to smack the ankles of anybody that's playing by the bomb. You can combo this with a friend
06:41that's shooting out the archives window, and defenders are gonna be going back and forth to
06:45challenge the window, take cover on the bomb, or rotate in this general area. You're gonna have a
06:49really good chance of getting a free kill. On Nighthaven Labs, there's a way to get onto the
06:54forklift in the control room hall, and if you choose this bomb site, the bomb is literally
06:58gonna spawn in the room that's next to you. All you need to do is place a shield that's in the
07:03middle, but kind of slightly towards the front of the forklift, and then you're gonna get a
07:07vault prompt right in the middle into the chair. From there, you're forklift certified, and you can
07:11just go to the seat, look up at the sky, back up, and vault on top. Make sure you don't go over the
07:18shield, or else you are going to break the shield, and when the shield breaks, it's gonna cancel your
07:22vault prompt, so be careful of that. After that, you can get crazy angles onto the stairs, to the
07:27entry, to any of the windows that are on the west, and it's just so random, nobody's gonna actually
07:33have their crosshairs up here that's ready to fight you. One rare counter to Raora that you
07:37should be aware of is mute jamming them from above. Now, you can place a mute jammer perfectly
07:43center on the same level as the Dom panel, and that radius will reach up to be able to jam and
07:48retract the Dom panel, but it's pretty risky. You're gonna risk getting caught with your pants
07:53down while the Dom panel is just going up, and then you're just standing right in the center of
07:57a doorway, so be aware of that, and just be aware. Another option is you can mute jam them from above.
08:04It is super situational, but it's a really cool interaction that I didn't see anybody else
08:08mentioning. There's this angle on consulate that goes across the map from admin office on the east,
08:13all the way to the console office on the west. Defenders play on this desk so often, especially
08:19if you go and you have a teammate that's playing on that console office window repel, there is
08:23definitely gonna be somebody that's on this desk, like we've all been in that situation before,
08:28but then you and the rest of the team, you guys can go and you take admin, do a top take, and it
08:32literally just takes an additional three seconds to jump on this desk and wallbang this spot to
08:37see if you get a free kill or not. On Oregon, there's this pre-fire into trophy that takes
08:42like four seconds to do that you should start trying at the start of your rounds. When defenders
08:46choose upstairs in the bedroom, the trophy room becomes a very high traffic area even after the
08:51round starts because people are finishing site setups, rotates, being wild with pre-firing the
08:56doors for no reason at all, and if they do happen to cross this area, they are gonna catch a stray
09:02all the way from your construction spawn. You just need to vault up on top of the construction
09:06vehicle and then kind of push north into it. Just be careful because if you go too far left,
09:11you will slip off, but I've been liking a lot of these random pre-fires a lot lately. I'm gonna
09:15be really curious to see if these start getting blocked in upcoming patches. There's an interesting
09:20building design detail in the games room, and it's right where the default plant is. For some reason,
09:26the walls don't perfectly align here. I'm not sure if it's because there's a thickness difference on
09:31that top layer, who knows, but what I do know is that it causes this gap to be here, so you can
09:37either leave C4s below or even shoot through it at times. I don't really like shooting through it
09:42because it's literally just a few pixels. It's actually really hard to fall out of through,
09:46but it is enough for the debris and explosion to carry over onto the planter above. So say you're
09:51doing like a late roam or just roaming in general and they push really fast in there, this C4 is a
09:57crazy one to know about. On Cafe, if you go into the southeast corner of Freezer, you can get this
10:03pixel into the bakery once the attackers open it up, and if you have a dark headgear on, you are
10:08gonna be so hard to see from the attacker's point of view. This is one of the smallest pixel peaks
10:13that we've ever done on the channel, like I don't even know if this counts as a pixel peak, it's
10:17more like a molecule peak, but if you do know that your Freezer side is safe and attackers are
10:22committing to the bakery wall, this is a really funny spot to go and check to see if you can get
10:26a free kill. In Siege, there are certain soft walls, windows, and sometimes doors beneath
10:32reinforced walls that have utility on them, and if you place simple breach charges as far up on them
10:38as you can, when you detonate the breach charge, the explosion is actually large enough to destroy
10:43utility above. This one here on Skyscraper is the perfect example because it's just lined up
10:49really well, and this happens in games a lot too. But overall, this is something you can be on the
10:53lookout for in your games. There's so many ways that you can still get really creative, even after
10:5810 years, it's crazy. There's this older C4 spawn peak throw that's finally been perfected, and here
11:03it is. On top square, you just need to punch the middle of the left barricade so that you can see
11:09between this palm tree here and the roof corner here. If you crouch and walk forward and toss
11:14the C4 out of the window at the same time, right at the 56 to 57 second mark between these two
11:20points, the C4 is going to land by the corner of the building by anybody that's approaching
11:25from spawn right as they turn the corner to pre-fire the broken window. The C4 literally
11:30explodes on them as they turn the corner to pre-fire the window, so it is perfect timing.
11:36This is something that I don't even know if it's intended or not, but if it is, it's literally the
11:40coolest, most realistic mechanic Siege has ever had, and it's how you can get smokes to go through
11:45the AC air vent system and then enter the attic because the smoke perfectly covers the rotate in
11:50the kids. You need to roll the smoke canister so that it goes under the AC unit, and Ubisoft either
11:56did this on accident or it's the coolest realistic easter egg ever, because I imagine if you did do
12:01this in real life, probably some smoke would go through the air unit, right? Either an amazing
12:06accident or a 10,000 IQ play from Ubisoft here. Did you know that you can shoot out the second
12:14ace breach charge that drops from the initial breach all from safety? This is another trick
12:19that just happened in the recent six invitational games, and basically there's certain walls in
12:24Siege that while you're defending, you can actually have cover from on while you are playing really
12:29close on the breach. Not a lot of people realize this, but you can actually shoot that second
12:33canister before it explodes from the inside of the map. This spot here on lair is a good example
12:38because most people on attack are not going to be like playing up close on that breach or far
12:43out of the side. They're most likely going to just throw the breach and then watch the windows
12:48or flanks. And while this is happening, you can actually move up on the breach or say you were
12:52just bandit tricking, you can cancel that, stand up, stand in safety on that hard wall. And while
12:57you're on the side, you're going to have the cover and you are going to be able to actually just
13:00wall bang that soft wall section while you look down on it and you are going to be able to destroy
13:06it. You kind of have to guess where the breach is, but it's very obvious, obviously just smack in the
13:10middle of the opening. This is going to make that hole too small to enter from. Then the attackers
13:14are going to either have to rotate or at least use even more utility. But then if they do have to use
13:20more utility, that first wall is opened up. So it's going to make it even easier for your team
13:24to do things like impact trick or even just swing onto it. So cool trick to keep in mind.