• 3 hours ago
Add me on Snapchat for my close friends story - @Flossiebclegg

Black studded jeans -

Flared jeans -

Leopard shorts -

I love LA top -

Slouchy black off shoulder top -

Studded micro shorts -

Pink shirt -

Wide leg joggers -

Lightweight knit jumper -

Asymmetric top -

White cardigan -

White short sleeve shirt -

Twitter - https://twitter.com/__Flossie__
Instagram - http://instagram.com/flossie
Tiktok - flossieclegg


All my love,
Flossie x

DISCLAIMER - this video was not sponsored, all thoughts and opinions are my own


00:00:00Hey girlies
00:00:06I didn't think I was gonna start this vlog till
00:00:09Tomorrow it's a Monday today. I actually just went and got new passport while I went to the passport office
00:00:16I lost my passport in October time because I'm so silly so I got that sorted today
00:00:20And it went so smoothly, and I feel like things like that nothing like that ever runs
00:00:26Smoothly for me, so that was a pleasant experience, and I'll have a passport within a week because I
00:00:35Don't want to say anything
00:00:36I'm not gonna say anything, but you'll know soon. I'm just sat in the park now
00:00:40I've got some sushi from one of my favorite little sushi places
00:00:44And it's so lovely and sunny the sushi place as well if you're like
00:00:50Isn't an angel area it's called sushi show
00:00:53So so good. I'm really fussy with my sushi. I hate thick kind of claggy
00:00:59Rice sushi when it's just cut bad. Do you know what I mean? This stuff's really good
00:01:04I already got either out on a walk this morning, so I feel like I can stay in town for an hour or so
00:01:09And there's a little
00:01:11antique shop around there
00:01:13I want to go to
00:01:14It is also Brits week this week, which is exciting and equally terrifying because I do not have an outfit yet
00:01:20But I am in conversations about getting one. I've left it so last-minute of course. I have look at her
00:01:28You kidding this camera is flashing of course
00:01:31I was expecting to start my vlog today, but I've decided I'm gonna go get my fingers
00:01:38Stuck in to this antique shop just down the road. It's called past caring again
00:01:44If you're like angel, it's went an area so good everything in there is so affordable
00:01:49And I love to put my head in I haven't in a while
00:01:53Because things come and go out of them really quickly. They even do just like nice little
00:02:00Trinket II things like
00:02:02Just ended up having my dream day out basically this is it here got so much fun stuff
00:02:10And the man who works in there is super super lovely as well. I love this so much
00:02:15I think that would go nice in the kitchen this would look amazing in my dressing table
00:02:21Not my dressing tables are in my dressing room, but I can't decide whether like the space
00:02:24I put this in I'd want the dressing table there or this sofa, but I'm so tempted to get it
00:02:29It's 200 quid. I feel like if you found this online
00:02:33It would be nearly a grand and it's so gorge already upholstered as well
00:02:37It probably needs like a little bit of a clean. It's pretty dusty. Oh my god
00:02:42I would wipe you down, but my even my jacket is covered in rain looking back home now
00:02:48There are a couple bits in there. I really like those so far
00:02:52Which I might get them send me over the measurements and measure up just because I feel like that's such a steal
00:02:58And I can always sell it on for the price. I bought it like this
00:03:02Price to sell it you know one of you guys might want it if it doesn't fit
00:03:05But I'll get them to send the measurements over to me
00:03:08I didn't have a tape measure on me today, and there was also a chair outside
00:03:11Which was so sweet, and it was like 40 quid 40 quid you kidding me?
00:03:14I'm interested in those two items, but one thing about me is I'm not an impulse buyer
00:03:19Which is quite a good thing especially when it comes to stuff to my home like I need a lot of time
00:03:23To think about it, and then I also like always get my head
00:03:26One other things I should be buying like a bloody bedside lamp because I haven't had matching bedside lamps ages
00:03:32I just chewed through one of them as a puppy anyway. I'm on my way home now I
00:03:37Kind of annoyed because I wanted to get beanie out on another walk
00:03:40I'm sure she's gonna be for the beach or the better big nap
00:03:42Whilst I was out, but next time you're taking a walk in the rain listen to forever by Charlie XCX
00:03:49Romanticize your life. I'm gonna put it back on now, and I'll see you when I'm home. It has been a couple hours
00:03:54I'm jetting back out to go and meet a friend actually a school friend. Which is so
00:04:01Exciting I I don't know if you've noticed this, but I don't have too many friends from school
00:04:08But I do have a select few group of girls who it's so lovely seeing it's not even like I don't know like I don't know
00:04:16It's not like I fell out with everyone, but I mean just like years have gone by and
00:04:21There's basically there's a few girls who I was very close to in school actually my tutor group the girl that I'm going to meet up
00:04:27With today hold on I can't talk and book an uber I need to put my uber now
00:04:31I was gonna get the tube, but I'm running late surprise surprise
00:04:34I'm still gonna be running late even in this uber in fact. I'm gonna run to the tube
00:04:38I feel like that's more reliable basically what I'm saying is this one girl that I'm going to see I have known her since I was
00:04:45Three years old maybe even younger. She is the sweetest
00:04:50Sweetest human on planet earth, and I could not believe it when she text me
00:04:54Telling me that she'd moved here, so I actually I went for dinner with her a little while ago
00:05:00And our other friend Ellie
00:05:03Her name's Georgie by the way. I don't know why I'm like tiptoeing around her name
00:05:07I think I don't know I'm like funny about that obviously she's completely not in
00:05:12this side of my life, so I don't want to just be
00:05:15Airing out all her business, but she's the sweetest sweetest girl
00:05:19And I am going off to go and have a diet coke with her in group Street
00:05:24Which a I can't film obviously because it's
00:05:29B. I don't want to film because as I said just like a different a
00:05:34Different area of my life because I'm not gonna be filming
00:05:38This evening. I am actually gonna insert a couple days of footage from last week
00:05:44I basically started a vlog last week, but I
00:05:48Ended up getting super poorly, and I think I was a little bit burnt out to be honest
00:05:53I had that flu that's been going around and oh my god. It's just it's still
00:05:58Kind of lingering it's like really dormant, and then it kind of flares up
00:06:01I don't know, but yeah enjoy the footage from those two days, and I'll catch up with you
00:06:08Good morning
00:06:11Yes, you know what time it is. I'm watching Millie and Liam's
00:06:14Podcast one thing about me. I'm always gonna have something on in the background
00:06:17I don't know if that's a living alone thing or if you live with someone you do it, too
00:06:21I've also bloody cannot locate for the life of me my tripod
00:06:27So I'm gonna try and balance you on a bag
00:06:32Swear to God when you are a youtuber anything can become a tripod
00:06:35I'm gonna pop you on the top of a cup my ears have popped. I've had popped ears for
00:06:41three days now and
00:06:43It doesn't like no sign of it going away
00:06:46I don't really know what's going on, but this ear is like I can hardly hear anything out of it
00:06:51It just popped one day. It just went pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop
00:06:58It just popped one day it just went pop and
00:07:02It's not fantastic. Anyway, good morning everyone. How's everyone doing? I hope we're doing well
00:07:07I'm really hoping that I haven't got any of this food in my teeth. I've actually really pushed the bow out today
00:07:12I've got something other than salmon on toast. You can all leave me alone. I
00:07:16Have a knife this morning. I went on Chloe's podcast. I'll insert some footage here
00:07:23I think this is just the type of guy you've got a relationship with. I don't think it's deep
00:07:33You guys have got that to look forward to the calm it was really really fun Chloe is such a babe
00:07:39Really my podcast like podcasting bag at the moment and I love going on them
00:07:44I've said it before on here, but I just feel like when I go on someone else's podcast
00:07:48I forget that it's actually going on the internet because it's not going on my channel
00:07:52So I'm a lot more open and I spill a lot more
00:07:56I made a kale
00:08:00Pasta salad, which is quite rogue for me, but I've just been really
00:08:05Craving pasta, so I want to feed myself what my body wants and I also think I'm just low on iron
00:08:11So I need all the greens I can get at the moment
00:08:14It's such a beautiful day today, which just has instantly put me in the best mood ever
00:08:18It's also so nice like being up and glam before midday, you know, the podcast recording was quite early today
00:08:25It was at 10 and I did this makeup in 30 minutes. I've been sleeping through my alarms terribly
00:08:30Although, you know you guys I've got this like rescue remedy
00:08:34this is always an impossible setup like having a plate of food and
00:08:37Talking to you because I end up like not eating the food and it goes cold
00:08:40Anyway, as I was saying I got these like rescue remedy sleep gummies. They are
00:08:46Incredible. I feel like I actually don't need melatonin anymore. I have tried so many
00:08:51different herbal
00:08:53Gummies I'm gonna go get them for you. Actually, I've got two seconds to run down these stairs because
00:09:18You want to say hi, yeah, I'm gonna say hello. Hi everyone. This is them
00:09:23Okay, I got them in Holland and Barrett. In fact, I'll link these below any of you struggle with your sleep
00:09:28Genuinely, I swear to you. These are the only thing that have ever
00:09:32Actually what I'm into my herbal stuff like I believe in I believe in vitamins and whatever but anything sleep related
00:09:41Has never ever work. I take two of these. It says to take one. I take two. Honestly, I really like how they taste
00:09:47It's like it's like having sweeties before bed
00:09:50They're so so good and they send me into like the best sleep ever
00:09:55I'm honestly I'm just chuffed that I found something I can get that works and it's also natural
00:10:00So I don't feel so iffy about it. I wasn't chuffed that I needed melatonin to get a good night's sleep, but
00:10:08Try these out if you do
00:10:10Struggle with sleep. I promise you you won't regret it. They're really really really great
00:10:14I really don't know what I have planned for this week
00:10:17I should honestly really look at my calendar, but all I need to think about right now is today
00:10:21Um, believe it or not surprise surprise
00:10:23I want to get either out on a nice big walk around Hampstead and just enjoy the Sun as well
00:10:28I'm really sorry that I've been gone for a bit. Nothing bad
00:10:32I just I feel like I felt a bit lethargic like after my birthday had finished. I really have like
00:10:39anything to majorly
00:10:40Look forward to and it was just been like cold and dark and raining all the time
00:10:47I feel like this is a time where winter blues really really hip talking is so weird because I just can't hear a thing
00:10:53It's really not long till spring though. And it's days like this that get me really excited
00:10:59And I have survived this winter. I this is the first winter. I have not had a full-on
00:11:06Crash out so baby steps proud of myself
00:11:09I was actually just text into a group chat today saying that she wants to do something this evening, which I definitely
00:11:17Be down for I also really appreciate
00:11:20all of your messages
00:11:22Since I've been gone
00:11:23I didn't want it because obviously the last video if you watched it you will have seen was my birthday video the video before that
00:11:30was me talking about my weight loss and everything and the comments were very mixed which
00:11:36Honestly, I expected but I didn't want anyone to worry or think that that that was a reason that was gone
00:11:44Trust me. I'm very thick-skinned these days. Like I've really had it all and I knew like that video would have some mixed feedback
00:11:51To it. Um, but I do just want to say like I really appreciate all the love and the support and all the kind DMS
00:11:59Just all of the time. Anyway, not even when I just talk about, you know
00:12:03The close to home topic and I really appreciated all your messages saying that you've missed these videos
00:12:09I'm back now. I'm back. And yeah, I need to eat this food and get this
00:12:16I do not think there is
00:12:18Anything in this world that makes me happier than a dog walk on a sunny day
00:12:24Getting outside having some best friend time. I really hope there's no salad in my teeth that lighting is also shocking
00:12:31Although don't be fooled because it is Baltic out here. I nearly came out and just my top and jeans
00:12:37This coat as well. It's so
00:12:40Useful. Yeah having a good fur coat with pockets in as well. So great
00:12:45They keep you so so so warm, especially if it's got a hood as well
00:12:48This one's from jaded and the black top that I'm wearing. You will have seen me wearing at breakfast as well
00:12:53That is from I don't know a lot. They're like the best basic tops ever
00:12:58I really want to try out the skims tops if you guys watch any of my videos or tick tocks
00:13:03Live in the skims bodysuits, especially when I go out skims bodysuits and a pair of flare jeans
00:13:09Oh my god, you just like have the body of a supermodel one scene as well the skims bump
00:13:15Underwear, it's like basically a push-up bra for your bum prayers have been answered
00:13:20Like I have literally googled if that exists and it's awesome team. Ooh, she and really scary bookie looking shit
00:13:27I desperately need to get my hands on a pair and I'll let you know if it's any good
00:13:32this angle might just be what nightmares are made of you're
00:13:36Balancing on a phone tripod. I can't find my tripod anywhere
00:13:41I'm genuinely so lost so lost as to where that could be
00:13:45But I wanted to show you like a little routine that I do when I'm going out
00:13:51So I still have makeup on like my eye makeup is fully intact
00:13:55But I'm not gonna lie had a little nap on this over which I used to think that having naps was a really bad thing
00:14:02Really healthy with early animals, but it's kind of not socially acceptable
00:14:07To nap so no napping shame here treat yourself
00:14:10Anyway, what I was gonna say is I wanted to show you a routine that I do
00:14:14Just to like refresh my makeup
00:14:16So I actually just had like a body bath and took the bottom half of my makeup on so everything from my eyes up
00:14:23Gosh, I look very red. It's all a skill arm
00:14:25I've gone in with some of the NYX plump right back primer
00:14:29My skin is just off the back of a huge breakout
00:14:33Like I've got so much redness and kind of I don't know if I can call it scarring, but just so many marks
00:14:40It's definitely like cleared up a lot had a bit of a stressful time
00:14:42As I said post birthday and oh my whole body my whole body hit the bed. There's actually a new foundation
00:14:49I want to try out
00:14:50But I don't know if now is the best time to try it
00:14:53I'm gonna go upstairs and get it. I'd say my ultimate favorite foundation
00:14:57Well, my ultimate favorite foundation of all time is Estee Lauder double wear. I just don't have a bottle on me
00:15:02I need to actually go buy one. I think I was sent that one, but I love it
00:15:05Something about it makes your nose look smaller. I don't know what that is
00:15:07I don't know what the science behind that is, but every time I wear that foundation
00:15:11It looks like I've got a lovely teeny tiny little nose
00:15:14Otherwise this and it's from Maybelline. It's so affordable. It's the matte and poreless fit me foundation. I love the coverage
00:15:21It's really nice and thin. It doesn't feel cakey. It lasts really well on me. I wouldn't even say it's it's not like a
00:15:28Stark matte finish finish. Sorry. It's quite a satin matte like it does like it gets a bit of
00:15:33Shine on it the Estee Lauder double wear could never think that shit is old. Oh my god. Does it dry you out?
00:15:39I have to put on such a thick moisturizer underneath that or else like my skin is actually cracking off
00:15:44It sucks all the moisture out of your face
00:15:46But anyway, the ones I wanted to try these actually just got sent through all do I want this because they glow
00:15:53Whatever. Yeah, I don't love a glow foundation just because I just don't think I need it if I've got enough moisture on my skin
00:16:01They just don't last as well on me, but my skin is actually quite dry at the moment. So I'm gonna give these a go. Oh
00:16:08It's definitely I'd say quite a light coverage. That is actually a really really nice foundation
00:16:15I don't know if you can see but it's ever so slightly
00:16:17Blurring feel on the skin while still being a very dewy, which I feel like is quite hard to find
00:16:24I've got that caked all over my face. I love this the elf halo glow
00:16:29Especially to contour my nose contouring my nose. It's just something I can't not do and I feel like I'm really not very good at
00:16:35It to be honest, I feel like a lot of the time it does just look like
00:16:39Nose contour. I know with this foundation as well. The products are gonna go so nice on top of it
00:16:44I feel like with a dewy foundation
00:16:46They always do so I literally just put the contour there that that obviously I put it up in my forehead
00:16:52But there's already some on there and I'll do my nose first so that there's not too much product already on the sponge
00:16:59Then that up the sides
00:17:02Of my nose and then obviously blend it my cheeks. Look at that
00:17:07Whoo, like butter and I'm gonna go in with this which this is like one of my favorite things ever
00:17:12This is the hood of beauty blush filter and this one's in the shade
00:17:17Latte, it's like a bronzer blush and I like quite intense
00:17:22Color there. I'm also gonna put just another
00:17:25Teeny weeny bit down the sides of my nose and just blend that in the same as I blended in the contour
00:17:32It's actually really helps to blend bronzer. It's actually such a nice combo. Everything's blending on top of this
00:17:39Beautifully, I do not know what this nose contour looks like. I'm not gonna lie
00:17:43I'm not used to doing my makeup in actual good lighting. Does that make sense?
00:17:47I just sit in front of my mirror like my overhead spotlights on and hope for the best
00:17:51You know, you're so used to doing your makeup and the lighting that you're used to
00:17:54So say you go to a hotel like if you go on holiday or even you're getting ready in a friend's house
00:17:59I find it quite a lot. I dare I say it. I find it stressful
00:18:04To do my makeup in a different environment that I'm not used to Oh God, I'm running late
00:18:09I'm in a rush. So I'm gonna use this one, but I have been loving the Charlotte Tilbury powder recently
00:18:14They really kindly sent me over some makeup
00:18:16I've been having a lot of fun using it and playing with it and like seeing what I like and the powder is no joke
00:18:23I remember I wanted that powder so badly when I was younger
00:18:26so you see Lewis use it in his videos and like everyone would go on about how good it is like how finely milled it
00:18:30Is and it really is no joke. It makes your skin look so airbrushed
00:18:36But this is also a great powder the hood of beauty loose powder
00:18:39The only annoying thing is the packaging to be honest. I always kind of sharpen up my
00:18:46Contour blush area with a loose powder. So I'll put like quite a lot on there
00:18:51and if you can see it just like kind of cuts it makes it look a little bit more defined and I do
00:18:58Powder my entire face just because I need my makeup to stay on and I've got the kind of face that just eats
00:19:05makeup know when you go to a boy's house with a full face of makeup on it last like five minutes and not even in
00:19:11The sense of you feel like
00:19:13In them. It's just something about the air of a man
00:19:17That gets that shit off your face. I don't know what it is. All right, say it
00:19:20I think that Givenchy foundation might be a new favorite. I usually use this Kiko bronzer
00:19:26It's upstairs and I don't want to run upstairs
00:19:29So I'm gonna use my smashed up Estee Lauder bronze goddess, which to be honest, it never ever fails me
00:19:34I'm just putting this on a really big
00:19:37Fluffy brush and I'm gonna kind of re bronze up my face these baby hairs, man
00:19:43I was like never know how to feel about them because they are just a part of me
00:19:47But what can you do about that?
00:19:49You know someone who makes me feel better about my baby has Kylie Jenner Kylie Jenner really embraces her baby
00:19:54Has and she's like me she's got all of this action going on and they will just always be that it's not broken hair. It's
00:20:03Crazy baby has even a hairdresser said to me. Oh my god. You've got so many baby has that's my pickling a bronzer all over
00:20:10My will not all over but I kind of rebronzing
00:20:14Places of my face I put bronzer. I feel like this should mash
00:20:18The upstairs of my makeup to the downstairs as well. I have a lip liner down here
00:20:23I do and it's so dark. So I'm committing to having
00:20:27Probably bumhole looking lips for half the night and then I'm just gonna dab a little bit of gloss into the center
00:20:35This is the Maybelline lifter gloss. This is one of my favorite glosses ever
00:20:38This one specifically is in the shade 003 moon
00:20:41It's got a really nice shiver very similar to the Fenty gloss bombs and obviously a fraction of the price
00:20:48But it's just the loveliest gloss consistency
00:20:50It's not too sticky, but it's got stick to it. So it's gonna stay on your face
00:20:55Look at that. I'm all touched up. It basically looks like a fresh face makeup
00:21:03Isn't it it's not like I've just put a bit of powder on if
00:21:06Bullies at the whole shebang off and did it again just ran a curling tongue through my hair again
00:21:10Just to zhuzh up the curls a little bit. They'll drop out. I don't love them being super
00:21:15Like this, but as I said, they'll drop out my hair doesn't hold anything, but I'm gonna pop in a ton of jewelry
00:21:22I really love doing two hoops like one bigger hoop and then one smaller hoop and guys I went into
00:21:31What is it called? What is it called?
00:21:34Jewelry shop. You just got all the time accessorized right because one of my friends told me they do the best
00:21:43Stainless steel jewelry, which basically means that it's not gonna tarnish. It's not gonna rust
00:21:47It's not gonna make your ears itch either if you you know
00:21:50Like when you wear really cheap earrings and your ears are on fire for the rest of the night
00:21:53I think these hoops they were like maybe a tenner 15 quid each and they're just such good basic
00:21:59Hoops, who would have thought accessorize like I would never ever think to go in there. It reminds me of um, mustache jewelry. I
00:22:07I repurse this ear today to it. Oh my good God. Oh
00:22:14My good God to ear holes ever just close up on a random Tuesday
00:22:18So I had to put earrings in this morning and I had to pop it through really put on a show for anyone who walks
00:22:22Past this window
00:22:25Just know anytime I'm sat here. There's a hundred people
00:22:28Glaring down at me. Oh, I actually don't know if I can get it in. It really really hurts deep breaths deep breaths
00:22:39Love it. I just think it's fun. It's like bangles on your ears. I'm also gonna pop a necklace on obviously
00:22:45I'm just wearing the same outfit. I wore today. So I just want to make it look a
00:22:49Little bit more jazzy cute cute. Cute. Cute. This necklace is from ASOS and once again
00:22:57It's gold-plated so it's not gonna tarnish. I like the red on it as well. I like a bit of red on jewelry
00:23:03I really like the color red actually like wearing the color
00:23:09Zara water lily tea dress elixir, of course get that all over
00:23:17I've already got through a bottle of this you can tell I use quite
00:23:23As for my outfit as I said earlier these tops it's just like my favorite thing in the world they fit so
00:23:31Nicely and I know you might be thinking it's just a black top
00:23:36Trust me
00:23:37If I tried this on compared to a different long sleeve black top
00:23:39You'd see how nice the fit is like the way it kind of
00:23:42Scoops in I do want to get it in a smaller size so that it's really like skims
00:23:47You know what? I mean, but this one will do for now these jeans. I always get questions on these jeans
00:23:51These are cinch jeans. I'll link all this below as well. Let me go linking things. These are the Topshop cinch jeans
00:23:58Asos and as the name would suggest they're great because they just cinch so you can kind of have them
00:24:05Sitting wherever you want. The only thing is you can't really wear about with these because it's got this big bulky thing
00:24:10At the back. It just doesn't really work
00:24:14I'm gonna throw my little bag and D loafers, which I got from vintage and
00:24:18What jacket do I want to wear? I want to do. Oh, do you know what I want to do?
00:24:23Actually, I want to do my big red
00:24:25fur coat because that is also
00:24:28Very functional. It will keep me very warm and I feel like it's kind of it's like an outfit in itself
00:24:34I need to jump out of the door
00:24:38I need to hop out the door and get moving
00:24:52Come on come on
00:24:54Come on, come on. I'm in Westfield
00:24:58I'm in Westfield
00:25:00I'm in Westfield one time and I made Loz show the video
00:25:04It's really fucking weird
00:25:06What did you say there?
00:25:08I don't know if you want to see
00:25:10Did I do up my fiver?
00:25:12Who knows?
00:25:14Come on! Hi everybody!
00:25:16I'm in Westfield
00:25:18Can I have a sip? I'm really thirsty
00:25:20Can I have a sip?
00:25:26My little baby
00:25:28I'm still thirsty
00:25:30I'm quite drunk actually
00:25:32I'm going to stop
00:25:34Good morning
00:25:36Sorry for the dodgy angle. I don't have a tripod yet
00:25:38But I do have one coming today
00:25:40Nothing new here
00:25:42Same breakfast, same dog barking at me
00:25:44because I'm vlogging
00:25:46I am going to a face gym appointment today
00:25:48and I've also got a couple of exciting
00:25:50deliveries coming
00:25:52I did a big clothing order on a site that I have never
00:25:54ever ordered from before
00:25:56I know this brand, they do like a lot of gifting and stuff
00:25:58but I want to give you the real tea
00:26:02I swiped up on a friend's story because I was obsessed with
00:26:04the shirt she was wearing and I said
00:26:06you've got to tell me where this is from
00:26:08and she sent me over to
00:26:10this site
00:26:12you'll see it later, as I said, not sponsored or anything
00:26:14she sent me over to this site
00:26:16and I couldn't believe it
00:26:18I had like a little scroll through
00:26:20and there were a few pieces I really liked
00:26:22well I say a few pieces, I spent 500 quid
00:26:24I should not be doing that
00:26:26that is supposed to be coming today
00:26:28and I also got some fun little
00:26:30techy bits
00:26:32I don't know if this is going to be of interest
00:26:34to anyone but I thought I'd show you
00:26:36oh I got some dog nail clippers as well
00:26:38I got this monitor
00:26:40this was like 50 quid I think
00:26:42which is quite good if it works
00:26:44but it's basically a monitor
00:26:46and you clip it to the back of your phone
00:26:48and you can see what the camera's seeing
00:26:50so everyone knows that
00:26:52I just dropped that in my breakfast
00:26:54everyone knows that the back camera
00:26:56is better quality but obviously
00:26:58I can't see what I'm filming
00:27:00and I film majority of my stuff
00:27:02myself so
00:27:04even taking pictures and everything
00:27:06this should be really really
00:27:10you put this on the phone
00:27:12and then you put that there
00:27:14and then you can see
00:27:16oh wait my manager's
00:27:18calling me one second
00:27:20I then also got a card reader
00:27:22I lose these like no tomorrow honestly
00:27:24basically with these you pop your card in
00:27:26and like from a camera
00:27:28and it will export it
00:27:30straight onto your phone
00:27:32I also got another memory card
00:27:34a 128 gigabyte one and I should have got
00:27:36a micro SD card
00:27:38as well that might be in the next
00:27:40package but this camera
00:27:42I'm filming on here this you need a micro SD
00:27:44card for it but my other one
00:27:46my G7X
00:27:48you need a big one. I have got the Brits
00:27:50on Saturday I can't remember if
00:27:52I said but I've also just confirmed
00:27:54staying at the Nobu hotel
00:27:56for the Friday and the Saturday obviously my mum
00:27:58is coming to look after the doggy
00:28:00I'm getting 101 work
00:28:02texts here and I also just
00:28:04think I've confirmed my outfit for the Brits
00:28:06which is really exciting
00:28:08and thank god. I don't want to say anything
00:28:10too soon like I want to send my outfit to my
00:28:12friends and show them but I don't like
00:28:14to do things like that until it's 100% confirmed
00:28:16to either lie. It's so real
00:28:18it's so real. Face jam is crazy
00:28:20like it's always crazy
00:28:22I've had one before but I'll just lie it's really
00:28:24not it. They're always crazy
00:28:26but that one felt crazy
00:28:28but in the best way ever basically
00:28:30they use these like devices I'm sure you've seen
00:28:32it before but they electrocute your face
00:28:34so it stimulates all your muscles
00:28:36it's gonna like de-perfume. This camera
00:28:38is so tiny it really does look like I'm just talking to the wall
00:28:40I always thought it just lasted 24 hours
00:28:42but the woman said it could last for like
00:28:442 weeks so hopefully I'll still
00:28:46be snatched in time
00:28:48for Saturday. I'm being dressed by like one of my
00:28:50dream, dream brands
00:28:52I'm so excited. Offices are
00:28:54super close to me and I'm
00:28:56gonna go along tomorrow hopefully
00:28:58maybe in the morning time. I've got a meeting but
00:29:00I'm not too sure what that meeting is
00:29:02so I need to work around that
00:29:04and I've got something else in the evening. Do I?
00:29:06I don't know. My brain is honestly scrambled. I feel like in my
00:29:08life right I either have a
00:29:10really busy week or just the
00:29:12deadest week ever. I kinda love
00:29:14it though. I actually think I really thrive
00:29:16on like the uncertainty
00:29:18of each week to week
00:29:20and like really last minute things
00:29:22cropping up. Face gym appointment I had
00:29:24was in Notting Hill so
00:29:26I think I'm honestly just gonna go
00:29:28for a little stroll around now
00:29:30and catch the sunset
00:29:32Not that I really think that'll be
00:29:34a great one
00:29:36It's been one hell of a morning. I've had a
00:29:38very busy morning but we love busy mornings
00:29:40because busy is good
00:29:42and busy means exciting things
00:29:44Good morning. Hope everyone's doing really well
00:29:46Did I even bring the coffee I made downstairs?
00:29:48Oh yeah I did, did I? Oh no I did
00:29:50It's here. On my second coffee of the day already
00:29:52It's not even midday yet
00:29:54I do have a meeting very soon though so I need
00:29:56to do this quickly but I thought
00:29:58I would show you a whole of things that
00:30:00I ordered. I actually placed
00:30:02a huge order on the website
00:30:04Addicted. As I said this was
00:30:06not a website that's, I don't know
00:30:08like it's just never really been
00:30:10on my radar but they've got some really
00:30:12nice things so I'm intrigued
00:30:14to see what the quality
00:30:16will be like
00:30:18I always do hauls
00:30:20for more
00:30:22Anytime I do an order it's like
00:30:24all I do, if you watch these vlogs
00:30:26I wear the same shit again and again and again
00:30:28So I need new clothes but then all the clothes I buy
00:30:30and the only clothes I ever want to buy
00:30:32are like tiny little micro shorts
00:30:34going out tops
00:30:36this is kind of a haul of that
00:30:38I mean there's a couple things in here that I can wear
00:30:40in the daytime. I'm gonna try all of this
00:30:42on for you in try on haul
00:30:44style so
00:30:46I'm gonna shut this off and we'll get changed
00:30:48I haven't even put underwear
00:30:50on yet. It's been a morning
00:30:52It's been a busy morning but busy's good, we like busy
00:30:54I'm also going to try on my
00:30:56Brits outfits either
00:30:58tonight, well this evening
00:31:00at like 5pm or tomorrow morning
00:31:02So exciting
00:31:04and I've just sent off like all my
00:31:06hair and nail references so I don't wanna
00:31:08not that you guys ever do comment on my
00:31:10nails, I feel like it's just quite well
00:31:12known by now that my nails
00:31:14never look good, like they never
00:31:16look good. I refuse to sit and get my nails
00:31:18done but I'm getting my nails done for the Brits
00:31:20So I sent off all my hair
00:31:22and nails, like Pinterest boards
00:31:24So exciting
00:31:26Exhibit A, buying inappropriate
00:31:28clothes. I'm looking really rough, sorry the glasses
00:31:30are coming on but I got these
00:31:32I love them, they're actually such
00:31:34a nice quality, I thought they
00:31:36were gonna be quite like thin, jazzy
00:31:38they're definitely stretchy, I got these
00:31:40in a size extra small
00:31:42if you're wondering for reference
00:31:44I know some people get really upset when
00:31:46people talk about sizing but
00:31:48a lot of you do ask so I got these in a size
00:31:50extra small. I think they're really cute
00:31:52I love like the little studs
00:31:54on them here and then I also got this
00:31:56black kind of off the shoulder
00:31:58top and I like the thumb holes in it as well
00:32:00again, it's a really nice cotton material
00:32:02it's not like, feels like
00:32:04it's not gonna bobble, you know and it's
00:32:06nice and tight, don't have to wear a bra
00:32:08with it, definitely gonna be keeping
00:32:10both of these! Next
00:32:12couple of pieces, I can't decide
00:32:14about the fit of these
00:32:16jeans, I can't decide whether I should have got them a little bit
00:32:18bigger, whether I want them to sit lower
00:32:20whether maybe I do need a pair of jeans
00:32:22that kind of sit here
00:32:24they're supposed to be low waisted and
00:32:26I don't know, I've got a bit of an awkward torso
00:32:28so maybe it's just a me problem
00:32:30I love the studs on these
00:32:32they've got studs all down the side as well
00:32:34I like that it carries on to the back as well
00:32:36I feel like it would look quite cheap if it just sort of
00:32:38finished there, I do kind of wish it was on
00:32:40the pockets but maybe
00:32:42that's something that I could do myself but I
00:32:44also got this like off the shoulder
00:32:48top, just thought it's cool, like an outfit
00:32:50like this for last minute drinks
00:32:52at your sexy house
00:32:54Yay! I also got these shorts
00:32:56but I really feel like I honestly don't
00:32:58have the balls to wear these on the internet, I might have the
00:33:00balls to wear these out the house but wearing things on the
00:33:02internet and then wearing things in real life is really different
00:33:04These are tiny! They're tiny!
00:33:06Look at them! And I have
00:33:08no bum, okay, and I'm just not prepared
00:33:10for the comments because people will tell me
00:33:12people will humble me in my comment section
00:33:14but I very much doubt someone's gonna come up to me
00:33:16in real life and go, you are built
00:33:18like a door, do you know what I mean?
00:33:20But I think they're really fun and again
00:33:22they're like a stretchy denim, the quality of
00:33:24this denim is gorgeous as well by the way
00:33:26and this top, it's just like a
00:33:28soft, slinky, cotton
00:33:30material. I also got this
00:33:32belt as well
00:33:34I just thought it was cool
00:33:36it's got like studs on it
00:33:40Fun! This next top I really
00:33:42can't decide, I was thinking
00:33:44I could like tuck it up
00:33:46like that, I just don't think
00:33:48it's too flattering
00:33:50it's kinda cute like that maybe
00:33:52or does that just look silly? I don't know, it's a knit
00:33:54kind of, I can't wear knits
00:33:56I just, I don't own any
00:33:58knit in my wardrobe and I was hoping
00:34:00that this would change that but
00:34:02it's kind of a
00:34:04I don't know if you can see, it's like semi
00:34:06sort of sheer
00:34:10maybe just not with these jeans
00:34:12or maybe, do you know what, this is just like
00:34:14a good casual
00:34:16kind of jumper, I wish it was a little bit
00:34:18maybe tighter
00:34:20on the arms and then flare out, I don't know what I want
00:34:22from it, I just don't know if it's giving me what I want
00:34:24I need to look at the actual picture
00:34:26of the girl who wore it
00:34:28um, and see how it looked on her
00:34:30because I can't really
00:34:34or even if I, what if I tucked it like that
00:34:36oh that's kinda cute
00:34:40maybe I do like it, maybe I just need
00:34:42some necklaces and things, I quite like the neck
00:34:44um, like the cut of the
00:34:46straight neck here
00:34:48again, I don't know
00:34:50you let me know
00:34:52these are one of the most perfect fit of flare
00:34:54jeans I've ever put
00:34:56on in my life and I'm all about flares
00:34:58at the moment, I think they're so flattering
00:35:00and so cool, these with a pair of heels
00:35:02skims body suit on a night
00:35:04out, unreal, from the side
00:35:06as well, like the pockets on them
00:35:08give the kind of illusion that I've got some
00:35:10slight curve
00:35:12on my bum, I just love them
00:35:14like even the pockets, the fact they've got
00:35:16a little button up, oh my god I've not shaved my armpits, do not
00:35:18look at that, the way the seams go in
00:35:20like this, I don't know if you can
00:35:22see that, I know this camera's really really shaky
00:35:24they're the perfect low waist
00:35:26fit, they're super tight
00:35:28I find a lot of jeans, they're like
00:35:30quite baggy where you want them to be tight
00:35:32if you haven't got a pair of flare jeans
00:35:34this is your sign, get these ones as well
00:35:36I'm gonna go on the website and see if they've got these
00:35:38in any other colours, really thick denim
00:35:40as well, it's not like a stretchy denim which I
00:35:42quite like, a stretchy denim, sorry
00:35:44can kind of loosen up
00:35:46a bit, like in a pair of flares
00:35:48where I want them to really kind
00:35:52do you know what I mean, like sit
00:35:54these are great, and this top feels very out
00:35:56of character for me but
00:35:58it may or may not be subtle foreshadowing
00:36:02what's that music festival
00:36:04that happens again, what's it called
00:36:10yeah I think I'm going to it
00:36:16I don't want to say
00:36:18too much
00:36:24right, next piece
00:36:26this is so cute, this is the shirt that
00:36:28spurred on this entire order
00:36:30I saw Ami wearing this
00:36:32and I just thought it was so gosh
00:36:34and so sweet and even with the jeans
00:36:36oh my gosh, perfect
00:36:38I think a hot supply teacher
00:36:40I love it, I think it's so nice and it's not
00:36:42see through, ooh
00:36:44maybe a tiny bit, I would size down in this
00:36:46this is an extra small but it's got
00:36:48a slight bit of give in it
00:36:50which is really nice because then it gives you
00:36:52like the nice kind of waist
00:36:54effect, I love it
00:36:56so so so cute, I got this
00:36:58shirt and I thought it was going to be
00:37:00a lighter pink than it is, I thought
00:37:02it was going to be like a nearly white baby pink
00:37:04but it is a very very
00:37:06baby pink so
00:37:08I don't really think that's for me, you know we'll try
00:37:10it on anyway, I was going to say like I'm not even
00:37:12going to bother trying it on, we'll put it on anyway
00:37:14I might be surprised but if anyone is
00:37:16acquainted with my wardrobe colourism
00:37:20I wish it was a yeah but it's just
00:37:22not like my skin, I've got the complexion
00:37:24of a pig
00:37:26so that's not very nice
00:37:28I shouldn't say that about myself, the fit is
00:37:30so cute, the colour
00:37:32I don't even
00:37:34want this on the internet, it's just not for me
00:37:36and the last two pieces I got, I feel like
00:37:38this is going to be a little bit see through
00:37:40in this light I got this cute little
00:37:42cardigan, this is what I call
00:37:44my working from home but I'm not embarrassed
00:37:46to answer the door or hop on a quick zoom call
00:37:48attire, something really cosy
00:37:50still feels like pyjamas, I could nip
00:37:52out to the shops in this but
00:37:54it's still really comfy, you know what I mean
00:37:56I love the little like scalloped
00:37:58neckline and it's a nice ribbed
00:38:00material, it's honestly really not too see through
00:38:02it's just the camera is going to pick that up
00:38:04and then I got these big wide leg
00:38:06joggers, I'm kind of really new
00:38:08to wide leg joggers, they're fantastic
00:38:10they look so good and
00:38:12I love these so much, I love everything
00:38:14the only thing I think I'm going to send back
00:38:16is the baby pink shirt
00:38:18sorry and then maybe the leopard shorts
00:38:20but I'm going to see what I can do with the leopard
00:38:22shorts whether if I wear tight it will
00:38:24resolve the issue of
00:38:26my very flat bum hanging out
00:38:28the bottom of them, the thing is if I had a good one
00:38:30I wouldn't mind, anyway like a broken record
00:38:32it's literally all I talk about
00:38:34my bum slash my lack of
00:38:36I'm going to leave links to everything down below
00:38:38where you can get all this stuff, as I said
00:38:40this is not sponsored at all
00:38:42I genuinely was just curious
00:38:44but I'm so impressed and
00:38:46definitely going to be ordering again
00:38:48anyway, I need to go now, wait
00:38:50what time is it? shit, I've got 10 minutes
00:38:52and then I'm on a meeting, no tripod
00:38:54no sign of a tripod, it is
00:38:58I'm not going to complain
00:39:00but this
00:39:02I've just about managed to find time
00:39:04to do things for myself that aren't
00:39:06on my phone, it's been a really busy day
00:39:08it's been a really really really busy day
00:39:10and I feel like a lot of this vlog has
00:39:12been like that, in that it's
00:39:14been just go go go
00:39:16like a few clips each day
00:39:18but to be honest, the majority of this vlog
00:39:20the majority of this week is kind of
00:39:22prepping for this weekend
00:39:24I've just had some really rubbish news
00:39:26that my hotel
00:39:30has fallen through
00:39:32so I was supposed to be staying at Nobu
00:39:34doing a little bit of
00:39:36oh, that's funny, that's cute
00:39:38my friend Max has just asked if I want to see him on Friday night
00:39:40not sure if I can do that
00:39:42because basically
00:39:44okay look, I'm getting really flustered
00:39:46my ears keep popping and unpopping
00:39:50I was supposed to be staying at Nobu
00:39:52on Friday and Saturday night
00:39:54kind of
00:39:56in like a slight collaboration
00:39:58with them, nothing like paid
00:40:00but just like a PR stay
00:40:02I'd like to post a
00:40:04couple of deliverables for them
00:40:06I love Nobu, I love the PR team
00:40:08I'm not sagging them off, but it's just
00:40:10fallen through
00:40:12and it's not something that I can
00:40:14do anymore
00:40:16and obviously I can get ready here
00:40:18and I can do everything here
00:40:20but it just is
00:40:22nice to do it all in a hotel room
00:40:24because obviously I've got the dog here
00:40:26I'm going to have my mum here
00:40:28obviously I want my flat
00:40:30she farted, oh my god guys, she's been doing like
00:40:32the stanky stankiest farts recently
00:40:34whoo, girl
00:40:36probably because I've been giving her so many treats
00:40:38at the moment, like I went and bulk ordered
00:40:40treats and I just give her treats all the time
00:40:42but I don't know why I've just walked in here
00:40:44sorry my brain, my brain is scrambled
00:40:46it's not happening anymore
00:40:48however my
00:40:50oh, what I was saying, I will want the
00:40:52place to be really nice
00:40:56it's just nice to get ready
00:40:58somewhere that isn't your home, you know what I mean
00:41:00it's a very fast world problem, I'm not saying it isn't
00:41:02obviously I have somewhere
00:41:04to get ready, basically I'm getting my hair
00:41:06and nails done, as I said
00:41:08with Empara, I've done a
00:41:10shoot with them before, you might have
00:41:12seen that in my birthday vlog
00:41:14when I was shooting with them, like it's the most amazing beauty
00:41:16cos, yeah I just obviously do hair, nails, makeup, everything
00:41:18I want my hair and nails done, so
00:41:20she has got a contact at the
00:41:22100 Shoreditch, so we're gonna see
00:41:24if they can get me in, there
00:41:26I'm also
00:41:28getting a bubble in my throat, I feel a bit
00:41:32bit, you know when your heart just goes
00:41:34a bit funny, I've just got still
00:41:36so much to do and I'm hungry
00:41:38and I like
00:41:40haven't got out, I haven't even got
00:41:42either out on a walk, it's just been go, go
00:41:44go, go, and I'm also
00:41:46like a little bit
00:41:48flustered that this
00:41:50like I haven't filmed enough
00:41:52for you
00:41:54today, I think I need to turn this camera off
00:41:56and do a couple minutes
00:41:58deep breathing, cos I feel
00:42:00a little bit
00:42:02it's all really fun, exciting
00:42:04stuff, um
00:42:06not complaining, but I just need
00:42:08I need to know that everything's
00:42:10sorted before
00:42:12we talk, I'll show you my breakfast
00:42:16everyone's gonna
00:42:20wanna cut my head off
00:42:22in the comments, for saying breakfast
00:42:24at 5pm, but you know what, that is
00:42:26the fucking reality of today
00:42:28it's just been a day
00:42:30you know what I mean, there's a lot going on
00:42:32there's a lot going on
00:42:34and it's all great
00:42:36and it's all so exciting, and it's everything
00:42:38everything I want, but it's just
00:42:40a lot, and I need to write a list
00:42:42and just get through it that way, instead of
00:42:44like, and keep doing things and then
00:42:46leaving what I'm doing to do
00:42:48the next thing, but I actually just need
00:42:50to focus on getting some food in me
00:42:52I'm gonna show you my breakfast
00:42:54in a second, and I'm gonna
00:42:56turn this off and deep breathe
00:42:58for the next three minutes, that toast is in the toaster
00:43:00I bet you've never seen this
00:43:02meal before, I've actually just had a little cry
00:43:04so I'm not gonna turn the camera around
00:43:06I think I'm premenstrual
00:43:08just a little bit flustered
00:43:10over nothing, you know what I mean
00:43:12good morning everyone
00:43:14I am outside
00:43:16the Dreaming Ellie
00:43:18studio, I guess
00:43:20to try on some dresses this morning
00:43:22so, really fun, really exciting morning
00:43:24this is like my favourite thing to do ever
00:43:26I've brought some of my essentials with me
00:43:28anytime I do something like this
00:43:30I always bring a white pair of heels
00:43:32a black pair of heels, I've got a white pair of tights
00:43:34and a black pair of tights as well
00:43:36tights, not gonna lie, mainly
00:43:38because I haven't shaved my legs, I've got the kind of
00:43:40body hair where like, if I shave it by the morning
00:43:42it's starting to prick back by the evening
00:43:44so I'm putting off shaving my
00:43:46legs until the actual day
00:43:48I've just texted them
00:43:50asking them to come and let me in, but
00:43:52I'm hoping I'll be able to
00:43:54show you a couple pieces that I try on
00:43:56I don't think, actually do you know what
00:43:58maybe I will show you the outfit
00:44:00that I am wearing and you guys
00:44:02can let me know which outfit
00:44:04you think I should
00:44:06have worn, maybe I don't want to do
00:44:08that because what if you say one that I didn't wear
00:44:10we're back, so
00:44:12I got sent across a few
00:44:14options from this brand
00:44:16Dreaming Ellie, I think that
00:44:18that's how it's pronounced, I've been pronouncing it wrong
00:44:20the whole time, I thought it was Dreaming Eli
00:44:22I'm just incompetent, I can never get anything right, but it's Dreaming Ellie
00:44:24and I met the girl, the actual
00:44:26girl, and she was
00:44:28really lovely and really great and so accommodating
00:44:30made me feel really, really comfortable
00:44:32with things like that, you know, when you've got to get like
00:44:34naked, I mean like
00:44:36pretty naked in a room full of
00:44:38strangers, it's really nice when you feel
00:44:40comfortable with someone, just
00:44:42made me feel great, anyway, such a dream
00:44:44as well, things like this, I honestly, I can't
00:44:46quite believe it when it happens
00:44:48anyway, anyway, anyway, I'm
00:44:50rambling, she sent over the options
00:44:52so the things that they had
00:44:54in the studio
00:44:56I saw this one look that I really loved
00:44:58well, there were two looks, there were three looks that I really loved
00:45:00one of them, the corset, they didn't
00:45:02have, they said they could substitute
00:45:04it with another corset, but I really liked
00:45:06it as like the full look and
00:45:08I liked the other two looks as well
00:45:10so I just thought, go with one of them
00:45:12such a little fuss pot, like what more do you want
00:45:14from me, what more do you want, kiss
00:45:16so it was between
00:45:18two looks and there was one
00:45:20white look that was
00:45:22my favourite, like when I was
00:45:24looking, there was a long
00:45:26black dress, which is very me
00:45:28and like when I looked at it, I thought that's
00:45:30probably the most me
00:45:32but there was another look
00:45:34which was, I mean I'll put it here
00:45:36a video of me trying it on
00:45:38so beautiful, so beautiful
00:45:40so special and really quite
00:45:42unlike anything that
00:45:44I've worn before
00:45:46I put it on and I loved it
00:45:48I thought it was so gorgeous with the
00:45:50lace tights as well, like
00:45:52the detailing, I feel like you're not going to be able to see
00:45:54the detailing, but all the ruching and the
00:45:56pearls and like even the seams
00:45:58and the fact that it was
00:46:00sort of shoulderless, it just
00:46:02was so beautiful, it was all eyelash lace
00:46:04as well, so
00:46:06just a really ethereal, beautiful
00:46:08beautiful look
00:46:10and I tried that on and I thought
00:46:12oh my god, yes, wow, I love it
00:46:14but then we also tried
00:46:16on the black
00:46:18option and it just was perfect
00:46:20and it fit like a glove
00:46:22like the fit of the black dress
00:46:24was what makes it so gorgeous
00:46:26and I felt really, really
00:46:28myself in that one, in the white
00:46:30one, it is kind of different for me
00:46:32because I'm covered up and I never cover
00:46:36I never cover up
00:46:38that's a lie, I do
00:46:40I do
00:46:42sometimes, not a good day
00:46:44I'm supposed to be unloading my dishwasher
00:46:46I've also talked to you about this as well
00:46:48essentially I ended up
00:46:50going with the black option
00:46:52I just feel like I'm going to feel most
00:46:54comfortable in that one
00:46:56and I'm really excited
00:46:58for you all to see it
00:47:00even the girls said that the black option
00:47:02looked the best
00:47:04and I'm just so
00:47:06excited and still
00:47:08I know I hate saying stressed
00:47:12bless to be stressed, I'm still
00:47:14in a bit of a situation
00:47:16with the hotels, a home insurance
00:47:18haven't come back
00:47:20there is
00:47:22there is another
00:47:24potential option
00:47:26actually the same hotel that I think
00:47:28Lewis is staying in, so that could
00:47:30be really fun as well and maybe
00:47:32we could even get in the same car, go together
00:47:34calm my nerves a bit
00:47:36also, my situationship was supposed to be taking
00:47:38pictures of me and he's now
00:47:40got a job on Saturday
00:47:42which is great
00:47:44happy for him
00:47:46but what the fuck, are you fucking kidding me
00:47:48it took every single ounce of me
00:47:50to not like
00:47:54do you know what I mean
00:47:56I can't believe I'm saying this, guys
00:47:58everything happens for a reason
00:48:00I was obviously a little bit
00:48:04because my hotel foil through
00:48:06I'm staying in the fall season
00:48:08I actually cannot believe those words are even
00:48:10leaving my mouth, I am so bloody excited
00:48:12my manager, Estelle, if you're watching
00:48:14this, you're a effing babe, I feel like I shouldn't
00:48:16swear because maybe the PR team won't see this
00:48:18anyway, I literally feel like the
00:48:20luckiest girl in the world, I've got
00:48:22everything sorted out now, everything
00:48:24has gone so
00:48:26in my favour, if that makes sense
00:48:28and I know it sounds so silly because
00:48:30it's literally like, I'm talking about a hotel here
00:48:32you know when something doesn't work out
00:48:34and then something better comes along and it makes
00:48:36sense then, why it didn't work out
00:48:38even, I didn't end up with the dress that I thought
00:48:40I was gonna wear and I didn't have the hotel
00:48:42I thought I was gonna stay at, not that
00:48:44I feel bad, like I'm not slagging off
00:48:46no-boo, I'd obviously love to stay at no-boo
00:48:48I'm really overcompensating
00:48:50this, I'm just so excited
00:48:52and wait till you guys see the room
00:48:54cheers to that, I've cracked open a titty tonight
00:48:56and as you can see I've got all my hair pin curled
00:48:58up, I've also done a little
00:49:00practice of like, some makeup I think
00:49:02I might maybe do, let me know
00:49:04well, I mean, it will have been
00:49:06gone, but I've got really glittery
00:49:08eyelids, very similar to what I usually
00:49:10do, um, I also
00:49:12haven't put any makeup on this, this
00:49:14is like a fucking scab
00:49:16because I'm annoying, there was nothing
00:49:18even there, I just like, I thought there was like a little
00:49:20lump and I just squeezed it and squeezed it
00:49:22and now I've got this really annoying big red mark
00:49:24which is quite inconvenient, so I've slathered a ton
00:49:26of Act 4 on it and I'm gonna like, dab a bit of
00:49:28concealer on it before I go out, but I thought we could
00:49:30take my pin curls out together
00:49:32and see how they've gone, I
00:49:34used a ton of product
00:49:36on these ones, when do I need to leave?
00:49:38Oh, I need to leave in like an hour, I've gone ages
00:49:40I'll show you the product if it's
00:49:42any good, but it's supposed
00:49:44to help, obviously keep
00:49:46your curls in a bit
00:49:48longer, I've also done the ends
00:49:50of these a bit straighter
00:49:52because I like how it looks
00:49:54and I put a roller in, the French
00:49:56they never ever do that, it's so weird when I've
00:49:58got all my makeup done and I've got no lip liner on
00:50:00I overdraw the hell
00:50:02out of my lips, and do you know what, I was looking
00:50:04at a video I'd filmed the other day
00:50:06and I was like, would like a little 0.5
00:50:08hurt, but I can't
00:50:10I just can't go down that hole again, I feel like
00:50:12as well, I don't love
00:50:14I shouldn't be talking about this, because
00:50:16when you tell me to talk about this, you just open yourself up to so much criticism
00:50:18but anyway, I don't love my teeth
00:50:20and I know I've got like straight
00:50:24but, because I've ground them
00:50:26like, they're so short, I top ones
00:50:28like, that's me smiling
00:50:30like that, so when I smile, I smile like this
00:50:34like that, because if I smile like that
00:50:36it's like a big gaff
00:50:38in between, and I know it's so silly
00:50:40like, it's so silly, and no one should think
00:50:42about the way they look as much as I do
00:50:44to be honest, but
00:50:46it's kind of my job, seeing myself
00:50:48all the time, so like silly little things like that
00:50:50really, you know, they get to you, whatever
00:50:52and I'd love to get some composite done
00:50:54but I'm just so scared, because I want it to look
00:50:56natural, and I think to be honest
00:50:58composite, you need to let the teeth
00:51:00kind of sit in your face for a bit
00:51:02if that makes sense, like you need to let
00:51:04sit in your face, sit in your mouth for a bit
00:51:06for them to look natural, any time
00:51:08anyone gets composites done, the first
00:51:10few months, it's like
00:51:12do you know what I mean?
00:51:14and then they sort of like, the gums
00:51:16like, settle a bit
00:51:18and the teeth just settle, I'm sure
00:51:20some of you know what I mean, but I just don't know if I want to
00:51:22go through that period of letting
00:51:24them settle, let's see how these
00:51:26curls are looking, oh no
00:51:30oh no
00:51:32I feel like these are going to drop out really
00:51:34quickly, it's not
00:51:36I've got to take them out now, because it's looking like
00:51:38I may have to do this, but yeah
00:51:40I'm ready, because I'm going on a date
00:51:42and I'm not going to bring you along
00:51:44but I will
00:51:46see you tomorrow
00:51:48actually, do you know what, I'll show you the outfit that I'm wearing
00:51:50tonight, I've got a little outfit in my mind
00:51:52I think it should be cute, this is what I'm wearing
00:51:54tonight, my camera's flashing
00:51:56I've got the top on that I showed you in the haul
00:51:58the jeans, which these jeans
00:52:00are just sensational
00:52:02and then these gorgeous
00:52:04heels are from White Fox
00:52:06really simple
00:52:08and I just did my hair in like a little half up
00:52:10half down, this just feels like a very nostalgic
00:52:12old me hairstyle
00:52:14but basically my hair was just
00:52:16like, it looked so bad
00:52:18I just, I kind of had to do this
00:52:20see you in the morning
00:52:22I'm recording live from the Four Seasons
00:52:24I need to, oh this is flashing
00:52:26right, let me record this on my
00:52:28pixel, I, good morning
00:52:30well actually good afternoon, well actually good
00:52:32evening, it's like 5pm
00:52:34I've just arrived to my hotel
00:52:36I got my dress couriered here
00:52:38as well, which
00:52:40is fantastic, I'm wearing the same
00:52:42outfit that I've been wearing for like four days
00:52:44it is washed, it's washed, it's just very comfortable
00:52:46but I thought I would
00:52:48give you a tour, because
00:52:50I respectfully
00:52:54believe this is
00:52:56my life right now
00:52:58I can't even begin to tell you
00:53:00like, how much of a princess
00:53:02I feel, I have never in my life
00:53:04been somewhere this
00:53:08and I'm just trying to take it
00:53:10honestly I'm just trying to take it all
00:53:12in because I can't quite believe it
00:53:14like, you know when you go on holiday
00:53:16with your friends and you're like trying to really
00:53:18absorb every moment, I'm trying to really absorb
00:53:20every single second
00:53:22of being here because, what the big
00:53:24fat fuck
00:53:26okay so, when you walk in
00:53:28this is the door, you come in
00:53:30and there's like this gorgeous
00:53:32entryway, I can't
00:53:34explain how big this is
00:53:36like, I know I'm filming on wide angle
00:53:38but I feel like even that doesn't do it justice
00:53:40of how huge this place is
00:53:42the ceilings are so high, it's just
00:53:44beautiful, like the floors
00:53:46are incredible
00:53:48it really, really, really, of course I'm like
00:53:50stuffed, my coat down there
00:53:52this really is
00:53:54a treat place, like if a man
00:53:56ain't taking you here on Valentine's Day
00:53:58fuck him off
00:54:00fuck him off, fine what the hell
00:54:02you come through here, guys
00:54:10I checked in looking like this
00:54:12they must have been like, who
00:54:14the hell is this little girl
00:54:16in her pyjamas and what is she doing in our hotel
00:54:18this is the living room
00:54:22huge TV, this place
00:54:24is an apartment, because look
00:54:26you come around here
00:54:28and they've got a full
00:54:30dining table with chairs, look
00:54:32it's just so beautiful, like everywhere
00:54:36there's detail, it's a full apartment
00:54:38I don't wanna leave, and I reckon
00:54:40I could fit in one of these cupboards so
00:54:42maybe I don't check out and I just
00:54:44hide, what's that called
00:54:46I swear there's like a name for people who live in hotels
00:54:50I should google that, put that in my Instagram bio
00:54:52they left me, I think it's a little cake
00:54:54is it?
00:54:56ooh, so cool, right
00:54:58and a bottle of champagne
00:55:00with a couple of glasses
00:55:02this is the kitchen area
00:55:04there's a little hamper of things
00:55:06but how amazing
00:55:08is this, like
00:55:10there's a fridge and everything
00:55:12so great, if you're coming to London
00:55:14and, ooh
00:55:20woah, massive
00:55:22massive fridge, this is like the fridge
00:55:24of Jim's house in Marbella
00:55:26if you're coming to London, it's so nice because you can
00:55:28cook for yourself, like you
00:55:30really can play house
00:55:32in this hotel room, there's a laundry
00:55:34room through here
00:55:36gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous
00:55:38and then you come
00:55:40out through these doors here
00:55:42this obviously like connects back
00:55:44to the original hallway
00:55:46and this is the master bedroom
00:55:52I swear, do you see this
00:55:54are you kidding me
00:55:56are you kidding me
00:55:58I just know this is going to be the best sleep of my entire
00:56:00life, big TV
00:56:04and then you come around this way
00:56:06and here is the
00:56:08bathroom, there's a TV in the bath
00:56:10there's a TV in the bath
00:56:12here is the
00:56:14sink and the
00:56:16mirrors, his and hers
00:56:18sink, huge shower
00:56:20loads of lovely products in
00:56:22I'm sure, excited to have
00:56:24a shower
00:56:30sorry I just had to get that out, ooh
00:56:32robes as well, fantastic, so once you come out of this
00:56:34bedroom, there's then the second
00:56:36bedroom, maybe
00:56:38I'll change it up, maybe I'll like
00:56:40sleep in one bedroom one night and one
00:56:42bedroom the other night, that was what the lovely lady
00:56:44was showing me around the room said, this is the
00:56:46second bedroom, so beautiful
00:56:48even the cushions
00:56:50got this gorgeous embroidery on them
00:56:52the detail is
00:56:54magnificent, then you come in through here
00:56:56and there is another bathroom
00:56:58in here, I'm going to pee in every
00:57:00single toilet, got to get my yeast out of it
00:57:02and there
00:57:04is another bathroom
00:57:06in here
00:57:08and I think that's it
00:57:10yeah that is it, there's
00:57:12a little door with
00:57:14some shelves in
00:57:16here, but I
00:57:18just genuinely
00:57:20cannot quite
00:57:22believe my luck
00:57:24and as I said
00:57:26I'm going to sound like a broken record, I really don't want
00:57:28it to come across as like, aha look where I am
00:57:30no what, I'm actually like
00:57:32there's not a lot of times
00:57:34I have no words, but I genuinely have
00:57:36no words, I don't really know what to do
00:57:38with myself, I don't want to sit down because
00:57:40I don't want to ruin anything but
00:57:42I'm actually thinking
00:57:44if I sound dramatic I think I'm in a bit of
00:57:46shock, I think I just need to do some deep
00:57:48breaths, but thank
00:57:50you so much to the four
00:57:52seasons, like I actually
00:57:54I can't
00:57:56quite believe
00:57:58it, I'll come back
00:58:00to you when I've
00:58:02got myself together a bit more
00:58:04Bitch I'm Madonna, oh my
00:58:06god, that is nothing that makes
00:58:08me happier, genuinely I was about to say I'm a girl
00:58:10of simple pleasures, but I don't think
00:58:12room service for two
00:58:14in the four seasons
00:58:16is a simple pleasure, I think it's quite
00:58:18quite a lucky pleasure, honestly I wish
00:58:20I could have you all in this room with me
00:58:22and we could have a party
00:58:24sleep all of you to be honest
00:58:26but look, I'm not going to lie, I have had a bite
00:58:28out of the tuna taco, I was so hungry
00:58:30and I just couldn't resist
00:58:32but these, let's get my hair out the way
00:58:34are so delicious
00:58:36it's like tuna tartare
00:58:38I don't really know what that is on the
00:58:40bottom of it, oh this kibble
00:58:42guac and delicious
00:58:44things and little flowers
00:58:48this is a courgette
00:58:50baguette though, this looks so delicious
00:58:52I am a big old baguette enthusiast
00:58:54nothing makes me happier
00:58:56than a good sandwich
00:58:58this camera is so far away
00:59:00I've definitely got food all over my mouth
00:59:02I can't see, I want to have a big bubble bath
00:59:04and watch some TV
00:59:06maybe some Kardashians in the bath
00:59:08I also need to get all the footage
00:59:10from this exported onto
00:59:12my laptop so that I can film
00:59:14loads more, I kind of wish I'd started the vlog
00:59:16here, I feel like this is going to be at the end of the video
00:59:18maybe not everyone is going to get to see this
00:59:20if you're watching the video this far
00:59:22along, comment what your
00:59:24dream room service would be or comment
00:59:26a dream hotel you'd love to stay in
00:59:28or comment a hotel you've stayed
00:59:30in that's amazing
00:59:32that was quite a lot, you've got quite a lot to work
00:59:34with there, try the tartare sauce, I love
00:59:36a good tartare sauce, I love the
00:59:38fish and chips from the Albion, you know I've only recently
00:59:40been able to start eating fish and chips again, I've got really
00:59:42bad food poisoning twice in my life actually
00:59:44from fish and chips, one time it was the Mayfair
00:59:46Chippy, which I feel like is the last place
00:59:48you would expect to give you food
00:59:50poisoning, I mean it's, you know, quite a
00:59:52bougie fish and chip shop but oh my god I was not okay
00:59:54I was not okay and I was at my boyfriend
00:59:56at the times house, I think food poisoning or a boyfriend
00:59:58is just not
01:00:00it's not ideal, I also got a
01:00:02Caesar salad as a side, I love
01:00:04a Caesar salad, I should have ordered a Diet Coke
01:00:06you know, I love
01:00:08this baguette, it's really hitting the spot
01:00:10mmm, mmm, mmm, I know you probably
01:00:14can't see me very well, hopefully that's
01:00:16a bit better, I'm all ready for
01:00:18my bed, I didn't actually end up having
01:00:20a bath in the end, I just
01:00:22chucked a layer of fake tan on, this is the
01:00:24Rose and Caramel, it's like their serum
01:00:26oh no
01:00:28oh no I've got some under
01:00:30my nail, it's okay, I'm getting my nails done
01:00:32tomorrow, should be so fun actually, just you guys
01:00:34wait till you see the nails I'm getting
01:00:36they're really really cool but I always think it like
01:00:38makes it look like you've got really dirty nails, it's not
01:00:40it's just laid down, gonna take a couple of my
01:00:42what are these again?
01:00:46rescue night gummies
01:00:48these give me such a good night's sleep
01:00:50oh, I shouldn't do that after I brush my teeth
01:00:52I ate so much
01:00:54so much of that room service
01:00:56and I always sleep like a baby
01:00:58after I've
01:01:00oh, I nearly choked
01:01:02after I've eaten a lot so I have no doubt
01:01:04a combination
01:01:06of all of that food
01:01:08this ginormous
01:01:10bed, my water
01:01:12my chamomile tea
01:01:14and I'm gonna put the TV on
01:01:16because look, there is
01:01:18a TV opposite this bed
01:01:20and I was never allowed
01:01:22a TV in my bedroom when I
01:01:24was younger because my parents always
01:01:26used to be like, you'll never come out of your room if you've got a TV
01:01:28in your room so
01:01:30when I go to hotels
01:01:32and things, or say even like
01:01:34I was staying over at someone's house
01:01:36and they've got a TV in their room, it still feels like
01:01:38such a novelty to me
01:01:40it's like when people had Sky, like I never
01:01:42had Sky growing up so I didn't have
01:01:44Disney Channel or anything
01:01:46I just had CBBC and
01:01:48when I used to go to people's houses I just could not believe
01:01:50that it would run all through the day
01:01:52CBBC would stop at what like
01:01:56CITV sorry, stop at 6
01:01:585 or 6
01:02:00I think I'm gonna sign
01:02:02tonight off here and
01:02:04I'll see you guys tomorrow
01:02:06for the real fun
01:02:08that's where the real fun is gonna happen
01:02:10I feel a bit nervous
01:02:12I've got nothing to be nervous about
01:02:14I think just, I've got like a lot of
01:02:16adrenaline in me right now, I'm just really excited
01:02:18I know like when it kind of feels like
01:02:20Christmas Eve a bit, I feel like that
01:02:22I think it's just being here
01:02:24everything was so last minute obviously
01:02:28yeah, okay, anyway
01:02:30see you in the morning
01:02:32that was the best sleep of my life
01:02:34I literally, I put an episode of Motherland on
01:02:36I'm obsessed with Motherland at the moment
01:02:38it's like my comfort show
01:02:40feeling so fresh
01:02:42I took some pictures on my phone
01:02:44made myself a nice coffee
01:02:46I washed my tan off, I can't remember if I
01:02:48oh yeah, I did say that I tanned, this tan
01:02:50it's just my favourite tan ever
01:02:52and guys look, if my nails look dirty
01:02:54I promise you, it's just tan
01:02:56so they kind of, maybe they are dirty
01:02:58with tan, I've got my hair
01:03:00person coming at 11.30
01:03:02and the time is currently
01:03:049.53, so I've kind of got an hour
01:03:06to like, swan about a bit
01:03:08enjoy myself, I woke up at 9
01:03:10I originally set my alarm for 7
01:03:12just because, I want to make the most
01:03:14of this room, but that would have meant I only got
01:03:166 hours of sleep, so I slept a little
01:03:18bit longer, I'm so
01:03:22so excited, I don't feel any kind of nerves
01:03:24anymore, but I do need to make
01:03:26a to-do list, so that I make sure
01:03:28I tick everything off and
01:03:30you guys get to see
01:03:32a ton of stuff, I feel like I'm really bad
01:03:34at multitasking
01:03:36because when I'm like, taking pictures
01:03:38taking TikToks,
01:03:40Instagrams, everything, something always
01:03:42slacks, and I want to make sure that I don't slack
01:03:44on anything
01:04:04and then you've got to think
01:04:16is it too late to go?
01:04:18got my heart in a headlock
01:04:20I haven't looked
01:04:22anything since I got
01:04:24on the boat, but we're
01:04:26at the Brits now, I'll give you like a better look
01:04:28of my outfit when we're in the boat
01:04:30she looks
01:04:34I'm with my girl Mira
01:04:36my boy Lewis
01:04:38everyone's looking gorgeous
01:04:54I feel a cheat
01:04:56tonight, this one
01:04:58yeah, I think we should play
01:05:00play a little game of let's zoom in on the tables
01:05:02and see
01:05:04who's down there
01:05:06have you been to see H?
01:05:08have you been to see RD?
01:05:10any other British icons?
01:05:12Charli XCX
01:05:14Mira is convinced
01:05:16convinced that Charli XCX
01:05:18is going to come on
01:05:20she's got views with that
01:05:22she's got Bird inside
01:05:24oh yeah yeah yeah
01:05:26I've heard that, you're quite tight
01:05:28quite tight yeah
01:05:30I'll go Caroline
01:05:32on stage
01:05:34is she British or Irish?
01:05:36she's American
01:05:38I want to put this as like my first
01:05:40but it makes no sense
01:05:42woah look you can actually see people
01:05:44where are ya
01:05:48didn't see RD
01:05:50I don't even think he was there
01:05:52guys I didn't see RD, I was genuinely
01:05:56I'm closing this vlog off here
01:05:58on a picture of me looking
01:06:00put together because
01:06:02oh my good lord
01:06:04if you could see me now
01:06:06it's a lot, it's been a lot
01:06:08I'll talk to you about it in this next vlog but
01:06:10this video
01:06:12took me so long
01:06:14to get through, I think because it was recorded
01:06:16amongst, like not amongst
01:06:18on a thousand different
01:06:22but I do hope you enjoyed it
01:06:24nonetheless I feel like it was a little bit
01:06:26chaotic and I didn't really get that much
01:06:28of the Brits but to be honest there's not really too much
01:06:30you can record because you know
01:06:32it's all music
01:06:34it's a music award show
01:06:36and YouTube and music doesn't really go
01:06:38too well but I hope you enjoyed this
01:06:40video nonetheless
01:06:42shout out to the Four Seasons
01:06:44for looking after me, shout out
01:06:46to Impera for their amazing glam
01:06:48team, shout out to
01:06:50Dreaming Eli for my beautiful dress
01:06:52Dreaming Eli, sorry god I'm
01:06:54really going through it
01:06:56I love you
01:06:58I love you so much
01:07:00I'll see you all very soon
