👉 Теперь любой читер, который захочет поиграть в майнкрафт с читами на моем сервер Рили Ворлд (рилик) во время онлайн урока в зуме, рискует попасть на проверку ко мне (Domer Grief) прямо во время дистанционного урока в zoom. Так и случилось с сегодняшним школьником, который заслуженно был затроллен и даже немного запикаплен девушкой в minecraft. Приятного!
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#домер #майнкрафт #minecraft #zoom #читер #троллинг #школа #школьник #читы #проверканачиты
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#домер #майнкрафт #minecraft #zoom #читер #троллинг #школа #школьник #читы #проверканачиты
00:00And since when are you Vyacheslav Mikheev?
00:02Your student Dmitry plays with shields
00:05Hello to all hooligans! I'm Domer!
00:07And this guy decided that he will not need the knowledge of geography
00:10Therefore, a good idea will be to play with shields in Minecraft right during the online lesson
00:15How focused he is!
00:16But he did not know that his classmate told me about it
00:20Domer, hello, help me, my classmate is a cheater and he was banned
00:23And he also hacked my account and plays with shields right in the lessons
00:27And as you already guessed, I decided to take a look at the lesson with a check
00:31I am from the Ministry of Education, this is a check
00:34Well, to make it more interesting, I decided to get acquainted with him right on the server, pretending to be a girl
00:39Oh, what a photo it turned out!
00:42And 70 thousand likes on this video and I will take a look at the lesson in Zoom
00:45And I will also tell you a secret that on March 1, at 13.00, a global spring vibe will be held at Really World
00:51Which you cannot miss, the IP is on your screen in the description
00:53And I need your support, please subscribe to the channel, put a bell
00:56After all, then an anniversary video will be released for 8 million
00:59Even if at least 1% of you subscribe, 8 million will knock
01:03Thanks to those who subscribed
01:04So just press one button and that's it
01:06Otherwise you will get a double tomorrow, so it's better not to take risks
01:08I already went to the geography lesson and this cheater does not even suspect that I am pretending to be his classmate right now
01:16And I'm sitting with him in the lesson
01:17Someone is cleaning up in the background, I understand you
01:20So, I hope they won't ask me
01:22Who will answer my question?
01:25I'm not ready
01:26I'm not ready, I'm not playing this at all
01:29Dima doesn't care at all, to be honest
01:31And his classmate is right now, during the lesson, is playing pvp in the booths
01:35This, I understand, is tight pvp, yes, now this
01:37Of course, it will be difficult for him to play with a levitator
01:40Although, if he uses a kill aura now
01:43Just look how focused he is
01:46He is just focused on this pvp more than in the whole lesson
01:50Just playing pvp
01:51The calmest face you could imagine
01:54What is he doing?
01:55Somehow the enemy is hitting through the hedge because he is stuck
01:58What a cunning trick he came up with, just look at him
02:02These were the varieties of soil and soil
02:04This purple one
02:05What kind of soil is there?
02:06He has tantems there
02:08Diamond armor
02:09I understand, Dima, it will collapse
02:11Just look at him, he climbed from a diamond given from Ritka
02:14And by the way, this is his house
02:15Let's make a review of his house
02:18It looks like this
02:19At the entrance, there is an inscription
02:20The word boy
02:21Well, he looks like the word boy at all
02:24Just a serious person
02:25With whom it is better not to get involved in Minecraft
02:27He has a spawner pig nearby
02:29And you know what he has inside the house?
02:32One inverted hammer
02:34Two inverted hammers
02:35And I don't understand why he needs this thing
02:38Okay, let's see what he has on the second floor
02:41On the second floor he has
02:42Wow, what is this?
02:43What kind of luxury is this?
02:45Two yellow beds
02:46One lighthouse
02:47Two tulips
02:48And golden apples in frames
02:50Maybe he's just in the soul of romance
02:51Let me write to his classmate Yegor right now
02:54And ask him to turn on the fart sound
02:57So let's write to him
02:58You can now turn on the fart sound in the lesson
03:03Through the phone
03:04And if the teacher asks something
03:08Tell him that it's all Dima
03:11So, I wrote to Yegor
03:13There, however, now the teacher asks who will answer the question
03:16So, come on
03:17He as if read my message
03:19As if read my message
03:21He wrote OK
03:22Dima doesn't even suspect that his classmate is looking for the fart sound
03:26Dear Tatiana, I'm sorry
03:28I don't want to spoil your lesson
03:30I'm sorry
03:31Because Dima doesn't care at all
03:32Look, he just kills these pigs and that's it
03:35First, this is global warming and climate change
03:42What is this sound?
03:44This is what Dima is making fun of
03:45It's not me, I listened to the lesson carefully
03:48It's not me
03:49Okay, what was I talking about?
03:51I hit Dima
03:52You listened to the lesson carefully
03:54I didn't even listen, I'm sorry, teacher, please
03:57What is it, Dima, did you get it?
03:58In general, what is our topic?
04:00Yes, Dima, what is the topic now?
04:02Oh, the soil
04:04No, we already had the soil
04:07So you don't listen?
04:09I listen
04:10You listen, but you don't know what the topic is
04:12Really, Dima, it doesn't look like
04:15Forgot the topic
04:17Okay, good
04:18Especially for Dmitry, I repeat
04:21That our topic is global warming and climate change
04:25I got it, Dima, that's it
04:26That's it, this is the topic, remember it, Dima
04:29After all, you are sitting on the geography
04:31Great, global warming
04:33Well done, Dima
04:34Great, thank you
04:35Well done
04:36But that's not all
04:37Look what he wrote to me, I sent it to you in Discord
04:40He wrote to Egor Vlichek, what are you doing?
04:43But he also has no idea that this is just the beginning
04:46Otherwise, he will know how to play with the accounts on my server, and even during the geography
04:51Let's talk about ...
04:55Who just turned into a dog here?
04:57This is Egor
04:58Oh, how cunning!
05:00This is all Dima
05:01How cunning, huh?
05:02He just wants to set me up
05:03I saw how Egor was a green frame
05:06Oh, oh, oh, how did he decide to take revenge for that?
05:10This is not true, he just wants to set me up
05:13So, no, I really say, I saw
05:15And he was just sitting there
05:16Okay, Egor or Dima, I don't know which of you wants to set someone up
05:20But please, let's listen to what I say, okay?
05:24Thank you
05:25Dima is now at home, so I drink green invisibility
05:29Yes, here he is at home, farming, farming, farming
05:31Therefore, let's dig somewhere, probably on the other side
05:34Where he unlikely to go, this is, well, as I think, here
05:38Therefore, we take it like this, carefully dig
05:40Close from above
05:41Yes, there is also a mine, I was lucky
05:43Therefore, since it turns out that Dima's floor is here
05:46I hope he doesn't hear that I'm digging right under his house
05:51Although, if you look at how he is focused, then it is unlikely that he sees that I am digging
05:57Especially considering what the teacher says now
05:59I don't think he will pay much attention to it
06:03I dug up such a territory
06:05That is, I am now a girl living under his house
06:08I just happened to settle down
06:10And he doesn't know, but we turned on the dynamite explosion on the server
06:13Therefore, I am now taking and buying at the auction all the gunpowder that can only be bought
06:19My inventory is ready
06:20It remains only now for us to get wood
06:22But I won't get it, I'll just write a get start
06:24Therefore, opa, great
06:26It remains only to pick up the tree and take off the armor
06:28Because, as for me, it is quite superfluous
06:31Opa, I'm now taking, crafting a workbench like this
06:33Let's go somewhere away from him, well, to this corner
06:36Or even put a workbench in the cave
06:38And let's go
06:39I'm now crafting dynamite
06:41That's it, the first stack of dynamite is
06:43We immediately create the second stack of dynamite
06:45Ugh, we need to hurry, we need to hurry
06:47Because at the moment he doesn't seem to suspect anything
06:50He just stands, listens to the teacher and that's it
06:53If he goes down here, it will be a complete mess, guys
06:57Therefore, be careful, do not hurry
06:59I'll even put a set home here
07:01Opa, add more
07:03And in general, in general, I'm three blocks away from him
07:06Therefore, let's carefully
07:07Opa, make it here
07:08And since his classmate Egor says that Dima plays with his account with cheats
07:13I suggest right now to make a nosy check
07:17Well, what did you think, I'm from the Ministry of Education
07:21Look, I'll take it like this
07:23Raise the chromakey
07:24And I'm going to change clothes
07:26Hello, I'm from the Ministry of Education for checking on cheats
07:31If you don't like this video
07:33Then I will have to report it to special substances
07:38No, really, no kidding, put this like, subscription
07:41I changed clothes in 5 seconds
07:42Now Dima will be waiting for a real check on cheats
07:45Right during the lesson
07:46Well, I disguised myself normally, right? I don't look like a domer, do I?
07:49It seems so
07:50Well, write in the comments
07:51Hello, Tatyana, I'm sorry that I interrupted your lesson a little
07:55My name is Ivan Sergeevich
07:57I'm from the Ministry of Education
07:59This is a check
08:00Now there are hacker attacks
08:03And I suggest checking students' computers
08:05For harmful software
08:06And so that everyone now turns on the screen demonstration
08:09I'll just check if someone has a harmful software
08:12If not, then in general you can continue to conduct the lesson
08:15And that's it, with your permission, of course
08:17And what is this masquerade on your face?
08:19This is some kind of prank, kick him
08:21Damn, I was kicked out of the lesson
08:23Well, don't I look like the Minister of Education?
08:25Do you know what Dima did?
08:27As soon as I came in, look
08:29He just immediately came out of Minecraft
08:31Damn, cunning
08:32It turns out that he scared me
08:35The fact that now there will be a check on illegal software
08:37I don't seem to bite
08:38Well, yes, I have moustaches
08:40And what? Do you want to say that they are beautiful?
08:42I'm back in the lesson
08:43And Dima went back to Minecraft
08:46Damn, he's like fearless
08:47That is, the minister has already come
08:49I thought that now I would quickly check him and find out
08:52Now he is playing with shields or not
08:53But Egor says that he is now using shields
08:57Well, since I have a girl's skin, I propose to meet him now
09:00And try to ask him directly
09:01Does he play with shields or not?
09:03Well, I think if we pick him up now
09:05Then there is a chance that he will tell us all the truth
09:07Therefore, it is necessary to first post all the superfluous, otherwise it will be spotted
09:10So, I run up to his house
09:12Hello, young man, hello
09:13Hello, Dima
09:14Hi, I want to meet you
09:19Okay, now attempt number two will be
09:21I want to meet you
09:25Let's be friends
09:26He writes like this
09:27Hmm, he is interested in my proposal
09:31Look how carefully he wrote
09:33Okay, come on, come in
09:34What, right here or something?
09:37Okay, he let me in
09:39He does not know that I have access to his house
09:41And I settled under his house
09:43He gives me apples right away
09:44Hey, what are you doing?
09:45Is that all for me?
09:46Now I need to get into his trust and ask if he plays with shields or not
09:50Let's ask
09:51How old are you?
09:53He wrote 19
09:55That is, he seriously wants to say that he is 19 years old
09:59Okay, I need to speed up, otherwise the lesson will end at such a pace
10:02And I'm 18
10:05What is your name?
10:07We pretend that we do not know each other
10:09Well, we do not know, we will meet now, right?
10:11Thank you for saying
10:12He wrote
10:13Come with me
10:14And where will he take me?
10:15By the way, he gave me a diamond armor
10:18What are you doing, Dima?
10:19I'm not ready right away at the first meeting
10:23Dima, what are you doing?
10:23Let me put on a diamond armor
10:25Now, you know, this will make me a griefer
10:28Dima, what are you doing?
10:29Look at his expression
10:30It's like he's up to something
10:32As if he turns on the romance mode
10:35Such a smile appeared
10:37Oh, he gave me a pink tulip
10:40He wrote
10:40Get up here
10:41I don't know what he wants
10:43Well, that's it
10:44How do you feel about cheaters?
10:48I don't know why he asked me to get up on his bed
10:50But the fact that he is 19 years old objectively confuses me
10:54He wrote
10:56Well, you can see it
10:57You can see that he treats it as negatively as possible
11:00I believe
11:01Taking into account the fact that he is now playing through the account of a classmate
11:04Because he is banned for cheating
11:06He wrote
11:06Do you want me to give you a Nether and a ball?
11:08Come on
11:09Do you know what he wrote?
11:10Can you send your photos to TG, and I'll give you a Nether?
11:13What the fuck photos?
11:15Dmitry, what are you hinting at?
11:17I'm not like that
11:18Do you know what I can do?
11:19Come on
11:20Come on, I'll send it
11:21Write your TG
11:23Now, now, now I'll write him
11:24Now I'll write him
11:25I wrote him in Telegram
11:27And you know what he wrote?
11:28Hi, send your photos
11:30And nothing else to send you
11:32Maybe I'll send you a CVV code from the card right away
11:34PIN code
11:35I'll send you a passport
11:36So that you have a complete set
11:37Let's ask him why
11:39And he wrote
11:40You owe me, I gave you a diamond
11:42What do you mean, because he gave me a diamond, I have to send him my photos now?
11:46No, no, that's not how it works
11:48Send the first
11:49And then I'll send my photos only after you
11:55And then he found this, right?
11:56He wants to divorce me, right?
11:57He sent me his photos, look
11:59Well, it doesn't look like much
12:02Don't you think?
12:02Here he is
12:03And this is also him
12:05As if, well
12:06I understand that he is 19 years old and now he wants to see what Ksyusha looks like, right?
12:10But as if
12:12Why does he need my photos?
12:13Well, he communicates with a girl
12:14Well, not quite a girl
12:15And with the creator of the server
12:17Well, come on, these are not even his photos
12:18No, well, if he wants photos, I'll send him photos now
12:21Now I'll send him a photo of a girl
12:23Just take off this jacket
12:25Here is the floor
12:26Change to woman 2
12:27Wow, what a photo it turned out
12:30I think he'll like it
12:31I think he'll like it
12:32I'm just an Asian
12:34Here is such an Asian
12:35He also wrote to me
12:36Now you throw, I'm waiting, au
12:38Here's my photo for you, well
12:40Ah, handsome
12:42Let's find out from him
12:43How did you finish school?
12:46Because he said he was 19 years old
12:48He wrote to me
12:49You're beautiful, I'll finish school on a five and a red diploma
12:52I believe him
12:54That is, he seriously says that he finished school on a five with a red diploma
12:59I don't know, subscriber, I don't believe him
13:00As if he is deceiving me
13:03As if some kind of deception
13:04He left
13:05I have a plan B
13:06I have a plan B
13:07Urgent plan B
13:08Look, I'm taking the usual land now
13:10Where is his resource here?
13:11So, he has resources here
13:13We are now clearing everything
13:15And I change all his resources completely to the ground
13:19Why not?
13:20Wow, he has a lot of resources here
13:22Well, now we will change it all
13:23As they say, this is not a problem
13:26As they say, there is not much land
13:28Therefore, I will quickly remove the chests
13:31Oh, look how many resources he has here
13:34Well, from this moment on, he will have land everywhere
13:36I think he won't mind
13:37Now the most important thing is to remove these evidence everywhere
13:39While he left there
13:40Clear, clear, clear
13:41Faster, faster
13:42We must hurry
13:43Come on, come on, come on
13:44Can you give me a little more resources?
13:48Because he promised me this for my photo on Instagram
13:51Well, I took a photo, so what?
13:53I tried
13:53He is going for resources
13:55He doesn't even know that land is waiting for him now
13:57Oh, oh, oh
13:58Look at his expression on his face
14:00He's just in a stupor
14:02He won't give me resources, I don't understand
14:04Well, yes, well, think about it
14:05One land in the chests
14:07Do you feel sorry for me?
14:07Do you feel sorry for me to give some resources?
14:09Give, give, give, give
14:10Are you offering me land?
14:12No, no, I don't need land
14:13He writes
14:14Where are all my resources?
14:15I don't know, honestly
14:16Honestly, I didn't even touch them
14:21What did I do?
14:22I'm really embarrassed in front of their teacher
14:24But we need to teach this to Dima
14:26The more likes on this video, the faster there will be a new check on the chests
14:29Let me take a photo of him right now
14:31And I'll hang his photo in the house
14:34And I'll ask him why he's cheating on me
14:35We're writing an image create now
14:37I'm ready to put his photo
14:39But let me ask him now
14:40Why did you cheat on me?
14:43I almost fell in love with you
14:46He probably doesn't understand what we're talking about
14:47He wrote
14:48What do you mean?
14:49Well, look, look
14:51You said you were a different person
14:52And you look like this
14:57So, he's printing something
14:58He clearly doesn't understand where I got this photo
15:00Although, perhaps, now he will begin to suspect that I am sitting in his class
15:04This is you, right?
15:05This is your photo, this one
15:07You said you were 19
15:08How old are you?
15:09And since he cheated on me, I propose to teach him
15:12Now, Poponoid, what are you looking at me?
15:14I actually still live under your house
15:15He doesn't know what will happen in the end, right?
15:17I'll take a photo of his avatar now
15:20I don't know if you noticed that I came in and put the same name as he did
15:23Perhaps Arseniy will suspect something
15:25But I'll surprise him a little now
15:28I don't care about geography, I'll play Minecraft
15:30Who doesn't care about geography?
15:34So, I seem to be confused
15:38I already said this to Dima
15:41Why, by the way, Dima said it and now he is sitting without a camera?
15:45I'm sitting with a camera
15:46Oh, oh, oh
15:46Oh, oh, oh
15:47Why are there two of you in the conference room?
15:51He himself does not understand how he split up like that, Transformer
15:54One with a camera, the other without a camera
15:56He's shocked, he's just shocked
15:57I don't even know what to do in such a situation
15:59Can you turn on the camera?
16:00Here I can turn on the camera
16:03I'm sorry, please
16:04I want to apologize to Tatiana right away
16:06I was kicked out of the conference room again, why?
16:09Every time they kick me
16:10Damn it!
16:12Okay, I won't give up
16:13I'll finish talking to Dima now
16:14He will know how to deceive me
16:16I'm back in class, but now from another account
16:19I'm already tired of changing these accounts
16:21Let me teleport to him right now
16:23So, here he is, here he is, he's running, he's running, he's running
16:24As far as I understand, he is now looking for players to play with someone
16:27Hey, how?
16:28Did you see?
16:29I flew behind him and he
16:30It's as if he had this auto-guide
16:33I see, he found out
16:34Okay, in any case
16:35According to his classmates, we know that he plays with cheats
16:38And now he confirmed it again
16:40So let me try to stop him a little bit
16:42I'm invisible anyway
16:44Hi, I know the whole truth
16:47You don't want to tell me anything
16:50Dima, are you sure?
16:51He's in doubt, look at him, he's printing something
16:54He wrote
16:55I don't want to
16:55Through her
16:56Okay, fine
16:57I see your camera
16:59You can't hide
17:02He wrote
17:03How many fingers do I show?
17:04One finger is sitting and showing on the lesson
17:07Okay, fine
17:08This is certainly a little strange
17:09One finger
17:10What is it? What is it?
17:12I'm not surprised
17:13What kind of extrasensory abilities woke up?
17:15I'm shocked
17:16You don't want to delete cheats?
17:19He wrote
17:20Are you dumb?
17:20Okay, I think he's starting to suspect something
17:23So, don't you want to answer the question?
17:25I'll write
17:25I'm your classmate
17:27Look at the zoom
17:29Will you look at this?
17:31Okay, I'm going to look
17:31I need to show him something
17:34I turn on the camera
17:35This is the movement of tectonic plates
17:37Dima, you're busted
17:39Lya-Lya looks, doesn't understand
17:40I quickly turn off the webcam until the teacher notices
17:42The most important thing I noticed is Dima
17:45He's a cheater
17:46Some classmates noticed it
17:48Egorik, I see, too
17:49Lya-Lya is waving like a cheater, right?
17:51No cheats at all
17:52If you don't admit it, then it's a ban, Dima
17:55What, no?
17:56Okay, let's surprise him
17:58Let me write to him
17:59Go home
18:00There will be a surprise
18:02So, Dima, don't be shy
18:04Let's go home
18:05And since he's at home
18:06The long-awaited moment
18:08If anything, his classmate Egor allowed me
18:11And you, I ask you to subscribe to the channel
18:13Let's reach 8 million, please
18:15And then there will be an awesome anniversary video
18:18This time I will surprise you
18:19From 100 thousand likes, a new test is started
18:20That's it, I'm setting fire
18:24Let's go
18:25Of course, he is very unlucky now
18:29Although no, he is very lucky
18:31What is it?
18:32Some are left from the fuck
18:330, 10, op
18:34Like this, as if more beautiful
18:36He wrote in the chat
18:38He's just in awe
18:39Look at his face expression
18:41No, of course, I would also be in complete shock
18:44If this happened to my house
18:46Although, wait
18:47This may not even be his house
18:49This is the house half with Egor
18:51He thinks
18:52Hanna, of course
18:53That's it
18:53That's it, I'm going to hide now
18:55Once again
18:57Excuse me, please
18:58I don't know about you
18:59But you're a great teacher
19:01I'm very ashamed of what I'm doing
19:02Don't do it like me
19:04And in general, it's better to study at lessons
19:05Egor, tell me what the teacher's name is
19:07Tatiana Andreevna
19:08Okay, that's it
19:09I'm turning on
19:10I'm turning on the webcast now
19:11Tatiana Andreevna, hello
19:12I'm sorry that I'm interrupting your lesson again
19:15It's just that your student
19:17Dmitry Nosov
19:18He is now breaking the rules of the server
19:21During your lesson
19:22Plays with accounts
19:23Uses illegal P.O.
19:25And breaks the rules of the server
19:27Instead of sitting at your lesson and listening to you
19:29It's not true, he's lying
19:32Yes, Dima, it's not true
19:33And since when are you with us, Vyacheslav Mikheev?
19:36I just logged in from his account
19:37I'm sorry, please, that I interrupted your lesson
19:40It's just that Dmitry does all this during your lesson
19:43It's not true
19:45It's not true
19:46Kick him, he's a YouTuber, he shoots videos
19:48Okay, I'll take care of it now
19:50Wait, wait
19:51I was removed from this conference
19:53That's how subscribers turned out
19:55I once again apologize to this teacher
19:58I'm really so ashamed that I'm a kapets
20:00And you go to the real world
20:01We have a global vibe here
20:03Or will March 3 pass?
20:0513.00 global spring vibe
20:07Which can not be missed
20:08100 thousand likes for a new check
20:09Please subscribe to the channel
20:10Let's get 8 million
20:12Well, a little bit
20:13If you click the button, you will be in our family
20:15And plus watch the video on the left
20:17And on the right, too, something like that
20:18But on the left is more interesting
20:19I advise you most of all
20:20Just click and that's it
20:21Bye everyone