• il y a 14 ans
Diversidad : Discover the European Urban Culture through an album, a website, a show and an exhibition.

A Unique Experience : 20 European artists from 13 different countries will get together in a studio to record a hip hop album. To be released at the end of 2011, stay tuned for more info. The Diversidad LP will feature the following MCs, Beatmakers and Singer :
- Curse (Germany)
- Orelsan (France)
- Rival (Belgium)
- Luche from Co' Sang (Italy)
- Frenkie (Bosnia)
- GMB (Netherlands)
- Valete (Portugal)
- Cookin' Soul (Spain)
- Spike Miller (France)
- Pitcho (Belgium)
- Deph Joe (Austria)
- Nach (Spain)
- Mariama (Germany)
- Melodee from La Melodia (Netherlands)
- C.H.I (Luxemburg)
- Eversor (Greece)
- Stress (Switzerland)
- Elemental (Croatia)
- Cut Killer (France)

