San Francisco SPCA Promotional Website Offers Dog Condoms

  • 11 years ago
Currently, there’s a brand new website out there offering condoms for dogs.

Anyone with a pet knows there’s a never-ending selection of unique and sometimes bizarre items. Currently, there’s a brand new website out there offering condoms for dogs and cats.

The elaborate modern site has links, photos and what appears to be clickable videos offering information concerning talking to your pet about protection and tips on dog sex addiction. There are also options about knowing what condom size is right for your pet and information on how to put it on.

Although it would seem to the average web user that the site is legitimate, is actually a promotional stunt for the San Francisco Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

The innovative marketing campaign has one goal in mind, to ask pet owners to take care of their breeding dog the proper way. Basically the condoms, which are adeptly named animal instincts do not exist.

If any of the informational or product links are clicked, a little window pops right up noting “C'mon, there's only one real fix, spay or neuter your pet." There is however, additional information in the window, complete with the SPCA's phone number and a friendly suggestion for pet owners to make an appointment.


