Day of Action- Urge the Muslim Media to Speak out Against the Genocide of Muslims in CAR [Urdu Version]

  • 10 years ago
The Muslims of the Central African Republic are facing a genocide at the hands of Christian militia, with women and children bearing the brunt of this bloodbath. They have been subjected to the most horrific, brutal acts, including being tortured, shot, hacked to death, their bodies mutilated and burnt, and suffered the most gruesome rapes. Despite this, there has been minimal attention and coverage given to their plight by the Muslim media who are obligated to be their voice of support by Allah(swt), as every Muslim is.

On Friday, 21st March 2014, the Women's Section of the Central Media Office of Hizb ut Tahrir will be organising a global letter-writing day of action to the Muslim media in support of the Muslim women and children of Central Africa.

Join this day of action in support of your Ummah by sending a letter to the Muslim media:

Pressure them to raise awareness of the genocide against Muslims in the Central African Republic!

Don't allow them to be silent to these brutal crimes against our brothers and sisters!

Call them to speak out against the inaction of Muslim regimes to protect the Ummah's blood!

Urge them to give their support to the establishment of the Khilafah that will protect all oppressed Muslims!

The letter to be sent & e-mail addresses for Muslim media can be accessed at

Please spread the word and encourage others to take part!

"...if they seek help from you in the matter of the religion, then it is your duty to help (them)..."
[TMQ Al-Anfal: 72]


