Un Attentat À La Bombe Déjoué Dans Un Hôtel À Eilat

  • 8 years ago
Ok ukip.

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Darude half-heartedly playing Sandstorm at Twitch...




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save the world, free your self | recent playlists | plugins that interfere | R.I.P. u/VideoLinkBot
[] Propose a girl what?
[] Too many billionaire's out there
[] Always the same fucking shitty response from pro-Russia people, get called ignorant, no explanation why I'm wrong.
[] 69! No, wait - 42! 42!

19 and the wheel still turns.
[] It's a stock photo
[] Could you imagine running into this after a night of drinking? My drunk ass would be running from tarp covered trees like my life depended on it.
[] I work in a tiny pub in England and people come in the little room, with a door to enter and door for the bathroom, and ask "Where's the pool table?" I just look around and go "We don't have one." Then they go "What?" really confused and start looking around. It's like dude you know there isn't a pool table here why are you asking me?
[] The most important question in this thread is buried, here, among satirical replies.

The UN report brings some fairly astonishing findings—his team estimates that 2,000 hectares of farmland (nearly 8 square miles) of farmland is ruined daily by salt degradation. So far, nearly 20 percent of the world’s farmland has been degraded, an area approximately the size of France.



[] Working valet at a women and children's hospital:

"Are you the valet???"

While I'm in uniform, standing behind the podium clearly labeled "VALET"

I've started saying "No" and you would not believe the incredulous stares I get.

You ask a dumb question, you get a smart answer.
[] "Where is your grocery department?"

The woman asked me this among the apples and the oranges.
[] Build a bridge out of her?
[] You have to remember that Reddit has a higher percentage of "on the spectrum" types than the general population. Once you get this, many things about it make more sense.
[] 'murica
[] For me it feels similar to something being automatic or manual. If I go home it'd be much better if my chores do themselves.
[] This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 95%. (I'm a bot)

As they develop, the role of the gene often becomes clear; the brains with the chimpanzee gene may be significantly smaller than ordinary human brains, or contain fewer neurons, for example.

The real breakthrough is that not only can the brains simulate these disorders, but they allow scientists to go back in time and work out why the autistic brains are different.

For many scientists, the ultimate goal is for the brains to function like normal brains - forming networks which can be stained, sliced up and studied like the brains of lab mice.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Theory | Feedback | Top keywords: brain#1 cell#2 neuron#3 human#4 Lancaster#5
[] anythings we do after every 30 minutes ? should that even ban?
[] It could be as simple as a fire alarm exercise type deal, across workplaces in major Russian cities.

This might disrupt a bit of economic activity, but the cost wouldn't be huge.
[] $50 x 38 hours is 978800 per annum, without overtime
[] apparently the myth that the great wall of china can be seen from space pre-dates space launches by over 100 years.
[] They're both part of the different sensing systems. The vive has toruses to provide various angles for their photosensors, and the touch has a ring of tracked leds in a ring around the hand so that the hand doesn't obscure them.
[] This is the correct response.
[] Awh and so the world keeps churning
[] My professor had a typo and public turned into pubic. And this was in a book for the church about public ministry...
