Orangutans Huddled In Wheelbarrow Headed To School Is The Cutest Thing

  • 8 years ago
A group of young orangutans being taken to forest school in a red wheelbarrow is the cutest thing ever.

Juvenile orangutans in Borneo, Indonesia have a unique way of getting to school each morning.

A group of them are placed into a red wheelbarrow and pushed into the forest. 

One staff member explains, “It's like a little school bus.  Without the wheelbarrows, our volunteer babysitters would have to carry each one... this way we can pile them together, and they seem to really quite enjoy it.”
International Animal Rescue which spearheads the program recently shared a repost of this daily activity on its Facebook page. 

According to the program director, just over 100 rescued orangutans are at the center, and many have lost their mothers who are typically the ones to teach them about living in the wild. 

The goal of the school is to release the ani
