Researchers Discover Supplement That May Make High-Calorie Foods Less Appealing

  • 8 years ago
Living in a world filled with delicious donuts, pies, and pizzas can make weight-control difficult, but recent research suggests there’s an ingredient that could help.

Living in a world filled with delicious donuts, pies, and pizzas can make weight-control difficult, but recent research suggests there’s an ingredient that could help. 
The supplement is called inulin-propionate ester, and study conducted by personnel from the University of Glasgow and Imperial College London showed it may decrease one’s desire for high calorie foods.
At the beginning of the experiment, each of the 20 participants was given a milkshake containing either inulin-propionate ester or just plain inulin, a fiber known to trigger the gut’s production of propionate, a natural appetite inhibitor. 
The brains of volunteers were then monitored as they viewed images of both high and low calorie foods. 
Those who had taken milkshake with inulin-propionate ester showed comparatively lower activity in the brain’s reward-center when pictures of more calorie-laden edibles appeared. 
They also weren’t as enthusiastic about actually eating them, consuming about 10% less than their inulin-only counterparts. 
The team concluded that adding inulin-propionate ester to foods could be an effective means of preventing weight gain.


